Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 377 Ksitigarbha’s seal, the Li family gives birth to a son

Chapter 377 Ksitigarbha’s seal, the Li family gives birth to a son

Ksitigarbha, one of the most special positions of authority in the underworld.

Because this authority is not born naturally in the underworld, but is created by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva himself.

The Sanskrit word Qi Cha Di Ti Ti Sha is translated as Ksitigarbha.Earth is land, which has seven meanings: ([-]) It can produce meaning. The land can produce all living things and plants, which means that Bodhisattva can produce all good dharma. ([-]) It can absorb meaning. The land can absorb all living things and make them live in nature.It means that Bodhisattva can absorb all good Dharma into the enlightened heart. ([-]) It can carry meaning. The land can carry all minerals, plants, and animals and make them live in the world. It means that Bodhisattva can carry all living beings from this shore where everyone is suffering to the cool other shore. ([-]) It can store meaning. The land can contain all minerals, plants and other things, which means that Bodhisattva can contain all wonderful dharma. ([-]) Being able to uphold righteousness, the land can hold all things and make them grow. It means that Bodhisattva can always hold all wonderful good things and make them grow. ([-]) Able to rely on the meaning, the land is supported by all living things, which means that Bodhisattva can be supported by all living beings. ([-]) Firm and immovable means that the land is solid and cannot be moved, which means that the Bodhisattva's wonderful mind is as solid as a diamond and cannot be destroyed.

Tibetans have meanings such as secret tolerance and education.It means that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is in deep meditation, able to cultivate and guide all sentient beings to the ultimate good.There is a secret treasury in the world, which contains many gold and silver treasures, which can help the poor and benefit the world.Yu Bodhisattva possesses the secret treasury of the three virtues of the Tathagata, and the immeasurable wonderful method can save countless sentient beings and reach the shore of enlightenment. The "Ten Wheels of Earth Store Sutra" says: To be patient is like the earth, and to meditate deeply is like a secret storehouse, hence the name Ksitigarbha.

Why is the Bodhisattva called Ksitigarbha?According to the "Summary of the Three Jewels Induction", when the Tathagata was in Lingjiu Mountain in the past, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva traveled through various countries, teaching and transforming living beings, and went to the foot of Pifula Mountain to the home of Elder Jyoti.The elder's home was robbed of his vitality by ghosts, and all the 500 people in his home were suffocated and unconscious for ten days.When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saw this scene, he immediately thought: "It is really painful, it is really painful; there are such unspeakable things in the world. I feel sorry for these sentient beings and offer relief."

After saying these words, he immediately jumped up, went to Lingjiu Mountain, and said to the Buddha: "World Honored One! I saw more than [-] people in the family of Elder Jyoti. All of them were robbed of their essence by evil spirits, and they were suffocated on the ground. Day. When I see this, I feel pity and compassion, and I feel love and protection. I only hope that the World Honored One will allow me to devise this method of relief. Let the evil ghosts subjugate people, let the practitioners drive them as they please, and let the elders return to their old ways. .”

At that time, the Tathagata radiated light from the top of his head, illuminating the ground and hiding himself.Everyone present said to each other: "Today the Tathagata shines light and hides in the earth. This Bodhisattva will definitely achieve great dharma and educate and transform all living beings." At that time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "I have a divine mantra that can get rid of evil thoughts and drive away evil spirits. . I remember that in the past, there was a Buddha named King of Burning Light in the immeasurable and infinite time. After the death of this Buddha, I lived in the land of ordinary people in the Dharma of the image. There was an immortal who was good at practicing Taoism in Mount Kutra.

I see sentient beings being annoyed by ghosts, just like that elder's family.I make this vow at that time: I will meet a good teacher and learn the method of surrender.That is to say, he went to Kutra Mountain and spoke to the sage.The Immortal was very happy and within three days, he taught me to predict all things and eliminate evil.He also summoned all the evil spirits to my place, followed the Master's teachings, subdued their minds, and made them develop their Taoist aspirations.

For a moment, the suffering beings in all hells will ride on lotus flowers, and all suffering will cease.At that time, the immortal, seeing that I had acquired such divine power, gave me a prophecy, and said this: During your countless and boundless lives, the Buddha gave you a prophecy, which is called Ksitigarbha.In the five turbulent times, humans, heavens and hells, they always incarnate to save sentient beings and avoid disasters. Now I see the elders, just like before.I am going to that house now to save him. "The World-Honored One listened to the promise, and the Bodhisattva transformed, and more than five hundred people were still alive for a while.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra" says that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was entrusted by Sakyamuni Buddha to stay in the world after Sakyamuni's death and before Maitreya Buddha was born, and to teach all living beings to save themselves from sinking into the world. All living beings in hell, hungry ghosts, animals, asuras, humans, and heavens.And he swore that "until hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha."As long as all sentient beings recite his name, worship and worship his image, they will receive immeasurable merit and relief.

