The sky was dim, and dew condensed on the moss-covered bluestone road, reflecting the morning light.The hemp rope in front of the gate of the inn is greasy and white, but there is still a sign saying "Open for Business".

Inside, on several hardwood tables, the hot water in the iron kettle has already boiled, and the tea leaves are slowly brewing in the cup, showing a light amber color.

The rows of servants sleeping on the tables and chairs in the hall on the first floor have already put away their bedding and rolled up their luggage. They are now comfortably enjoying hot steamed buns and rice porridge, eating pickles, not to mention how delicious they are.

"Master Marquis, I guess you have to go on a journey soon, so I asked someone to boil several pots of ginger soup for you early this morning and distributed it to the people in your convoy. They covered it with water bottles and drank it slowly throughout the day. Not even cold."

The shopkeeper personally carried the side dishes, small wine, steamed buns, steamed buns, rice porridge, pickles, and eggs upstairs. After placing the food on the table, he straightened the big dish in the center and faced it with a smile. Li Ming said.

"This is soju prepared for you and a few heroes. You can drink some on the way to keep warm."

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he took out water bags one by one from a large wooden box he brought with him, and put them on another table with a smile: "The wine is all packed in the water bags. It's a full bag for you and the boss." Each of the heroes has prepared two bags!”

"You have a heart."

Li Ming chuckled softly, and then a large ingot of silver flew out from the money bag: "Take it, I have worked hard for you this time, and I will reward you for the extra money."

"Hey, thank you, Mr. Hou, thank you, Mr. Hou!"

The shopkeeper took the money and thanked him with a smile. Then he took the food box, turned around and left Li Ming's room with the waiter.

"This shopkeeper is really good at handling things. He can still get us such a big pot of fish in this winter."

Wang Hengliang sat on the table and took out a spoonful of fish soup from the central basin and drank it. Then he picked up a piece of cooked fatty fish and took a bite, and said strangely.

"I guess everyone should be able to catch someone by cutting through the ice."

Li Ming stood by the window and glanced down. When he saw stewed fish on the table on the first floor, he immediately looked away and said with a chuckle.

"It's good to take some of this tonic."

Xu Jin picked up a hot bun and took a bite with satisfaction. He narrowed his eyes and said to Li Ming: "Eat quickly. The bun is hot and delicious."

Liu Qingshi tasted a few bites of the side dishes, chewed them with squinted eyes, and then picked up the buns and ate them.

Li Yang smiled and picked up a big bun and took a bite. Instantly the vermicelli, vegetables and fat strips inside spilled out. He couldn't help but squint his eyes, chewed twice, and then ate the hot bun. in stomach.

"These buns are freshly baked and they taste so delicious."

Li Ming couldn't help but took another big bite. The soft, glutinous and fragrant feeling made him finish a big bun in three times. Then he took two more with his big hand, picked up a spoon and filled himself with a spoonful of hot fish soup. I ate a lot in the bowl, and I didn't pick up a piece of fish until I was five minutes full. I picked up two big steamed buns and other side dishes and pickles, and chewed them slowly and comfortably.

Xu Jin, Liu Qingshi, and Wang Hengliang all greeted the food with big mouthfuls, without saying any more.

The shopkeeper knew that they were martial arts practitioners, so he specially served a total of twenty large buns and forty steamed buns to the four of them, but they were still quickly eaten by them.

Each person first ate five big buns and drank three bowls of fish soup to satisfy his craving, then ate ten steamed buns with fish and pickles to fill his stomach, and then drank three bowls of porridge. After breakfast, there was a lot of things piled on the table. After being eaten cleanly, the four of them showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

"The sky is getting brighter, it's time to set off."

After eating to feel comfortable, Wang Hengliang stood up and looked outside. Seeing that the sun was already high, he turned around and spoke with a smile.

"Go, let's go."

Li Ming also nodded. After speaking, he put the sword and spear in the room and his luggage. He turned around and went out to hand them over to the two senior brothers who were guarding the door after breakfast. He looked down and found that everyone had already After finishing the meal, I was stretching my muscles. I waved my hand and led the team away in a grand manner under the gaze of the diners at the post station.

"Tap Tat ~ ~"

The horses, which had eaten good fodder all night, entered the official road in high spirits. Servants and women sat on the carriage one after another. After a while, the team reached the main road and resumed its previous state on the road. .


