Chapter 75 Tracking?

As for what to do next...More on that later.

"Brother, take so many people away."

When they reached the corner of the stairs guarded by several people on the fourth and a half floor, the group of guards saw Li Ming coming down and greeted him warmly.

"In the early stage, recruit a few people who are proficient in things. These people may not be enough. Wait for the beginning and talk about it later."

Li Ming smiled and said something to several people, casually smoked a few cigarettes, and then handed all the remaining half boxes to the leader: "I'm leaving, we will go to work together when we have a chance."

Li Ming waved to them with a smile, and went down with the person he had chosen, leaving behind a few people who took the cigarettes to watch him leave with a smile.

From upstairs to downstairs, the sunlight outside made ten people feel a little uncomfortable. Li Ming knew that this was the reason why he had not eaten for a long time.

Instead of leaving in a hurry, he opened the truck compartment and took out a box of chocolate-flavored compressed biscuits and a vitamin drink.

"Everyone eat three sticks first, drink saliva, and supplement nutrition. Later, the five of you will drive a car alone. I will take you in front. When you arrive at the place, you will have a bowl of hot porridge. First, clean up the grass and garbage, and do some light work. Live and recover."

After giving each person three compressed biscuit sticks and two bottles of vitamin water, Li Ming said to them.

"I have a car here, it's no problem for the five of us to sit."

Most of the five men didn't make a sound. They just took the food, unwrapped it tremblingly, and then stuffed it into their mouths. Only one of them spoke to Li Ming first before eating.

"Okay, later you drive and take them with me."

Li Ming took note of the fat-faced man who was talking, and the man nodded quickly, and then also speeded up to eat the compressed biscuit in his hand.

Li Ming was not in a hurry, he looked at the five women beside him, saw that they were all eating, including Xu Xiu, so he went to hang the crowbar outside the door of the truck cab, and then came over to watch them quietly eat.

The three compressed biscuit sticks were not slow to eat, and the five men even finished eating them in a short while. After drinking a saliva, their faces were visibly refreshed. The fat-faced man who spoke first immediately went to the side and drove out a car. The car pulls over.

The other four people greeted and sat in, then looked at Li Ming together.

"Let's go up too, the five of you can squeeze together in the driver's seat of the truck."

Li Ming glanced at Xu Xiu who was still trying to eat the last biscuit bar, waved his hand, and led them to the passenger seat of the truck door, opened the door, and sent them up one by one.

Except for Xu Xiu and the beautiful woman with a virtuous temperament, the other three were all well-proportioned and pretty women. Li Ming squeezed the two of them together with the beautiful woman with a virtuous temperament on the sleeping bunk at the back.

Asking a slender woman to sit in the co-pilot seat for the time being, Xu Xiu, who was beside Li Ming, saw that the four companions had already been arranged, and quickly swallowed the compressed biscuit sticks in her hand, and wanted to put away the rest at will. He climbed up, but was stopped by Li Ming waving his hand.

"Eat the rest of the biscuits, and then drink some water, so you can feel better."

Li Ming put his hand on Xu Xiu's shoulder and said with a smile.

Xu Xiu looked at the man in front of her in a daze, thought for a while and quickly took out the remaining half pack of compressed biscuits and ate them.

Her mouth is beautiful, and she can't eat fast, but fortunately, there is only half of it left, and it didn't take long to finish the half.

"It's okay for the co-pilot to squeeze two people together, anyway, the distance is not far, so we'll get off after a while."

After Xu Xiu finished eating, Li Ming explained something to her with a smile, and then reached out to protect her and climbed onto the co-pilot.

The woman in the co-pilot moved out half of the seat, and Xu Xiu sat on the chair as soon as Li Ming held her buttocks to protect her.


After closing the co-driver's door, Li Ming turned around to the main driver with the Longquan sword on his waist, started the truck and drove around the canteen gathering place and made a successful U-turn, heading for the Linjiang villa area.

Behind the truck, a five-passenger car followed closely, and the two cars drove towards the Linjiang villa area one after the other.

On the co-pilot's seat at the front of the truck, Xu Xiu clutched the hem of her clothes tightly, and kept thinking back to the scene when she got into the car just now when she was supported by this strong man with her buttocks to protect her, and she tightened her legs.

Since she grew up, except for her father hitting her when she was a child and her husband touching her when she got married, no one of the opposite sex has ever touched this private part.

But today, this private area was touched so casually by this man, twice in a row, and once he deliberately rubbed it, as if it was a trivial matter.

Should I take this as a trivial thing?
Xu Xiu felt a little dazed. She looked at the man driving and recalled his name in her mind. His name was Li Ming.

The sun and the moon are bright.

After looking at it for a while, Li Ming's eyes turned back, Xu Xiu's eyes returned to her fingertips, and her hands were entangled together vigorously.

Xu Xiu was really at a loss, not knowing what to do.

At this tense moment, she couldn't help thinking of her husband who cared for her so much, and then she remembered that she was brought here by her husband.

Feeling a little discouraged for a moment, Xu Xiu couldn't help but think of the scene that was like a nightmare to her at the gathering place, and she shuddered all of a sudden.

Looking at the man driving the car again, he struggled for a moment, and slowly put the matter of his butt rubbed behind him.

Behind Xu Xiu's seat, a woman with a virtuous temperament and a good figure pursed her lips, and silently leaned against the side wall. She could clearly see the scene of Xu Xiu being helped into the car just now.

Liu Li knew that this man named Li Ming was interested in her, but she had a smell about her now, which made him a little disgusted.

Otherwise, maybe...

Liu Li silently tightened her legs.


"Someone actually followed."

In the driver's seat, Li Ming looked in the rear mirror, and found that there was a car hanging behind him and the cars of the five men behind him. He couldn't help squinting his eyes, and smiled slightly.

After thinking about it, he opened the zipper of the backpack next to him with one hand, took out a pack of thumbtacks from inside, opened the car window, and threw a few of them outside like trash.

Xu Xiu, who clasped her hands together, obviously didn't notice this scene, but the woman who was arranged by him to be farthest from her saw this scene, but she just took a look and then looked away, maybe because she thought it was really What rubbish.


A few thumbtacks fell on the side of the road, and soon fell behind the truck, followed by a car passing by, still lying quietly on the ground.

After a while, it suddenly rolled into the middle of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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