Spark 2003

Chapter 218 Three Days One Building

Chapter 218
After confirming their participation in the sea-going plan, multiple real estate group companies including R&F and Poly formed a consortium and started acquisition negotiations with 555 Fulton.

Their purpose is very simple, that is to use 555 Fulton as a springboard to start their business in the United States.
Of course, they don't necessarily have to do it.

Since the official establishment of the plan, rare, abnormal, and extremely high-profile public opinion propaganda has been launched, not only in China, but also in the US real estate market.

For a time, the real estate market in the United States was shaken.

The reason is simple. In this era, almost everyone knows that "Made in China" is synonymous with low prices.

If they do enter the US market, how much impact will it bring to the entire real estate industry?
As soon as the news came out, some people were happy and others were sad.

Those who are happy are those ordinary people who cannot or cannot afford housing.

They believed that the intervention of Huaxia Company would inevitably bring down the unattainable housing prices. At that time, they might have the opportunity to buy a hut of their own in their own city.

The sad ones are speculators, investors and real estate companies.

They all knew what the drop in housing prices meant, so as soon as the news was released, the major real estate companies immediately held emergency meetings.

Texas, Holden corporate headquarters.

President Boom Horton sat in the middle of the conference room, listening to the consultant's report with a serious face.

".According to the current situation, there is no suspense for the other party to enter the real estate market."

"Their talks with 555 Fulton have already begun and from what we have learned there is a strong possibility of a takeover."

"After all, 555 Fulton has been losing money for three consecutive years, and they continue to find third parties to take over."

"And Huaxia's investment group is the best target to take over."

"They have strong capital and sufficient experience. Even the official has shown a positive signal for this acquisition."

"Wait a minute."

Horton interrupted the consultant's speech, and then asked:
"You mean, officially support the other party's entry into our real estate market? Why?"

"In order to curb the overheating trend of real estate."

"According to the data of the past three months, the average housing price in major domestic cities has risen by more than 5%. Although most of this increase is due to financial market fluctuations, the official is not concerned."

"From an official perspective, all they see is a process imbalance."

"In this case, instead of regulating through monetary policy, it is better to introduce catfish into the market --- while achieving the purpose of reducing prices, it can also break monopoly to a certain extent."

Having said that, the consultant spread his hands and continued:

"To be honest, if I were an official, I would choose this strategy as well."

"Obviously, the current Huaxia Investment Group is this catfish, and they are about to jump into the pool."

Hearing his words, the meeting room fell silent for a while.

Originally, before the meeting started, everyone wanted to block this investment by operating at the official level, but now, the official attitude has been revealed clearly, if they intervene again, they may be blocked Leave a bad file.

But can you just watch this catfish jump in and steal your own resources?
Horton frowned, and asked:
"Is there any way for us to get their investment strategy?"

The advisor shook his head and replied:

"There's no way for now—or, maybe they haven't even worked out a strategy yet."

“However, 555 Fulton has always focused on secondary markets, such as rural areas, secondary cities and so on.”

"Preliminary estimates, after the Huaxia Investment Group takes over, they will still continue this strategy."

"The reason is very simple. 555 Fulton has very little voice in the high-end market, and there are no relevant resources."

"You can't feed the second Horton Company just by relying on money."

Holden nodded slightly, which coincided with his judgment.

The opponent should not attack the high-end market. As long as this is the case, at least in the short term, one's own side is still safe.

But what about the long term?
Holden sighed, looked at everyone in the conference room, and asked a question that had been circling in his mind for a long time:
"So, do you think these Chinese people are here to make money, or do they have other plans?"

After the voice fell, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but feel their hearts jump.

In fact, it's not that they haven't thought about this issue, thinking that this investment group may intend to destroy the entire real estate market in the name of investment.

But this kind of malicious speculation seems a little too far-fetched.

After all, no matter from what point of view, those Huaxia people are qualified and reputable businessmen.

In past experience, they are much more popular than Indians, islanders, and even Europeans.

