Although [Red Blood Kung Fu] has various flaws, whether it is that the Qi cultivated is strong, it can only burst out quickly and cannot sustain long-term combat, or the most serious damage to life span, it is fatal and cannot be ignored. defect.

But if the army wants to quickly form combat effectiveness, it has to practice it.

Otherwise, even if you live a long life, if you can't defeat the enemy in a battle and are killed, what's the use of having a long life?

This is true for soldiers, and it is also true for generals. Soldiers have low combat effectiveness. No matter how well-raised they are, what's the use? If the battle is defeated, not only will the soldiers die, but the generals will also be in great danger. Back to The imperial court will also be given the title of a defeated general.

For the court, this is even more true. The army is a weapon to ensure its own interests. If the army is not used when it is needed, no matter how long the soldiers live, what is the use?

Therefore, even if [Red Blood Kung Fu] has its shortcomings, it must be practiced in order to solve the most important combat effectiveness problem for soldiers and armies.

Similarly, Li Ming has no way to avoid being secular. He also needs his soldiers to practice this kind of life-threatening skills. These people are here to be soldiers, and being a soldier is bound to participate in the war. If they do not improve their combat effectiveness, they will encounter Once the enemy dies, it will be useless no matter how long they live. In comparison, it will actually harm them.

Apart from life-consuming skills such as [Red Blood Technique], he has no other way to improve an ordinary person's strength to such a great extent.

Although it is said that the potential of [Red Blood Technique] is basically cut off when it reaches the innate realm after practicing [Red Blood Technique], unless you encounter the elixir and magic medicine, you will never be able to practice to the spiritual orifice realm in your lifetime. In addition, there are some other flaws that make [Red Blood Technique] although Quick and powerful, but not a good choice.

But the realm of martial arts master is something that many people cannot pursue even if they practice normal skills. What's more, it doesn't matter whether ordinary people like them have this opportunity or not.

As long as you can cultivate to the innate realm, you will still live much longer than an ordinary person.

Therefore, [Red Blood Kung Fu] is a skill that soldiers must practice.

However, although you have to practice, how to practice is another matter.

Whether you practice on an empty stomach or practice with balanced nutrition are two different things.

If you practice such a life-consuming exercise without eating, drinking and practicing, then you are really burning the midnight oil to go to the toilet and courting death.

Even if you eat well, it is useless if you don't exercise to convert it into your own Qi and blood.

Li Ming asked them to run twenty miles in one breath and walk a hundred miles quickly, which allowed their physical fitness to reach a very healthy and good standard before they started practicing.

The food in the camp was very good. Since the imperial court was wealthy and had sufficient money and food, he did this intentionally. These soldiers basically ate meat, eggs, milk, and all fruits and vegetables.

With such nutrition, proper exercise and proper rest every day, the body will naturally become better and better. Then even the worst ordinary soldier can reach this standard.

If they have sufficient nutrition, if they reach this standard, it means that the body has been well exercised, the qi and blood are full and active, and the body and soul are not stiff. Under such circumstances, if they practice [Red Blood Kung Fu] again, then It will undoubtedly be much better, and it will have a certain curbing effect on side effects.

Being able to assemble quickly and obey orders is another test that determines their combat capabilities on the battlefield, their ability to respond, and their ability to survive in times of crisis.

What is the most important thing for an army?

It is the result of collective fighting power and collective hunger.

How can an army's combat effectiveness be unleashed if it cannot assemble quickly and respond completely to orders?

Therefore, to survive on the battlefield, not only strength is important, but consciousness is also important. This requirement was raised by Li Yang.

Being able to read and write, knowing what war is like and cooperating quickly are important means to stabilize the army.

By the way, various officers will also be selected during this process.

Although most of these big-head soldiers don't know much, as long as they know a little better than other people's armies, they can complete combat reactions more efficiently on the battlefield and maximize their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, this is also the necessity of learning.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be too uncomfortable if the big soldiers were all illiterate and couldn't even recognize the characters on the flag?

But now, under Li Yang's requirements and training, if nothing else, at least most of them will experience a rebirth. When the time comes, they will be able to form combat effectiveness after practicing the [Red Blood Kung Fu] and improving their strength.

