Chapter 4 Negotiation
The sound of running water from the faucet, when one basin in the kitchen was full and switched to the second basin, Li Ming hurried home with the first basin of water, went to the bathroom and waited for a while, and the water in the bucket After it was full, the faucet was turned off, and the bucket filled with water was changed to another location.

His right arm, which was sore from sword practice, felt very uncomfortable when doing these things, like being pricked by needles. Li Ming gritted his teeth and endured it. Then he went to the kitchen to fill up the water in the second basin and replaced it with the last empty basin. superior.

Going back and forth like this, filling up the three water basins and one bucket and storing them directly under the water heater, the worries in my heart still did not ease.

Especially the inhuman roars and intense painful screams that came from outside the window from time to time, some of which contained the words 'cannibalism', which made Li Ming's forehead sweat even more.

"The right arm can't let the soreness be so sore, it needs to be relieved by massage."

Li Ming thought to himself, then looked at the darkened sky, rubbed his stomach, and went to cook another dinner.

After eating, he wanted to rest, but he looked at the red-tasseled spear standing next to him, and couldn't help but walk from the bedroom to the living room with the spear in his left hand.

Compared with the bedroom, this place is much more spacious, and a [-]-meter spear can barely be used.

He needs to be familiar with these two weapons as soon as possible!

Li Ming looked back at Peng Zhi's house. His bedroom door was open for ventilation. In the living room, he could see the guy pressing his phone urgently, sitting on the bed and writhing around, while Zhang Yuan was also looking at him. At a loss, he shook his head, with his left hand in front and his right hand behind, he took up the spear in a lunge, and stabbed forward fiercely.


The spear stabbed forward violently, perhaps because he had some experience in rapier practice. This lance was not bad, but the arm involved was numb and weak, and the right leg and waist used to exert force when practicing rapier The faint soreness still made the corners of Li Ming's mouth twitch.

The basic attack of marksmanship is blocking and stabbing, and Li Ming's stab is the stabbing in the basics of marksmanship. Of course, this is what he just learned from the video, and he is not very clear about the specifics.

And because the interest in swordsmanship wiped out, when it came to spearmanship, he only downloaded a few teaching videos, and just threw them in the corner to eat ashes like swordsmanship.

No, it is different from swordsmanship. After all, a gun is not easier to carry than a sword. It is too eye-catching to go out with a gun. Li Ming is embarrassed, so he didn't practice a few times at all.

So this time, as a matter of course, he did not receive any response from the panel. He retracted the gun and drew a circle to the left while leaning back to use the bar. Then he straightened the gun and drew a circle to the right to hold it, and then leaned forward to use the bar.

Although in Li Ming's opinion, sticking a gun is the most important means of attack, since blocking and sticking is classified as the basis, it proves and is very important. Li Ming doesn't want to lose sight of the other, so even for the first practice, he practiced it together.

Another stabbing practice, Li Ming's right arm felt more numb and weak, but this time compared with the first time, he adjusted many directions, at least the posture was done.

He then stopped, took, and stabbed the gun for the third time.


Finally, the movement is coherent and smooth.

[Pisting gun proficiency +1]

[Skill: Spear (1% for beginners)]

A transparent line in front of his eyes, and the information at the top of the top of the peripheral vision floated by, Li Ming immediately felt an extra feeling in his heart, and he once again encouraged himself to close the gun.

Stop, take, tie.


No movement.

"Huh, it's just that the level of proficiency is still too low, and there is no way to make a more obvious change."

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, this shot did not use the strength of the waist, arms and legs piercing the gun.

It was a stabbing failure.

It's normal to have no proficiency.

However, with this new set of movements, Li Ming felt that his body was really trembling.

He didn't dare to force himself to continue practicing, and he already had a premonition in his heart that his muscles would be sore when he woke up tomorrow.

Standing up from the horse stance, Li Ming already felt a kind of soreness, and the corner of his mouth was pulled. Li Ming walked back to the room with a weak body, put the red-tasseled gun away, and after thinking about it, he picked up the towel and walked into the bathroom .

A pass of practice not only weakened the muscles, but also caused sweat all over the body, so I had to wash it off while there was still water.

Taking a bath is also a painful thing when you are weak all over. Li Ming took the whole process of washing, changed his clothes, wiped his hair, and suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Li Ming, is it convenient?"

Hearing the voice of inquiry, it should belong to Zhang Yuan. Li Ming wiped his hair, endured the pain and went to open the door.

The bedroom door opened, and Zhang Yuan was still in the same attire she had just seen. The clothes were soft and clear, her lips were half pursed, and she was standing in front of the door with her legs side by side with a worry on her face.

"I just saw you practicing guns in the living room. Do you know what's going on outside now? Why can't you get through the phone, can't connect to the Internet, and there are monsters... biting people!"

Seeing Li Ming open the door, Zhang Yuan quickly opened her mouth. She saw what happened in the opposite upstairs in her room just now, and her face was still pale when she said it.

She knew that it was not as simple as biting.

"No matter what the reason is, the phone is not working, the Internet is gone, and these monsters that bite people only prove that it is very dangerous outside."

Seeing Zhang Yuan's pale face, he knew that she wanted an idea in her heart, so Li Ming spoke quickly, his unhurried voice subtly relieved Zhang Yuan's nervous expression.

"What we can do now is to stay at home first, work hard to exercise the ability to protect ourselves, and then wait for the opportunity to be rescued."

Li Ming looked at Zhang Yuan and said seriously. Seeing that her expression was relieved, but she was still at a loss and then said: "How much food do you have at home, how long can you eat, calculate it carefully, and tell your husband Exercise well in the past two days, and then you will have the opportunity to go out to replenish supplies."

"Although those monsters look scary, their strength is actually similar to that of ordinary people. As long as we men exercise well, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with them by using weapons reasonably."

Li Ming said sincerely to Zhang Yuan. After hearing what Li Ming said, Zhang Yuan also woke up like a dream. Then she thought about the food in her family, and her face became a little anxious: "There is only a little surplus left in our family. I plan to replenish it during the next break, what should I do?"

"How much time is enough?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice.

"It's enough for five days."

Zhang Yuan pursed her lips and said hastily.

five days?

If you exercise hard, you don't know how far you can go...

However, if it is possible, it will definitely be safer if two people can cooperate when we go out to explore...

"Don't worry, go back and tell your husband to exercise hard these few days, pick up the clothes rail to practice, eat better these few days, and then we will go out to find food together after training, there are many in the neighborhood supermarket. Eat less."

Li Ming was thinking about it, and when he suggested it, Zhang Yuan nodded again and again: "I'll go to Peng Zhi and tell him, it happens that you have a weapon."

After Zhang Yuan finished speaking, she quickly turned around and stepped on her slippers to go back, and told what Li Ming said to Peng Zhi who was still fiddling with the phone anxiously.

Peng Zhi frowned.

"What kind of brains does he have? It's so dangerous outside and he still wants to go out. If he doesn't go, he will go by himself. Anyway, I'll just stay at home and wait for rescue."

(End of this chapter)

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