Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 463: Breaking the Huns’ City

In the early morning, the dew on the grass tips shimmered under the sunlight.

Li Ming got out of Xiao Cui early in the morning and walked to the military camp with a smile on his face. After he left, Xiao Cui slept until three o'clock in the morning before getting up pitifully, and then mysteriously warned his sister. What news made Li Ming go to find Ling'er that night and Ling'er was so well-behaved.

But even the good Ling'er didn't wake up until noon the next day. The two sisters were in tears.

He has not officially entered the battlefield, and only practices military training and various skills on weekdays. Li Ming can be said to be very leisurely.

After all, the most difficult initial stage of military training has been passed, the rules and regulations in the army have been established, and all that needs to be done every day is to maintain normal training, and be free naturally.

As for normal training, and with Wang Guangyun and others taking care of him, he has very few things to worry about. After all, he is a very sober person who knows what kind of people should do what kind of things. He also knows that he can't catch everything. Do everything.

Otherwise, what is the difference between that and the bottom layer?

Don't you see that the Prime Minister is so talented, won't he be exhausted to death?

Before you are rolled out, you should be busy if you are busy. Forget it, after you are rolled out and you become a big leader, and you still do everything by yourself, then isn’t your roll in vain, and your position as a leader was in vain?

Therefore, it is precisely with this clear understanding that Li Ming is so leisurely, practicing in the military camp every day, and starting to enjoy comfortably when he returns home.

In this way, it can be said that there is no delay in cultivation, there is no delay in matters in the military camp, and everything at home is also taken care of, killing three birds with one stone.

After all, with his current status in the military camp, he only needs others to stay there to have a high enough deterrent effect. Even if he is practicing, he can still achieve the desired effect, and naturally he can devote himself wholeheartedly to his work. While practicing, it will not delay matters in the army.

Speaking of which, he, his master Xu Jin, his uncle Liu Qingshi, his uncle Wang Hengliang, his second brother Wang Guangyun, his third brother Zhao Xiu, his fourth brother Liu Wu, his fifth brother Liu Zhuang, his senior brother Chen Yue, and others are still following him. The Qingsong Guanshi brothers around him have also made great progress in strength.

His own magic power is getting stronger and stronger day by day. Not only has his magic power accumulated to the innate limit, but he has also broken through the martial arts spiritual apertures one after another and entered the realm of a magic power master. Like him, there are master, uncle, uncle, and five sworn brothers. All have entered this realm.

Moreover, due to the characteristics of mana, there is another unique effect - the blood-turning and coagulating evil formation can help to attack the acupoints!

Yes, this is also Li Ming's newly discovered ability before, but it is a pity that this method of attacking the acupoints will damage the acupoints. Every ten acupoints need to be cultivated for half a month, otherwise, he will I am afraid that the speed of cultivation will increase day by day.

He did not hide it and told his master, uncle and grand master Zi Donglai, including his master Feng Jianming and Emperor Jianming about this discovery.

Who knows, Emperor Jianming already knew this, and was not particularly surprised, but he did appreciate Li Ming's frankness, and Li Ming smiled and then left.

In this way, with the help of this formation, everyone's cultivation can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds, and they can open twenty acupoints in a month.

In just ten months, everyone has become a master who has opened 260 acupoints!

Of course, the extra acupoints are naturally accumulated from the past, and Feng Jianming and Zi Donglai, two great masters, have reached the level of five hundred acupoints and have begun to break through to the perfect state of martial arts grand masters!

In addition, as time has passed, Li Ming has become proficient in various spells, and he has also learned many powerful martial arts to increase his foundation.

Even his elite soldiers have reached the level of second-rate masters of ordinary warriors and the level of first-rate masters of Red Blood Kung Fu, and their life spans are not affected.

In the personal barracks, everyone is in the realm of a normal first-class warrior, plus the realm of the peak of the red blood skill, which also does not affect lifespan.

The special forces have all reached the early stage of innateness, especially the ten iron men. They have all mastered the horizontal training skills. With no shortcomings in their bodies, they have reached the innate state in one go. And with their powerful horizontal training skills, Qi, as soon as it enters the innate realm, it becomes a good player among innates.

Li Ming even taught them the two defensive spells [Air Armor Technique] and [God Protection Technique], as well as the flying spell [Flying Technique], the recovery spell [Aoki Rejuvenation Technique], and the escape method [Green Leaf Escape Technique], so that Their strength increased greatly.

