Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 448 Military Service System

“In addition to preparing paperwork, we also need to be fully prepared ourselves.”

Li Ming talked about the documents that guided the recruitment of soldiers, then looked around and said solemnly: "At the very beginning, we decided that the team would be divided into four levels: ordinary soldiers, elite soldiers, personal barracks, and special forces. .”

"In order to better build these four units in the future, they must be distinguished from the very beginning. First of all, those with martial arts qualifications must be selected and included in the training of the military battalion and special forces."

Li Ming said, looking at the uncles at Qingsong Temple with a smile, and cupped his hands: "I'm going to trouble all the uncles about this matter. Compared to us, you are more efficient in testing martial arts roots. .”

"Those who have a high probability of reaching the level of first-rate masters will be selected separately and placed in the [Special Forces] reserve. Those who have a high probability of reaching the level of second-rate masters will be separately selected and placed in the [Professional Barracks]. "

"Those who can cultivate to the third-rate level normally are also marked separately and will be promoted to officers in the future."

Li Ming said solemnly: "The probability I am talking about does not refer to the [Red Blood Technique] in the training army, but to the normal martial arts foundation."

The so-called [Red Blood Skill] is the key to maintaining high combat effectiveness of the Daqian Empire army. This function allows people to quickly improve their strength and reach the realm of the lowest third-rate master to the highest first-rate master. However, the consequences are the loss of lifespan and potential, which is often higher than that of masters of the same level. Life expectancy is as much as 30% lower!

In fact, in the All Nations Soldiers and Horses Combat Competition that I participated in before, the reason why the soldiers and horses of those countries have such strong combat effectiveness is because they practice this kind of life-saving skills. Otherwise, how could there be so many master soldiers.

[Prison Barracks] [Special Forces] requires a huge amount of resources and effort, and Li Ming doesn't want his efforts to go to waste, so he said this.


Hearing what Li Ming said about the many disciples of the [Qingsong Temple] uncles, he smiled and nodded. Li Ming nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Zhao Xiu: "Zhao Xiu, your idea of ​​​​the special forces coincides with mine. , and train them according to the method we discussed. After these people are divided, you will accept them first, arrange them in separate accommodation, arrange separate meals, and conduct separate training."


Zhao Xiu smiled and nodded, then said in agreement.

"Wang Guangyun, you have the highest combat effectiveness. We can gather the manpower of our personal barracks, but the high-power weapons required for weapons and equipment have not yet come from [Qianji Pavilion], so I have to trouble you to make an extra trip."

Li Ming looked at Wang Guangyun aside and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, brother, I will take care of this matter."

Wang Guangyun stood up and said seriously.

"Well, I can rest assured that you are doing things steadily."

Li Yang smiled. Qianji Pavilion was in the weapons business, so he would naturally not refuse someone coming to give him money, so he was relieved.

"Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, you will be personally in charge of the personal barracks. Do you remember what we said before about the training methods?"

Li Ming looked at Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu again and asked with a smile.

"Brother, don't worry, I understand!"

Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu nodded, stood up immediately and said. "Okay, master, uncle, and brothers, this time we are recruiting not only ordinary people, but also many martial arts heroes. I will leave the matter of holding the place to you."

Li Ming smiled again and looked at his master, uncle and the remaining Qingsongguan disciples, and said with cupped hands and fists.

"After practicing diligently in the past few months, not only your uncles have reached the late stage of the first-class, but also all your brothers have broken through to the first-class realm. Plus your uncle, me, and your senior brother Chen Yue, It’s a town, absolutely no problem.”

Master Li Ming spoke with a smile, and Li Ming nodded with a smile, then looked at Feng Jianming and Zi Donglai on the side: "Master, Senior Zi, I would like to trouble you to sit in the center and rescue us in time if anything happens!"

"I was ordered to protect your safety, so I'd better stay with you and let fellow Feng Daoist sit in the center."

Zi Donglai shook his head, hugged Li Ming's hands, and said.

"this is okay too."

Li Ming thought for a while and nodded with a smile. Then he waved his hand and everyone started to take action.

Li Ming, along with his master, uncle, and brothers, set out with Zi Donglai to inspect the food, grass, and weapons first.

In the Daqian Empire, the military and horse system was similar to the combination of the recruitment system and the government military system.

In the ancient Eastern Kingdom, the military service system also had various conscription systems. The recruitment system and the imperial army system were the two major conscription systems in the ancient Eastern Kingdom. The ancient conscription system of the Eastern Kingdom is also constantly improving and changing. Conscription in the feudal era was a watershed in the Tang Dynasty. Before the Tang Dynasty, the army was engaged in war, had combat effectiveness, and was open to the outside world. After the Tang Dynasty, it was to prevent the army from rebelling, and its combat effectiveness continued to decline. Therefore, the conscription system in the feudal era continued to face various contradictions. It is also constantly being improved.

