Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 439 Flying Sword Technique


After hearing the second skill mentioned by Master Feng Jianming, the eyes of everyone who followed Li Ming back from Beijing all lit up.

In their minds, they almost invariably thought of the scene where the group of powerful enemies who assassinated them retreated suddenly when they left.

If they had such an escape method, how could they be allowed to retreat then?
  Even if you retreat just this time, wouldn't it be frustrating if the enemies you encounter in the future escape like this every time?
  But if they also have such a flying escape method, not to mention having more confidence to keep each other in such a situation again, they can escape faster if they encounter the same situation.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

"The escape method, what is the escape method? It is the escape method. You can understand it as an incredibly powerful light skill."

Seeing Li Ming and others' eyes light up, Feng Jianming's lips revealed a smile, and he loudly explained to everyone the secrets and contents of the ancestral secret technique [Qingye Escape Technique].

Li Ming's eyes became brighter and brighter when he heard this. On the way back, he was still thinking about when he could have this escape method, and whether Emperor Jianming would reward him with some more spells. As a result, Emperor Jianming now Before the reply came, the ancestor of his sect brought this thing first.

It really took no effort at all to get it without trying to find anywhere, so I immediately started listening attentively!
  While Li Ming was listening attentively with his heart shining, Feng Jianming was also talking, from the most basic how to get started to how to practice.

Although the twenty newly arrived disciples had never encountered a powerful enemy who could escape, they knew the importance of Qing Gong, so when Master Feng Jianming said this, they all listened attentively.

Li Ming's father, Li Chenglin, is also a smart person. When he heard what his master said, he knew the importance of this thing. His ears were eager to stand up when he heard it, and he was very attentive.

I have been talking about the escape method for three quarters of an hour. Most of the people sitting here are at the peak of second-rate martial arts cultivation. Father Li Ming seems to have magical power in his body. Although his martial arts cultivation is not very good, he is also very sharp. Zhong Xixia also remembered the details of this escape method in his heart.

"[Qingsong Qi Refining Technique] [Aoki Rejuvenation Technique] [Green Leaf Escape Technique] These three stunts are the techniques that have been passed down by our ancestors and are still intact. Two hundred years ago, there were actually two other stunts. The spell category was taken over by the Liu Dao of the [Liu Dao Sect] as a reference. After a while, I will come to see the Liu Dao for advice."

When Feng Jianming said this, his eyes burst out with fierce energy. After a moment, he withdrew his gaze and looked directly at the many disciples sitting cross-legged in front of him: "In addition to these three special skills, I have created another one of my own." The unique skill is called [Flying Sword Technique]!"

"Although [Flying Sword Technique] was born out of martial arts, after my continuous improvement and enhancement, it is now comparable to the power of magic. It can kill the enemy from a hundred miles away. Once it is unleashed, it is unstoppable and unrivaled!"

"Although the inheritance of the three sects is mysterious, they lack the skills to attack, kill and protect themselves. You must listen carefully to this unique skill."

Flying swordsmanship!
  Take the enemy's life hundreds of miles away!

Hearing the name of this stunt, everyone's expressions couldn't help but brighten up again. They looked at their master with great excitement. Almost immediately in their minds, they flew out of their hands and flew forward with the long sword, escaped into the sky and then took it off. The scene of the enemy's life hundreds of miles away suddenly started to listen carefully with bright eyes.

Li Ming listened attentively for the first time, listening attentively to his master's explanation of this unique skill, for fear of missing something.

Zhao Xiu's eyes on the side were filled with excitement. She didn't know what she was thinking of, but she was also extremely serious when she heard it.

The disciples of [Qingsongguan] on the field are all the most elite in the sect. Naturally, no one is so stupid that they cannot identify this important spell. Everyone listens very carefully for fear of missing a word.

Under the cultivation of Zhenqi, everyone has sharp ears and eyes, and quick thinking. Everything the master said was recorded smoothly. Three quarters of an hour later, the [Flying Sword Technique] was also memorized by everyone.

"Although these stunts are good, just memorizing them is not enough. In the next period of time, you will concentrate on practicing. If you have anything you can't figure out, come to me at any time. When all of you have mastered these four stunts, then Go and recruit soldiers and other matters.”

