"I heard that the head of the Imperial Examination Hall and the military officer, Li Minghou, were assassinated in the city. Dr. Liu from Huichun Hall came here for a free consultation!"

A middle-aged man carrying a medicine box walked out of the crowd. After he arrived, he bowed respectfully to Li Ming. The apprentices around him immediately shouted loudly, causing the surrounding crowd to burst into praise.

As a foreign country, the Xiongnu were originally a vassal state. They had already bowed their heads. However, in recent years, they have repeatedly violated the borders. In addition, coupled with the recent deliberate guidance of public opinion by the court, there are many people who are dissatisfied with the Xiongnu. sound.

The literati had a status in Daqian, and their status was almost equal to that of the warriors, and they were respected by others.

Li Ming became the number one scholar only recently. In this short period of time, Emperor Daqian borrowed his reputation for a second operation. His reputation spread widely, and he was very popular among many scholars, scholars and people. Satisfactory characters.

Such a well-known figure was assassinated by the Huns in the capital, which naturally aroused everyone's indignation instantly.

The medical clinics that can be opened in the capital are all people with superb medical skills and shrewd people. Knowing that this is a great opportunity to promote their own medical clinic, how could they be willing to let go of such an opportunity.

"Thank you, Dr. Liu!"

Li Ming's heart was clear, but he didn't show it on his face. He smiled and clasped his hands, but felt that such a person was not enough. Just as he was about to turn around, he saw two groups of doctors carrying medicine boxes already lining up. Come over.

"Ten doctors from Miaoshou Pavilion are here to provide free consultation to Mr. Li Ming!"

"Ten official doctors from Renxintang are here to provide free consultation to Marquis Li Ming!"

Two waves of doctors dressed in different costumes came on stage and shouted loudly, and Li Ming took his steps back again.

He only had 17 people in total, and now there were 21.

That's enough now.

"Dear doctors, Li Ming has thanked you here. However, my senior brother is seriously injured. Please don't delay. Li Ming has thanked you here."

Li Ming hurriedly expressed his attitude, and the doctors immediately said yes again and again, and then began to hurriedly fall to the ground to treat the injured.

"People from Dali Temple are coming, please get out of the way."

As soon as the doctors squatted down, a group of well-dressed warriors appeared outside the crowd. One of them shouted loudly, and the onlookers hurriedly got out of the way. A group of Dali Temple troops with tall and heroic postures and sharp movements immediately rushed the people around them after arriving. Empty.

The leader's pupils shrank when he saw the situation on the field, and then he immediately stepped forward. His movement was so fast that even Li Ming had no time to react, and he appeared in front of him.

"I'm Yu Zhengsheng of Dali Temple. May I ask Mr. Li Hou what happened?"

Yu Zhengsheng couldn't help asking Li Ming in a low voice, his expression very tense.

"Today I was invited by Wang Ling, the general manager of the Shipping Department, to a banquet in his belly. During the banquet, Wang Ling tried to persuade me to surrender to the Huns. I parted ways with him on bad terms. After I went out, I was assassinated by these people. Fortunately, Li I reacted quickly and called my uncle and uncle over in advance. There was no major damage, otherwise my life might not have been saved."

Li Ming looked at the Dali Temple official and frowned in confusion, but still spoke.

Dali Temple, in the Eastern Kingdom of the Earth, has existed as early as the Qin and Han Dynasties.At that time, he was called Tingwei.Review serious criminal cases in various places.Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Emperor Wu of the Southern Dynasties Liang Dynasty changed the name to Dali four times, but they all remained the same.

Time flies, during the Northern Qi Dynasty, Tingwei officially changed its name to Dali Temple.In the Sui and Tang dynasties, this name was also used, and Tingwei was called Dali Temple.The people who work in Dali Temple are called according to their rank: Dali Temple Qing, Dali Temple Shaoqing, Dali Temple Cheng, and Temple Zheng.Cases decided by Dali Temple must be reported to the Ministry of Punishment for approval.

In the case of major cases in the Tang Dynasty, the minister of Dali Temple, the Minister of Punishment, the Minister of Justice, and the censor Zhongcheng would jointly review the case, and they were called the three chief ministers.In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate jointly tried the courts, which were called the Three Law Divisions.The power of execution rests with the Ministry of Punishment, but if Dali Temple disagrees, it can submit a petition to the Holy See.The official rank of Dali Temple Minister was the third rank in the early Sui Dynasty. Emperor Yang changed it from the third rank to the same rank in the Tang Dynasty.

It was stipulated in the Tang Dynasty that the Dali Temple Prime Minister was in charge of the review of judicial cases in various central departments and local states.The cases reviewed by each Si Cheng must be signed (signed) together with the other five Si Cheng to have legal effect.If other temple ministers have different opinions, they must sign again to have legal effect.It can be seen from this that in ancient my country, our country’s criminal laws were already very sound.Dali Temple already has the functions of the Supreme People's Court, and can review and discuss cases.It is quite mature and complete.