From this perspective, we can see the power of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and its influence on the underworld and the people of the world. We can also see how powerful Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is.

Therefore, in a sense, his divine status is transformed by his own power and integrated into the underworld. And because of his strong power, the authority of the underworld transformed by his own power can be recognized and become in one fell swoop. One of the two emperors under Emperor Fengdu.

One person is less than ten thousand people, nothing better than this, and because of his special status and powerful power, he has almost directly reached the point of breaking away from the jurisdiction of the underworld and forming his own country in the underworld. Also, because of the support of Buddhism, this level Very thorough.

But as time goes by, these ghosts and gods from the past have also disappeared in the long river of history. No one knows whether they are true or false.

But even if it is true, with the disappearance of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the god he left behind actually exists in the underworld.

Now, with the continuous expansion of the Netherworld, this underworld authority seal built by Bodhisattvas has finally condensed over time.

Li Ming, who noticed this seal, took a step forward and arrived at a dark Buddhist kingdom from the endless sea.

In the core area of ​​the Buddhist Kingdom, a majestic hall appeared. Li Ming walked into the hall and instantly felt a special power.

He immediately activated the powerful five elements and true energy in his body, using the huge netherworld authority that he already possessed as the core to gather all the authority that filled the hall, and then looked at Ksitigarbha who was suspended in the hall. Seal it, step forward and take it into your hand.

A stream of netherworld authority came out in an instant, and the authority of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was almost instantly integrated into the huge authority that Li Ming now possesses.

Dongyue Emperor Palace, Dongyue Emperor Seal; Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Palace, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Seal

The Ghost Emperor's Palace in the East, the Ghost Emperor's Seal in the East; the Ghost Emperor's Palace in the South, the Ghost Emperor's Seal in the South; the Ghost Emperor's Palace in the Central, the Ghost Emperor's Seal in the Central; the Ghost Emperor's Palace in the West, the Ghost Emperor's Seal in the West; the Ghost Emperor's Palace in the North, the Ghost Emperor's Seal in the North.

Qin Guang Wang Palace, Qin Guang Wang Seal; Chu Jiang Wang Palace, Chu Jiang Wang Seal; Song Emperor Palace, Song Emperor Seal; Wu Guan Wang Palace, Wu Guan Wang Seal; Yama Luo Wang Palace, Yama Luo Wang Seal; Bian Cheng Wang Palace , Biancheng King's Seal; Taishan King's Palace, Taishan King's Seal; City King's Store, City King's Seal; Pingping King's Palace, Pingping King's Seal; Wheel-Winning Palace, Wheel-Winning King's Seal.

Reincarnation Division, Thai Prostitute Seal

Judging lawsuits, punishing good seals, punishing evil seals, checking seals, and Yinlu seals.

Yincaosi: Seal of the City God.

The ghost uses the Ghost King Seal, and the ghost uses the Riyouxun Seal.The ghost makes the night travel divine seal.

Soul-binding makes the black impermanence seal, soul-binding makes the white impermanence seal; soul-binding makes the cow head seal, soul-holding makes the horse face seal, the demon ghost makes the leopard tail seal, the ghost ghost makes the beak seal, the netherworld makes the fish gill print, and the ghost makes the wasp seal.

From top to bottom, except for the Fengdu Ghost Emperor Seal, all the Netherworld authorities are listed!

"There is only one Fengdu Ghost Emperor Seal left, and it won't be long."

Such a thought flashed through Li Ming's mind, and then he chuckled. With a movement of his body and steps, he suddenly arrived at the Hope Base City.

He found a normal place and began to practice sitting cross-legged, continuing to accumulate the power needed to go from the peak of the ninth re-evolution to the tenth re-evolution.

During this process, he couldn't help but pay attention to the condition of his mental puppet.

Lei Ming broke through to the point of re-evolution seven times and became an increasingly powerful thunder and lightning martial artist!
Gu Zhuo has also reached the level of seven re-evolutions. His physical powers are matched with the martial arts and immortal ways that Li Ming has comprehended. The path of Taoism and magic is unified, and his strength is also unfathomable.

Besides that, there is one more...

"The corpse king's clone."

