Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 407: Assassination in the street!

Chapter 407: Assassination in the street!

"Master Wang, what does this mean?"

Li Ming's hand paused, and his first reaction was to check whether he was poisoned. After confirming that there was no movement, he breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and asked Wang Ling softly.

"There are flashes of swords and shadows on the battlefield. I'm afraid that if Mr. Li really goes to the battlefield in the future, he will die tragically at the hands of the Xiongnu practitioners if he is not careful. Bielu has become a Dharma servant."

Wang Ling shook his head, and then said seriously and regretfully.

"Oh? Xiongnu practitioner? Dharma servant?"

Li Ming frowned: "Master Wang, you might as well say it clearly."

"Master Li is indeed a cheerful person. If this is the case, then I will make it clear."

When Wang Ling heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he waved his sleeves and looked at Li Ming with a serious face: "Master Li is now obtaining fame and obeying the emperor, just for the sake of power and wealth."

"Now Mr. Li has been awarded the title of Marquis of Military Aircraft. It is obviously because of His Majesty's deep love that he has gained the reputation. All that is left is wealth and real power."

The reward Li Ming received on the hunting ground was not disclosed to the public, so Wang Ling did not know that he had gained real power in the army and could take charge of 5000 troops in combat.

Although he is the top leader of the Municipal Shipping Department, he is outside the military system after all, and it is normal for him to not understand many things about the military.

Just like many things that are well-known among the top civilian officials are unheard of secrets among the top military leaders. In this regard, the Daqian Dynasty did a good job.

Speaking out at this time is also based on what is known to the outside world.

"As long as you can give up the propaganda of war against the Western Region, then I can immediately ask you to be appointed as the general manager of the Municipal Shipping Department. You will only be under me and have real power. I can give you a port. How much money do you want at that time? I don't know. ah?"

Wang Ling looked at Li Ming with a smile, and then straightened his expression: "But, if you continue like this, I'm afraid that if something unexpected happens on the battlefield in the future, whether it is for your father or your followers, , all the maids under his command are a harm."

"Don't talk about others, just talk about yourself. This world is a wonderful place. Do you want to die like this and say goodbye to this prosperous and wonderful world?"

Wang Ling said with a smile, and after speaking, a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "The swords of these people from the Western Regions are very sharp."

Li Ming squinted at Wang Ling, who was sitting in the first place, and chuckled.

"I said, what does Mr. Wang mean by inviting me here? It turns out that he wants to say something like this."

Li Ming stood up, explored his clothes, and sneered: "The swords of people from the Western Regions are so sharp that Mr. Li's sword is not bad at all!"

"Master Wang, who holds an important position, is able to take the time to invite Mr. Li to enjoy delicious food and wine in this hall today, as well as watch beauties dancing. Mr. Li is very grateful."

Li Ming cupped his hands, bent down and clasped his fists, and said: "Li has accepted it. It's just a matter of today. Later, Li will explain everything to His Majesty. I hope Mr. Wang is seeking peace in the world, not Have other thoughts."

After speaking, Li Ming cupped his hands, turned around and walked away with the four followers around him.

"Hold on."

Wang Ling squinted as he watched Li Ming and his four followers walking towards the door. He suddenly raised his voice and spoke. Li Ming paused and turned around with the four followers: "Why, Mr. Wang still wants to stop me?" Can’t do it?”

"That's not true. Wang just wanted to say that the Huns' swords are very sharp!"

Wang Ling narrowed his eyes, picked up the wine glass and said casually.

"Li's knife is sharper."

Li Ming looked at Wang Ling and frowned, then turned around and left the hall.

Wang Ling held the wine glass in his hand and sighed secretly as he watched Li Ming leave. After all, he did not drop the wine glass, but silently put it back on the table.


"I really didn't expect that this guy is actually a softie."

Outside the Wangling Mansion, Li Ming and the other five got on the carriage, and Liu Zhuang couldn't help but speak angrily.

"Not necessarily. I think the expression on that royal tomb is different. We'd better be more careful."

Zhao Xiu looked back at the palace behind him, frowned, and said to Li Ming.

"What do you mean, are you saying he is a spy?"

Liu Zhuang opened his eyes and lowered his voice.

Zhao Xiu pursed her lips, and the meaning in her expression was self-evident.

