Spark 2003

Chapter 156 This is really not F-35B, this is J-20B!

Chapter 156 This is really not F-35B, this is J-20B!

The difficulties encountered by the J-[-] project are hard to say, and simple to say is not easy.

In the final analysis, just one sentence: too slow.

But to put it bluntly, there are many links involved.

First, the infrastructure cannot keep up.

At present, domestic infrastructure construction is insufficient, especially in the field of fourth-generation machines that require high-precision machine tools, advanced welding, and smelting equipment. Most of the resources have been sucked up by the No. 22 project, and the tentacles of 601 have even reached Bashu. Come, part of the production capacity of local enterprise suppliers will be allocated.

This has also led to a very limited production capacity available to 611, which can only meet basic needs.

If you want to spend money, you can't spend it. After all, equipment can't be built in a day.

The second point is the lack of experience of the researchers. After updating the design direction, the steering is relatively slow, and the progress is naturally slow.

They really need a senior leader to take the lead, but Yang Wei, as the chief engineer of the project, cannot play such a role.

The third point is external pressure.

The J-22 project can be said to be the project that has faced the heaviest pressure from external penetration since modern times. Especially after the No. [-] project quietly dropped a big bomb, the outside world accelerated its pace and wanted to obtain the J-[-] project. information, and obstruct it.

Whether it is personnel review or the update of the confidentiality system, it will consume a lot of time and resources.

The combination of these problems has caused the progress of the J-[-] project to fall far short of expectations.

Therefore, in order to find a solution, Yang Wei thought of Chen Nian.

He knew Chen Nian's style, the one that stood out was simple and rude.

No matter what the problem is, it is not a problem in the face of rapid technological iteration.

When the speed of research and development and application is fast enough, and the information is complete enough, most of the problems can be solved in many cases.

This is actually a way of thinking, however.
Chen Nian hesitated, and after thinking for a while, he asked:
"What problem do they mainly want me to solve? I mean, the technical kind, did you tell me?"

"Say it, it's mainly about the deflection nozzle of the engine, the lift fan, and the transmission gear."

"What? They're going on the STOVL system?"

Hearing this, Chen Nian was shocked.

Although he already knew that the J-16 will be transformed into a carrier-based aircraft and is also pursuing short-range take-off performance, he has been busy with the high-speed rail and Deep Blue [-] projects recently, and has not paid much attention to the progress of the J-[-] project.

How come it's only been a few months, and this project has jumped directly to the stage of vertical takeoff?
You know, the most typical representative of the so-called STOVL system is the F-35. If the J-[-] wants to implement the STOVL system, wouldn't it mean
The two advanced fighter jet projects of the United States were all cut off by us? ——
Don't say it, it's really exciting to think about it.

Regardless of the cost-effectiveness of vertical takeoff at this stage, at least, this step of exploration is indeed necessary.

According to Huaxia's strategy of producing one generation, developing one generation, and pre-researching one generation, it seems that it is true to go to STOVL now
After all, after Deep Blue 16, the Huaxia Navy will usher in the era of dumplings, and there will be more and more offshore platforms. If the J-[-] can achieve STOVL, the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier battle group within the first island chain can almost be said to be Raised to the level of invincibility.

Therefore, from a strategic point of view, the decision of the 611 Institute is not radical.

But to support such a radical strategy, the demand for technology is enormous.

No wonder Yang Wei wants to help him in the past
Seeing Chen Nian's surprised expression, Chen Guo nodded slightly and replied:

"Yes, this strategy has been approved by the superior and matches the progress of the Deep Blue 16 project."

"According to the plan, the J-20 will have three models, namely J-20A, J-20B, and J-[-]C."

"A is a conventional model, B is a short-take-off and vertical take-off model, and C is a carrier-based model."

"Among them, Type A is progressing smoothly, with the technical basis of Project No. 22, basically without any difficulties."

"The C-type is relatively complicated, but with the support of the F119 engine, it is not difficult to handle."

"The most difficult thing to deal with right now is Type B."

Hearing Chen Guo's words, Chen Nian couldn't help but touch his forehead.

Rabbit, you still say you don't know martial arts? !

Good guy, you even copied the model division of F-35, what else can you not copy?

If this thing really comes out, what will your neighbors over the sea think?Where do you let Lockheed Martin's face go?
".I see. I'll pack up and fly to Chengdu."

"However, I'm not sure whether the problem can be solved. I can only say that I will go and see."

Chen Nian was not self-effacing when he said this. In fact, the previous analysis of the F-22 did not involve the design of vertical take-off and landing, and he was unwilling to waste additional sources.

Therefore, what he can rely on is actually only the results of his studies during this period of time, as well as some documents about F-35 that he has read in his previous life.

If it is helpful to the problem, it must be.

But it's hard to say how much it will help.

"Understood, you can go and have a look, if not, come back, or focus on your studies."

"Or you don't have to go, just ask them to send the document, and you can just follow the document."

Chen Nian frowned and replied:
"You have to go, you have to go. Things on paper are often not as intuitive as in reality. Only when you are on the spot can you be inspired."