Ordinary soldiers in the special forces are at the peak of the first-class level, and are proficient in all kinds of light kung fu with fists, palms, feet, and weapons. Each of them knows more than ten kinds of powerful martial arts, and their combat effectiveness is far beyond ordinary. The [Red Blood Kung Fu] is even more powerful. After cultivating to the early stage of Xiantian, he has perfected his health-preserving skills, and his lifespan is no less than that of a normal warrior!

The most ordinary troops under Li Ming's command also have the cultivation of ordinary third-rate warriors and the cultivation of second-rate warriors in [Red Blood Kung Fu]. In addition, everyone can wear heavy armor, hold powerful firearms and weapons, and have various powers. The powerful and easy-to-move artillery... its combat effectiveness is almost unimaginable.

Although he has not experienced actual combat trials, Li Ming believes that if a team like his has strict records, good control, strong enough soldiers, and powerful and special weapons, it will not suffer any loss against any army.

Unless you encounter special forces.

But even when faced with the elite soldiers who were in the hunting grounds before Da Qian, the strength of his soldiers was no less impressive. Although there have been many changes in the past two years, he believed that, if nothing else, at least on the battlefield, his army would definitely Can gain a foothold.

The military, one's own cultivation and that of his brothers are on the one hand.

On the other hand, in the past ten months, there have been many pregnancies at home.

After Yu'er became pregnant, Xiaohe became pregnant within a few days. Finally, the eldest lady, who was not pregnant with her ex-husband, also became pregnant with Li Yang.

After becoming pregnant, the eldest lady had a maternal glow, walking around the yard every day with her big belly.

In addition, Linger and Xiaocui became pregnant one after another.

Li Ming, who was tall, had no one to buy shares in, so he had to look for maids at home. Fortunately, there were enough maids to marry him and maids to live with him, enough to satisfy him.

By the end of the year, they gave birth to children one after another.

However, Yu'er was the first to give birth, and an unexpected person appeared with the birth of Li Ming's first child.

"Master Marquis, it's born, it's a boy. Mother and son are safe!"

In the delivery room, following the midwife's cry of surprise, Li Ming, who was waiting outside, breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face: "Okay, reward, reward for everything!"

As Li Ming's order was issued, the entire Li Mansion was filled with joy. The midwife received the reward but did not leave immediately. Instead, she tried her best to help serve the fish who gave birth to the child. She also busily ordered many people to take care of themselves. After everything was settled, he walked back into the dark with a smile and took the gift from the butler.

During this day, everyone who came to congratulate Li Ming was very happy, and even the atmosphere in the military camp was affected. Everyone was rewarded with a good meal and one tael of silver.

Within the same day, the news that Li Ming was pregnant with a son had reached the ears of interested people.

Early the next morning, Emperor Jianming smiled and ordered people to send nourishing pills to help the weak fish recover as soon as possible.

After the emperor's gift was delivered, the second person to send gifts and congratulations followed closely.

"Report, the third prince will give you a handle of warm jade and a ginseng plant. I wish the Marquis, his wife and his son are safe."

Following the shouts of the greeters, Wang Guangyun, who was happily visiting his nephew in the mansion, suddenly frowned and looked at Li Ming together with his uncle Wang Hengliang who was guarding him.

"Well, thank you to the third prince for your blessing." Under the gaze of everyone, Li Ming nodded, smiled and raised his hands to express his thanks, and then took the spiritual ginseng and warm jade from the third prince, and suddenly felt extraordinary.

The spiritual ginseng contained rich spiritual power. As soon as Wen Yu entered the room, the whole room felt as warm as spring.

"Cook this ginseng and send it to Madam. Wen Yu will stay in Madam's room to help her survive the warm winter."

Li Ming made arrangements with a smile, then looked at each other with his uncle and second brother, and then went to tease his children with a smile.

The matter of the third prince has never been mentioned again since the convoy back to his hometown a few years ago. Today, this is the first time they have had contact with each other.

I just don’t know what the real situation and reasons are.

While thinking about it, Li Ming urged the brothers to step up their practice.

No matter what the reason is, I am still standing tall, and my own strength is the foundation.

No matter when, improving one's own strength is the most important thing.


After Yu'er gave birth, Li Ming's other children were born one after another in just two months.

The emperor and others also sent congratulations one after another, and in November, all kinds of cold-proof materials and dry food needed for the long journey were suddenly delivered.

