Three months have passed in the blink of an eye since he met the assassin on his way back from the capital in late winter.

It took three months. Logically speaking, Master Li Ming and his uncle sent the letter back to the capital at such a fast speed within a hundred miles. The emperor should have received the news long ago.

After all, if someone really dared to attack the royal carrier pigeon within a hundred miles of the capital, then even if the emperor's backup did not come, the news of the wanted person would have come.

——The royal carrier pigeons have been specially bred, and each carrier pigeon has a special ability. Once killed, even if the carrier pigeon is buried in the unknown deep sea, burned to ashes with fire, or even eaten alive, it can Let the people in the relevant yamen know immediately that someone has killed the carrier pigeons.

————Not even if you are trapped.

Because the royal pigeons have been specially bred, once they are released from other places, they will not eat or drink and will keep flying until they return to the royal pigeon breeding place.

During this period, even if someone forcefully stuffed things into their stomachs, turned food into energy and conducted it into the pigeons' bodies, or hypnotized the pigeons to sleep, it would be of no use.

If the homing pigeon cannot fly back to its destination, it will starve to death or die in other ways. If the news of the homing pigeon's death is completely released, countless royal experts will immediately come out to track down the news.

In this case, it is impossible for a homing pigeon to be killed without anyone knowing about it.

However, this means that the emperor must have received the letter, and then the question arises - he has not contacted Li Ming for such a long time, and has not brought any news. What is he trying to do?

Could it be that Li Ming, an important figure who made waves in the DPRK, gave up just like that?

This is obviously impossible.

There was only one answer - after receiving the news, the emperor did not choose to send someone to comfort him immediately. Instead, he immediately found the root cause and started to deal with the matter.

After three months in a row, the matter was finally completed, and a representative figure was sent to appease Li Ming and others and deliver some news to him. As for why I said this, everyone was here. Why don't you send some news to the important ministers who have been absent from the capital for a long time?

Therefore, the moment this master appeared outside the gate of the mansion, Li Ming knew the situation and had a guess in his mind.

But again, guesses are just guesses. If this is just because Emperor Jianming didn't want to answer him and forgot about it, it's not impossible to send someone out to deal with it.

Of course, you will know exactly what is going on when you see the visitors at the door.

Li Ming was thinking in his heart, and immediately took his master Xu Jin, his uncle Wang Hengliang, and his followers Wang Guangyun, Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, Zhao Xiu, and now his younger brothers out of the martial arts field and walked along the main road at home. When I arrived outside the house, I immediately saw a man in purple clothes.

"I dare to ask, but the military plane is waiting for Mr. Li Ming in person."

The man in purple looked at Li Ming who was walking out with a smile, his eyes fell directly on him, and he took the initiative to ask with a smile.


Li Ming smiled and nodded, then looked at the man in purple who appeared in front of him with bright eyes.

"I am here to see Marquis Li Ming on the order of His Majesty the Emperor. My name is Zi Donglai."

The man in purple said with a smile. After speaking, he took out a jade pendant from his arms with a serious look on his face. Li Ming took a closer look and immediately recognized that this was the jade pendant that Emperor Jianming often hung around him. His expression suddenly became serious. .

"Military plane waiting Li Ming has met His Majesty the Emperor!"

Li Ming said and bowed without any hesitation.

Why was he so sure when he saw the jade pendant that it was the one worn by the emperor?

Because there are dragon patterns on it......

In ancient times, the dragon pattern actually originated from the royal dragon pattern decoration. It has been widely used in various bronze ritual vessels since the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It was only in the feudal period that the royal family prohibited the application of dragon patterns among the people, because the ancients believed that dragons and phoenixes were the symbols between heaven and earth. The most spiritual magical creature, this is the portrayal of dragon tattoos in the Han Dynasty, but dragons are not. People with dragon tattoos and phoenix tattoos are representatives of dragons and phoenixes. In other words, people with dragon and phoenix tattoos are the most spiritual people in the world. In the Han Dynasty, In the past, the dragon pattern was a simple dragon pattern. During this period, the dragon pattern was often combined with tiger patterns and phoenix patterns to form patterns.

