Spark 2003

Chapter 149 If you have the ability, take it yourself!

Chapter 149 If you have the ability, take it yourself!
"What? Another one?"

In an office of the Air Force Staff Department in the GZ Military Region, Lin Changhai asked loudly in surprise and joy.

The call came from a small military airport in Binhai, but it was this airport that "captured" a huge EC-130H heavy-duty electronic jamming aircraft.

"Could it be Liu Chuanwu who did it again? Where did he get it? I haven't heard that they have made aggressive moves recently?"

"The test area overlapped? An accident?"

"Oh, the engine blew up, didn't it?"


"Okay, okay, I understand, you go according to the normal process."

"Do you want to notify the 14th Institute of Electric Technology? Someone is there, right? Then there is no problem."

Putting down the phone, Lin Changhai let out a sigh of relief.

This incident was indeed a surprise to him, but judging from the current situation, there were more surprises and less joy.

After all, the EC-130H is too big to be dismantled in a short time.

Even if part of it is disassembled, the effect on domestic technological progress is limited.

After all, the C-130 platform uses four T4-A-56 turboprop engines, which is really a bit behind for this era dominated by jet engines.

The relatively large relative value is probably the electronic countermeasure equipment on the plane.

But the problem is that in this regard, the progress made by 14 is obvious to all, and it has even surpassed the US in some specific subdivisions in a short period of time. There is really no need to take risks for a little bit of technology.

It would be great if I caught C-5 this time. In that case, I have to keep it no matter what.

Thinking of this, Lin Changhai couldn't help but sighed again.

Forget it, everything will go smoothly.

The most important thing now is to fly over and take a look for yourself, so as not to make any troubles.
Meanwhile, Kadena Air Force Base.

Leon was almost mad with anger. After hearing the news that the EC-130H made an emergency landing at the opponent's airport, he yelled hysterically in his office for two full hours, and no one dared to take a step closer.

After he finally calmed down, the door of the office opened, and everyone saw that the inside was already a mess.

"Where's Hook? Call him over!"

Hearing his words, Hook, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried over, lowered his head and replied:

"We have contacted the other party and confirmed that this incident was just an accident."

"There was no conflict between the two sides. It was just that the propeller of the air compass suddenly broke, causing the engine to stop and the fuel tank to be damaged. They had to make an emergency landing at their airport."

"At present, the pilots have already left the cabin, but according to the other party, they have not touched any equipment inside the plane, so there should be no risk of leaking secrets."

"I'm not worried about the risk of leaks!"

Leon yelled.

"I'm worried about the devices themselves, our electronic jamming devices!"

"Don't you understand? The last time four EA-6Bs crashed, the opponent's electronic countermeasures have been raised to a level. This time, the EC-130H they captured is equipped with our most advanced Electronic countermeasure equipment, if it falls into their hands, can we still have any advantage?"

Hearing this, Hu Ke showed a look of embarrassment on his face. After hesitating for a long time, he didn't speak.

Noticing his expression, Leon asked violently:
"What the hell are you trying to say? Say it!"

Hook took a deep breath and replied:

"Actually, what I want to say is that maybe we don't need to worry about this problem."

"Now the electronic countermeasure equipment on this EC-130H is not much different from that on the EA-6B. They should get it, they have already got it"

"There is also frequency hopping communication equipment! Have you forgotten? Our purpose this time is to test frequency hopping communication equipment!"

"...they won't care."

"What do you mean?"

Leon looked directly into Hook's eyes, his eyes sharp.

The latter silently looked away and replied:
"In fact, this EC-130H had been subjected to electromagnetic interference before the accident."

"Also, the frequency-hopping comm channel is completely blocked."

"That is to say, the other party is using tracking jamming methods. Our frequency hopping communication equipment actually has no advantage in front of them."

Hearing this, Leon's expression froze, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Then, he walked back to his office in silence.

At the last moment before the door closed, he spoke:
"Bring them back, and don't do anything else."

Airport, on the tarmac.

Chen Yongping, a senior mechanic, held a wrench in his hand and was beating on the skin of the EC-130H's fuselage.

After a while, he turned his head and said to his apprentice:
"Look at how fine this plane is made!"

"The level of riveting alone is enough for you to learn for a few years."

"Look carefully, study hard, and strive to practice your skills quickly. When our generation retires, it will be your turn to take the lead."

The apprentice Li Mo on the side smiled and replied:
"Understood, Master."

"However, this plane is so awesome, isn't it still shot down by us? It's nothing special."

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Hearing this, Chen Yongping hurriedly shouted.

"It wasn't shot down, it was their own mechanical failure, the engine had a problem, so they borrowed our airport to make an emergency landing."

"Don't talk nonsense here, if the truth is wrong, you have to bear the responsibility, understand?"

"Understood, master."

Li Mo nodded obediently.

To say that before he was officially transferred to work at the airport, he was also a master who was not afraid of anything. No matter who was in front of him, if he spoke badly to him, he would have to say something.

However, after being transferred, his mentality gradually changed.

It's not all because the atmosphere here is more serious than the place, but it's mainly because the people I come into contact with are all really good people, and they really don't make mistakes when they say a few words about themselves.

Therefore, his temper became more and more peaceful.

Although I still seem to be a little jumpy occasionally, there is really no such thing as contradicting my superiors or elders.

Seeing his attitude, Chen Yongping nodded in satisfaction, and was about to continue looking at the structure under the belly of the aircraft, but Li Mo suddenly continued to ask:
"Master, you said that this plane is a mechanical failure, but didn't you say that their manufacturing level is very high, how can there be a failure?"

Chen Yongping pondered for a moment, then replied:

"How can I tell you that no matter how high the manufacturing level is, there is an upper limit."