Li Ming murmured to himself and looked at the corpse king's clone.This is a place far away from the hustle and bustle of the base city, a place of peace and quiet, surrounded only by the sounds of nature.Towering peaks and steep cliffs outline a majestic natural picture.

The vegetation here is luxuriant. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, different types of trees are layered on top of each other, like a layered green picture.The branches and leaves of the tree sway in the wind, as if greeting the visiting guests.

Various wild animals live in the mountains and forests, ranging from insects to bears and leopards.These animals move freely through the mountains and forests, forming a unique ecosystem.When night falls, the chirping of insects and birds adds a mysterious color to the silent mountain forest.

There is also fresh air in the primitive mountain forest with extremely high negative oxygen ion content. You can feel a pleasant freshness and tranquility when breathing.The small streams in the mountains and forests are gurgling and crystal clear. Occasionally, you can see small fish swimming in the water, bringing a touch of life to the quiet mountains and forests.

In the primitive mountain forests, people can enjoy the feeling of being one with nature and feel the wonder and greatness of nature.It makes people forget the troubles and fatigue of the world, and gives people new energy and vitality.

These undeveloped, primitive mountain forests are a microcosm of nature. Due to the great changes in the world, such vast virgin forests are already everywhere.

It can be said that the natural features that humans have always been unable to achieve in the past are now everywhere.

Under the cover of this lush forest, a cave is filled with gloomy energy, as if all light has been swallowed up by this gloomy energy.The damp cave walls were covered with moss, which showed a dark green luster in the weak sunlight, as if little will-o'-the-wisps were flickering.

A smell of old corruption assaulted the nostrils, making people shudder.The sound of water dripping to the ground could be heard from time to time, adding to the eerie atmosphere.In this cave, it seems that even time has lost its meaning, and only darkness and coldness dominate.

Deep in the cave, a zombie that looked more and more like a human was sitting cross-legged with its eyes closed. Black demonic energy surged around it and continued to enter its body.

But the Corpse King naturally wouldn't do this. He simply exposed all the magic power to the air. After everything was fine, he slowly absorbed the new gray-white power.

In short, it is now cleansed, and because of its identity and strength, it has allowed him to evolve eight times!

"Without me, the human world would be in danger."

Li Ming looked at the clone of the Corpse King and shook his head, thinking to himself, then he controlled the Corpse King to clean up some things, and then he felt like he was practicing again, accumulating his own strength.

And after practicing like this for a full year.

Finally, Li Ming raised his eyebrows and discovered the induction of the second spirit.

It escaped from reincarnation and was just born, screaming as it was being photographed.

Feeling this information, Li Ming couldn't help but immerse himself in the spiritual world of this clone.




An ancient town nestles quietly at the foot of the mountain, overlooking the green fields and winding rivers below.This town is full of history, as if every brick and tile tells an ancient story.The high city walls are built of a mixture of stone and brick and have witnessed countless vicissitudes of time.

Under the shining of the morning sun, the streets of the small town have begun to bustle with life.Vendors have set up their stalls, selling a variety of goods.Their shouts echoed in the air, attracting many tourists to stop.You can see all kinds of pedestrians: children with backpacks, scholars in robes, and soldiers in armor.

In the center of the town is a large market, which is always full of life and colour.Various stalls are filled with all kinds of goods: exquisite pottery, handmade textiles, and various spices and delicacies.The sounds of bargaining and exchanges between vendors and buyers make people feel as if they have stepped back in time and returned to the prosperous days of ancient times.

And whenever night falls, the town becomes even more mysterious and charming.Under the starry sky, the lights of the town are like twinkling stars, adding a sense of romance and fantasy to this ancient place.

Today is a day of great joy for Mr. Li’s family in the town. Seven children were born in a row. Mr. Li, who all died early, finally gave birth to a fat boy who weighed eight pounds at birth.

Mr. Li was so happy about this that he set up nine tables of running water directly at the door to feed guests from all over the place for three days.

At the same time, Mr. Li asked an expert to use his skills to name his son, and the name Li Ming was placed on the baby.

"Li Ming, courtesy name Chaoyang, good, good, good."

Master Li was so happy that he gave the master a full reward of ten taels of silver and sent him away in person. Then he looked after his little son with a face full of love and cherishment.

"It's true that the Li family, God willing, finally allowed me to give birth to another child!"

Looking at this young son, Mr. Li choked up a little, and then sternly ordered his servants to punish anyone who dared not take good care of the young master.

In this way, in such an environment, the baby grew up day by day, and Mr. Li almost doted on his old heir to the extreme.

Fortunately, Master Li Ming grew up safely.

(End of this chapter)

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