Seeing that everyone had memorized it, Feng Jianming couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and then gave Li Ming instructions. It was obvious that Li Ming's purpose of returning to his hometown this time was clear.

"Yes, Master."

Li Ming nodded seriously, knowing that these words were good for him, so he did not refute at all.

As the saying goes, if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. These four skills are actually more like the inheritance of spells. Once you learn them, you will have more confidence and adaptability to whatever situation you face.

This world is different from the ordinary world. No one knows what will happen in the process of recruiting soldiers, so naturally we can't slack off. If we can strengthen our preparations, we will naturally have to make more preparations.

What's more, the barracks haven't been selected yet. Even if the barracks are selected, it will take time to plan and transform the barracks. There will still be some time to wait before recruiting troops. Practicing these special skills now will not delay anything.

"Well, it's good to understand."

When Feng Jianming saw Li Ming opening his mouth, he knew that he understood the importance. He couldn't help but nodded and then looked at all the disciples and disciples in front of him, and said: "Since these four unique skills have been passed down to you, you can practice them at will. No need to He thinks about it.”

"But one thing to remember is that these four spells are related to the inheritance of the sect. You must not pass it on to others privately. If you have relatives, friends or loved ones who want to teach it, you must come to me. Anyone who can pass me You can only ask your heart."

"Understood, I will follow my master's teachings!"

After hearing what Feng Jianming said, everyone bowed down and spoke loudly. Feng Jianming nodded vigorously and satisfied, then waved his sleeves: "Since you have remembered everything, then don't worry about it anymore." If you are delayed, start practicing. If you get started earlier, you can also use your time on other things earlier. If you have enough time, you can do things better."

"I'm waiting for you here. If you don't understand anything, just come and ask me."

"Yes, Master!"

After Feng Jianming finished speaking, everyone knew that their master had to do his own thing. Naturally, they understood this very well. After all, his master had broken through his artistic conception in front of them. A breakthrough in artistic conception is not simply ignored. In the follow-up, we must carefully understand the changes brought about by a breakthrough in artistic conception, feel the difference in every detail, and then feel the differences in different martial arts under different levels of artistic conception. These It all takes time.

Moreover, Grandmaster Feng Jianming just said that he would go to the Grandmaster of the Liudao Sect to break the willow knife for revenge. Even if they, local people, could not do much to help, they could not do anything to hinder the Master. Ancestor’s practice.

So after listening to Feng Jianming's words, everyone should have left spontaneously.

When Master Feng Jianming saw everyone leaving, his figure suddenly disappeared, but he returned to the room and retreated.

"This is the first time I have experienced the power of artistic conception. I have to study it carefully. Brothers, let's go back and study it separately for two days. When we have mastered it, how about we get together to practice these four special skills?"

After leaving Master Feng Jianming's courtyard, Liu Zhuang couldn't help but feel itchy and spoke to the brothers around him.

In order to get the benefits of artistic conception breakthrough in that courtyard, it was not only Master Feng Jianming who needed to study the artistic conception, but they also did the same. Even they who had just obtained the artistic conception had to put more thought into it than Master Feng Jianming. .

Of course, although it requires more effort, everyone is willing to do it. This feeling of having an extra ability is really fascinating.

"Hahaha, it's not just you who can't help it. I think everyone can't help it. Although the four spells are important, this artistic conception is also our foundation. In this way, everyone should not go out for the time being these days. Just stay with me Let's practice hard at home for two days. Once we have mastered the artistic conception, we can all get together and practice the four special skills together. Then we can share our experiences every day so that we can make progress together and learn faster, how about that?"

Li Ming laughed when he heard Liu Zhuang's words. Then he glanced around and saw that everyone's eyes were full of brilliance, even the brothers and uncles who had only reached the subtle realm. He couldn't help but smile. Open your mouth.

Artistic conception is equivalent to a brand new power. Naturally, no one is unwilling to practice it well, so there is nothing wrong with what Li Ming said.

"You can practice at home without going out, and you can avoid any accidents. I think this is a good plan."

