Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 459: Blood-turning Formation, Longevity Art

Human souls, if anyone from the righteous sect listens here, they will immediately understand that the person who said this must be a demon cultivator.

What is the human spirit?

It is the collective name of the human soul, body, breath and all spirituality. If the human spirit is lost, the person will inevitably turn into a decaying corpse in an instant, and his vitality will be cut off.

Only the Demonic Cultivator will use this method to improve the cultivation itself.

As the King of the Xiongnu said, the Daqian dynasty had accumulated too much power. The power it had accumulated while continuously occupying the upper hand for thousands of years was immeasurable. Under normal circumstances, it was not something that the Xiongnu could touch.

The fundamental reason why the King of the Xiongnu dared to take action at this time and ordered the Xiongnu army to fight against the Daqian Dynasty army was not because of the power of the Xiongnu army, but because he had such a powerful Jindan man as his backer!

Of course, it is still unclear whether it is a backer, but...

At least they have the strength to fight against Dagan, or even overthrow Dagan.

The Hun King pressed his forehead tightly against the ground and said respectfully: "Welcome the ancestor Heixuan to come out of seclusion."

"Hey, even though I'm out of seclusion, not everything is worthy of me."

Ancestor Heixuan spoke hehey, then turned his eyes, clasped his hands, and muttered something: "Comrades, I am here to await you. Those who are willing to come here to fight the army of the Daqian dynasty will wait until the day when the Daqian dynasty is overthrown. Everyone can enjoy the human spirit..."


The Huns were confident at the beginning against the Daqian Dynasty army, but ended bleakly.

After the attack of the Daqian Dynasty, they encountered the Xiongnu army for the first time and then fought. The two sides cursed in front of the battle. Afterwards, they fought and killed 100,000 Xiongnu cavalry. They won.

After the attack of the Daqian Dynasty, they encountered the Xiongnu army for the second time, and the war started again. This time the Xiongnu actively learned the lessons from the last time when they killed 100,000 cavalry, and fought bravely to kill the enemy. In the end, the Daqian army killed three Xiongnu cavalrymen. One hundred thousand, a big victory.

The Daqian Dynasty advanced for the third time and occupied half of the Xiongnu territory.

In just three months, news of the great victory continued to pour into the ears of the people from the border. It immediately received waves of cheers, and everyone was excited and encouraged by it!

"Hahaha, a mere Xiongnu, a small country dares to challenge my great power. Now you know what's at stake!"

On the streets and in restaurants, this kind of news was spread everywhere, which was followed by joy and excitement.

In three months, batches of materials seized from the Western Regions were transported to Daqian for the people to enjoy. With the generous material returns, the people have tasted a lot of sweetness, and waves of excitement filled the world. Incidentally, he became more confident in the Huns' war, and his desire for conquest became stronger.

At this moment, outside the capital, in the Li Family Army camp, a messenger from the palace came to the military camp in a low-key manner. Not long after, he led the Li Family Army General Li Ming out of the military camp and came to the palace.

"Well, 400,000 Xiongnu cavalry were killed. Are you excited to learn about this?"

In a study room in the palace hall, Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming with a smile and asked with a smile.

"The Huns have been invading our country for a long time. I think both I and other soldiers and civilians will be very excited when this news comes out."

Li Ming smiled slightly when he heard this, and then said with some confusion: "It's just that when such a great victory comes, why don't you see the imperial court awarding meritorious soldiers?"

"That's because now these are just the appetizers, and the real difficulties are only now starting to come."

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming with a smile on his face: "The property that the frontline soldiers looted during the war is a reward if they are not confiscated. I will use my strong army to fight against the weak king of the Huns. This will be a reward." The result of killing 400,000 people is not a great victory, it is something that should be done. If the army I have cultivated day by day cannot even do this, how can I suppress this world for thousands of years?"

"I don't know what your Majesty wants?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, with a glint in his eyes, and bowed to Emperor Jianming to ask.


Emperor Jianming had a gleam of magic power in his hand, and his eyes were full of solemnity: "Everything is going well for the frontline soldiers, but recently, evil cultivators who practice evil arts have appeared one after another, so that all armies have suffered casualties. , and then the progress stopped."

"I have summoned monks from all over the world to rush to the front line to respond to the enemy. However, the confrontation between monks can only solve temporary difficulties, not a long-term solution."