"If he is really a spy, wouldn't we be in danger now?"

Wang Guangyun on the side narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but speak.

"So, I say we have to be careful."

Zhao Xiu nodded approvingly, then looked at Li Ming with a serious expression: "He just said those words so bluntly at the house, and he didn't stop us at all when we went out, let alone any In order to persuade him to stay, I watched him pick up the wine glass and make a gesture of throwing the glass, but in the end he did not take any action. It is very likely that he has made a murderous intention. If he really did, the important node may be on the way. "

"Do they dare to kill people in the capital?"

Liu Wu on the side frowned and couldn't help but said.

"If they are Huns, why don't they dare?"

Zhao Xiu's brows were also furrowed: "Do you still remember the beauties from the Western Regions who danced for us? They are all skilled in martial arts. Let's not talk about what kind of martial arts they have. How can such beauties possess such martial arts skills? Ji is here, what is impossible?"


After Zhao Xiu finished speaking, Li Ming's arm had already opened the car window and waved to call a disciple from Qingsongguan.

"Don't get too far away from us. Immediately tell everyone to retreat, walk beside our carriage, and be alert at all times."

Li Ming said seriously to a Qingsongguan disciple: "On the way back, someone may intercept and kill us!"

"it is good!"

The disciples of Qingsongguan shrank their pupils and immediately turned around to call the other disciples. After a while, these 13 people immediately came to the carriage and looked at the quiet side of the street after the snow.

"Don't go back to the mansion. We will go to the imperial city along the road later."

Li Ming whispered instructions to the driver in front of him, then immediately took out a whistle from his arms, took a deep breath, and blew hard.

"Woo~" A special whistle sound came from the whistle and spread far away in an instant. Zhao Xiu, Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, and Wang Guangyun who were sitting on the side looked at each other and saw solemnity in each other's eyes.

"That Wang Ling dared to say those words to us so blatantly. His meaning is already obvious. Please be careful on your way back."

Li Ming looked at the four of them, spoke softly, and then squinted at the movement around him.

In Li Ming's mansion, Li Ming's uncle, uncle, and master, who were sitting cross-legged and practicing, were startled when they heard the whistle.

"Quick, all the women hide in the cellar, and the male servants hide under the beds in the house."

Master Xu Jin immediately called to all the servants in the house, while his uncle Wang Hengliang rushed out with his sword like a sharp arrow, heading towards the direction where the whistle came from.

"I have been in the capital for so long, and this is the first time I heard Li Ming issue such a warning. What happened?"

Liu Qingshi took out his weapon and flew to the roof with a frown, and whispered to Xu Jin below. After speaking, he raised his head and shouted: "Disciples of Qingsong Temple, come here immediately to shrink your defense."

"I don't know. Just in case, let's just follow what we rehearsed before."

Xu Jin replied, then gritted his teeth and felt a little lucky: "Fortunately, both Li Ming and Wang Guangyun have broken through to the first-class realm, and Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu have also practiced a light skill with some success, and their coping strength has increased. a lot of."

"Ah drink!"

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a loud shout coming from the streets far away in the capital. Their expressions changed: "It's Li Ming's voice!"

After the two of them exclaimed, Liu Qingshi gritted his teeth and flew out in the direction of the sound.

Xu Jin, who was beside him, took the long sword in his hand and flew up to the roof, scanning the surroundings with sharp eyes.

"Thieves from the Western Regions!"

The next moment, another loud shout came from the street. Xu Jin recognized Wang Hengliang's voice, his eyes changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth: "Qingsongguan disciples must protect their families and not leave without permission."

After saying that, Xu Jin tensed his body and moved the zhenqi in his body, guarding against enemies coming in from outside the door and attacking in the east and west.


The cold wind howled, and white snowflakes fell on the deserted streets.In this city that had just received heavy snowfall, the tops of buildings and tree branches on both sides were piled with snow.

Rows of trees are covered with snow, and the entire neighborhood is wrapped in a silver world.In this land of ice and snow, twenty ambush killers were hiding quietly, staring straight ahead.They lurk under the eaves, beside trees and at the door of the roof, all waiting for their targets to appear.

They were wearing white clothes that blended in with the snow. They held sharp weapons in their hands. There was no expression on their faces, only cold eyes.