There was a howling cold wind on both sides. After sitting in the carriage for a while, I felt a little cold. The servants took out the ginger soup prepared by the shopkeeper in the morning. The ginger soup that had been covered under the quilt was still hot. After two sips, I suddenly felt cold. Feeling much more comfortable, I continued to sit in the carriage and drive forward.

When Xu Jin and Liu Qingshi came back, the team returned to normal speed. At noon, they ate dry food and drank ginger soup. In the afternoon, they continued to drive all afternoon without stopping. Fortunately, they made it before dark. Arriving in a small town, after entering the city, they quickly found a large hotel to stay in. Then hot water, hot rice, and hot ginger soup were served in turn. After eating, all the chill caused by the afternoon rush was dispelled.

Then Li Ming saw that everyone was tired from traveling and traveling, so he specifically told everyone to take a hot bath and change clothes today.

He and a group of fellow disciples were the only ones in the team, and he and his four followers had powerful zhenqi that allowed them to change their clothes every day to ensure the comfort of their whole bodies. These servants had not even washed Li Ming's woman during this journey. I took a shower and changed clothes. At most I soaked my feet and changed my shoes and socks.

Now that I'm in the city and the letter delivery is settled, I naturally want to take a good rest and relax a little.

After listening to Li Ming's words, many servants immediately became happy, especially when they heard that they all used big wooden buckets to sit in and wash, they were even more excited.

The shopkeeper and his waiter managed to get so many large bath buckets from various places in the city overnight for the use of the people in Li Ming's team, so that everyone took a bath comfortably, changed their clothes, and took off their clothes. I washed and wrung out the old clothes and hung them on the stove. I lay down comfortably on the bed and fell asleep.When I woke up from a comfortable sleep the next day, my clothes were already dry and warm. They were folded and put away. Then I got up and had a better breakfast than at the little inn on the road. I was full. I felt like I had lost three pounds of ash, and I felt refreshed when I walked. I drove the carriage on the road in high spirits.


The convoy moved quickly in the cold winter.The sky gradually darkened, and a golden sunset slowly set, dyeing the horizon with a beautiful color.The mountains in the distance shimmer with golden light under the sunlight, like a fairy tale world wrapped in silver.The horse's breath becomes more rapid, and its deep snort gradually dissipates in the sunset, which also makes people feel the power of all life's breath in the sunset, even after centuries of experience, it will not be missed.At the same time, visual fantasy pictures are presented on the roadside, and the desolate winter scenery is even more silent. This also makes people feel the magnificence and changes between the different landforms. Facing the winter, the horse-drawn carriage fleet is rushing forward amidst the gorgeous colors.There are icy icicles hanging on the branches beside the road. As the wind blows, the whole branches seem to wither. The cold breath penetrates the human body and makes people just want to hide next to the warm stove as soon as possible and enjoy the warmth and comfort. .Night fell quietly, and the lights of the motorcade came on, illuminating the direction of progress.The carriages are like dragons, moving forward gracefully in the ice and snow.The creaking of the wheels seems to tell the story of the hardships of the journey, making people involuntarily immersed in their stories.Everyone in the team relies on each other. In order to survive, they fight the cold night on the road. They don’t know how long they still have to go. This is a required course they face and the only motivation for them to move forward.In this difficult period full of challenges, people need to show their courage and determination, dispel the darkness, find warmth, and ride through the ice and snow - that is their hope for survival and the other side in the distance!

The trees on both sides were still covered with snow and dry.

Fortunately, the official roads of the Daqian Empire were of high quality, and even when heavy snow had just passed, carriages could still be carried on them.

After the convoy left the small town, they drove for three days and finally arrived outside Linshan Town on this day!

On the wide official road, looking from a distance, a continuous motorcade gradually flashed into the eyes from a distance. When it was far away, it only seemed to be no different from a thin line.

Outside Linshan Town, several men in Tsing Yi saw a convoy approaching from a distance. They immediately stood up and climbed to a pole on the side to check. After a while, they took a closer look and saw two big flags flying over the convoy. One flag was embroidered with " The character [李].

Taking a closer look, another flag has the word "Hou" embroidered on it!

"Liu Er, I asked you to look for a long time to see clearly. Is it Mr. Li's motorcade?"

Seeing that the friend who had climbed up the wooden pole was still watching, the friend who was guarding at the bottom couldn't help but urge: "I said I will go up to you, but you have to go up. If it doesn't work, just come down. I will go up. I don't think you know a few of them." Big words, man..."