Why did the dragon and phoenix patterns become the royal ones? In fact, to put it bluntly, the patterns of dragon and phoenix are just the rulers using these patterns or totems to show their dominance. Because ancient people believed that dragons and phoenixes were the most spiritual and magical creatures in the world. People with dragon and phoenix tattoos are representatives of dragon and phoenix, which means that people with dragon and phoenix tattoos are the most spiritual people in the world. Therefore, the dragon and phoenix tattoos will only appear on the royal family, and only the royal family will use them.

Similarly, in this era, the dragon pattern also represents the noble identity and status of the emperor, and this world is different from the ancient Blue Star.

At this level, Li Ming now knows more and more. Naturally, he is very aware of some secrets that he didn't know before.

For example, the dragon pattern thing.

Among the people, as long as there is a dragon pattern, it will inevitably cause a reaction among the dragon pattern instruments in the royal family. At that time, people from the royal family will immediately go to check. If anyone among the people deliberately does it, he will be sentenced to death immediately, or even be required to do so. Kill the nine tribes!

If it was not done deliberately, but was born from heaven and earth, it must be brought back to the palace immediately and not allowed to be known to outsiders. Therefore, the moment this jade pendant with dragon patterns appeared in front of his eyes, Li Ming could conclude that this was absolutely It belongs to His Majesty the Emperor.

Others, unless they want to be punished by the Nine Clans, would not dare to do this.

And when you see something like this, it's almost like seeing it face to face, and you have to show respect immediately.

It was noon, the sun was shining high, and the sunlight fell through the branches and leaves into the courtyard, illuminating the entire courtyard brightly and warmly. There is a tall old tree in the center of the courtyard. There is a wicker chair under the tree and a plate filled with cool lotus leaf powder. It looks particularly attractive.

The yard is surrounded by green trees, flowers are in bloom, pouring water flows slowly from the small pond behind the pavilion, and a few old ducks wander leisurely. There are several small swallows perched on the eaves in the distance. They are not afraid of people. They are chirping and moving happily on the eaves. Walking through the flowers and reaching the end of the path, there is a small pavilion with a string of red lanterns hanging from the bottom. The splendid threads are woven into beautiful geometric patterns, flickering on and off, adding a lot of romance. Standing under the pavilion and admiring the beautiful scenery of the courtyard, people deeply feel the tranquility here.

This is how the man in purple standing outside the door feels.

"Master Li Ming, there is no need to be polite, please get up quickly."

Seeing Li Ming's actions, Zi Donglai, who had a serious look on his face, put away the jade pendant with a smile, and then said with a chuckle: "His Majesty the Emperor asked me to do three things: the first thing is to convey a message to you. "

With that said, Zi Donglai took out a piece of paper from his arms with handwriting on it.

"Thanks for sending the message."

Li Ming smiled, cupped his hands and took the note, then cut open the beeswax note and opened it immediately, appearing in his sight. 【The big thing has been decided, don't worry, this person will be used by you in the future】

"Master Li Ming, the second thing is that His Majesty the Emperor asked me to give this to you."

Seeing that Li Ming had finished reading the note, Zi Donglai smiled and took out another jade slip and handed it to Li Ming. After Li Ming had said it, he gestured and said: "The [Flying Technique] contained in this object has His Majesty the Emperor's permission." Study, so I can do it now.”

"Well, thank you, thank you!"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows when he heard this, smiled and clasped his hands, then opened his hands to hold the jade slips and immediately felt a stream of information pouring into his mind from the jade slips.

After the information was digested, Li Ming couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Because the spell recorded in the jade slip is called [Flying Technique], and this [Flying Technique] is also a magic escape technique!

It's just that compared to the [Green Leaf Escape Technique] which is more similar to the trick, [Flying Technique] is more suitable for daily use. It only needs to use magic power and perform exercises to make people soar into the air quickly. The speed is faster than the physical body. A hundred times the lightness!

Only by using this method can people use it more daily!

After receiving this [Flying Technique], Li Ming instantly understood Emperor Jianming's meaning more clearly. Then he looked at the man in front of him, and the feeling in his heart couldn't help but become clearer.

The emperor attaches great importance to him as always!

"The third thing is that I will follow Marquis Li Ming from now on and always protect his safety!"

At the end of the day, Zi Donglai had already swung one knee towards Li Ming. When Li Ming heard this, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and hurriedly helped him up.