These are just the basics. They may seem unimportant, but they can invisibly stabilize the state of an army.

Only by laying the foundation can the style and habits of an army be established.

Li Ming trains not only these contents. In addition to lining up and standing to train obedience, there are also various ways to enhance their obedience and enhance their sense of collective honor.

Obedience is an important factor in maintaining the combat effectiveness of the army and is the basic guarantee for soldiers to achieve their maximum potential. Obedience is deep-rooted, and it is more important than bayonets on the battlefield. An army with high combat effectiveness must have an iron-clad sense of obedience; a qualified soldier must have a strong sense of execution. Obedience is the essence of team execution. Without obedience, it can’t be called a team.

When each team is established, in addition to stipulating what cannot be done, the rest is to require obedience and execution. Everyone has their own thoughts and behaviors, but being in a team requires that thoughts and behaviors be consistent with the team's requirements, and discipline constraints are indispensable.     How can we execute without obedience? Obedience to orders means execution. Without execution, all strategies are nothing more than words on paper. For a team, only when team members absolutely obey and execute can all resources and forces be integrated and the strategy turn into reality. Therefore, in a team, obedience and execution are the most important.

In addition, the same is true for the sense of collective honor, because only a team with a sense of collective honor can exert stronger combat effectiveness.

In addition to these two things that may seem inconspicuous, but are actually the most important training, Li Ming practices them every day, and inadvertently passes on influence to them through various small details in life, and there are more trainings.

Such as strength training, stretching and stretching flexibility training, horse stance, push-ups, and boulder lifting.

In addition to these, there is also formation training, which trains their ability to change various military formations in battle. Military formations are a very important means and method of responding to the enemy in the era of cold weapon warfare. How to explore more effective military formations is The battle between the two armies is the top priority, but it is also very important whether the soldiers can do it and realize their role in the military formation.

For these soldiers, Li Ming fed them well, clothed them well, and lived well. He also taught them how to read, write, and learn the art of war every day.

This is not a general, this is simply a father.

In this way, for such a father, they naturally studied very seriously and practiced very hard, and their obedience was extremely high.

Within a few days, all 5,000 men and horses in the military camp had been gathered. Seeing the enthusiasm of the villagers, Li Ming had to recruit 8,000 more reserves to calm this wave of enthusiasm for joining the army.

Naturally, the reservists couldn't wear formal clothes. Li Ming gave them clothes with the word "soldier" on them, but he let them start the same training.

This kind of training can produce very good results in just three months. It can be regarded as affordable and useful. By then, if you practice [Red Blood Kung Fu], the soldiers will be better at it. As the saying goes, sharpen your sword and keep it straight. They are wood cutters, so Li Ming will naturally not ignore them just because these trainings are ordinary.

In addition to training, Li Ming would even teach some superficial health-building and healing skills to these soldiers at the same level as everyone in the world.

Although [Red Blood Kung Fu] is fierce, it does not exclude the techniques that can bring vitality to the body. With these self-cultivation techniques that Li Ming passed on to them, they first practiced them for three months to lay the foundation, and then practiced [Red Blood Kung Fu]. The power will undoubtedly be stronger and the side effects will be reduced, which is very beneficial to them.

And amid such intense training, a month later, the recruitment checks for people from various martial arts circles were finally completed. A total of more than a hundred people from the martial arts circles who were reliable were selected to train with the soldiers, allowing the soldiers to They knew their identities and made them familiar with the situation in the military camp.

However, after a short training, they had new training, such as the learning of skills, the allocation of resources, and the arrangement of patrol and defense methods. Everything was arranged one by one, and then they began to continue training.

Zhao Xiu's [Special Forces] were also well-trained, with ten iron men as the backbone, some reliable knights and knights as the branches, and the soldiers selected with good qualifications as the leaves. They easily set up the framework and started. Carry out their special martial arts exercises.

Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang also trained very hard with their own soldiers. Their training amount was twice that of elite soldiers and four times that of ordinary soldiers. Their training progress was far beyond that of ordinary soldiers, and they also began to practice various powerful and useful skills. The exercises began to slowly lay the foundation.