Both Ming and Qing Dynasties were of the third grade.Can participate in major political meetings of the imperial court.In the 24th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, it was once merged into the Ministry of Punishment and returned to the old state.In the 32nd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1906), it was renamed Dali Yuan.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the functions of the central judicial institutions were opposite to those during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The Ministry of Punishment was responsible for trials and the Dali Temple was responsible for review.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the functions of the central judicial institutions were opposite to those during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The Ministry of Punishment was responsible for trials and the Dali Temple was responsible for review.Dali Temple was renamed Dali Yuan in the Qing Dynasty, and this name was used until the Republic of China.In the middle of the Republic of China, it was renamed the Supreme Court due to the influence of Western culture. It still uses the name Supreme Court until now.

In other words, no matter what, Dali Temple is a place equivalent to a court. How come such a big thing happened and it was someone from Dali Temple who came?
Li Ming was wondering when a group of swordsmen in black suddenly rushed into the field quickly.

"The guards in black are here. Everyone except the doctor and those involved should retreat immediately."

A leader emerged from the crowd of men in black and spoke loudly to the people on the field.

The expressions of the people in Dali Temple changed, they clenched their fists at Li Ming, turned around silently and retreated from the venue.

Even the people around and the folk experts who had been standing on the roof to watch frowned, silently came down from the roof and hid.

"Li Ming, who is waiting for the military plane, has met this leader."

Li Ming also raised his eyebrows when he saw the group of black-clothed guards, cupped his hands and said.

But I was surprised in my heart, why are these spies here?

In Li Ming's mind, the black-clothed guards are exactly the same as the imperial guards of the Ming Dynasty on earth. They have many main functions. One of them is the guard of honor. The black-clothed guards are first and foremost the emperor's personal bodyguards and guard of honor. They are composed of generals, captains and warriors. .The general was originally named "Tianwu", but in Yongle he was renamed "General of the Han Dynasty". Those with majestic appearance and courage were selected to serve as palace guards.The school captain and the strongman are selected from among the people who are healthy and have no criminal record. The school captain is in charge of the book and umbrella cover, and the strongman holds the golden drum and flag.

On weekdays, when there are no court activities, each guard's army is on duty at the four gates of the imperial city. Only the black-clad generals guard outside the Meridian Gate day and night, with a total of 100 people.The Meridian Gate is the main entrance to the palace, which shows the high status of the black guards.

When the emperor was listening to the government at the Fengtianmen Royal Gate, a black-clad guard official stood on the west side of the throne and was responsible for delivering the decree.Nine black-clad generals, two from Qianhu, and four from Baihu, respectively guarded the gates of Danbi, Yudao, Jinshui Bridge, and Fengtianmen Square.In addition, there are 120 guards in black, lined up inside and outside the Meridian Gate, responsible for blowing whips and holding guard of honor.

During the three major court gatherings of Zhengdan, Winter Solstice, and Wanshou Festival every year, the black-clad guards and other pro-military soldiers bear the responsibilities of bodyguards and honor guards.There are more than 4000 honor guards, including as many as 500 black guards.During the court meeting, the closest to the emperor were the black-clad guards, who were always on hand and ready to be dispatched.

Whenever the emperor leaves the palace for sacrifices or parades, guards in black clothes must also be in front of him.Some of them are responsible for patrolling along the way, some are responsible for delivering news between Luangzhi and the capital, and some are riding beside the chariot to report the rise and fall of the imperial chariot.

Because they have the function of an honor guard, there are two types of costumes for the black guards. One is the black uniforms that are used for daily tasks. Whenever a door is broken down and someone is killed, the ones who are dispatched are all in black, so people are extremely afraid of the black guards. .

The other is an unusually gorgeous dress.The official uniform worn by the captain is called "goose hat black clothes", which is a hat decorated with goose feathers and brightly colored clothes.Whenever the emperor performs sacrifices or parades, the black-clad guards who serve as attendants must wear brocade clothes and carry Liuming swords at their waists.Jinfu is the most ceremonious dress after the python robe, and can only be worn by officials who have reached a certain level.

Liu Ming Dao is light and short, and cannot be worn without authorization unless given by the emperor.During the reign of the previous emperor, the commanders of the black-clad guards and the bodyguards on duty were allowed to wear Qilin uniforms. This was a dress that only dukes, marquises, uncles, and princes-in-law were eligible to wear.The Han generals of the Black Guards must wear helmets decorated with small flags and breastplates when on duty.

The armor comes in various colors such as gold helmet, gold armor, red helmet and red armor, and red helmet and green armor.There is also a palace-banned gold medal and a sword hung around the waist, and a gold melon or ax is also held in hand.

The second is the investigative staff. "Inspection and arrest" is what distinguishes the Black Guards from other imperial guards of other dynasties. The Black Guards agencies responsible for criminal investigation are the South and North Town Fusi, among which the North Town Fusi is It was added in the 15th year after the founding of the People's Republic of China and is dedicated to handling cases designated by the emperor.In the first year of the second emperor's reign, the seal of Fusi in Beizhen was cast, and Bai Benwei was not required to be imprisoned in all prisons.