"Please get up quickly. Since His Majesty the Emperor has sent you to help me, from now on we will be a team and fight on the battlefield together!"

Li Ming smiled and helped the man in purple up, who also stood up with a smile: "It's the best if I can help Mr. Hou!"

"Come on, come on, please come inside. It happens that my master is here today. He is a great martial arts master with advanced cultivation. He is waiting in the living room at the moment. Let's go and have a cup of tea with my master."

When Li Ming saw the man in purple being so humble, he couldn't help but smile. Then he led the man in purple towards the room and spoke with a smile.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Hearing Li Ming's words, the man in purple showed a smile on his face, then nodded slightly and spoke, then followed Li Ming and walked into the courtyard.

Under the scorching sun, the avenue in the courtyard was very empty, with only a few servants walking by in a hurry. What surprised Li Ming was that these servants didn't seem to hear the roar just now.

Then he couldn't help but think - could this be positional sound transmission?

Thinking in his mind, Li Ming also brought Zi Donglai closer to the reception hall. At this moment, an aura belonging to the master Feng Jianming was released unabashedly to this side. Zi Donglai on the side also He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

A dazzling sun rises from the front, surrounded by the artistic conception of purple energy coming from the east!

The two people's artistic conceptions collided in an instant!

The breaths and artistic conceptions of the two people met in the center almost at the same time. They first met

At that moment, there was no sound, but then there was a faint sound, as if there were several invisible hands waving violently. This is an invisible duel, and the tension makes people shudder. The two figures quickly rotated around each other, creating a continuous stream of human figures.

Although it was an invisible duel, the tense atmosphere spread out as if it were real and enveloped the entire courtyard, causing Li Ming and others to wipe their sweat away.

The sun cast a golden halo next to the figure, illuminating the contact area with a golden light. Sometimes Zi Donglai's body jumped high, as if he was about to soar into the sky, and sometimes he rolled and fell, hitting the ground, making the ground full of dust.

At this time, looking to the side through the turning time of Zidong, you can see that the bark pavement of the street is peeling off, forming black fragments shooting into the sky. They passed through the shadows, and it was impossible to tell which building's shadow they were. Their sharp edges reflected in the sunlight, making the small houses shine with dazzling light. The tense atmosphere rises and falls rapidly, which is impressive.

It was as if "if time could be paused, the scenery they would see must be what they were looking for each other to see." Just when the tension reached its peak, there was a creaking sound, and the door of the living room opened, revealing Master Feng Jianming with a smile. s face.

"Visitors from unknown places come here. Some are not welcomed at a distance, and some are not welcomed at a distance."

Feng Jianming spoke with a smile, and Zi Donglai secretly exhaled, then smiled and said, "I am here to follow Marquis Li Ming and obey his orders."

"Master, don't believe what he says. The emperor meant for him to help me."

The terrible confrontation of artistic conceptions between the two people while they were chatting and laughing had been eliminated invisibly. Li Ming stretched out his hands with a smile, cupped his fists and said.

"Oh, that's it. That's too much. That's too much. Please, please, hurry up and come in."

Feng Jianming raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, and then invited Zi Donglai inside with a smile on his face.

"I never thought that there would be such a hidden dragon and crouching tiger in the residence of Marquis Li Ming, and that there would be such a great master!"

Zi Donglai smiled and followed them to the living room. When the servants brought the teacups, he couldn't help but sigh and said to Feng Jianming: "I tried my best just now, but you still have the energy to come and open the door. Your Majesty the Emperor." But you still ask me to protect Lord Li Ming, which is really shameful."

"Hey, you can't say that. Although I am also a Grand Master, I am a member of the Jianghu Sect after all. I can't always stay by his side."

Hearing this, Feng Jianming smiled and waved his hand: "Only someone like you can protect him properly, so you have to do this!"

"You flatter me!"

Zi Donglai smiled and shook his head and said: "Marquis Li Ming is so handsome and has so many outstanding people to help him, why do you need a warrior like me?"

"Hey, warriors are the key to fighting for hegemony on the battlefield..."

Feng Jianming spoke with a smile, and the atmosphere on the field gradually became lively.

Li Ming looked at Zhao Xiu with a smile on his face, and both saw relaxation in the other's expression.

They know that most of the things they worried about before can be solved! (End of chapter)

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