It wasn't until a whistle came from Li Ming's mouth that their expressions changed.

The next moment they no longer hid, they suddenly jumped out of the snowdrifts and attacked in the direction of Li Ming's carriage on the street.

"Someone is coming, be careful."

The carriage on the road stopped immediately when someone suddenly came in front of it. Li Ming's pupils narrowed and he shouted in a low voice. Then he immediately pulled out the long sword in the carriage and got out of the carriage with the four followers around him.

"Quick, form the formation."

Looking at the strong-looking killer, masked in white and attacking him, Li Ming knew that hiding was impossible. No one knew if there were killers elsewhere. He immediately gave a low drink and stopped Liu Zhuang and the two from rushing to kill him. With his thoughts in mind, he quickly formed a formation with the thirteen Qingsongguan disciples around him.

As a disciple of the sect, it is natural to inherit the formation. Once the formation is formed, thirteen second-rate disciples, an ordinary second-rate warrior Zhao Xiu, two top second-rate horizontal practitioners Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu, plus Li Ming and Wang Guangyun With these two top-notch masters at the center, stronger power can be unleashed in an instant.

Yes, top-notch master!
Wang Guangyun surprisingly also broke through to the first-class level during this period of time!
The formation of 13 people is also the reason why Li Ming is always followed by thirteen disciples every time he goes out.

Thirteen of them plus five of Li Ming can set up a very strong formation. This formation can use Li Ming and Wang Guangyun as the eyes to set up a formation that is both offensive and defensive.

In this formation, Li Ming and Wang Guangyun were the main attackers, while the others were mainly defensive.

Originally, the original version of this formation still had Li Ming and a senior uncle or uncle who always followed him as the formation's eyes.

But later, the four Wang Guangyun joined forces, which gave them a lot of manpower. In addition, Wang Guangyun also broke through to the first-class level, so the formation was replaced by them.

And in the defense composed of sixteen people, there are two characters who have mastered the golden bell. There is no doubt that the power of this formation can be reached to its peak.

Although this formation is not like the current practice formations in Xianxia novels and on earth, which can condense the power of all of them into one, it is still very useful and powerful.

First of all, in this tight formation, the enemy's attacks will be intercepted by the sixteen people outside.

Even if the opponent uses his extraordinary energy to attack, he will hit them first, so that while the opponent is attacking, Li Ming and Wang Guangyun, who have the strongest attack power, can quickly attack back in the gap between the opponent's attacks.

It is impossible for a person to make continuous achievements at the same time. As long as he makes achievements, there will be pauses. What Li Ming and Wang Guangyun have to do is to take advantage of the opponent's pauses to attack and beat him.

The positioning of this formation is such that people outside can defend against attacks from every corner, while Li Ming and Wang Guangyun, back-to-back, can instantly rush out from any disciple at the fastest speed. After the result is obtained, they can immediately Back and back.

At this time, without knowing where the enemy was, Li Ming suddenly chose this formation for the first time.

"Ta Tata..."

Five of the twenty people in front jumped out of the formation at extremely fast speeds, making Li Ming and others change their expressions with just one move.

"Five first-class masters!"

Li Ming felt something bad in his heart, and then he couldn't care about anything else and immediately shouted loudly: "Ah, there is..."

Before Li Ming finished speaking, a flying knife came towards him. He immediately closed his mouth and swung the long sword in his hand to slash the flying knife away.

"I come!"

The next moment, five first-class masters had already rushed to the front. Liu Wu and Liu Zhuangjian yelled loudly at the opponent's menacing attack, and struck out with the chain hammer in their hands.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and the iron chain hammers that the two people attacked were knocked away by two of the five first-rate masters who came with a sword. The expressions of the two people changed. He retracted the hammer, but was shocked by the powerful energy contained in it. The next moment, he roared in anger and quickly wrapped his hands around the iron chain. He saw five first-class masters attacking, each of them stopped each one.


There was a harsh sound of swords clashing, Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang roared with red faces, and six second-rate Qingsong Temple disciples around them all took a few steps back with red faces.


In the next moment, Li Ming's long sword was like a pine needle, stabbing hard at a first-rate master who had not had time to put away his sword after the blow.

(End of this chapter)

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