Spark 2003

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Sea area.

An EF-18 fighter plane was hovering at an altitude of 6000 meters, and the electronic pod mounted under the belly of the aircraft was continuously sending jamming signals in the direction of the predetermined radar.

The driver, Yota Katsumura, stared at the radar screen vigilantly, and his right hand dared not leave the throttle lever from beginning to end.

He has already made up his mind that as soon as he sees any UFOs on the radar screen, he will immediately turn on the afterburner and flee in the direction of his own base.


Fight shit.

He was very clear about the nature of his mission. In fact, it was just his own plane. The four planes dispatched for this mission were actually just bait.

However, even so, one's own actions are not without meaning.

Interference again and again will tie down most of the other party's resources and energy.

Therefore, the core of this task is only one:
Don't get caught and don't let them know who it was.

Even if it is discovered by the opponent's fighter jet, it can't be too entangled, and it will turn around and fly with more power. If there is any problem, let the opponent communicate with the big brother.

Thinking of this, Katsumura Yota breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced down at his watch. It was already 11 am, and 20 minutes had passed since they started the interference.

He turned his head subconsciously, and said to Sosuke Kitahara, the electronic warfare operator sitting behind him:

"It's almost time, ready to return."


Kitahara Sosuke answered briefly, and then he increased the power of the electronic jamming pod, switching it from directional jamming mode to full-band jamming.

This is the smoke bomb for their evacuation phase. After the last interference is over, they will immediately leave the current airspace and evacuate to a safe area as quickly as possible.

A few seconds later, the EF-18 began to turn and the afterburner was turned on. Yota Katsumura looked at the instrument in front of him and synchronized the flight information with Sosuke Kitahara.

"It is 220 nautical miles away from the opponent's territorial waters, and the speed is Mach 1.4. It is estimated that it will leave the pursuit limit distance in 6 minutes."

"Altitude 6000, continue to climb."

"Received, electronic jamming pod is turned off, identifying friendly signals."

"Friendly signal recognition, return."

The speed continued to increase. Ten seconds later, the EF-18 reached its top speed of Mach 1.6. At this time, Yota Katsumura finally relaxed completely, and his fingers that were holding the joystick tightly were finally rested. .

He sighed, and said to Kitahara Sosuke behind him in a tired voice:
"It's finally over. Although we have kept a distance of more than 100 nautical miles from them, I still feel that we are provoking a monster."

"Its eyes are staring at us, and maybe it will attack us in the next second."

"As long as our movements are a little slower, this mission will probably never come back."

Hearing his words, Kitahara Sosuke did not answer immediately.

In fact, why didn't he worry about his own safety?

But compared to Yota Katsumura, he has less options.
After all, the joystick was not in his hands, so even if he wanted to flee, it was impossible for him to escape.

However, he would naturally not say such things to Katsumura Yota.

After thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth and said:

"In fact, our strategy is very safe."

"The distance from the interference is 220 nautical miles, and the response time of the other party is at least 2 minutes. At the same time, it takes at least 2 minutes for fighter jets and early warning aircraft to take off."

"It takes at least 2 minutes for the early warning aircraft to find the enemy-this is the fastest situation."

"The opponent's maximum speed is Mach 2.6, and our maximum speed is Mach 1.6."

"That is to say, it takes at least 21 minutes for the opponent to take off to find us and enter the attack range."

"These 21 minutes are enough for us to fly to a safe airspace."

"Don't worry, they can't catch us - isn't this system designed for this purpose?"


Yota Katsumura nodded in agreement.

This is his last confidence.

After all, ARES is the most advanced electronic warfare system in the United States, and even in the world.

According to the upper echelon, the technology used in this system has been at least 20 years ahead of the entire world.

If it wasn't because the situation was too complicated, in any case, the turret would not agree to expose this system that should have been used after the war started.

After all, exposing existence is equivalent to exposing weaknesses, which means countermeasures that will come quickly
Especially in the current situation--China's technological development rate is almost unreasonable, who knows how long it will take for them to develop countermeasures?
A day, a month, or a year? ——
Even a year is too fast.

