Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 437 The Sword Intent of the Sun

In the early morning, the rising sun rises over the sea, and thousands of rays of light shine across the universe, illuminating the night and making the world clear.

In the deep-doored house made of green bricks and green tiles, the eaves and horns stand next to each other. Layers of morning glow from the eastern sky fall on the eaves and horns, as if they are covered with a layer of golden brilliance.

In the center of the roof of the highest nave, a figure wearing a green robe and an aura of aura sits quietly facing the east. The golden sunlight shines on his face through the layers of space and the universe, and his body is full of energy. The momentum seemed to blend with the sun at this moment, so majestic that even the blue eaves became sacred.

Li Ming got up from his concubine Yu'er sister's white and tender tofu-like belly in the morning, went outside the courtyard and went straight into the central hall. When he entered, he saw his father Li Chenglin, his brothers Li Hu and Li Meng, and his sister Li Huan. .

The second brother Wang Guangyun, the third brother Zhao Xiu, the fourth brother Liu Wu, and the fifth brother Liu Zhuang were just born yesterday.

There are also Master Xu Jin, Master Uncle Wang Hengliang, and his disciples of the same generation, Senior Brother Chen Yue. Among the twenty-six disciples who came to Beijing with Master Xu Jin to protect him, four or five of his disciples have already broken through to the first-class level.

There are also twenty first-class disciples from the senior generation who came to protect him with his uncle Wang Yue. They are still lined up on both sides and staying quietly in the central hall!

"Everyone is here so early, master, uncle, senior brothers and junior brothers!"

After Li Ming entered the room, he hurriedly greeted his master and uncle, and then all his brothers. After greeting Wang Guangyun and others, he looked at the three little guys next to his father and couldn't help but say: "Dad, what are you doing?" Li Hu, Li Meng, and Li Huan were also brought in?"

"Big brother."

"Big brother."

"elder brother."

When Li Hu, Li Meng and younger sister Li Huan saw Li Ming come in, they all ran over and saluted curtly. Li Ming smiled and reached out to touch their heads, then looked at the father in front of him with doubts on his face.

Although martial arts training is very important, the three of them are all too young, and they all joined the Qingsong Temple with him and learned the same excellent foundation-building skills as him. When they were slowly laying the foundation, Why is his father bringing him here now?

You know, they are going to learn the four skills taught by the great master Feng Jianming. Li Ming suspects that they are probably magic-level stunts!
  How far is a spell-level stunt from a child who has just laid the foundation?

Why bring them here at this time?
  "Hey, I don't want to learn anything, I just want the three of them to see real people from childhood and feel the spirit of the wonderful method, so that they can stick to their own paths after setting an example in their hearts."

Hearing Li Ming's words, Li Chenglin hurriedly smiled and said: "I have asked your master Xu Jin and uncle Wang Hengliang about this matter. It's no problem. Your brother Li Hu, Li Meng and your sister Li Huan are all sensible. There will be no chaos when the time comes." Talking erratically will disturb your practice."

"It's okay to let them go and have a look, little kids, don't delay things."

When Xu Jin heard this, a smile appeared on his face and he spoke aloud to the best apprentice he had ever received in his life.

"Yeah, it's okay. Your younger brothers and sisters are also sensible. Don't worry. With Master's mind, he won't mind this."

Wang Hengliang also had a smile on his face and spoke softly.

"Yes, yes, brother, we are all sensible and won't bark and run around."

After hearing the conversation of several adults, Li Hu, Li Meng, and Li Huan also hurriedly begged. Li Ming sighed and touched their heads, thinking that he, the eldest brother, had not spent much time with his younger siblings since they were born. After passing them, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, so I nodded and agreed.

Seeing the eldest brother nodding, the three little guys, Li Hu, Li Meng, and Li Huan, all smiled with their teeth exposed.

"I woke up late today and missed everyone's schedule. I don't know if the Patriarch is already waiting."

After Li Ming finished speaking, he looked back and thought about it. Considering that there were still many senior brothers who had not reached the innate realm, and also that it would take an unknown amount of time for the master to pass on the art this time, it might not be appropriate if he did not eat, so he said to his father: "Dad, have you turned on the kitchen stove and prepared breakfast?"

"Everything is ready. This is Master's share."

Hearing Li Ming's thoughtful words, Li Chenglin also showed a smile on his face: "Things are urgent, and Master is still waiting for us, so we don't have much good things to do, just three big meat buns for each person, with thin skin and thick meat. , plus a cup of hot water.”

