An army of ten thousand people under the control of the general is placed near the capital. This is a very terrifying thing in any world.

Not to mention anything else, it was just the simplest reason. What if the general of this army couldn't think of anything and suddenly attacked the capital and was lucky enough to break through the city and go straight into the imperial city to threaten the emperor and cause turmoil in the world?

Only in a world like the Immortal Cultivation World where one's personal force can dominate all living beings can something like this happen. Otherwise, no matter how stupid an emperor is, he will not allow an army beyond his control to be dispatched to his capital. nearby.

Not only would the emperor not do this, but generals with a little bit of brains would not do it either.

The reason is very simple. If you have different intentions, you need to build your own territory first. Once you have a solid rear, you can then think of ways to expand your territory, and then attack the capital.

Instead of occupying the capital city as soon as you come up... Otherwise, the capital city is in a country. If you occupy it like this, other guards from various places can rush over as soon as possible. There are enemies wherever you run. If you don't run, they will Being surrounded by enemies from all directions.

How do you want to die?

If you don't have different intentions, then that's even more impossible. As the saying goes, armed with sharp weapons, you will start to kill, let alone an entire army in your hand?

Even if you have no other ideas, others will try their best to kill you and relocate their troops to other places just in case, to prevent you from having this idea.

In this way, except for the emperor's own army, any army is almost a forbidden area around the capital.

However, in the Daqian Dynasty, the emperor actually directly informed Li Ming to send the army here...

This shows how different this world is.

This also shows what kind of masters are hidden in the capital...

"May I ask, is there General Li Yang waiting for the military plane ahead?"

The army of 13,000 people slowly arrived at the designated place, and immediately several people rode up to greet them. After announcing their identities to each other, one person was brought to Li Yang's horse, knelt down on one knee and asked.

"Military aircraft rank" refers to status. Say "military aircraft rank" first and then your name to show respect.

General is a position. It is reasonable to say the name first and then the position to show respect.

Therefore, although Marquis and General are two different things, Li Ming is often called them together.

"Replacement guaranteed."

Li Ming chuckled and responded in a low voice: "What do you want from me?"

"Back to the Marquis, your military camp has been built for a long time. His Majesty the Emperor specially ordered me to wait here and take you to set up camp in the military camp!"

When the rider who came heard that Li Ming called himself Marquis, he naturally addressed himself as Marquis. He clasped his fists and spoke in a low voice respectfully.

It is not easy for tens of thousands of troops to be stationed on the edge of the capital without considering political factors.

This is especially true for the ancient army. Under normal circumstances, when the army is still marching, the scouts must report to the army commander in detail the possible camping places ahead. Setting up camp is not as simple as we usually think. The military camp of the ancient Tang army in the Eastern Kingdom of Blue Star had to be surrounded by a temporary wooden wall.

The production method is to first cut two rows of tree trunks, one row long and one short, burn the bottom of the trunks and bury half of them in the soil. The long trunks are arranged in a tight row on the outside, and the short trunks are arranged in a row on the inside. Boards were placed between the two rows of tree trunks and divided into upper and lower layers, so that the part where the long tree trunks grew out became a protective wall. The upper layer of the wooden boards allowed soldiers to patrol and watch, while the lower layer could store defensive weapons and allow soldiers to rest.

A squad of the Tang Army consisted of fifty soldiers plus one captain and one deputy. The same was true when setting up camp. Everyone's tents faced each other, and drainage ditches were dug around the tents and between the camps. Soldiers are strictly prohibited from running around between camps, and tents are not allowed to run around within the main camp.

Dig a public toilet in each camp. Interestingly, the Art of War also attaches great importance to military camp hygiene. It never tires of emphasizing that the location of the toilet is very important. It should be far away from water sources and places where food is stored, and it should be at a certain distance from the barracks. But it can't be too far away, so that the officers and soldiers who go to the toilet will not be able to return to the team in time, and of course it can't be too close.

At that time, the military camp also attached great importance to epidemic prevention. For example, domestic garbage from people and animals must be buried and burned in time, and seriously ill patients and patients with infectious diseases must be isolated, etc.