"For example, the aircraft we make can fly for 10 years without changing parts, but theirs can fly for 20, 30 years."

"Let's just talk about this time. Didn't we also watch it just now? Their failure was caused by a broken propeller."

"You have to know, judging from the wear and tear, this propeller should not have been replaced since it was installed."

"Over 30 years, what kind of concept is this?"

"And, if it's a normal flight, they may not have an accident this time."

"So, we still have to admit the good things about others, otherwise wouldn't that be blind arrogance?"

"Understood, master."

Li Mo nodded solemnly, and followed Chen Yongping to get under the belly of the aircraft.

"The fuel tank is also broken. Look, this is an external auxiliary fuel tank with a capacity of about 20 tons."

"The main reason they couldn't fly back this time was that the auxiliary fuel tank was damaged."

"Otherwise, even with a single engine, it should still be able to fly back."

"Can cripples fly?"

Li Mo asked in surprise.

"That's right, their plane, let alone lacking an engine, can fly without half of its wings."

"However, that's out of our control."

"Here, the people from the technical team are here, and the rest is their work."

Following the direction of Chen Yongping's finger, Li Mo saw the technicians walking towards them.

Most of those people wore thick glasses and were frail, but such a group of people exuded an aura that was difficult to express in words.

It was as if there were no unsolvable problems in front of them.

Li Mo was a little lost in thought, thinking to himself that he was different from them.

But on second thought, maybe, is it the same?
Maybe one day, I can play a similar or even greater role to them?
He glanced at the tools in his hand and suddenly felt confident again.
While the ground staff at the airport were intensively "maintaining" the EC-130H, on the other side, Lin Changhai had already contacted the other party.

The consultation was carried out in the form of a conference call, and the two sides sent their top decision-makers to attend the meeting.

After all, an EC-130H is no small matter, and a dozen crew members is even more so.

In the meeting room, Lin Changhai silently listened to Lyon's speech.

".This was a regrettable accident, but fortunately, this accident did not cause any casualties, nor did it cause misunderstandings between us."

"So generally speaking, I think that in the handling of this accident, both of us were restrained and rational, and the result was satisfactory."

"But at the same time, I also want to make our demands."

"First of all, we hope that you can return the plane and its crew members as soon as possible so that we can investigate and analyze the accident."

"Secondly, we hope that you will abide by the agreement between the two parties and not try to decipher the confidential information, especially not to disassemble the key equipment on the plane."

"You also know that in the last incident, because of your violent dismantling, our plane once encountered a dangerous situation where it could not land."

"It's something like this, we don't want it to happen again."

Hearing what Leon said, Lin Changhai showed a look of disdain on his face, and after a pause, he replied slowly:
"We respect your opinion, but the problem is that it is really difficult to realize it."

"First of all, the crew certainly cannot return anytime soon."

"We have a standardized investigation process. Before completing the investigation of their purpose and background, they can only stay in our base."

"But don't worry, here, they will get the best care. If necessary, they can even train with our pilots --- run, do exercises and so on."

"Also, regarding the issue of disassembling the equipment, I think you have misunderstood."

"We don't have a will to disassemble the device, we just"

"Eh, it's just not put back on."

"You have to understand that our technicians are more curious."

Hearing Lin Changhai's words, Leon almost thought he was dreaming for a moment.

God, don't they even pretend now?
What is "not putting it back on", and what is "curiosity"?
Is it really something that a senior decision-maker can do to talk about technology theft so confidently?
You don't take me too seriously!

Leon took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and at the same time comforted himself in his heart:

It's okay, it's okay, this is something you know well, there's nothing you can't talk about.

After all, when our own side "accidentally" captured their sonar and small submarines, they also dismantled them because of "too much curiosity"
After a few seconds of delay, Leon said:
"I don't think this is a question of too much curiosity. We both understand what your purpose is."

"So, we don't need to go around the corner."

"Within three days, you must return the EC-3H and all crew members. There is no room for negotiation on this matter."

Hearing this, Lin Changhai became angry immediately.

No room for negotiation?
Am I negotiating with you?

He frowned, and replied solemnly:

"It can't be done, it's technically not allowed."

"Is it technically not allowed, or do you not want to?"

On the opposite side, Leon pressed on every step of the way, but Li Changhai remained unmoved.

"For whatever reason, it can't be done."

"I would like to ask, if our plane made an emergency landing at your airport and suffered a major accident, can you guarantee to complete the repairs and return the plane within the time limit?"

".We'll work hard."

"We will work hard! But I can't guarantee when it will be returned!"

"Okay, that's it, if you still want to talk, then make another appointment!"

"We just did a good thing. I can't accept your threat!"

After all, Lin Changhai put down the phone directly.

As the chief officer, his attitude has been made very clear.

Leave the rest of the details to the subordinates.

Of course, harsh words are harsh words, and problems still need to be resolved. This is the most basic principle in international exchanges.

However, how to solve it.
There is a high probability that the United States will send a technical team over to carry out emergency treatment, repair the plane to the point where it can take off, and then reluctantly fly back.

Lin Changhai walked out of the office, called the person in charge of the airport, and asked:
"How's the repair going now?"

"No progress. To be honest, we can't fix it. It's just that if there is anything that can be removed, we will remove it to see."

Lin Changhai hummed and continued:

"Then don't tear it apart!"

"Anyway, there's nothing we need on this plane, so let's throw it there."

"Throw it there? Then ask the other side."

"If they are in a hurry, let them fix it themselves!"

"I want to see how many people they can call over. It's just right, let our people get ready."

"When the person on the other side comes, give me a good look at them."

"How much you can learn depends on their abilities!"

(End of this chapter)

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