Hearing Li Ming's words, Li Chenglin beside him suddenly smiled and said, and then rolled his eyes: "But before that, do you want to meet the city officials and the heroes your father selected for you?"

In fact, with Li Ming's current status, these people had been begging to see him before he came back. However, with Li Ming's current status, it was impossible to see him directly as soon as he came back. Naturally, he had to use his own matters most.

But again, these people begged to see him, and he also needed to see them. It was just that the ancestor had taught four unique skills at this moment, and these more important things delayed him.

After all, these people need to curry favor with him, and he also needs these people to run errands, and everyone has their own needs.

Especially these heroes that his father gathered as part of the future personal barracks, he wanted to see them in person.

"That's fine, but there's no need to mobilize troops like this. Everyone should go and practice. Zhao Xiu and I can just go with dad."

Li Ming thought for a while, pondered what to say, then looked at Zhao Xiu and said, "You are a military advisor, so everyone must be familiar with you first."


Hearing Li Ming's words, Zhao Xiu nodded without hesitation. Liu Zhuang on the side couldn't help but said: "There is no reason to let the eldest brother go out alone while I wait here to practice. In this way, everyone at [Qingsong Temple] Brothers, you can practice at home, it’s not appropriate to bring so many people to meet people, so we’ll just go out for a walk together.”

"That's fine. It doesn't take much effort to go out for a walk. If we go together, we can avoid any accidents caused by encountering some particularly powerful enemies."

Wang Guangyun also spoke and agreed with this statement. Liu Wu also nodded. Seeing this, Li Ming thought that it would not waste much time anyway, so he simply nodded in agreement and asked his uncle and master to take the disciples of [Qingsong Temple] Realize the artistic conception and gain in detail as soon as possible at home.

Then someone sent the sleeping Li Hu, Li Meng, and Li Huan to the room to rest, and he left first with his brothers around him.

Li Chenglin suppressed his desire to understand his own artistic conception and walked quickly, obviously not wanting to waste any more time.

Li Ming, Wang Guangyun and the other two followed Li Chenglin quickly to another large courtyard in the city. At the same time, they ordered people to inform the people at the Yamen that Marquis Li Ming wanted to see them. They arrived at a large courtyard in a short time.

Entering the courtyard, there were more than [-] strong men polishing their bodies. When they saw Li Ming coming in, they were overjoyed and hurriedly reported around. Within a quarter of an hour, five hundred people had gathered together.

"You are all good men who came here after hearing the news that I was recruiting troops. We are all from the same hometown. I won't talk nonsense. Since you are all gathered here, I will definitely invite you to join my barracks in the future."

"It's just that when you get to the barracks, whether you go into an ordinary barracks, an elite barracks, or a personal barracks, you have to take the exam again. I hope you understand, and when you get to the barracks, in order to form combat effectiveness, there will be many strict requirements. Strict rules need to be followed. Without such freedom in the countryside, all kinds of hard training, arduous and painful battles and marches, we have to endure hardship..."

In the majestic hall, Li Minggao sat at the head of the table, surrounded by a crowd of strong young men who had arrived at the invitation of his father Li Chenglin. He spoke many words with majestic eyes, and stayed here for an hour before being greeted by everyone's enthusiasm. to leave.

After leaving, these men were all left to have a warm banquet. There was no shortage of wine and meat. However, there was a warning after the meal: It's okay to drink today, but when you get to the military camp the next day, you can't drink any more. Drinking.

Naturally, Li Ming didn't pay much attention to these things after leaving. After leaving the pro-barracks seed group, Li Ming took his brothers to the largest restaurant in town, which was their Li family's restaurant. Local officials and other squires besides the Li family are waiting here.

There was nothing to say to them. The construction of the military camp required coordination from all parties, and they were here to cooperate.

Some squires spontaneously donated money to the military camp, and Li Ming accepted all of them. Finally, they stayed to have a meal together and discussed many things properly, ensuring that what would happen after the construction of the military camp, how to recruit troops, and what would happen after the various regulations were finalized They all left the table one after another, letting the squires who had lost their families and lives in anticipation of the establishment of the military camp breathe a sigh of relief as if they were surviving a disaster. (End of chapter)

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