Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 420: Mana Martial Arts!

"My husband came out of the study. I heard several servants say that they were very happy when they came out. After coming out, they sat down to eat and discuss for a while before going back to rest."

The white snow on the roof was swept away by the servants with a broom and fell into the yard. In Li's yard, Ling'er, wearing a big coat, brought her sister Xiaocui to Li's room to meet her. After letting the servants go down, she whispered said to her.

"My husband is at Sister Yu'er and Sister Xiaohe's place now. Should we also... get ready."

Ling'er was still a little embarrassed when she said this. She was ready to prepare. It was self-evident what she was preparing for. Even though her mentality had changed due to the impact of the great changes in her family, she was still a girl who had just had her first period. , it would be a bit shameless to take the initiative to bring up this kind of thing.

"Of course you have to be prepared. If you don't come, I'm going to ask my servants to find you."

Li Shi saw Ling'er's expression and spoke with a smile on her face. After speaking, she stretched out her hand to caress her face: "Let's take a shower and change clothes now, and make our bodies smell good so that we can be ready if my husband comes over later. "

"Okay, listen to my aunt."

Hearing Li's words, Ling'er nodded immediately, and then asked her servants to prepare hot water in the big wooden bucket. They each took off their clothes, walked to their own wooden buckets and began to wipe and clean them carefully.

After washing like this, it took more than an hour before I finally washed my body from head to toe.

After taking a bath, she dried her hair slowly over a charcoal fire and then tied it up again. When her hair was done, Mrs. Li also thought that it was time to finish Li Ming's time with Yu'er and Xiao He, so she quietly told Ling'er and Xiao Cui. He whispered a few words.

Linger and Xiao Cui blushed and nodded, then they took off their clothes and got into bed together.

Seeing this, Mrs. Li dressed herself up carefully, then put on her cotton-padded jacket and went out. Before she even reached the front hall, she heard Li Minglang's cheerful laughter.

Walking further inside, I saw my husband flexing his muscles in the courtyard. Not only was his upper body naked in this snowy day, but he was also covered in hot sweat.

"Where are Sister Yu'er and Sister Xiaohe?"

Mrs. Li hurriedly took a towel from the maid's hand, then looked around and saw that Yu'er and Xiaohe were nowhere to be seen, and couldn't help but ask.

She should be the elder sister of Yu'er and Xiao He, but who is the elder sister in the inner house is not determined by age, but by who gets in first.

She started late, so she naturally called Yu'er and Xiaohe "sister".

"The two ladies are too tired and need to rest."

The maid next to her spoke in a low voice, and Mrs. Li nodded suddenly. When she saw Li Ming stop punching, she hurriedly asked the maid to bring warm tea, and she went up with a towel to wipe Li Ming's sweat.

"Husband, why did you take off your clothes in this cold weather?"

Mrs. Li gently used the towel to wipe off the sweat on Li Ming's cheeks and forehead, and then began to wipe the sweat on his neck. While wiping, she spoke.

"You don't understand. Husband, I have broken through to a new level. I am re-training my body. Naturally, I need to exercise more."

Li Yang looked at the gentle beauty in front of him, with a smile on his lips. He opened his arms and let her and the two maids wipe the sweat off his body.

"Then you can't be naked. It's very cold and hot, so don't let the cold wind hurt your body."

Mrs. Li gently wiped the sweat from Li Yang's abdomen, and her arms and back were wiped by two maids. Then she got up and gave the towel to the maid, and helped Li Ming get dressed: "I have a fire in the house. The hot water, husband, if you don’t mind, go and take a bath at my place.”

"Hahaha, okay, okay, take a shower."

How could Li Ming not understand what this lady was thinking? She immediately opened her mouth with a smile on her face. Meeting his gaze, Mrs. Li lowered her head slightly. After waiting for Li Ming to get dressed, she turned around and took Li Ming to her room. Go.

She walked all the way to the room, covered with a thick quilt, with a hot kang burning inside. The iron pipe specially built by Li Ming on the coal stove guided the smoke to the outside. She instantly felt warm. Li hurriedly asked the maid to bring the hot water. Mix it well and then burn it.

Then she helped Li Ming take off her clothes and asked him to sit in the basin and take a bath. Who knew that as soon as she took off one piece, Li Ming reached out and took off her clothes too.

