Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 411 The Emperor’s Interference

At noon, the atmosphere in the palace was particularly lively.In the quiet garden, there are green grass and the fragrance of flowers.The midsummer sunshine shines on the blue glazed tiles, reflecting dazzling light layer by layer.

The towering buildings are majestic, and the colorful painted pillars and carved beams show the magnificence.At the palace gate, luxuriously dressed ministers or maids hurried past.

"The Black Guards Governor Wei Lang and his military plane are waiting for Li Ming to come and ask for an audience!"

A loud shout suddenly came from the front of the palace, and the atmosphere in the main hall of the palace suddenly became subtle.

"Xuan Jun is waiting for Li Ming, come to the palace."

The eunuch went up to the stage and sang loudly. Li Ming in front of the door immediately bowed and thanked him. Then he quickly walked up to the front of the palace, where he saw that all the civil and military officials standing on both sides had already arrived.

"Your Majesty, Li Ming, has met the Emperor."

Li Ming didn't look much, and walked quickly to the front of the officials, knelt down on one knee and spoke loudly in the space between the officials and the emperor.

"Ai Qing is fine, are you feeling well?"

Emperor Jianming, who was sitting on the throne on the steps, spoke with a concerned voice. Li Ming said yes, and then stood up: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I originally suffered from internal injuries, but after the black-clothed guards soothed Wei Lang's true energy and healed them, It’s no longer a problem.”

"It's fine if I love you, but I'm not in such a good mood."

Emperor Jianming nodded slowly, then furrowed his brows and snorted heavily: "I was on duty as a military aircraft, but I was actually assassinated by an assassin on the street in the capital. A military officer, in the capital, unexpectedly He could still be assassinated. I heard it was the Huns who did it. How does this matter bring any face to the court? Where is the majesty of my Daqian?"

"You usually claim to be capable generals, but you turned out to be blind and deaf in this matter. During the whole process, except for Li Houye's fellow disciples and uncles, no one from my court could arrive in time to support you. I feel so sad.”

Emperor Jianming finished speaking with a sad look on his face, and then looked at Li Ming below: "Li Ming, please tell everyone what happened today. I heard about this and the Ship Bureau People are involved, and you don’t go into too much detail, detailing everything from the first sentence you said when you entered Wang Ling’s residence, the director of the Shipping Department, and saw Wang Ling.”

After Emperor Jianming finished speaking, he then looked at the eunuch writing the pen below: "Be sure to record every word spoken by General Li Ming in detail, do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The several eunuchs who wrote the pen nodded immediately. In order to avoid missing several people on the stage together, they each prepared desks, chairs, pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and then looked at Li Ming with a smile.

"Since His Majesty asked, Li Ming said what he said, but it was a bit long and mixed with drinking factors. Some of the words were said after a while while drinking. It may be a bit strange to say them in a concentrated manner at this time. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

When Emperor Jianming said this, Li Ming had already started thinking about everything that happened after meeting the tomb of King Shibosi. Now that there was time for the eunuchs to prepare, he had already thought of a lot.

"My dear sir, no matter how long it takes, I and all the ministers will be waiting here."

Emperor Jianming waved his hand, indicating to him to speak directly. Li Ming nodded, a flash of recollection flashed in his eyes, and then he slowly began to narrate the future from his memories word for word.

"Li Ming met the steward of Wang Ling's Mansion shortly after breakfast this morning. He said that Mr. Wang Ling of the Shibo Department invited me to a banquet. In fact, I was very puzzled at the time because I had not met with Shibo before that. I don’t have much friendship with Mr. Wang of Si.”

"As we all know, the Shipping Department is in charge of transactions with other countries, and Wang Ling is one of the leaders. I have no contact with him, so I have no idea of ​​having any dealings with him since I entered the court."

"It's just that although I am confused, considering that we are all officials in the same dynasty after all, and Wang Ling, as the head of the Shipping Department, has a high position, he is willing to invite me, a small official, to the banquet. I can't shirk it, so I brought him Four brothers, Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang and Zhao Xiu, went to the banquet together. These four people followed me and we always do everything together."

"After the banquet, the butler asked us to wait in the hall and served us the finest [glazed tea]. At that time, the four brothers joked with me that they are indeed business people. They are rich. Even a butler is You can take the initiative to use such good tea for us, but I did not continue the conversation considering that this may be specially requested by Mr. Li."