In December, when the weather was cold and the ground was freezing, an edict was issued from the palace, and Li Ming led his army to the Western Regions.

In the middle of the month, when we arrived at the border of the Western Region, we met the enemy. Thunder, fire, guns and cannon fired in unison. We destroyed several enemy troops in one battle, and our reputation first appeared.

In the middle of the month, I had an in-depth understanding of the situation of each army, and then I realized how difficult the situation of each army was, and I changed my mind from being radical to being conservative.

At the end of the month, Li Jiajun spread the word that the various armies of the "Blood-turning and Ningsha Formation" used guns and artillery to annihilate several armies and stabilize the border situation.

In early January, some practitioners raided the Li family army and attempted to behead them, but they were killed on the spot.

In mid-January, evil cultivators released poisonous mist and insects to attack the camp. At the critical moment, General Li Ming transformed into the Great Sun mood. Real fire rose up to burn the poisonous mist and poisonous insects. He released a flying sword and killed the enemy hundreds of miles away with his sword.

At the end of January, all the armies were in battle formation, and the Li army began to march. Thunder and fire roared wherever they passed, and they were invincible. The war situation in Daqian instantly became good.

In mid-February, Daqian's armies finished recuperating, and followed the Li family's army to protect themselves with the blood-turning and coagulating evil formation, and marched all the way towards the Xiongnu.

At the end of March, Li's army defeated the Huns' army.

At the end of April, the army surrounded the Xiongnu royal city.


"Where did this strange weapon come from that could be so powerful?"

On the city of the King of the Huns, two evil monks who were invited here twitched at the corners of their mouths as they looked at the destroyed and burned formation foundations on the city wall. Their faces were ashen as they quickly repaired and replaced the formations. Just as they had time to complete the replacement, they heard another burst of roaring. The sound suddenly came, their hearts jumped, they quickly flew into the air and hid within the city wall.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of continuous thunder and fire came from the city wall, and the masculine evil spirit of thunder and fire attached to it severely shook the foundation of the formation. The only thing that made these monks breathe a sigh of relief was that such an action should not last long.

But this time, it surprised all of them.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of explosions was like thunder and fire, and it suddenly struck from noon to dark, and the darkness still did not stop, and the bombardment continued all night long.

At dawn the next day, the Huns defenders suddenly heard the explosions stop during the bombardment. When they looked around in confusion, they suddenly discovered that the formation had been completely shattered by brute force, and three gaps had been blown out of the city wall. Everyone looked pale. Crazy changes.

"Boom boom..."

At this moment, suddenly, several steel monsters with thick and long pipes stuck to the breeze talisman, roaring, and thunder and fire attacks fell on the gaps in the city wall. These steel monsters just broke into the city wall brazenly. .

This action instantly triggered a crazy counterattack, but no matter whether it was swords, guns, swords, halberds or monks' spells, they had little effect on the steel monster's thick carapace and protective layer of evil energy. Anyway, it suffered heavy casualties from shells and machine guns.

While they were frantically thinking of a way, with bursts of roaring, steel shells attached to the Breeze Talisman sent groups of armored warriors out. In an instant, the [Blood-turning and Evil-Condensing Formation] took shape, and they He held the gun in his hand and spit out tongues of fire, harvesting the lives of the barbarian soldiers.

In just a quarter of an hour, the flags on the east city wall were taken off and replaced with the flags of the Li family army. A flood of troops instantly poured into the city wall, and blood-turning formations hit the city, killing Xiongnu soldiers wantonly.

"The Hun Palace is just ahead. Special troops and military camps, follow me forward!"

General Li Ming, whose body shone with the aura of a perfect martial arts master, looked at the palace in front of him with gleaming eyes, let out a loud roar, and immediately led his army towards the palace.


In the personal barracks, Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu were as powerful as a rainbow. Above the special forces, Wang Guangyun roared with blazing fire, leading the strongest troops under Li Yang who had all reached the Grand Master realm, following Li Yang's footsteps and shouting towards the front. Go and kill.

But before they arrived at the royal city, they saw a vast golden air flow in the sky suddenly crashing into the Hun Palace, followed by a surge of demonic energy, which collided with it but was dissipated in the next moment.

An old man with white beard and hair but a ruddy complexion exuded a decayed and powerful aura. He controlled the magic weapon and cast spells to kill the Hun Palace.

After a moment, a scream sounded from it. (End of chapter)

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