Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 91 News from my sister, power generation equipment

Chapter 91 News from my sister, power generation equipment
When Li Ming went up from the second floor to Xu Xiu's room on the third floor, Xu Xiu had already taken a shower again and sat on the side of the bed coyly.

Seeing that the beauty was clean, Li Ming didn't rush to get on it, but went to wash it quickly, and after only 3 minutes, he came out of the bathroom and took a towel to dry himself.

Xu Xiu sat on the edge of the bed with her legs together, looked at Li Ming who was frankly standing in front of the room wiping water, lowered her head with a blushing face, clenched small fists with her hands weakly and placed them on her lap, quietly waiting for the next one. The coming of things down.

After wiping off the water stains on his body, Li Ming looked at the little daughter-in-law in front of him with a smile on her lips. Everyone has their own sensitive spots, and this little lady's most memorable point is her buttocks.

Xu Xiu's butt is small and mixed, very beautiful and sensual, not only does Xu Xiu feel comfortable, he also likes to play.

"Have you remembered the exercises?"

Li Ming stepped forward and sat beside Xu Xiu, wrapped her shoulders with one hand, turned her head slightly with the other, and asked with a smile.

"Well, remember."

Xu Xiu was short of breath and closed her eyes, she was caught by Li Ming before she closed her lips after muttering.

Being kissed so passionately, Xu Xiu's heartbeat was unprecedentedly fast. Her heartbeat was so fast in her life. It was the night when she and her ex-husband Zhou Cheng just got married and stayed in the hotel when they were in love. Although she didn't do anything, her heartbeat was still beating. soon.

But now Li Ming just kissed her fiercely, and Xu Xiu's heartbeat was already beating fast when he felt the moistness of his lips.

She thought of what happened after Li Ming woke up at five o'clock last night and today, and immediately thought of what would happen in the afternoon nap now, how could her heartbeat not speed up!

She can't do any movements, but Li Ming can always make her do any movements naturally, the previous two times she was eaten like a little white rabbit.

This time Xu Xiu felt Li Ming's breath, so she should be eaten up as well.

Thinking back to the innocent and beautiful love scene with Zhou Cheng, Xu Xiu felt herself being hugged and lying on the bed slowly, her eyes opened slightly, and then quickly closed like a bunny.



[Secret to experience proficiency +1]


[Secret to experience proficiency +1]


[Secret to experience proficiency +1]


At 01:30 in the afternoon, Li Ming finished practicing the [Secret Biography to the Sutra] and fell asleep comfortably holding Xu Xiu.

When he woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. The mental energy and physical strength consumed by the morning exercise had all recovered, and Li Mington felt full of vitality!
"This exercise is really good!"

Li Ming's eyes lit up and seeing Xu Xiu woke up, he couldn't help hugging her into his arms, remembering what Zhang Yuan said before the afternoon nap, and gently asked: "Baby, Yuanyuan said you still have a younger sister? "

"Yes, she is in the Qingyue Haojing Villa area in the city center, but she is not my own sister, but a cousin. Her family is rich, and she originally planned to take advantage of the installation of photovoltaic power generation equipment. This happened."

Xu Xiu nodded her head. After hearing Li Ming's question, she immediately answered it. Although she just woke up, her mind was very clear. After hearing Li Ming's words, she thought of this matter.

"Is the photovoltaic power generation equipment easy to install? If it is placed here, how can it be used?"

Li Ming turned his mind and asked Xu Xiu softly.

He knows where Qingfeng Haojing is, but it is the villa area closest to the city center in the entire city, and the real dignitaries live in it.

Women, ladies and ladies gather together, and men are all upper-class elites.

Compared with the newly built Linjiang villa area, this place is more like a place for rural nouveau riche to live~
"It's very easy to install. As long as you know how to read, you can install it with just a few pointers. What's more, I'm watching. If you can pull those power generation equipment over, my baby will definitely fix it for you."

Xu Xiu nodded vigorously, enjoying the feeling on her butt very much, and used her own baby nickname in a shy voice, then squinted her eyes and continued to speak: "If the power generation equipment is brought over, it will be enough to replace the villa area. All electrical equipment is fully turned on and used 24 hours a day.”

"It's just that now we want to plant farmland, and if we want to lay it, we can only erect it to the roof, which is a bit troublesome."

Xu Xiu explained softly, and then became a little worried: "I know that each family in that villa has a lot of material storage, as well as independent power generation and water circulation, but I don't know how my cousin's family is doing."

If the resources are sufficient, both of them are clear about what they are worried about, and they are a little silent when it comes to this.

After a while, Li Ming pinched Xu Xiu's buttocks, and said softly, "After two days, my husband will go and have a look after he finishes his work."

"The equipment and food over there are so sound. It's the same if you go two days later or two days earlier, as long as you don't become a zombie."

Li Ming looked into Xu Xiu's eyes, and said seriously, Xu Xiu pursed her lips, then nodded lightly, and said in a muffled voice after a while: "Actually, it's my cousin anyway, husband, don't try to save her." Delayed myself."

"Don't worry, my husband won't."

Li Ming smiled and nodded, then turned over and let Xu Xiu lie down with his back facing him: "Practice two more times, and then go out after finishing."


