Spark 2003

Chapter 153 I'm Really Not Used to You!

Chapter 153 I'm Really Not Used to You!

A few hours later, the imperial capital.

Zhang Shuguang sat in his office, discussing the follow-up negotiation plan with several members of the negotiation team.

Liu Zhuocheng, a technical consultant sitting opposite Zhang Shuguang, is making a report:

".The current situation is that we have already caught their appetite. Representatives of various suppliers have already approached us on their own initiative, requesting to start the next stage of negotiations as soon as possible."

"They also expressed that they could consider our previous request."

"But the more controversial one is the completely bound technology transfer plan."

"Based on their opinions, these suppliers generally believe that there is no problem in cooperating with Huaxia's internal companies, but they do not accept full technology transfer and can only do limited technology transfer."

"And they did not give a clear answer to the standard of the reference to 'limited'."

"Is that the painting cake?"

Zhang Shuguang unceremoniously clarified the crux of the problem.

"That's right, it's painting cakes."

"And it's still a second-time processing of the painted cakes on the basis of our painted cakes."

"If we really accept the so-called 'limited technology transfer' scheme, it means that at least two of the three principles we have proposed will be broken."

"First of all, we require Huaxia enterprises to have the other party's technical support, but obviously, under the premise of limited technology transfer, this is simply impossible."

"Secondly, if it is only a limited technology transfer, it means that the other party still has to bypass Huaxia enterprises and directly participate in project construction. The first principle, that is, 'investing enterprises must be Huaxia enterprises', has also been broken."

"So, on the whole, I think that the other party's proposal is unacceptable."

"Just reject it directly."

Hearing this, Zhang Shuguang nodded and replied:

"Rejected, [-]% rejected."

"Are you kidding, and still negotiating terms with us?"

"Do you know what's going on now? 140 high-speed rail orders! And this is just to support the order for the sixth major speed increase."

"What about after that? What about our four horizontal and four vertical projects? A 1.2-kilometer railway network!"

"How big is this market? I can't believe they don't want it!"

Everyone in the conference room nodded in agreement, but in fact, there was nothing wrong with what Zhang Shuguang said.

As early as several years ago, the international consulting agency had rated Huaxia as the market with the largest demand for high-speed rail in the world. Due to its vast territory, large population, and relatively high degree of urbanization, there is no doubt that high-speed rail is more important than aviation. Appropriate large-scale transportation solutions.

The direction is clear, so whoever can enter first when the market is still blank will gain the greatest initiative.

It's no wonder that international companies, including Alstom, Siemens, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Bombardier, etc., rushed to contact the bidding information.

Even for a chance to meet, the brains of several companies are almost out.

Going to the other representative’s room and reporting it to Miss Sai was just a routine operation. Some time ago, several account managers from Kawasaki Heavy Industries even hired dozens of cars to block the parking lot of the hotel where the Siemens representative was staying.

It can be seen how hard they worked for this order.

But the paradox is that even under such circumstances, several companies have not backed down on technology transfer.

In their view, this is the foundation of their money, and they must not let Huaxia learn from it.

As long as you hold the technology in your hands, you can earn money for a long time.

Anyone who makes a one-shot deal is everyone's enemy.

Therefore, at this point, they have achieved a rare common advance and retreat.

How to break such an alliance will extremely test the skills of the negotiators.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Shuguang asked:
"How's the talk going with Bombardier?"

"They've loosened the caliber a bit, but so far, want to give it another go."

"I think they are a breakthrough. Later, we can use them as bargaining chips to force other companies to compromise."


Zhang Shuguang nodded and continued to ask:

"If we want to use Bombardier as a bargaining chip, it means that we still have the risk of not being able to complete the technology in one step. After all, compared with the technology of Alstom, Siemens and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Bombardier's technology is still much weaker. "

"At this point, have we done an assessment? What would the cost be?"

Liu Zhuocheng flipped through the document in his hand, and after a while, he replied:

"About five years later."

"Five years!"

Everyone sighed in a very tacit understanding.