In the early Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Eastern Kingdom established a relatively complete military system. During this period, the Eastern Kingdom implemented a military service system for Chinese people. The residents living in the country and its suburbs are called "guoren". They are the elite and property-owning class. The areas outside the "guoren" are called wild people. The people who live here are called "savages" and they are conquered people. By. "untouchable class". Only "nationals" have the right to qualify for military service, while "savages" can only engage in agricultural labor and labor service. The Chinese military service system is a militia system that combines soldiers with farmers and integrates soldiers and farmers, that is, farming in peacetime and fighting in wartime. In the late Shang Dynasty, there was also a standing army - the "Three Armies". In the event of a larger-scale war, the scale was small and mainly focused on defending the royal city, but civilians could also be recruited as soldiers at any time.

After the Western Zhou Dynasty, not only the Zhou royal family had an army, but the feudal princes of various countries also had their own armed forces, and the princes of various countries fought in chaos during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. At this time, the military system also underwent great changes. All vassal states are frantically expanding their armies. The identity restrictions for soldiers were abolished and a county-level conscription system was implemented. The Qin State implemented the method of conferring land titles and titles based on military merit to improve the status of common people. Savages who had no right to perform military service in the past now also have the right to perform military service. The national military service system was replaced by a universal military service system.

During the Warring States Period, the military service system abolished the hereditary system in military organizations and implemented a merit system (Shang Yang's Reform). More importantly, the military has begun to emerge as an independent political and functional group, that is to say, professional officers have entered the political arena.

Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms and became the first emperor of a unified feudal dynasty in the history of the Eastern Kingdom. The Qin Dynasty implemented a universal military service system, which stipulated that male citizens aged 17 must register for military service and may be drafted into the army at any time. . That is to say, all the people are soldiers. The conscription system of the Western Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, but at all times, the army was under the personal control of the emperor. In order to facilitate recruitment, the Han Dynasty had a strict household registration system. The subjects of military service in the Han Dynasty were mainly farmers, and the service age was 17-60 years old. Han people are required to serve in the military for two years in their lifetime. Those who served in the county for one year were called regular soldiers, and those who served in the capital or the border army for one year were called guards or garrison soldiers." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty conquered the Xiongnu many times, and the conscription system based on a stable economic system became unfeasible. Therefore, in the Western Han Dynasty, local governors began to recruit troops on their own (mainly at the border). This was the beginning of recruiting troops in the Western Han Dynasty to make up for the lack of recruitment. This measure continued until the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After Liu Xiu ascended the throne, he continued this conscription system. However, this measure enabled local governors to gradually assume military and political power over time. This move also greatly expanded the power of local county governors. When encountering local rebellions, the central troops were not enough to deal with them, so they had to temporarily recruit troops to be conquered by local officials. The biggest disadvantage of the recruitment system was that it led to the weakening of the army's combat effectiveness. Due to lax selection, the candidates had no military training and were of low quality. In addition, once they were recruited into the army, they would stay in the army for life. They became the local governor's private soldiers, and later the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out. The recruitment system provided convenient conditions for local powerful people and officials to separatist power. This situation eventually evolved into the warlord separatist situation in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. After the establishment of the Three Kingdoms, in terms of the source of troops, the Troubled Times of the Three Kingdoms generally used a combination of recruitment, recruitment, surrender and other recruitment methods.

During the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was the first time that the military system was abolished. This was a major reform in the military system of the Eastern Kingdom. The Fubing system was founded by Yu Wentai in the Western Wei Dynasty. The characteristic of the Fubing system is that the court selects strong people to serve as Fubing, exempting them from tax burdens. Military training was carried out during the off-farm time. The horses, food and weapons used by one soldier were supplied by six companies. There are a hundred mansions in total, and each mansion has a general, who is under the command of 1 armies. Yuwentai imitated Zhou Dian and set up six armies, which were combined into Baifu. Each prefecture is led by a general, one of whom is divided into twenty-four armies, and each of the prefectures leads an army. There are twelve generals. Each general controls two palaces. One pillar governs the two generals. There are six members of the pillar state, and they are all governed by the governor of Jiajie. The talented people who have been registered for 6 years will be soldiers of the government. "It's just that the government army system mentioned here is not the integration of soldiers and farmers, but dedicated professional soldiers. After being combined with the military land system, the integration of soldiers and farmers really began. This is the famous Eight Pillar Kingdom, the prototype of the Guanlong Group .The emperors of the Sui and Tang dynasties all came from this group.