The food in the army also varies greatly with different ranks. For example, Huo Qubing took the royal kitchen with him during the battle of Fenglangjuxu Mountain. However, when he retreated after the battle, he abandoned a large amount of fresh meat and grain because it was too heavy. And because he went too far into the Xiongnu territory, The army's logistics supply was insufficient, and the soldiers could not get a full meal at all. As a result, when the army left the fortress, there were more than 100,000 horses and less than 10,000 horses were left when entering the fortress.

Therefore, setting up camp is a very important thing. If it is in the wild, that's it. Just make do and use local materials, and you will get by. But this is in the capital, so naturally you can't make do like this anymore.

After all, although Li Ming's army can endure hardships, they can't just go through hardships with nothing to do.

You must know that people can only be healthy if they eat well, sleep well, and wear warm clothes. It is okay to endure hardships, but unless specific conditions require it, you can naturally be as comfortable as you want on weekdays. Only in this way can you cultivate your health and rest. Improve yourself a lot.

If you camp in the wild for a long time, you will easily develop various diseases and reduce your physical fitness. Naturally, no one would want to do this when there are better conditions.

Therefore, before dispatching Li Ming's army, the emperor must have built a military camp and prepared a food and grass supply route, which was why he was allowed to come.

"Well, in that case, let's lead the way."

When Li Ming saw the other person's appearance, he recognized him as a soldier who had been in the hunting ground before, so he nodded with a smile and spoke softly.

When the other party heard this, he immediately raised his hands and clasped his fists, then turned around and took Li Ming's soldiers to live in the military camp that had been built in advance.

Once inside, the soldiers' barracks, school fields, arrow towers, and defensive walls were all there. Li Ming nodded with satisfaction. After the soldiers were all settled, patrols and defenses were ready, he left the brothers to watch. In order to defend, he ordered all the martial arts people to be vigilant, and then took Zi Donglai and his uncle to set off towards the capital.

Under the current cultivation level of a few people, the journey of dozens of miles was naturally fleeting, and they arrived in the capital in a short time.

"Master Li, the emperor has ordered our family to wait here for a long time."

When they arrived at the gate of the city, a eunuch wearing an imperial uniform stood at the gate. When Li Ming appeared, he smiled and held his fist at him and spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"Oh? I actually ordered you to wait for me here."

When Li Ming saw that there was a dedicated eunuch waiting for him at the gate of the capital, he immediately realized that something was unusual and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"You don't need to be polite, Lord Marquis. We will take you all the way without inspection. You can just see His Majesty directly."

The eunuch nodded calmly, then turned around and made a gesture of invitation. Li Ming immediately raised his hands and clasped his fists, then stepped forward quickly with his uncle, master, and grand master Zi Donglai beside him.


The strong wind roared in the ears, and the eunuch's martial arts cultivation had actually reached the innate realm, with profound skills and a solid foundation. His innate Qi was as strong as the [Qingsong Temple] True Tradition, and his Qinggong was even faster, which was surprising.

Fortunately, Li Ming and others had their own opportunities. Although they were not particularly good at speed, they followed him effortlessly, running Qinggong all the way. It could be said that they quickly passed through the capital at a terrifying speed. We arrived at the imperial city in the center.

"Everyone, please stay. The Imperial City is located and cannot be entered lightly. This is the safest place in the world. Mr. Li Marquis can go in alone." Arriving at the gate of the Imperial City, the eunuchs who were running Qinggong all the way came quickly with Li Ming and the others. Immediately he turned around and spoke to them. Li Ming's master Xu Jin, his uncle Wang Hengliang, and his uncle Liu Qingshi all nodded in understanding and stood there.

Grand Master Zi Donglai hugged his fists with a smile and stopped where he was. The leading eunuch nodded. Seeing the vigilance of the imperial guards around him, he nodded to Li Ming and immediately turned around and continued to move forward with Li Ming.

"Liu Qing, the chief internal affairs officer, was ordered by the emperor to lead the military aircraft to wait for General Li Yang to enter the palace to meet the emperor!"

When the eunuch who led the way arrived at the door, he did not directly lead Li Ming in because he was familiar with the guards. Instead, he looked straight, took out a token from his arms, signaled the guards to see it clearly, and then immediately took Li Ming and strode forward. Walked from outside the palace to the palace.