For this result, in fact, they had expected it a long time ago.

No one wants things to develop to this point, but there is no way, the skills are not as good as others, so we must prepare for the worst.

What is the state of domestic railway technology at this time?
Although last year, China built the first railway with a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, that is, the Shenqin Passenger Railway, but this thing is 39 years later than Japan's high-speed railway, with a total mileage of only 400 kilometers and extremely immature technology. .

Most of the railway lines still use the slow 25T train, which is the so-called T-shaped green leather car.

Not only is the speed slow, but the comfort is poor, and the mileage is only a mere 7 kilometers.

How about technology in this case?That's pure nonsense.

It's no wonder that the other party didn't let go of their mouths. In their view, if they seized the technology, they seized the Achilles heel of Huaxia Railway.

Looking at the slightly negative expressions of the crowd, Zhang Shuguang smiled and said:
"Don't worry so much, things won't get to this point."

"You have to see clearly the nature of the problem."

"What is the essence? It's the market, it's money!"

"Whoever gets the order will have money. As long as there is money, is it a matter of minutes to do research and development?"

"Can't Bombardier? As long as you have enough money, you can smash a Siemens."

"So, we don't want Bombardier, and they don't want us to."

"Who would be willing to create an extra competitor for nothing?"

"Relax. What's more, we don't only have this card in our hands."

"If you delay for a while, there will be a turning point."

"Anyway, let's talk first."

Having said that, Zhang Shuguang looked deeply at the phone on the table.

He had been waiting for this phone to ring since the last time he spoke to Xinghuo.

He knew that as long as the bell rang, it meant that the horn of counterattack was about to sound.

Unfortunately, until now, there has been no movement there.

He never took the initiative to rush, because he knew that time was too tight.

To achieve a technological breakthrough in such a short period of time is actually very difficult.

It is possible that in the end, you still have to bear the pressure by yourself.

But in his heart, he always held some expectation.

Maybe, in time?
Two hours later, the negotiation with Kawasaki Heavy Industries was held on time.

"Mr. Zhang, this time, we came here with enough sincerity, and hope our negotiation can go smoothly."

As the representative, Wada Yingsong said with a modest smile on his face while shaking hands with Zhang Shuguang.

Zhang Shuguang nodded slightly, and replied calmly:

"Whether there is sincerity depends on how we talk about it next."

"If you still cannot accept our conditions, then I think your sincerity is not enough."

As soon as he said this, Wada Yingsong's smile became a little awkward, and he said embarrassingly:

"Mr. Zhang is quick to talk, but I know that business negotiations are not that simple, we need patience"

"If you're really patient, you won't ask to continue negotiations without meeting our conditions."

Zhang Shuguang didn't give face at all.

In fact, it's purely part of a negotiating tactic.

He must always occupy a high position in order to grasp the rhythm of the negotiation when the "technical" flaw cannot be solved.

Seeing his performance, Wada Yingsong realized that his lubrication was meaningless, so he sat down honestly and prepared to start formal negotiations.

Not long after, all representatives were in place, and Kawasaki Heavy Industries began to explain its own advantages and demands.

"My friends, first of all, we would like to make one point, that is: we have experience in the construction of high-speed railways."

"In 1964, we built the world's first high-speed railway, the Tokaido Shinkansen. Although it has not been exported since then, the main reason is that there is no suitable market."

"Objectively speaking, after decades of iterations, the technology we have mastered is stronger than the other two competitors in terms of high-speed braking, high-speed steering, and the core traction drive system."

"Alstom is inferior to us in traction motors, and Siemens is inferior to us in braking and steering."

"In addition, we also have extensive experience in the construction of train control networks. As far as we know, this technology is also what your side is in short supply."

After a long and uninteresting introduction, Kawasaki Heavy Industries finally concluded:
"All in all, we believe that our technology is the most suitable technology for you. Compared with the other two friends, we have an incomparable advantage."

"So, we think that you can relax us appropriately in terms of some conditions"

"It's impossible to relax."