Beizhen Fusi has its own imperial prison, and can arrest, torture, and execute on its own without going through the general judicial institutions.There are five guard posts under the Fusi of South and North Towns. Their commanders are called Qianhu, Baihu, Zongqi, Xiaoqi, and ordinary sergeants are called Xiaowei and Lishi.

The imperial staff was used to drag ministers who offended the emperor out of the Meridian Gate and beat them with a staff.The person in charge of the execution was the captain of the guards in black, and the person in charge of the execution was the eunuch of the ceremonial department.The officials who received the cane were stripped of their official uniforms, tied with straw ropes, lying on the ground, and received 80 sticks. The execution school captain changed every 5 sticks, for a total of 16 people.

The execution officer used the facial expressions and movements of the eunuch as the basis for the severity of the stick: if the eunuch's legs were spread out, the person who was being tortured could still survive; if the eunuch's toes were close together, the person who was being tortured would die. Under the staff.In the Ming Dynasty, the imperial staff was used more than 500 times, and more than 50 ministers were killed by the staff.

As the emperor's personal bodyguard, in order to ensure the emperor's safety, the Black Guards must take precautions before they occur.They were therefore dispatched from time to time to spy on behaviors and remarks that might threaten the imperial power and endanger the court, and to arrest and interrogate suspects.Their mission was chartered by the emperor and gradually evolved into the function of military agents.

During the founding period of the People's Republic of China, because the black guards illegally insulted and abused prisoners, the ancestor emperor issued an order to burn the black guards' torture instruments and abolished their function.

After the 15th Emperor ascended the throne, all the powers of the Black Guards were restored and strengthened.He established the Beizhen Fusi, which was responsible for "prisons" and could directly arrest and torture prisoners. Judicial organs such as the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate had no right to intervene.

During the reign of Emperor No. 18, the Beizhen Fusi Seal was cast. All prisons and prisons were presented exclusively to the emperor and did not need to be conveyed through a commanding officer. This made the Black Guards Beizhen Fusi a judicial institution directly under the emperor's jurisdiction, with ultimate power.

The black-clad guards responsible for reconnaissance and arrests are called "Tiqi".Even more prestigious.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the military system was divided into "guards" and "stations". Each guard had about 5000 regular sergeants under its jurisdiction, and there were stations under it, which were divided into thousand-household stations and hundred-household stations. There were 48 guard stations under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Guard in the capital.In the 15th year since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Emperor Zu reformed the Imperial Guard and established twelve pro-military guards, the most important of which was the "Black Guards".

There is one commander in the official hierarchy, who is of the third rank;
Command two people with the same knowledge, from the third grade;

There are three people in charge of command and service, who are in the fourth rank; there are two governors and envoys, who are in the fourth rank;

Thousand households are of the fifth rank; vice-thousand households are of the fifth rank;
If you test one hundred households, you will be in the sixth grade; if you try one hundred households, you will be in the sixth grade;

The main flag is the seventh rank; the small flag is the seventh rank.

His subordinates include generals, lieutenants, and warriors, who are responsible for external affairs and military orders.

The group of black-clad guards in front of them were able to act so unscrupulously in the capital, and they were obviously at least acting as pacifiers.

Because no one below the governor level dared to act so arrogantly in the capital.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. I'm the black-clothed guard Wei Lang. The emperor already knows what happened here. I want you to take you to the palace to inquire in person after everything is sorted here."

The leader of the black-clothed guards who was walking at the front smiled at Li Ming and clasped his fists. After showing his cards, it turned out that he was, as Li Ming thought, an envoy of peace.

The martial arts cultivation level of the Dali Temple chief who didn't know his official position just now was somewhat difficult for Li Ming to understand, and the martial arts aura of the black-clothed guard envoy was even more unfathomable to Li Ming.

He had to lament that there were indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital.

"I know, sir. Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty."

When Li Ming heard this, he hurriedly spoke respectfully, as if listening to the sacred voice, and his attitude was very good.

"Master Li, there is no need to be polite. Your Majesty asks you to put your own health and that of your fellow disciples first, and take care of yourself and others first before talking about anything else."

Wei Lang looked at Li Ming's movements and said with a smile.

Folks have always feared the Black Guards like tigers, but in reality, it all depends on the current emperor. The current Emperor Jianming is a rare benevolent and righteous king, and the Black Guards directly under his command are naturally very good at doing things.

Hearing this, Li Ming bowed his hands in apology, and then began to sit down to adjust his inner breath. Seeing this, Wei Lang, the leader of the black guards, took the initiative to sit down and put his hands on Li Ming's shoulders. Li Yang instantly felt a surge of energy. The warm and genuine energy full of vitality and yang energy entered the body, and most of his damaged meridians and internal injuries were healed quickly. (End of chapter)

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