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming with sparkling eyes: "I have heard about the special weapons of your army for a long time. With the power of this weapon, it can indeed become a temporary power on the front line, but how to solve these nuisances once and for all? But it’s a real difficulty.”

"I have always asked that your army not only has sharp weapons, but also that the sergeants are as commanding as their hands and feet. They can easily mobilize subtleties, and the officers and soldiers are meticulous in their orders. No matter what order they are given, they can be thoroughly implemented. Is this possible?"

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming and asked with bright eyes.

"It's actually a monk."

Li Ming opened his eyes, and then there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Yes, under such circumstances, apart from the appearance of monks, what other possibility could make Emperor Jianming, who had such a great advantage, so worried? Woolen cloth.

"My army will indeed implement all orders in place."

After understanding what Emperor Jianming said, Li Ming clasped his fists and looked solemn: "I wonder what your Majesty wants to say?"

"I have a formation called [Blood-turning and Evil-Gathering Formation], which requires the entire army to work together as one. After a month of practice, we can achieve some success."

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming and spoke with burning eyes: "Once this formation is completed, it can condense the energy and blood of all soldiers into one body, and the evil energy of all soldiers and weapons can be gathered into one body. The energy and blood coagulation can protect you all the time. Without being damaged, the evil energy can be gathered to suppress spells at all times, attack the monks, and cause serious injuries when the evil energy enters the body. It is a formation that can advance, attack, retreat and defend in the face of the monks."

"There is only one shortcoming of this needle: it is a newly obtained formation. I have no experience in the practice of my predecessors. I don't know what is right, what is wrong, what is inappropriate, what is smooth, and even how the formation should operate. They only have a rough foundation. Over the years, we have been practicing and pondering in the autumn hunting grounds, and we have a good and perfect foundation. However, there is still a flaw hidden in it, which is difficult to catch. It requires extreme tacit understanding of military drills to check it. Find out where the flaws of this formation lie."

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming with burning eyes: "In the past, with the power of the frontline soldiers and the monks sent out, it was not difficult to persist for three months. I want to let your Li family army study this formation during these three months and help find flaws in the formation. When the formation is complete, immediately rush to the front line with the formation, pass it on to the troops, and then use the power of the formation to stay on the front line to face the enemy."

"May I ask Your Majesty, if the drill is improper, what harm will it do to the sergeants?"

Li Ming narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"It will damage your lifespan." Emperor Jianming hesitated when he heard this, then waved his palm, and a secret book emerged from his storage bag, and then looked at Li Yang with a serious look on his face: "This is the secret [Longevity Technique] that can be passed on to your soldiers. If you master this skill, you can greatly increase your lifespan and offset the side effects of practicing the [Blood Turning and Evil Gathering Formation]."

"It's just that time is running out, and matters on the front line are related to the rise and fall of the dynasty, and there is no room for error. Therefore, skills can be passed on, but formations must be practiced first."

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming and spoke solemnly.

"Sir, obey the order."

Li Ming silently bowed and accepted the order.

Emperor Jianming nodded, then took out a jade slip, and conveyed the contents of the [Blood-turning Evil Gathering Formation] to Li Ming as quickly as possible, and then discussed the pass with him in detail, pointing out the defects and omissions. place.

"Only with tacit cooperation and continuous operation of this formation can we clearly understand its shortcomings and then make improvements."

Emperor Jianming explained the deficiencies in the formation, and then his expression showed seriousness: "This matter will be left to you. I will lead the experts from the royal family to observe. If any discovery is made, we should report it immediately." The message is with you, you only need to continue to improve the formation according to the guidance, and when the formation is completed, it is time to rush to the front line."

"My lord, take your orders."

Li Ming took a deep breath, clasped his hands and clasped his fists, then turned and left the study. Emperor Jianming personally accompanied him and sent him all the way out of the imperial city, watching Li Ming disappear from sight.

"Pass my order, all officers and men will assemble immediately to practice the new formation in the playground!"

Li Ming returned to the military camp with the [Blood-turning and Evil-Gathering Formation] in his mind, and immediately spoke in a low voice to his deputy Wang Guangyun. When he heard about the new formation, Wang Guangyun's eyes lit up and he immediately ran to inform his subordinates.

When Li Ming saw Wang Guangyun leaving, he came to the school grounds while pondering the contents of the [Blood-turning and Evil-Gathering Formation] in his mind.