This is probably a forced choice.
Thinking of this, he suddenly asked:
"So why don't they just do it themselves and do it through us?"

Kitahara Sosuke was taken aback for a moment, and then replied:
"This is the nomination certificate."

Hearing this answer, Katsumura Yota fell silent.

Indeed, after completing this task, regardless of whether they are identified or not, the island countries located to the east will be forced to bind with the United States.

In this way, the United States directly broke the balance of interests established by China with THAAD.

It has to be said that this is indeed a brilliant move.

Yota Katsumura wanted to say something else, but Sosuke Kitahara continued:

"But there's nothing wrong with that."

"ARES is too powerful, as long as it exists, the East China Sea will never be peaceful."

"As long as the East China Sea is not stable, their aircraft carrier will not be able to travel far—similarly, that destroyer with amazing combat power will also be dragged down."

"Maybe we will face tremendous pressure in the short term, but as long as we survive this period of time, we will still be the winners in the end."

"Makes sense. But what if"

"The advantage of ARES no longer exists?"

Kitahara Sosuke fell silent immediately.

He doesn't know how to answer this question.

The probability of this happening should be very low, right?
However, he didn't know that at this moment, there was a ghostly fighter hovering above him.
No, that's not the J-22 that took off from the base after being jammed.

It was the H-20 that was already performing training missions over the East China Sea.

Two hours later, inside the headquarters.

The man in military uniform stood in front of the sand table with a serious face, while the remote connection was Chen Nian who was far away in Chengdu.

"So the current situation is very clear. The opponent is using a brand new electronic warfare system, which is different from the ALX-99 and SPASM systems we are familiar with. This system is more powerful and has a wider range of effects."

"According to the scanning results of KJ-500, the opponent's electronic jammer launched an attack from at least 200 nautical miles away, injecting jamming signals directly from the main radar lobe."

"Even the most advanced digital array radar at present cannot completely rule out the interference of this system."

"The opponent's purpose is obvious, that is to launch electronic warfare against us, to consume our military resources through non-hot warfare methods, and to contain our global strategy."

"The situation is very serious. According to the feedback from 14 institutes, we currently do not have the means to deal with it."

"The only thing we can do is to strengthen the combat readiness at sea, ensure the presence of air power, and go to drive away as soon as possible when interference occurs."

"But the cost of doing so is extremely high, and it is easier to expose the weaknesses of our fourth-generation aircraft, and it can even be said to be in the hands of the enemy."

"So, in today's meeting, what we are going to discuss is how to contain the opponent's electronic warfare offensive in a short period of time at the lowest cost and buy time for the 14th Institute."

"Let's start speaking freely."

As soon as his voice fell, someone raised his hand in the venue.

The man nodded, and the latter asked:
"Where did the jammers come from?"

"According to the information sent back by the H-20, the takeoff location should be Ishigaki Island, but there is no complete air force base there, only a temporary runway."

"Initial judgment, it should have been built recently."

"Can you directly fight against the island and destroy the facilities on the island?"

Hearing this, the man in military uniform shook his head helplessly.

It seems that the previous "exercise operation" in the south has indeed increased the confidence of many people, so that when they face provocations, their first reaction has changed from "condemnation and denunciation" to "direct action".

But obviously, the strategies that were useful before are not necessarily practical here.

The reason is very simple, they are all beating dogs, but the consequences of different dog owners will not be the same.

"It's not possible to have a hot war strategy against them, at least not at this stage."

"Not firing is our bottom line, we can't take risks."


The questioner sat down again, and then someone asked again:
"Since we know where the opponent is taking off, can we monitor Ishigaki Island [-]/[-] and give an early warning when an electronic warfare plane is found?"


The man continued to shake his head.

"Even if we can grasp the opponent's takeoff information, we cannot organize effective expulsion without radar tracking."

"How about building an island radar station?"

"Then go back to the original situation. Even the digital array radar cannot completely offset the opponent's electromagnetic interference."