Li blushed and hurriedly took off Li Ming's clothes, but her hands were not as fast as Li Ming's. After a while, she only had one piece left on her body. Li Ming then quickly took off his clothes. , then he held Li, who had taken off the last piece of clothing, in his arms and sucked on her neck.

"Why does it smell so good? My good wife, have you taken a bath specifically?"

With a smile on his face, Li Ming touched her back with one hand, and exerted force on the front with the other hand. He put his forehead on her head and asked with a smile.

“I can’t hide it from my husband~~”

Li's face turned red and she spoke softly, but as soon as her voice left her lips, she was tightly covered.


Hot air blew out of Li Ming's nose and hit Li's tender white nose. After rubbing it with both hands wantonly, Li's face softened in just a few minutes.

"Look again, am I still sweating?"

Li Ming's mouth came to Li's ear, and Li immediately hugged Li Ming with both hands: "No, husband, how did you do this?"

"Husband, I have now reached the innate realm of martial arts. A few drops of sweat will be invisible as long as I move my true energy."

Li Ming smiled and looked at her with energy in his eyes.

"Master is so powerful, so powerful..."

Li praised with a trembling voice. After more than ten minutes, she pursed her lips and bit her head, then moved to the bed with difficulty, staying connected to the quilt.

Li Ming touched the quilt, his eyes lit up, and he straightened his waist in excitement: "Okay, okay, I still have this trick hidden."

"Do you like it, husband? Yes."

"If you like it, you must like it."


When a monk reaches the innate realm, in addition to condensing the innate true energy, another step is to wash the body with the spiritual innate true energy to make the body pure and flawless, laying a good foundation for the next step of cultivation.

Li Ming has reached the innate realm, and now he has reached the realm. The magic power in his body far exceeds the innate realm, but his body has not changed much. Therefore, in the next training, he must be familiar with his own magic power and be familiar with the things that are activated by magic power. Martial arts.

On the other hand, the body must first be washed and tempered successfully. After these two things, one can master two spells and more means of dealing with enemies.

Of course, whether it is to become familiar with magic power or to cleanse the body, there is not just one way. For example, practicing martial arts can be used, or ordinary exercise can be used.

Li Ming likes all of them.

In bed with Li Shi, Ling'er, and Xiao Cui, they rubbed and heated up until late at night. Li Ming hugged them to sleep with satisfaction.The next morning, the three women were a little unable to get up, and the two maids who lived in the same room were also sleeping soundly. Li Ming knew that the five of them were too tired last night, so they got up alone.

As a result, I went to Yu'er and Xiao He's place to have a look, and found that Yu'er and Xiao He hadn't gotten up yet, so they went to have breakfast by themselves.

Three beauties, Ni Guangling, Tong Fenglin and Pu Liuyan, served him enthusiastically during breakfast. After finishing breakfast with a smile, Li Ming kissed Ni Guangling, hugged Tong Fenglin and held Pu Liuyan and walked to their room together.

This stay lasted the whole morning, and Li Ming didn't come out of the room until it was time for lunch.

During lunch, Li, Ling'er, Xiao Cui, Yu'er and Xiao He finally got up, but the faces of the five girls were all different. It was obvious that they had not recovered yet. Naturally, the considerate Li Ming would not wake up at this time. To embarrass them, he happily finished lunch and asked the maids and servants to help them go back to rest.

Then a person came to the backyard and started practicing martial arts again.


Li Ming took a long breath in his mouth, and the magic power in his body began to flow. Then he pulled out the sword fiercely, and in an instant there was a sword cry, followed by the sword, and fierce sword energy burst out in an instant.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sound of the sword being drawn and the sword energy erupting from the [Qingsong Needle Sword Technique] under the activation of mana intertwined into a gorgeous sword flower. However, watching each of the gorgeous sword flowers fall to the ground, it was silently freezing. The stiff earth cut into deep and terrifying ravines.


A stubborn stone was swept by the sword energy, and was instantly cut in half by the extremely sharp sword energy. The cut surface was as smooth as a mirror, completely natural.


At a certain moment, Li Ming's long sword suddenly thrust forward while wielding the sword energy. A sword energy that was obviously several times thicker than before, and the extremely fast and powerful sword energy shot out and hit the ground. A big hole.

