Spark 2003

Chapter 145 Let's Celebrate the Victory

Chapter 145 Let's Celebrate the Victory

"What do you mean? They're not willing to deliver the full model yet?"

In Kuchma's office at the Motor Sich factory, Forbes asked dissatisfiedly.

"It is true that according to their feedback, the first batch of technicians we supported have not completed the work according to the contract. Simply put, the KPI has not been achieved."

"So, it's not uncommon for them not to be willing to deliver the model."

"But at the same time, after communicating with their business contacts, they also gave me an additional solution."

"If we are willing to sell a part of the shares, they can share the technology of this part of the model in the form of technology shares."

"Technology investment?"

Forbes frowned, and then continued:
"Kuchma, you know that the Motor Sich factory does not belong to you alone, nor does it belong to you alone."

"We have used various means to inject capital for you in the early stage, and now we hold more than 26% of the shares. If we want to make such a major equity change, we must obtain our approval—that is, the approval of the May Meeting."

"I totally understand."

Kuchma nodded, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Previously, in order to obtain the opportunity to enter the Western market and the advanced technology in the hands of the other party, they agreed to the US side's request for equity acquisition.

The other party has already controlled a large amount of shares in Madacic through the form of white gloves.

But the problem is that what they provide is just money.

The market, manpower, and technology promised before were not in place.

Are you kidding me?
Is Madacic short of money now?

Not only Russia, but China, India, and the Middle East are also receiving more and more orders. The annual income is even higher than before leaving the alliance. Do we really need your money?
Don't you know what we want?
If we can’t give it, don’t stop us from asking others to ask for it.

Now the Huaxia people have a technology that can almost change the development path of the entire Motor Sich, and all they need to do is sell a part of the equity.

Moreover, not only the thermosetting characteristic model, but also the recent progress made by the other party in the field of aviation development is obvious to all. Is it better to cooperate with them than to cooperate with you?

Therefore, after hearing Forbes' slightly threatening tone, his first reaction was to resist.

Seemingly noticing his expression, Forbes' tone softened:

"Kuchma, my friend."

"The strategy of selling equity is not completely unfeasible, but we have to assess the risks."

"Think about it carefully, if you really exchange your equity with them for a model, can you guarantee that they will do their best to cooperate with you?"

"You know the character of the Chinese people."

"They will only consider their own interests, and when they have the opportunity to take advantage, they will never be soft-hearted."

"But they have no choice."

Kuchma interrupted Forbes and continued:

"The model has to rely on a lot of sample data to run, and what they lack most is data."

"The model is useless in their hands. They either cooperate with us, or lock the model in a safe, and wait for more than ten years to accumulate enough data before using it."

"I think their choice is very clear --- it can be seen from their attitude."

"What they are asking for is not full control, but just using equity as a bond to deepen our cooperation."

Hearing this, Forbes nodded slowly.

"So, you've made a decision?"

"No, not yet. We must retain an absolute controlling stake, so if we want to reach this cooperation, we must reduce the shares of May Club, which is why I came to you."

Compared with the previous meeting, this time, Kuchma showed more force.

This is a matter of course, because now they have enough chips in their hands.

Although this "chip" was not created by Madacic, it can only be transferred through it.

Will it be in May?
If you want to get the technology in the hands of the Chinese, you can only go through us.

Compromise or break up, the choice is theirs.

Either way, Madacic has nothing to lose.

After all, the funds for the May Club have already been obtained, and in the previous transaction with Dongqi, in addition to the model as an additional condition, they have also received consideration support including funds and raw materials.

Being confident is talking about Kuchma's current state.

He takes a step forward, Forbes has to take a step back.

Thinking of this, Forbes sighed and said:
"Okay, I will report back to my superiors."

"This model is important, and I just hope that you will remain calm until a final decision is made."

"Otherwise, all our efforts in the early stage will be in vain."

On the other side, in the hotel room.

Meng Qinghao looked at the latest progress report from China, nodded in satisfaction, and drank the cup of Tieguanyin that was so thick that it was bitter.

"It's not bad. The country has started so quickly. It is estimated that it will be on the right track in two weeks. At that time, we should also have a showdown with Madacic."

Peng Hui hummed and added:
"But judging from the current situation, the benefits we can achieve are not big enough - 230 technicians, a batch of equipment, that's all."

"Although it can support the smooth progress of the AGT110 project, it is obvious that it cannot meet our expected goals."

"You know, our goal is to eat the entire Madacic."

"I have received news that the UKR is likely to update the exclusion list in the next two to three years, listing a list of companies that are prohibited from being sold or controlled by foreign capital."

"The Motor Sich factory will definitely be on this list."

"So, this is our only chance and our last chance."

"Where did the news come from?"

Meng Qinghao asked curiously.

"Spark working group."

"Spark working group? Are you kidding me?"

"They don't have any accumulation in UKR, and they don't have permanent personnel. Where did they get such sensitive information?"

Seeing Meng Qinghao's surprised expression, Peng Hui helplessly spread his hands and replied:
"I also asked this question, but the answer they gave me was... you shouldn't ask, don't ask."

"In short, the credibility of this information is relatively high. Based on my understanding of UKR, they do have this tendency."

"Also, various departments of UKR are indeed preparing for this. The recent frequent equity changes of several large companies are preparations for this."

Meng Qinghao put down the cup thoughtfully, sighed and said:

"It's unimaginable! This Spark working group is really too mysterious. They have done so many things in such a short time."