In addition, the training of elite soldiers is twice that of ordinary soldiers, and they practice some superficial exercises. Only ordinary soldiers undergo ordinary training and practice some more superficial exercises.

In this way, after three months, when the foundation of each soldier was laid, Wang Guangyun finally rushed back to Linshan Town with the people from [Qianji Pavilion], covered with dust.

"Brother, fortunately, people from [Qianji Pavilion] brought us here."

With a smile on his face, Wang Guangyun cupped his hands and spoke to Li Ming, with a look of emotion on his face as he spoke.

It is obviously caused by the hard work of walking in the world. As for the difficulties in walking in the world?

As the saying goes, a penny cannot kill a hero, but it is impossible to survive without money. The heroes who have traveled around the world have always drank wine from big bowls, eaten meat in big chunks, and divided money on big scales. Where did their income come from?

First of all, those who are called heroes must not be ordinary people. They have high martial arts skills, hate evil as much as hatred, and like to rob the rich and give to the poor. And what do they rely on to travel around the world? It is nothing more than superb martial arts and loyalty. Of course, the most important thing is the financial burden. Without enough financial resources to maintain their lives, the heroes are unable to move forward.

The first category belongs to the best, the Duan family of Dali, like Duan Yu, Duan Zhengchun, and others. They belong to the royal family and have the wealth of a country. Naturally, they don’t have to worry about the source of money when they go out. But if they are visiting privately incognito, they will naturally have When they have no money, they will sell their more valuable things, such as jade pendants and jade belts.

The second category is Taoism. Taoism emphasizes pure cultivation. For example, Zhang Sanfeng, the Xiaoyao sect, and the Qingcheng sect in Xiaoaojianghu, their financial resources are similar to those of the Buddhists, and they all have their own places of incense. In addition, many Taoist figures are good at medical treatment. Their Taoist temples will often receive rewards from pilgrims.

The third category belongs to people who are second only to the royal family. For example, Jin Lun Dharma King, Jiumozhi and others in Jin Yong's novels belong to the national preceptor, and the Shaolin Temple also belongs to the monks. Not only do they have high salaries, but they are also both civil and military. If they really have no money Yes, if you go to major temples to pay homage, people will naturally receive you. There is an ancient saying that goes like the onions that never die from drought, and the monks that never die from hunger. In ancient times, monks, regardless of whether they were in large or small temples, would have their own temple grounds, which were called incense grounds. They can rent or grow their own.

The fourth category, these people are often well-known in the world, have strong appeal, and can start gangs based on their fame. For example, Zhang Sanfeng founded Wudang, such as Huashan Sect, Songshan Sect, etc. Even Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggars Gang, is not short of money. The Beggars Gang is known as the largest gang in the world. The heads of these sects have many disciples, and any membership fee collected is a large amount of money, so they naturally have no worries about financial resources.

Category 5: This kind of people are, at best, gangsters, and at worst, copycat bandits. They gather in groups and make a living by robbing people and property. This kind of activity is usually despised by others. After all, they are doing it. It is a business without capital, and it is easy to offend the government and get into trouble.

In short, those who traveled around the world in ancient times were definitely not like those in martial arts novels, wearing fluttering clothes, riding white horses, and doing chivalrous acts everywhere. He never participates in labor, but when he goes to a place, he can always throw out a big piece of silver. If you want good wine and meat, just come up. In fact, most people who travel in the world are very frugal, they don't earn much, and they are getting old, so they have to save hard money to support themselves in old age. In Wang Dulu's martial arts novels, the characters are very real. When meeting rich officials, they have to smile. They are not as noble as those described in Jin Yong's novels.

In ancient times, there was a saying that "a useless person is a scholar." In the cold weapons era like ancient times, heroes who knew martial arts were indeed very popular. Whether they were traveling in the world or serving the country and killing enemies on the battlefield, they all needed someone. They have good skills, and there are only a handful of people who can reach the level of heroes. These people are famous and have many friends, so they never have to worry about their financial resources.

Even if you don't mention these, just traveling is tiring enough... (End of this chapter)

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