Possibly, this is just a purely profit-seeking activity?

After all, the U.S. real estate market is hot right now, and everyone knows it's a gold mine, and everyone wants a piece of it.

Not only Huaxia, several companies in Europe are also in contact with local American companies, even if, do they also have ghosts in their hearts?
Shouldn't it be?
After a few seconds of silence, someone in the corner of the conference room raised his hand and said:

"I don't think there will be an answer to that question."

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, and then he continued:
"However, at the same time, we should also know that no matter what the answer to this question is, fundamentally speaking, the entry of Chinese people will have the same impact on us."

"They're bound to drive down property prices, they're bound to take away our profits, and in the most extreme cases, they could lead to a collapse in prices across the market."

"So, no matter what, we should be prepared."

"My suggestion is that our price increase strategy should be launched."

"We have to find a way to continue to increase the price to offset the impact of this catfish."

Horton looked at the young man who spoke with admiration, and followed his words and asked:

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"You must know that a simple price increase is absolutely unacceptable by the market, and it may affect our reputation."

"Second-hand housing."

The young man interrupted.

"Now, the only thing that can move this market is financial means."

"We can't take the initiative to raise prices, but we can take advantage of the heat in the financial market and continue to heat up our own market."

"In addition to wealthy speculators, current home buyers are poor just-needers, and there is no middle class."

"So, as long as the price of second-hand housing rises, the price of our new housing will also rise accordingly."

"Moreover, it is much easier to leverage the price of second-hand housing than to leverage the price of new housing."

"I've calculated, maybe, just... no more than $500 billion."


Everyone in the conference room couldn't help but exclaimed.

You know, even for Holden, this is definitely not a small number.
However, Boom Horton, sitting in the very middle, laughed.

He knew it was definitely a viable strategy.

Because, someone will definitely pay for Holden.

Investors at the top of the financial markets don't want this catfish messing up the market any more than they do
Horton, who is far away in the United States, doesn't know that their behavior of continuing to stir up the real estate market is actually putting a tighter rope around their necks.

The apocalypse is not far away, but capital's chariot is racing wildly, and everyone seems to have forgotten one thing:
The other end of this rope is still tightly trapped on a big mountain.

Someday, this chariot will pull the rope to the limit.

Afterwards, everyone on the chariot will be hanged to death by the huge momentum.
Of course, it is too early to talk about this ending.

But on the other side of the mountain, there are indeed people who are quietly continuing to tighten the rope.
Jiangsu, XCMG headquarters.

Zhou Fuyuan stood in the office, looking excitedly at the documents on the desktop, with undisguised ecstasy in his eyes.

There is no doubt that this document is the document of the WK-75 heavy excavator that Chen Nian just exported. After being reviewed by the Spark team and higher decision-makers, it was delivered to Zhou Fuyuan's desktop as quickly as possible.

The first time Zhou Fuyuan saw this document, his first reaction was suspicion.

After all, he is a supervisor with a technical background, and he also knows how difficult heavy-duty engines are for XCMG and even China.

Not to mention reinstalling, you can solve problems that even so many research institutes under the Ministry of Industry can't solve?

Moreover, it is said that the technology this time did not come from the Heavy Equipment Office, but from a newly established department called the Civil Affairs Office.

It is estimated that some leader came up with the "experimental project"
With this in mind, he reluctantly opened the document, but he was completely overwhelmed after reading a few pages.

A high-power variable frequency drive technology applied to the rack-and-pinion push system that replaces the traditional excavator hydraulic system.

It replaces the AC variable frequency motor and its control system of the thyristor power supply technology that has been stuck in the United States.

Because the production and assembly of some large parts exceeds the existing processing capacity, the specially designed and adjusted process flow.

Just these three points are enough to be called a shocking breakthrough.

Not to mention, this document also includes many more detailed but equally important key difficult technologies.

Such as hydraulic pressure, bearings, high-strength materials, intelligent design and so on.

At this moment, his thoughts changed drastically.