When he arrived at the palace, he continued to walk all the way and passed through the screening of many strict guards. Among them, there were many powerful men who looked ordinary but made Li Ming feel a sense of danger. In this way, he passed through nine defenses one after another. Finally, he stopped in front of a small study. At the door of the small study, two guards exuding the aura of a great master looked at the approaching Li Ming with bright eyes.

"Your Majesty, the military plane is waiting for General Li Ming to arrive."

When he arrived at the door of the study, the eunuch Liu Qing stopped and said respectfully to the inside of the study.

"Oh, Liu Qing is here, let someone come in."

A voice that sounded familiar to Li Ming followed immediately. The voice of Emperor Jianming, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, was still as powerful and sharp as before.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Liu Qing responded, then turned to face the study and stretched out his hand to lead him. Li Ming immediately stepped forward with fists clasped, stood at the door of the study and saluted: "Your Majesty, my minister Li Ming is here."

"Well, come in."

The emperor agreed again, and Li Ming immediately went to open the door, only to see the burly Emperor Jianming, wearing a yellow robe, sitting on a dragon chair in the study, looking at the approaching Li Ming with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, Li Ming, has met with you."

When Li Ming saw Emperor Jianming's eyes focused on him, he immediately took a step forward, knelt down on one knee to pay homage and spoke.

"Well, get up, Li Yang. How are you doing in your hometown after a few months apart?"

Emperor Jianming asked Li Ming to stand up with a smile, then looked at him and asked with a slight smile.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your thoughts. Everything is fine at home."

Li Ming bowed in response, and the emperor waved his hand and pointed to a bench in the study for him to sit down.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the seat."

Li Ming thanked him, and then sat down on the bench, calm and steady.

"Hahaha, you are sitting so upright and stable. It seems that you have done everything I arranged for you."

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming's actions, laughed, and then said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. The troops trained by me are now able to engage in some simple battles!"

Li Ming smiled. With his current army's combat effectiveness, it would be no problem to carry out a simple battle.

In other words, it is the power of firearms and cannons!

"Oh? You are indeed confident!"

Emperor Jianming couldn't help but raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then smiled and stretched out his hand to point Li Ming: "However, what I want is your confidence."

"What time is it now?"

After Emperor Jianming praised Li Ming, he suddenly asked another question.

"It's already late autumn and winter is about to begin."

Li Ming's eyes flashed with brilliance and he spoke in a low voice.

"Well, it takes a month to get from the capital to the western frontier by horse and canal. By then, the weather will have cooled down."

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming meaningfully. After speaking, he suddenly picked up a letter and threw it to Li Ming: "This is the reply letter from the Hun court to the Hun assassin who assassinated you on the street in the capital. Please read it." .”

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows when he heard this, then reached out to take the letter from Emperor Jianming, but was stunned for a moment, and showed it to Emperor Jianming: "Your Majesty, why is it a blank paper?"

"Because our envoy was killed by the Huns!"

There was a cold light in Emperor Jianming's eyes, and he squinted at Li Ming: "I will suppress this matter for the time being. What do you think should be done?"

"What, the little Xiongnu is so brave, he dares to kill my Daqian envoy!"

Li Ming stood up in shock when he heard this, followed by anger: "A war must begin. The Huns seem to have no regard for me. If they don't beat them hard, I'm afraid they will despise me even more in the future." Daqian, invade our frontier of Daqian even more unscrupulously!"

"These bastards, only by killing them ruthlessly and killing them out of fear can they learn to be respectful, respectful and polite!"

Li Ming's voice was decisive, and his eyes showed a bright light. Emperor Jianming narrowed his eyes and immediately laughed: "Okay, this is exactly what I thought in my heart!"

"I have mobilized troops from all over the country and arranged and adjusted the military strength to deal with the defenses of various countries on all sides. Now the armies in the western border areas have made preparations to go out to kill the Xiongnu. But before that, there is one thing that you need to do."

After Emperor Jianming finished laughing, he looked at Li Ming with bright eyes: "In your name, the hateful face of the Huns will be spread throughout the world and arouse the hearts of the people!" (End of this chapter)

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