"Not long after, Mr. Wang arrived in the main hall..."



"Master Li, if you miss someone who welcomes you from afar, and if you miss someone who welcomes you from afar, don't be surprised if you still hope. Don't be surprised if you still hope."


"Please sit down, sit down."

"Come on, bring up the pastries, bring over the fine wine that I have collected, and get some fresh red dates and cook them with the wine to serve Mr. Li."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for the hospitality."

"Come, come, Master Li, you and I are both court officials and serve the court. Let's have a drink to celebrate the court."

"Please please please."

"Come on, roast the sheep brought from the Western Regions, and then bring those Western Region grapes over to Mr. Li to taste."

"Master Wang is really good at getting sheep and grapes from the Western Regions."

"Hahaha, not only these grapes and sheep, but also beauties. Let the beautiful girl from the Western Region come up."

"Meiji of the Western Region?"

————By this time, I felt more and more something was wrong, but since this was Lord Wang Ling’s home court, I couldn’t say much.

"Dance for Lord Li Ming."

————These dancers began to dance for me at the command of Lord Wang Ling. The dance was indeed gorgeous, but Li Ming and the four followers were all martial arts practitioners, but they noticed at a glance that these dancers were all martial arts practitioners. As a martial artist, the suspicion in my heart became even more serious. "Master Li, I wonder how this dancer is doing?"

"The dance of the Western Regions is indeed unique and has something unique about it."

"Oh, Master Li can think so, then I'm happy. Come, try these grapes and wine again."

"I don't know, Master Wang, but what do you want to say to Li?"

"That's not true. I just want Master Li to try it.

"Master Li, try this mutton again, how do you feel?
"Fragrant but not greasy, it makes people linger for a while."

"Oh, in that case, Mr. Li Ming, please eat more. Let's finish this sheep today. This sheep weighs 330 kilograms. Is it enough for the six of us?" "

"Hahaha, that's enough."

"Master Li, now that you have achieved all your merits, why not stop here and no longer participate in the war between the Huns? As long as Master Li agrees, Master Li can have everything he wants in the future."

"Master Wang, what does this mean?"

"There are flashes of swords and shadows on the battlefield. I'm afraid that if Mr. Li really goes to the battlefield in the future, he will die tragically at the hands of the Xiongnu practitioners if he is not careful. Bielu has become a Dharma servant."

"Oh? Xiongnu cultivator? Dharma servant? Mr. Wang might as well say it clearly."

————Speaking of this, the suspicion in my heart has become more and more serious. However, considering that many people in the court are from the peace-seeking faction, I feel that Lord Wang Ling may be the lobbyist of the peace-seeking faction and want to persuade Your Majesty, I listened patiently, but felt a little solemn about the Xiongnu cultivator.

"Master Li is indeed a cheerful person. If so, I will make it clear. Master Li is now seeking fame and obeying the emperor just for the sake of power and wealth. Now that Master Li has been awarded the title of Marquis of Military Aircraft, he is obviously loved by His Majesty. Shen, you have gained a reputation, and all that is left is wealth and real power. As long as you can give up advocating war against the Western Regions, then I can immediately ask you to transfer you to the position of general manager of the Shipping Department, only under me, and with real power. Yes, I can give you a port. How much do you want at that time? You don’t have it? But if you continue like this, I’m afraid that if something unexpected happens on the battlefield in the future, whether it’s your father or your followers, Otherwise, all the maids under my command are a harm. Don’t talk about others, just talk about yourself, this world is a great place, do you want to die like this and say goodbye to this prosperous and great world? The sword of this Western Region man is very sharp. Na."

"What do I mean when I say Mr. Wang invites me here? It turns out that I want to say something like this. The swordsmanship of the people from the Western Regions is not bad for Mr. Li's sword!"

"Master Wang, who holds an important position, can take time out to invite Mr. Li to enjoy food and wine in this hall today, and watch beauties dancing. Mr. Li is very grateful. Mr. Li has accepted it. It's just for today. Later, Mr. Li will I will explain everything to His Majesty, and I hope Sir Wang is seeking peace in the world and not having any other intentions."

"Hold on."

"What, Mr. Wang still wants to stop me?"

"That's not true. Wang just wanted to say that the Huns' swords are very sharp!"