At the beginning, he thought that the Civil Affairs Office was a begging department, and the so-called mountain-moving project was created to squeeze the potential of enterprises and institutions and use it for the performance of some superiors.

But now, he suddenly discovered that this fucking is a feeding department.
Or the kind that feeds food into your mouth.

Don't eat?

joke!A fool would not eat it!

Therefore, after receiving the materials, his attitude also took a 180-degree turn.

From the indifference at the beginning, to now I can't wait to take out my heart and liver and serve a special dish to the representative in front of me.

After finally stabilizing his emotions, he took several breaths before speaking solemnly:
"The burden this time is really too heavy—thanks to the leaders for their trust! We at XCMG must work together and live up to the trust of our superiors!"

Hearing his loyal words, Chen Guo on the opposite side smiled and replied:
"Don't talk about these nonsense, anyway, we have already taken care of the hardest part for you."

"The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual."

"On the basis of these technologies, which step you can achieve depends purely on your own performance."

"To be honest, this time, the higher-ups have high expectations of you, if you mess up"

Chen Guo intentionally didn't finish speaking, but Zhou Fuyuan who was facing him laughed.

What about trouble?

I've fed all the food into my mouth, is there anything else I can't eat?

So he opened his mouth and said:
"Don't worry, leader, we are not afraid that we will not chew well, but we are afraid that there will be no meat!"

"Now the meat is on our lips, even if we bite hard, we have to swallow it into our stomachs!"

"I can assure you that starting today, this project will be our XCMG's strategic hilltop project. We will prioritize the allocation of resources and the arrangement of personnel, and we will ensure that the project goes smoothly at all costs!"

"Didn't you say that the project construction period required 9 months? I will issue a military order, and within 6 months, WK-75 will be offline!"

"If you say that, then I'm relieved."

Seeing Zhou Fuyuan's expression, Chen Guo nodded slightly.

He is not afraid of the opponent's madness, but he is afraid that the opponent is not motivated.

You must know that under the premise of Chen Nian's complete knowledge of technology, many omissions and difficulties in the process can be solved by what Chen Nian called "big tricks without work", so speed and brutality are not a problem.

On the contrary, being cautious and timid is the Achilles heel that affects the progress of the project.

Being able to say such things at this time at least proves that Zhou Fuyuan really intends to do a good job in this project.
However, today I came to find him, not only intending to do this one thing.

After a pause, Chen Guo continued:

"The heavy-duty excavator project has been resolved, and I have one more thing that needs your assistance."

"But don't worry, you are not responsible this time."

"You said, whether it is the main responsibility or not, we will definitely do our best!"

Zhou Fuyuan replied without hesitation.

"We need the assistance of XCMG and cooperate with China Construction Third Engineering Bureau to design a residential rapid construction system."

"Residential rapid construction system? You mean a building machine?"

Zhou Fuyuan's tone was a little surprised. Before Chen Guo could answer, he continued:
"The technical difficulty of this thing is not high. To put it bluntly, it is a closed construction platform. The core technologies involved are lifting and hoisting. As for other equipment, they are all accessories of the construction platform. "

"If we want to make it, we can make it at any time, but...the application scenarios of this thing in China don't seem to be very wide?"

Hearing his words, Chen Guo nodded and replied:

"Yes, it is not needed in China yet."

"However, there are other needs."

"You don't need to inquire about the specific purpose, I just need you to answer a question."

"If we need a building machine that can build a residential building with more than 10 floors within 10 days, are you sure?"

"The 10-day package doesn't include prefab preparation?"

Zhou Fuyuan asked.

"Not included."

Hearing Chen Guo's answer, Zhou Fuyuan instantly relaxed.

"That's sure to be fine."

"Leader, let's allocate money, this thing doesn't even need the participation of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau, we can handle it ourselves."

"After the thing is made, it won't take ten days, three days, you can handle it!"

 Today is the last day of double update. Tomorrow, the update will be resumed. The teeth are pulled out. Three teeth were pulled out at one time, and one was repaired. It is numb.

(End of this chapter)

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