Both the Sui and Tang dynasties had a government-armed system. Later, due to serious land annexation, the government-armed system based on the land equalization system became difficult to maintain. Only when soldiers are allocated fields can the effect of integrating soldiers and farmers be achieved. The Anshi Rebellion broke out because land was concentrated, the equalization system was destroyed, and the military system could not be implemented. On the other hand, Jiedu made the army self-respecting and abandoned the government army system and adopted the recruitment system. As a result, the 200-year-old imperial military system went bankrupt and was eventually replaced by the military recruitment system. By the time of the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the army's combat effectiveness was very strong. By the Song Dynasty, the state system had undergone a major reversal. During the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, the emphasis was on culture and restraint on military affairs. The state implemented the system of recruiting soldiers from generals and abandoned the system of government soldiers. The arms are divided into four levels: forbidden army, Xiang army, rural army and Tibetan army. The Forbidden Army is the country's elite force, while the Xiang Army, Xiang Army, and Fan Army are reserve forces. The conscription of troops in the two Song dynasties was not for fighting, but to prevent rebellion and to maintain social stability. Anyone could serve as a soldier. There was no need for quality, only quantity. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the armies of the two Song dynasties was not high. This shows that the recruitment system of the Northern Song Dynasty was abnormal. The Song Dynasty army not only had low combat effectiveness, but also increased the financial burden.

For the first time, the military command system of the Song Dynasty saw the situation of civilians taking charge of the army. The country's military power was divided into two, and two institutions were set up, one was the Privy Council and the other was the Sanyamen. The Privy Council is the highest military decision-making organ, responsible for military decrees, mobilization of troops, recruitment of troops, logistics supplies, military training and other military affairs. His officers are the chief and deputy privy secretaries, whose status is equivalent to that of the prime minister. Although the Privy Council is responsible for the military, it is generally held by civilian personnel. The Privy Council only has the power to send troops, but not to command them. The function of Sanya is to command the imperial army in the world. The three yamen are not subordinate to each other. The three yamen only have the power to lead troops, but not to deploy them. Moreover, the Privy Council and the Three Yamen are all civilian officials, and military generals are completely gone. It was this "abnormal" recruitment system that made the Song Dynasty's military system complex and inefficient in combat, making the Song Dynasty "poor and weak."

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang used the Wei and Suo as the basic military organizations. There are 5600 people for a guard, 1 people for a thousand households, and 1120 people for a hundred households. There are commanders, thousand households, and hundreds of households respectively. The imperial court initially established the Dadudufu (General Headquarters of the Armed Forces) to oversee the national army. AD 112), the Metropolitan Governor's Office was abolished, and five military governor's offices, namely the front, rear, left, right, and center, were established to manage the national garrison troops, but they did not have the power to mobilize troops. The Ministry of War has the power to mobilize troops, but it has no troops in its hands. Only the emperor holds the highest military power. However, civilian officials are still in charge of the army, and the military status of the guard station is different from that of civilian households. It is hereditary and cannot be changed, so as to ensure the source of troops. The tasks of soldiers are to go out, defend and farm. On weekdays, the army practices self-support in farming and conducts drills. Overall, the garrison military system is similar to the government military system. In Zhu Yuanzhang's own words, the country can raise millions of soldiers without spending any money or food from the country. Later, the land was annexed, the guard military system went bankrupt, and each guard post was in name only. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, in fact, the army was mainly based on the recruitment system and was a professional army.

When the Qing Dynasty was first established, the army and the people merged into one. It is also about the Eight Banners soldiers. The Eight Banners soldiers were developed on the basis of the military system before entering the customs. They are armed with flags of eight different colors. The Eight Banners soldiers adopt a hereditary system. All Eight Banners disciples over the age of 16 are eligible. For soldiers. After the unification of the country, the Eight Banners of the Mongolian Army, the Eight Banners of the Han Army, and the Green Camp were established to cooperate with the Eight Banners to form the national army. The Qing Dynasty army was hereditary, and the Green Camp was also a hereditary system, with soldiers from generation to generation. In this way, although the country has ensured the source of troops, the combat effectiveness of the army is not high. After the Opium War, the country's military system went bankrupt. The modern military service system gradually took shape.

Throughout the history of the Eastern Kingdom, there were two types of military service systems: the government military system and the recruitment system. The two were interchangeable and often combined. Changes in the military service system were often tied to national finances. When the country's finances are sufficient, the army will be strong, but when the country's finances are depleted, the army's combat effectiveness will be poor, which is a bit like now. Recruitment is combined with conscription. It also involves the issue of how to deal with military power. The military has great power. Although it has high combat effectiveness, it is prone to rebellion. However, weakening the power of generals consolidates imperial power, but the military's combat effectiveness is poor. But this is an unresolved knot in the feudal era. (End of chapter)

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