"Li's knife is sharper."


"After talking about this, I left the Wangling Mansion with my four followers. However, on the way back, I and my four followers realized that something was wrong. For the sake of safety, I deliberately released the sect signal in advance. When Uncle Master came over, he never thought that not long after the signal was sent out, a group of 20 assassins in black came to attack me fiercely."

"These assassins in black are well-trained. After the fight, I realized that the opponent was a Huns. However, I was forced by the opponent's offensive and only had time to shout. I was forced to respond to the enemy. I never had the chance to shout. During this process, I relied on The power of the formation, together with all the brothers and fellow disciples, killed a first-class master of the other side on the spot, and only then did he save his life until the uncle arrived, and killed all the Huns under the rescue."

"After killing them, I opened their clothes and it was confirmed that they were Huns. I felt that Lord Wang Ling was behaving strangely, so I shouted on the street and asked the martial arts heroes around me to help me look at Wang Ling's mansion. Fortunately, all the martial arts heroes We helped each other and guarded the palace of Wang Ling. Later, people from Dali Temple arrived first. It was a colleague named Yu Zhengsheng who asked me what happened."

"I was a little confused as to why people from Dali Temple came, but I still told the story. I just briefly mentioned that Lord Weilang, who was closely following the black-clothed guards, had already arrived, dispersed the idle people, and others immediately treated my injuries and sent him to the hospital. I brought you here."

Li Ming was neither humble nor arrogant, and said everything he could. During the process, he was always observing Emperor Jianming's expression. Only then did he confidently tell all the details, and deliberately revealed what he wanted to know in his heart. The clear factors are revealed——Hongnu practitioners.

"Huh, come on, Wang Ling, the general manager of the Shipping Department, will come up to testify."

Emperor Jianming first snorted, then clapped his hands on the throne and shouted loudly. Then he looked at the military commander Li Ming below in deep thought: "I already know everything about today. The military commander counterattacked and killed these people." The assassins of the Huns have meritorious service in promoting our country's prestige, and they also have meritorious service in actively reporting foreign ministers. When this matter is settled, there will be a heavy reward!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Ming hurriedly thanked him, and then stood there silently waiting.

Only some of the original peace seekers were livid at this time. The words Li Ming said were undoubtedly attacking them severely!
It's just that the imperial military plane was assassinated in the street in the capital. There was no chance for them to speak about such a major matter at this time. No matter how unhappy they were, under the emperor's majesty, they had to hold it in their hearts. Waiting silently for the next step.

A moment later, a waiter hurried into the palace: "Your Majesty, Wang Ling, the general manager of the Shipping Department, committed suicide in fear of crime. Many letters to and from the Huns were found in his mansion. The Huns who practiced martial arts, when they saw me When the Dagan men and horses entered, these Huns immediately began to attack fiercely, and were suppressed to the ground by my Dagan men on the spot."

"Where's the letter? Please bring it over."

Emperor Jianming opened his eyes and spoke while holding back his anger. After speaking, the waiter took out the letter from his waist and handed it to His Majesty the Emperor on the stage.

Emperor Jianming was furious when he saw it: "You are the general manager of the Shipping Department. It is in vain that you, as an official of the imperial court, actually liaised with the Huns for your own selfish purposes. You sold salt, cloth, ceramics, tea, and even iron to the Huns. The cattle, sheep, beauties and grapes make profits, and at the same time have good relations with the Xiongnu ministries, and have done so many transactions with the Xiongnu, and provide them with information about my affairs, okay, how brave!"

"Come, tell this belief to all the officials, and also pass on my order. As an official of the imperial court, Wang Ling of Shibosi actually had an affair with the Xiongnu and betrayed the country. He was sentenced to an unpardonable crime and all the men of the nine tribes were sent to the bitter cold. After all the women were inspected, except for the old, weak and children, they were sent to the Jiaofang Department and inspected personally by Marquis Li Ming."

"Also, tell this matter to the world and ask the Huns why they sent people to assassinate our military aircraft in the capital of Daqian!"

Emperor Jianming gave a loud order, and the whole court immediately started to move. The eunuchs recited the eunuchs in the hall. The incident of Prince Shibosi's affair with the Huns broke out instantly and spread throughout the world in a short period of time.


After the meeting, Li Ming was called over alone by the emperor. (End of chapter)

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