Zhang Shuguang interrupted immediately.

The established principles must not be broken, otherwise, endless concessions will be ushered in.

After hearing his words, Wada Yingsong couldn't help but paused.

Then he opened his mouth and said:
"With all due respect, Mr. Zhang, if you persist in this attitude, then our negotiations may be difficult to proceed."

Zhang Shuguang snorted coldly and asked:
"You only talked about your advantages. May I ask you, have you considered your natural disadvantages?"

Wada Hidematsu frowned slightly, and replied:

"I don't know where our side has disadvantages. It should be said that our technology is extremely comprehensive."

"I'm not talking about technology, but about culture!"

Without waiting for his answer, Zhang Shuguang continued:
"We all know what happened in 2001."

"You know what your leaders have done."

"Haven't you found out that our once friendly relationship no longer exists?"

"Our relationship hit rock bottom after your leader stepped in that filthy toilet."

"Maybe you should look at what the public is saying. Do you know what the discussion about the Shinkansen is like now?"

"I've even seen people say that if we introduce Shinkansen technology when we build high-speed rail, there will be a boycott movement."

"I want to ask you, shouldn't this be included in our consideration? If the project is in the middle of the process, our relationship between the two parties further deteriorates, and the project is forced to be suspended. How will it end?"

"Will the huge losses caused by the interruption of the project be borne by you?"

Hetian Yingsong was dumbfounded by a series of questions. He never thought that Zhang Shuguang would put forward such a point of view.

But there is no doubt that this view is extremely persuasive.

Because even they themselves have considered the risks in this regard.

However, after discussion, they finally decided to rule out this risk because they believed that the other party had no other choice at all.

Thinking of this, he came back to his senses and said:
"Mr. Zhang, I have to say that your consideration is very comprehensive."

"But we all know that to do great things, critical decisions have to be made."

"What you are most in short supply is the high-speed rail, which is the technology of the high-speed rail. In comparison, you don't have to think too much about these trivial matters, right?"

"We don't think it's a small thing -- and you can't think it's a small thing."

Zhang Shuguang sneered and continued:

"You know that this matter has a great impact, but you still do it."

"You're not stupid, you're just shameless, right?"

Zhang Shuguang pressed on every step, and his language was extremely aggressive.

His plan is very simple, it is to seize this key point and crush the opponent's psychological defense.

Of course, he was angry.

But as a wily negotiator, sometimes you have to use your anger.

Sure enough, when he heard the word "shameless", Wada Yingsong was instantly irritated.

"If you have such an attitude, then we don't need to continue our negotiation!"

With that said, he stood up and made a gesture to walk out the door.

This is a clear threat.

At this moment, everyone present could not help but become nervous.

On the side of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, they were afraid that Wada Hidematsu would really make an irrational move.

On the other hand, Huaxia is afraid of losing a supplier, and subsequent negotiations will become more difficult.

But Zhang Shuguang was unmoved at all.

He just said indifferently:

"Going out of this door means that Kawasaki Heavy Industries has withdrawn from the bidding, and you never have to come back."

After the words fell, Wada Yingsong paused.

He is hesitating.
But at this moment, the door of the conference room opened, and a man in a suit hurried to Zhang Shuguang's direction and whispered a few words in his ear.

A smile gradually appeared on Zhang Shuguang's face.

Finally, the call finally came.

The ticket is in hand.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries?

fuck it.

He looked at Hetian Yingsong, who was still walking out step by step, with a mocking face, and he didn't mean to stop him at all.

Finally, when Wada Yingsong was about to take the last step, he finally gave in.

He turned around, bowed in Zhang Shuguang's direction, and said:
"I'm so sorry, I think we're all getting carried away with anger."

"Forgive me for being irrational, I think we need to sit down and talk"

"No, you can go."

Zhang Shuguang interrupted him.

Wada Yingsong raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Zhang Shuguang in disbelief.

And the latter had an undeniable majesty on his face.

"you can go now."

"Get out, we don't need you anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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