"Master Li, this is Marquis Li's motorcade. The Marquis is back. It must be the Marquis who is back!"

The companions below were chattering, and the man in green who was lying on the wooden pole frowned and thought for a while, and finally figured it out. He clapped his legs and shouted to the people below with great joy.

"I said Liu Er, what did you see? How are you sure it's Mr. Li's car coming?"

When the other men in green clothes heard that Mr. Li was back, they all stood up with a loud sound, and then they hurriedly shouted and asked, fearing that the people above would admit their mistake.

"There are two flags flying on the motorcade. One flag is embroidered with the same character "李" as the one embroidered in Mr. Li's home. The other flag is embroidered with the character "hou" for Mr. Marquis. This must be Mr. Li Ming, the military officer. came back!"

Liu Er spoke affirmatively, and the crowd below became even more excited. Some people swallowed their saliva: "Liu Er, you can't mess around with this matter. Have you seen it clearly? Are you sure? Are you sure that the chess piece floating on it is Mr. Li?" "Li" in "Li" and "Hou" in "Junjiwai"?

"You wait, I'll take a look."

Liu Er looked at it carefully again, then lowered his head and slid down from the wooden pole and ran towards Linshan Town: "Master Li Ming, who is waiting for the military plane, has returned to his hometown. Master Li Ming, who is waiting for the military plane, has returned to his hometown. Master Li, Li Ming, who is waiting for the military plane, has returned to his hometown." Master Ming has returned to his hometown!!"

"No, don't let him report the news alone. Let's go quickly. Young Master Li Ming went to Beijing to take the exam. Not only was he the number one scholar in high school, but he also became a military candidate. Now that he's back home, this is a great good thing, a great joy, such a big thing. It’s a happy event, I ran over to announce it, Master Li will definitely not give me less reward!”

One of the men in green clapped his thigh and spoke hurriedly, then waved his hand: "Hurry up, run and shout, don't let Liu Er earn this money alone. The last time I reported the good news to Mr. Li, his young master was the top pick in high school." I was rewarded with five taels of silver!"

Hearing this, the men around him suddenly couldn't resist the temptation, and rushed forward in a hurry to catch up with Liu Er who was running back first.

"Master Li Ming, who is waiting for the military plane, has returned to his hometown. Master Li Ming, who is waiting for the military plane, has returned to his hometown!"

"The young master of the Li family is back, the young master of the Li family is back!"

"The number one scholar of the Li family is back, the number one scholar of the Li family is back!"

A group of men in Tsing Yi quickly chased Liu Er, shouting as they chased him. However, the man who had just opened his mouth unknowingly followed him to the end, then turned around and ran towards the direction of the convoy.

"Hey, let me tell you, you boy must not have any good intentions when you shout like this. Why, you want to welcome Mr. Li back to his hometown."

A strong man looked at the long-haired young man running over with a smile on his face. He smiled and spoke while not forgetting to pick up the things in his hands and run forward.

"Fang Yu, what are you holding in your hand? You're such a good guy. When you saw the news, you turned around and went to buy the most delicious roast chicken in town. You want to flatter Mr. Li and let him taste the local flavor, right?"

The long-haired young man didn't expect that there was someone waiting here. He opened his eyes, especially when he noticed the roast chicken in the arms of the strong man, he opened his eyes and shouted loudly.

"Come on, you are still talking about me. Look at what you are carrying in your hand. You have been carrying a bag of the most delicious cakes in town all day long and you don't eat them. Aren't you just trying to flatter me today?"

Fang Yu looked back at Lin Yue, snorted disdainfully, and patted the roast chicken in his arms while running forward: "Today I want to see if it's your pastries that smell better, or my roast chicken! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yu, who was tall and powerful, ran towards the convoy with all his strength. Lin Yue and Yue saw that they couldn't catch up, so they stared and shouted hurriedly: "Don't run away, we are close to Linshan Town." It’s time for the villagers to welcome the Marquis. If they run so far away, wouldn’t it mean that they are approaching deliberately with small intentions?”

"When you say that, it makes sense."

Fang Yu stopped immediately when he heard this, and then glanced at Lin Yue, who was a little angry. He immediately arranged his clothes in tacit understanding and stood by the official road to wait.

Not long after, the motorcade approached. When the two of them saw the decoration of the motorcade, their eyes lit up. They both held the things in their hands and shouted: "The folks from Linshan Town are here to welcome Mr. Li Minghou back to his hometown!" (End of this chapter)

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