"Unless the fire control radar is turned on for millimeter wave tracking."

"However, under the current situation, random fire control irradiation outside the territorial waters will cause serious problems."

Hearing this, everyone in the venue fell silent.

In fact, they really couldn't think of a better way to deal with the current situation.

The island countries have already submitted their votes, which means that it is impossible to exert pressure through economic or political channels to have any effect.

And if you want to use purely technical means, you can't solve the problem in a short time.

The situation appears to have reached an impasse.

And at this moment, Chen Nian's voice came from the connected communicator.

"Digital array radar can counteract jamming."

"The other party is using the ARES electronic jamming system. I know the weaknesses of this system."

For a moment, all eyes were on the small speaker.

Their eyes looked as if Chen Nian was sitting there, opposite them.

Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation, quietly waiting for Chen Nian's further explanation.

"The core capability of the ARES system is to use a high-performance processor to analyze radar pulse characteristics, and apply digital modulation methods to track radar band signals in real time, and inject interference signals directly from the main lobe through analog echoes."

"Essentially, this technology is also an offshoot of 'digital array radar' technology, so they're essentially jamming us with the same technology that we are using."

"I have to say that Laomei's technical background is still there. If it weren't for this accident, I can hardly imagine that they can have such a technology."

"I don't know how many backhands they have hidden that we don't know, and they will show them one by one in the future."

Hearing Chen Nian's words, everyone in the meeting room couldn't help being stunned.

While saying "I can't imagine having such a technology", he developed the digital array radar technology a few years ago.

Is this looking down on old beauty, or looking down on it?

However, Chen Nian didn't know what everyone was thinking at this time, he just continued to say:

"Under such circumstances, whether it is to develop electronic warfare equipment with equal confrontation means or to further iterate the radar system, it will not achieve much good results."

"If the time is too long, we will be tossed to death by them."

"So, the most cost-effective solution is to develop a new anti-jamming algorithm."

"Currently we are using the anti-mainlobe interference technology based on the blind source separation algorithm (BSS). The performance of this technology deteriorates seriously under the condition of low signal-to-noise ratio, and it cannot resist the interference of the ARES system."

"However, we can upgrade the BSS algorithm and use the BSS and fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) algorithm."

"First use the classic BSS algorithm to separate the received main lobe interference mixed signal, then perform FRFT transform processing on the separated signal with chirp signal characteristics, and filter in the FRFT domain to remove most of the noise energy, and finally recover the target signal."

"This algorithm can greatly improve the peak signal-to-noise ratio of the radar, and combined with the digital array radar technology, it can greatly reduce the interference of the ARES system."

"In addition, going a step further, we can use neural network learning technology to intervene in the signal analysis process, thereby improving recognition efficiency and helping to improve recognition accuracy."

"I will submit the proposals of these two algorithms as soon as possible."

"For the neural network learning part, I recommend someone who probably knows more."

The person Chen Nian mentioned was naturally Wang Jiancheng, but at the meeting, he didn't say his name right away.

Hearing his speech, the expression of the man in military uniform finally relaxed, and he asked:
"Chen Gong, how long do you expect to take?"

"One day -- but it's just time to update the FRFT algorithm."

"In addition, I would like to explain that this is just a stopgap measure. We are making progress, and the other party is also making progress."

"Soft technologies such as algorithms are the easiest technologies to be surpassed. If you want to really solve the problem, you must either start with the hardware or directly scare them."

"The hardware is too late, my suggestion is the latter."

After the words fell, the man in military uniform frowned slightly.

"It is not appropriate for us to use force under the current circumstances. There is really no other way."

"We will not use force."

Chen Nian's voice paused for a moment.

Then he went on to say:
"Judging from the current situation, the old US only has a relatively strong ARES system, but the radars they deploy in the Asia-Pacific region are products of the previous generation of technology and do not have strong anti-jamming capabilities."

"As for island countries, let alone."

"They want to give us a big empty space, and we can give them a taste of the same!"

(End of this chapter)

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