Xu Xiu blushed a little, as a housewife, she had never let it go before~ what happened, but now she was being teased here and couldn't help it.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiu lowered her head even more shyly.


[Secret to experience proficiency +1]

[Secret to experience proficiency +1]


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Ming came out of the room refreshed. When he reached the second floor, he found that Zhang Yuan and the others had already woken up and were chatting in the living room. Seeing him coming out, he looked behind him and asked suspiciously: "Where is Xu Xiu?" ?”

"She still needs to rest for a while, I'll go out and have a look first, you guys stay at home well."

Li Ming smiled, Zhang Yuan and Chen Li understood instantly, rolled their eyes, and got up together to send Li Ming out.

Li Ming took the weapon and went to two places to look, and saw that every place was working in full swing, so he went to the roof of the [fourth from left] villa and continued to exercise [mind force]


A wave of thought power came out, and he controlled the drill in Li Ming's backpack to shoot left and right at a height of ten centimeters above the entire roof of the building to exercise the power of thought.

His motivation for exercising in the morning has recovered after the lunch break, and has increased. Although it is much less than the one-time increase in empty space, it has also improved, so now he still intends to copy the operation in the morning.

Exercising with only half the strength can also enhance the motivation of the mind, and it can also allow you to retain your strength to face danger. Why not do it?


Electric drill bits and electric pick drill bits shuttled throughout the roof area. Sometimes Li Ming gently controlled different drill bits to shoot in different directions, increasing his proficiency in the use of telekinesis.

He has also discovered that telekinetic power is just like his previous stretching. Although it does not appear on the panel, it is constantly increasing with his use, whether it is strength or flexibility.

For example... Li Ming is now able to control two drills at the same time to carry out curved and effective attacks!

Li Ming's heart moved, and the power of mind controlled the two electric pick drills. One moved from the left arc at a high speed, and the other moved from the right arc at a high speed, with an outward tension crazily towards a point 20 meters ahead. To stab.


A stone shattered in an instant, Li Ming moved the tendons on his forehead, and the two drill bits that smashed the stone were suspended in the air ten centimeters apart, trying to float at a distance of one millimeter.

A smile flickered on the corner of Li Ming's mouth. If when attacking, the two drills attacked the enemy from the left and right, and he attacked the enemy with a stab at the same time, who could resist?
"I don't know if these steel nails can cause damage to a supernatural being like Chen Zhuang."

Li Ming thought of that Chen Zhuang, recalled the description of his abilities from Xu Xiu and others, and with a thought, all the drills flew back into the backpack automatically.

At the same time, two very sharp large steel nails, [-] centimeters long and [-] millimeters thick, with their caps cut off and their tips polished, floated in front of their eyes.

Li Ming looked at the corner of the steel nail and smiled, and with a thought, the steel nail immediately shuttled quickly across the roof and bottom of the building.

The tiny steel nails are extremely flexible and swift under the impetus of telekinetic power, and they also have excellent penetrating power.

Anyone who sees it can feel its powerful lethality... especially for people made of flesh and blood.


The steel nails were moving, and Li Ming carefully controlled the steel nails to continue puncturing training on the roof of the building. He didn't stop until he felt that half of his mental power was exhausted, and he put the steel nails back into his backpack with a single thought.

Immediately after, he rubbed the center of his eyebrows, stood still, drew the long sword from his waist, and stabbed fiercely.

Start to continue practicing [Sword of Sword]

"call out……"

As the sword stabbed and the sword sounded, Li Ming continued to strike one sword after another without stopping. He put all his heart and soul into each sword to achieve the best performance. He thought hard about every sword to find opportunities for improvement.

Sweat continued to flow during the exercise, but Li Ming remained motionless.

Until after a hundred swords.

With the violent stabbing of the sword, more than half of his physical strength was suddenly consumed.

As for one hundred swords, the increase is... 10 sword proficiency.

【Sword of Sword (slightly reduced by 21%)】

"There are four more days to break through."

Li Ming raised the long sword in his hand, looked at the hard sword body, and a smile flashed on the corner of his mouth.

After a while, the long sword was retracted back into Cambridge. Li Mingnian exerted himself to control a clean towel he brought over to wipe off the sweat on his back, and then took it in his hand to wipe off the sweat on his body one by one. Smelly towels stuffed in the backpack.

Walking down the aisle, Li Ming happily went to inspect the two places. Vegetables were in short supply and he wanted to monitor the progress of the two places.

A smile flashed across the corner of the mouth when they arrived at the tree-cutting place, but they saw six big trees lying on the ground. After a day of hard work, they had successfully brought down six trees, and at the same time carried out a preliminary attack on the second six trees .

When we arrived at the weeding and digging area of ​​the villa, we found that weeding had not only entered one of the villas, but also started digging.

Li Ming walked into the kitchen of the [third from the right] villa, and saw that the room Liu Li and the others had tidied up had no electrical equipment, so he thought about the solar power generation equipment in his mind.

With this, he no longer has to worry about the fuel consumption of the generator...

"Wait another two days..."

Li Ming felt the strength in his body, hesitated for a while, and decided to wait until the stabbing sword breaks through.

Seeing that the progress was satisfactory, he didn't continue to wander around anymore, but went back to his villa to get a piece of food, and prepared [-] additional rewards for the heavy work team, and took it back to the [third from the right] villa.

(End of this chapter)

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