"Master, Master, Uncle, do you think there is anything inappropriate about this formation?"

When they arrived at the school grounds, the soldiers had quickly gathered in front of Li Ming, and then Li Ming first used his spiritual thoughts to transmit the sound to his uncle, uncle, and master, and passed it [Blood-turning Evil Gathering Formation] 】 content, an inquiry was issued.

"It seems to be running a little sluggishly, but nothing else."

"The power of this formation is extraordinary, but it is as extreme as the [Red Blood Technique]. I'm afraid it will damage the life of the person who sets up the formation."

"There's no backup plan."

Xu Jin, Wang Hengliang, and Liu Qingshi sent messages back to Li Ming one by one. Li Ming frowned slightly when he heard the words, then relaxed and said no more.

His magic power circulated in his body in circles, driving the streams of Yimu Qi to continuously gather and become rich in his body. He knew that such techniques could not damage his lifespan.

In the past three months, the fighting on the front line has been fierce, and there have been no changes in their military camp.

First of all, Li Ming has accumulated enough mana and reached the peak of the innate realm of martial arts. And because he already has the artistic conception and directly has the mana, it is a process of getting the result and then breaking through the emulsion to the great master easily. Realm, that is, opening the spiritual orifice.

The opening of spiritual apertures and the accumulation of mana have made his strength steadily rise. Of course, he is not the only one who has achieved such achievements, such as Liu Qingshi, Wang Heng, Xu Jin, Wang Guangyun, Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, Zhao Xiu, Chen Yue Du received such treatment.

The magic power of each of them is very powerful, and coupled with the practice of magic, they are not afraid of the side effects of this formation.

Only the soldiers below were having a hard time. After all, their martial arts had improved by leaps and bounds in the past three months of practicing [Red Blood Kung Fu], and they had already reached the level of second-rate masters.

When they formed a military formation, even the innate masters did not dare to make mistakes in front of them.

However, similarly, even though Li Ming has tried his best to minimize the side effects of [Red Blood Skill] through various operations, there are still side effects of [Red Blood Skill] after all.

A side effect of [Red Blood Technique], coupled with a side effect of [Blood Transformation and Evil Gathering Formation], the lifespan of these sergeants will become very low...

Fortunately, there is the [Longevity Technique] that can make up for it. If they can practice this [Longevity Technique] properly, not only can all the side effects of practicing [Red Blood Technique] and [Blood Transformation Gathering Formation] be offset, And it can also extend their lifespan.

This is the perfect match.

Just, time!

It takes a lot of time to teach a skill to more than 10,000 people, and with the war on the front lines now intense, the most lacking thing is time.

When they successfully practice the [Blood-turning and Evil-Gathering Formation], they will be put into the battlefield. By then, there will be no time or opportunity for them to practice and learn the [Longevity Art].

It's just... Li Mingming has a way.

"Everyone, immediately follow the order and change the formation, don't neglect!"

Thinking of these new spells and some techniques for using soul power that Patriarch Feng Jianming had acquired during his retreat, Li Ming couldn't help but smile.

The reason why he was able to carry out [Spiritual Message Transmission] so quickly with his uncle Wang Hengliang, his master Xu Jin, and his uncle Liu Qingshi just now was because his master Feng Jianming came not long ago.

He brought them a spell - the art of receiving souls and sending messages!

The so-called [Art of Soul Reception and Communication] allows two monks to explain their souls in detail and communicate each other's insights on spells and practice, so that they can feel the differences more clearly and make better adjustments.

It won't be like the situation where you can practice well but teach poorly.

However, now after this development, they have discovered... there is nothing wrong with using this spell to teach the soldiers the "Longevity Art".

‘It’s just that we can’t pass it on now. ’

Li Ming looked at the sergeants in the square who had begun to change their formations according to his instructions, and thought to himself.

Fortunately, on the first day, I did not directly set up the formation. Instead, I just walked around with my physical body and became familiar with the operation of the formation. I did not really start the formation drill directly. Otherwise, it would be too late.

There are a total of thirteen thousand soldiers, which is a very large number. He must use an easier way to transmit the information to the sergeants while they are asleep at midnight.

In this way, until tomorrow, you can directly practice [Longevity Jue] first and then [Blood Turning and Gathering Evil Formation]! (End of chapter)

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