Li Ming's eyes flashed with light, and the next moment the long sword shook suddenly, thrusting forward crazily like a rainstorm.

[Qingsong Needle Sword Technique] The unique move - the needle sword is like a glow.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In an instant, dense sword energy flew forward like a rainstorm of bullets, instantly blasting a large crater out of a large area of ​​land.


Li Ming then put away his long sword, exhaled a long breath, his eyes sparkled, and followed his body movement, using the [Green Leaf Body Technique], his body was as ethereal as a green leaf straight into the air.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

As his figure flashed, Li Ming's figure flew through the air very fast, as if flying at low altitude. He moved left and right, flying in the air and hovering for a long time before slowly falling down. The corners of his mouth slowly raised a smile. smile.

The sword energy is swayed wantonly, with unparalleled power, hovering at low altitude, just like the light skill of flying. The martial arts driven by magic power is really expensive!

Li Ming followed a movement in his heart, and powerful mana flowed out of his body. He took a steel gun on the weapon rack in front of him in his hand, and then the sharp look in his eyes was as dazzling as if it was about to pierce the human form.

"Whirring whirring……"

The whistling sounds were like strong winds blowing. The spear in Li Ming's hand thrust forward crazily at a terrifying speed, causing terrifying wind sounds.

The surrounding snowflakes moved at an even more turbulent speed as Li Ming took out his gun, and the shadow of his gun danced and rotated, like a snow dragon circling.

The magic power in the body condensed into a terrifying momentum as the spear stabbed, and a five-meter-long spear light condensed on the entire spear. Everything the spear light passed through, whether it was snowflakes or bluestones on the ground, was turned into powder.

"Whoosh, boom."

Li Mingcai, who had been swinging the spear and stabbing it for a long time, suddenly put the spear back on the ground and punched a big hole in the ground in an instant.

"Huh, every skill is progressing rapidly under the influence of magic power."

There was a sparkle in Li Ming's eyes, feeling the various changes brought about by using magic to stimulate martial arts, and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

The magic power is full of spirituality, which allows him to quickly master various key points of martial arts in the process of practicing martial arts, which in turn greatly improves the mastery of various martial arts.

According to this progress, he felt that he could master all martial arts in ten days!

"Not only that, during the process of practicing martial arts, the speed of mana washing the body also becomes faster."

Li Ming thought to himself. He immediately moved his eyes and threw the spear back to the weapon rack. Then he took a deep breath and stood on the ground with his feet like nails. Then he pierced his legs and pierced them instantly. A horse step came out.


The steps moved to the left during the horse stance, instantly causing the soil to roll, smoothing away the damage caused to the yard during the previous practice of martial arts.


Both fists were struck forward, and the power of [Hunyuan Palm] expanded to an incredible level under the stimulation of mana. The fist rays shrouded the air in front like cold light, and the terrifying fist wind caused a series of roars. Continuously blow up the air.

While punching and moving his horse, Li Ming exerted terrifying power, rolling the earth in the courtyard like a bulldozer. The ice in the earth had already melted, and the water contained in it had already melted. Controlled by his great strength, it flowed into the soil where the trees and vegetable fields were located, and the land broken during practice was flattened again.


After a long time, he slowly retracted his hands, let out a long breath, and slowly stopped his work. He looked around again, and saw that the land was dry and hard again, extremely flat, and all the ice and snow had disappeared.

Li Ming nodded with satisfaction, followed by another step, and assumed the posture of the foundation-building martial arts [True Yuan Zhuang]. He re-understood this martial arts with the mystery of magic power, and with the help of the power of the Zhuang Gong, he continued to Washing the body.

"The progress of washing the also about ten days."

Li Ming had an idea in his mind, so he transferred his magic power in the courtyard and continued practicing until dark before returning to the side hall.

This time he didn't call the women, but called four followers, his master, uncle, and senior brother Chen Yue, and discussed the departure time with them who had broken through to the innate level together.

Finally, based on everyone's cultivation progress and time, we made a decision: we will set off in fifteen days.

After deciding, they went back their separate ways, and Li Ming also returned to Yu'er and Xiao He's bed to enjoy themselves. (End of chapter)

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