"Okay, anyway, since it's an order from the superior, let's just follow it."

"Tell me about your next plan."

The two left the sofa and came to the desk. Meng Qinghao took out the plan that he had written long ago, and said:
"Our first goal is to get the equity, and reach more than 20% of the holdings, and be assigned to the board of directors."

"Afterwards, we will use this model as a poison bait to launch the poison pill plan to induce Madasic to launch a new project."

"This must be a huge loss project. Through this project, we will completely squeeze out their cash flow."

"To match this, externally, we need further assistance."

"In Russia, our people can move."

"The situation with Keshimier. You understand."

"I see."

Peng Hui nodded and answered.

"The overall plan is that we must get all the shares of Madasic before June next year."

"This is our first step into Europe, and it is also an important outpost for future arms sales. Only success is not allowed."

"it is good!"

Peng Hui answered solemnly.

Afterwards, the two spread out the plan and began to deduce the recent actions step by step.

As the sky gradually darkened, the lights in the room became brighter and brighter.

These two people who are active in the dark still don't know that what they are doing now may be recorded in the annals of history someday in the future.

The wind of UKR is gradually rising, and it will gradually sweep the whole of Europe in the near future
Two weeks later, Madasic and Dongqi Group reached an agreement in the third round of negotiations.

According to the new agreement, Dongqi Group will acquire 20% of the shares of Motor Sich at a price of 21 billion US dollars, superimposed on the 3% shares originally obtained through other companies, and Dongqi Group’s total shares of Motor Sich will reach 24%. %.

Among them, 12% of the shares came from the original holdings of May Club.

Of course, Dongqi Group is completely unaware of this.

All they know is that after the agreement was signed, a series of small companies whose names were rarely heard sold their shares.

As for who owns these small companies. Who cares?
All they care about is Madacic himself.

24% of the shares!
It may seem unremarkable, but in fact, it is the first step on the springboard.

With this springboard, and relying on Motor Sic's status in UKR, Dongqi Group can completely open up the situation, and to a large extent, get rid of the shackles of technology blockade!

Huaxia's aviation technology has always been weak, but the reason why it is weak is not because of poor people, insufficient funds, and insufficient investment.

The most important reason is the blockade.

There is no way to absorb advanced experience, no way to take advantage of latecomer advantages, everything can only be explored by oneself.

Under such circumstances, it is not bad to be able to develop, so how can we talk about catching up and surpassing?
But now, everything is different.

Although the other shore has not yet arrived, at least a hole has been torn open in the heavy curtain.
Of course, the purely "technical" hole was torn open by F119 and the thermosetting model.

But the opening of "industry" must rely on formed industries and equipment
The agreement was signed smoothly and everything was settled.

After the news came out, Dongqi Group headquarters held a grand celebration banquet.

Although several protagonists of this acquisition were not present, it did not affect the joy and encouragement of the crowd.

In the opening speech of the celebration banquet, Wang Decheng stepped onto the podium and made a rare long speech.

"The success of this time is obvious to all. From planning to final implementation, it took us less than two years to achieve the first-phase goal that was expected to take five years."

"Now, we have mastered 24% of Motor Sic's shares, which means that in the daily operation of this company, we have obtained an important right to speak."

"It can be said that this is not just a commercial success, but a success of our 'going out' external strategy."

"Since then, we have a military industry with a window to the outside world, and we have also opened up a road from the outside to the inside."

"The Motor Sich factory will become our outpost, continuously introducing advanced technologies from the outside world, and at the same time serving as our springboard to export our achievements."

"It's significant. I won't say more."

"Thank you for your hard work. It is your joint efforts that have brought about the current results."

"Of course, I would like to thank the Spark Working Group and the leadership of the Spark Working Group."

When he mentioned the word "leadership", Wang Decheng's tone subconsciously became heavier.

What he really wanted to say was "Thank you Chen Nian", but he swallowed the words again.

After all, the confidentiality requirements are there, and it is impossible for him to reveal Chen Nian's name in such a public place.

But in his heart, Chen Nian is indeed the person he wants to thank the most.

In just a few months, almost all the technical difficulties of the AGT110 heavy-duty gas turbine were solved, and with the foresight beyond ordinary people, it created an excellent "bait" for Dongqi Group.

Without this poisonous bait, there would be no possibility of launching the subsequent poison pill plan, and it would take extremely hard work to fully master Madacic.

It is even unknown whether it can be squeezed dry before UKR puts Madacic on the banned list.

What kind of person is this.
Wang Decheng sighed and continued:

"Actually, I am very moved. When this project was first established, our goal was far less ambitious than it is now."

"We just want to cooperate with Madasic, get the full set of UGT25000 technology from them, and then slowly infiltrate it to strive for more benefits."

"This is the limit of what we can do."

"But I didn't expect that we not only achieved the goal ahead of schedule, but even started the AGT110 project."

"If someone told me what happened today half a year back, I would definitely think it was a dream."

"It's a miracle. But often, the person who creates a miracle doesn't leave his name behind."

"For them, we have no way to get close, and it is difficult for us to spread their deeds to the world."

"But I hope everyone here will leave a place for them in their hearts."

"We must know that it is their work in the dark that has brought us infinite light."

"Okay, let's talk about it here."

Wang Decheng put down the microphone, raised the wine glass handed over by the assistant at the side, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Everyone, raise your glasses and celebrate the victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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