In fact, the core design of the F-35B is the two-pole counter-rotating lift fan behind the cockpit. The design principle of this thing is not complicated, but if you really want to go on the plane, you must consider the matching of various systems and modules. If he wasn't there, it would be impossible for Chen Nian to recall those designs and parameters anyway.

"That's fine, you choose the right time, and I'll arrange an itinerary for you."

"By the way, if there are any special events in the near future, you'd better let me know in advance."

"You know the reason. Some forces have been more active recently, and they have been staring at us very hard. I will bring you unnecessary trouble."


Chen Nian nodded in agreement, and then left Chen Guo's office.

Walking out the door, looking at the blue sky, he suddenly felt unreal.

We actually want to engage in J-20B?Want to engage in vertical take-off and landing fighters?
Although it is only a preliminary research and there is no plan to actually ship it in the short term, this matter is still of great significance.

Contrary to what most people think, this thing is not a "must" in the Air Force aircraft. There are many cheaper and more stable solutions that can replace it.

The purpose of the vertical take-off and landing fighter is to compete for the slim and weak chance in the war to expand the margin of victory.

It can be said that it is useless in downwind situations and useless in headwind situations.

But if there is a war and the two sides are in an anxious state of confrontation at sea, then its significance can be reflected.

The more planes in the sky in a short period of time, the greater the winning rate.

This is an unquestionable iron law in modern naval warfare.

Therefore, from the actions of 611, Chen Nian vaguely felt that something had changed.

On the "sea", the official attitude has become more radical.

From Deep Blue 16 to J-20B, they all seem to be making some kind of preparations.

Perhaps, the unfinished things in the time I traveled back to will be completed here ahead of schedule
Chen Nian shook his head, put away his chaotic thoughts, and returned to his residence in an inconspicuous special car dressed up as a taxi.

Although it is said that he is going to Chengdu, he is not about to leave immediately.

He has to take care of his schedule and arrange the class schedule
At this time, Yang Wei had just received a call from Chen Guo in Office 611.

"He agreed? Good! Just agree!"

"I'll just wait for him to come, don't worry, I will guarantee your safety in place."

"Life problems? You don't have to worry about life problems. Even if I drink rice soup and eat gruel, I will arrange lobster and abalone for him!"

"What was the standard in Dongqi before, it will be doubled when it comes to me!"

"Understand, I will arrange it"

"Don't worry about time, let him prevail, we will wait anytime!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Wei couldn't help laughing out loud.

Finally invited this great god over!

Although he had already invited Chen Nian to be the technical consultant for the J-16 project, since the re-planning of the project, Chen Nian had not put in much energy. Instead, he had spent most of his time on Deep Blue [-].

Finally, after he finished solving the problem of AGT110, Yang Wei thought that it should be his turn, but unexpectedly, another high-speed rail project came up.

Seeing the results of the high-speed rail project, Yang Wei was jealous.

He wished that one day when the Spark Working Group was in a meeting, he would go up to hold Chen Nian and abduct him to Chengdu, but unfortunately, this kind of thinking can only be thought about.

Well now, other projects have gone round, and finally it's my turn.

Although according to Chen Guo's report on the phone, Chen Nian was very conservative about this technical assistance, but Yang Wei was not disappointed at all.

Wasn't he just as conservative when he was designing the shape?

What now?
J-20A is about to fly for the first time!

This young man will always create miracles, and what I have to do is to give him a chance.

Thinking of this, Yang Wei picked up the phone again, connected the logistics department, and explained the follow-up arrangements.

Of course, he did not disclose Chen Nian's identity, but only said that important leaders came to visit and prepared according to the highest standards.

The intelligence department also strengthened the recent security measures according to his request.

Everything was ready, just waiting for Chen Nianfei to come over.

He was busy until after eight o'clock in the evening, and Yang Wei finally arranged all the work.

At this moment, he deeply felt that it was not easy for those people in the so-called "office".

In the past, as a technical leader, he never cared about this kind of thing. As long as you are not doing business, you will not give face to anyone who comes.

Because of this character, he almost couldn't get along in China and went overseas.

But now, he suddenly understood.

The reason why there are so many red tapes is, to put it bluntly, one word:

Pay attention to it.

Why pay attention?

I value Chen Nian, so I try my best to give him the best experience.

The reason why he values ​​him is because he knows how much benefit Chen Nian can bring to this project, this research institute, and even this country.

Thinking of this, he sighed.

If one day, everyone can realize where the "real interests" are, then this country will be completely hopeful.

You shouldn't be the only one who values ​​Chen Nian.

Chen Nian shouldn't be the only one who is valued.

Yang Wei shook his head, and subconsciously touched the phone. At this touch, he suddenly remembered an important thing:

I was so busy and confused, I actually forgot the rightful owner!
He quickly dialed Chen Nian's phone number, and said in a gentle tone:
"Hey, Xiao Nian, I am Uncle Yang."

"When are you coming?"

"Oh, oh, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, arrange your own affairs first, I can wait here"

(End of this chapter)

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