"With the exception of Master."

Li Chenglin pointed at the food box as he spoke. Li Ming could smell a lot of good medicine for nourishing qi and blood inside with a sniff. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. The master was old, and although he had now officially reached the level of a grand master, Although he has no cultivation base, these things that nourish qi and blood are still of great help to him. It is naturally good to drink some.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go find Master as soon as possible."

When Li Ming saw that everything was ready, that all the hot water around the brothers had drunk, and that the big meat buns had been eaten, he decisively waved his hand, turned around and led everyone out of the central hall.

Seeing Li Ming leaving, the rest of the talents quickly followed. The four brothers of the master, uncle, father Li Chenglin, three brothers and sisters, and senior brothers of the same generation followed. The other disciples followed in two columns and walked quickly from the middle hall to the hall. Outside the main hall where Master rested.

As soon as they walked into the courtyard where the main hall is located, everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by the Taoist priest sitting on the roof. They couldn't help but look towards the roof. After seeing the figure that seemed to be fused with the sun, they all became a little distracted.

At this moment, they seemed to see the vastness of the sun contained in their bodies. The terrifying momentum seemed to be able to destroy everything, but at the same time it seemed to be containing everything.

Waves of terrifying sword intent seemed to be merged with the sun unconsciously at this moment. Yesterday it was a fierce storm sword intent, but now it has a different improvement and transformation.

Now this sword intention is shining in the world of the courtyard with the sunshine of the big day. This time they stepped into the world of sword intention. In an instant, everything in the world they knew and felt was everywhere. It is the vast and boundless sword world that seems to contain everything, and seems to destroy everything!

Moreover, it can be clearly felt that this sword intention is constantly improving with the rise of the sun. It keeps climbing, and it seems that it will jump out of the water with the rising sun and usher in a major transformation.

Everyone who had just entered the courtyard couldn't help but stand there, their eyes sparkling with energy, but they remained motionless, unaware of their surroundings. However, their entire body and mind had been completely integrated into the surrounding sword intent! Li Ming, Xu Jin, Wang Hengliang, and fellow senior brothers Chen Yue, Wang Guangyun, Zhao Xiu, Liu Zhuang, and Liu Wu suddenly felt as if a barrier had been broken somewhere, and different artistic conceptions arose in their bodies at the same time!
  Li Ming’s master, Xu Jin, has an artistic conception of perseverance and tenacity like tough bamboo.

A majestic, vast, and extremely condensed artistic conception rose up from Master Wang Hengliang's body. It was a powerful artistic conception that was condensed, refined, and I am invincible!
  A faint image of green pine resoluteness arose in Chen Yue, the senior fellow of the same generation, which was roughly consistent with the [Qingsong Temple] technique.

Wang Guangyun's martial arts practice was [Chaoyang Yijue]. Later, although he practiced [Xingqijue] with Li Ming when he taught [Xingqijue], [Chaoyang Yijue] was also the basis. At this moment, his body was actually rising. The artistic conception of rising sun that is very similar to the sword intention of the panic-stricken sun all around arises.

Just like the rising sun, full of vitality and unstoppable upward momentum!

Zhao Xiu's cultivation skills were ordinary, but he had been in the army camp, and at this moment, his artistic conception was rising in his body. His artistic conception was like the moon mirror lake, calm, clear and ethereal.

Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu both practiced the same [Heng Lian Qigong Golden Bell] before they switched to [Xing Qi Jue]. This is an extremely masculine Heng Lian Qigong. Even after practicing the magic power, they still use it to be strong. Qigong practice is based on Yang Heng, and the magic power comes with Gang Yang.

At this moment, the two of them actually merged with Wang Guangyun's general energy and the terrifying and vast Sun Sword Intent around them, and a vast and mountain-like aura of Zhi Gang Zhi Yang rose up.

Not only them, but also the remaining first-rate and second-rate disciples, and even Li Ming's little brothers Li Hu, Li Meng, and sister Li Huan, under the opportunity of Feng Jianming, a grand master-level warrior whose own artistic conception enveloped the moment of enlightenment. The light in their eyes flickered as if they had some realization.

Li Ming's father Li Chenglin, who was among the crowd, paused for a while, and suddenly a mellow artistic conception of yin and yang complementing Tai Chi suddenly appeared in his body, and his strength was not as strong as the two martial arts geniuses Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang. , and it is also in line with the difference in artistic conception intensity realized by Grand Master Feng Jianming’s own artistic conception!

But Li Ming, who was at the center of the crowd, had an extremely terrifying mood of the sun rising over him.

Looking carefully, this artistic conception is actually purer than the great sun artistic conception exuded by the great martial arts master Feng Jianming. Although it has just blossomed, its lofty and far-reaching conception is actually even higher than that of Feng Jianming, the martial arts master!
  You must know that although the combat power of a great master of martial arts is only comparable to that of an immortal cultivator who has perfected his Qi refining skills, the depth of his path in martial arts is far beyond what can be compared with the path that a perfect Qi refining master has taken on the path of immortality.

One is that one is already at an extremely high level of martial arts, and there are gaps of its own. The other is that the perfection of Qi refining is only the beginning stage of the path to immortality, and there is still a long way to go before the masters of martial arts can comprehend the martial arts.

Therefore, although the two have the same fighting power, it is absolutely impossible for Feng Jianming to exude a vast artistic conception that can envelope the entire courtyard house, blend with the sun, and inspire everyone who enters the scene. of.

Under such circumstances, like everyone in the field, everyone can gain something with the guidance and help of the Grand Master's artistic conception. Those who have reached the innate realm can understand the artistic conception, those who have not reached the innate realm can understand the subtle abilities, and those who have only laid the foundation to understand the realm. It is already a very rare situation to have basic skills.

On the one hand, they have good luck, good luck, and good luck.

On the one hand, it is also because each of them is a martial arts practitioner with good qualifications, so they can achieve such achievements, especially those who have achieved innate martial arts cultivation, and each of them is a martial arts genius, so they can achieve such achievements. reward.

But it is unbelievable that someone like Li Ming actually comprehends an artistic conception that is deeper and more lofty than the great master himself.

You know, why can Li Ming understand the artistic conception?

It's not just the artistic conception of this martial arts master at this moment, although it must be due to his own strong martial arts foundation and outstanding talent.

But without the artistic conception of this great master of martial arts, it would be like a person falling into a river, someone pulling him in but no one pulling him out. It would be very different.

But at this moment, when Li Ming's own artistic conception was drawn by the artistic conception of Grand Master Feng Jianming, he actually realized that his artistic conception was even higher and more lofty than the artistic conception that Grand Master Feng Jianming was transforming and comprehending, and was more in line with being close to the big day. The vast artistic conception is so incredible.

It was as if the student the teacher had just taught produced a paper that was more profound than his own academic paper. It was incredible.

At this time, everyone is immersed in the realization of their own artistic conception, whether it is the great master Feng Jianming who is undergoing transformation, or the seven innate companions around him who have already understood the meaning of the sword, or the brothers who are bursting into the subtle realm. , none of them noticed this.

Only Grand Master Feng Jianming himself seemed to notice and comprehend Li Ming's artistic conception when it emerged, and actually began to undergo a deeper transformation.


Like turbulent waves, the sound of wind and swords enveloped the entire courtyard. The powerful artistic conception of the sun began to become more powerful and move towards a higher level of transformation.

Inspired by this, the artistic conception of everyone on the field was once again condensed.

The morning sun in the east rises slowly, and from the corners where it just illuminates the world, a ray of sun buds slowly sprouts.

Wishes of the vast golden sun shone endlessly, illuminating everyone's bodies, making the rising and intertwined sword intent in the entire courtyard become more powerful and vigorous.

The morning sun continues to rise higher and higher. When half of it is exposed, the powerful artistic conception that envelopes the entire courtyard slowly takes shape. This means that the artistic conception has been firmly formed.

Among them, Li Ming's artistic conception and the artistic conception of the great master Feng Jianming have become the same high artistic conception!

Below them are uncle Wang Hengliang, master Xu Jin, second brother Wang Guangyun, fourth brother Liu Wu, and fifth brother Liu Zhuang. Their artistic conceptions, if compared to temperature, are like a pot of fire.

Below them, the slightly worse one is Li Ming's father Li Chenglin, whose yin and yang harmony envelopes him like a small pot of fire.

Then there is Zhao Xiu's artistic conception, which is like a torch.

Then the numerous disciples of [Qingsong Temple] who had entered the subtle level were like burning candles.

Li Hu, Li Meng, and Li Huan were like fireflies flying at night. They were very weak, but they also got the opportunity to shine brightly.

As the sun continued to rise, Feng Jianming also opened his eyes. (End of chapter)

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