Spark 2003

Chapter 317 Completed

Chapter 317 Completed
(The previous chapter is not repeated, it’s just that the chapter name is buggy, and I can’t modify it. In addition, this period of time will be stricter, so the update time will be messy, everyone understands it, please bear with me.)

The Nantianmen Aerospace Base project is not an urgent project, but of course, it is also time-sensitive.

In Chen Nian's expectation, he intends to complete the project within 10 to 15 years. With this epoch-making equipment, he can overtake on curves and establish China's strategic delivery capability.

This project is bound to be huge, cumbersome, and difficult, but only when this project is done in a down-to-earth manner can Huaxia really take a step forward and consider the issue of "struggling for hegemony".
No, that statement is not accurate.

As we all know, whether in the past, present or future, we will not fight for hegemony, nor will we make any preparations for it.

What we have to do is to spread happiness to all parts of the world and spread the vision of human harmony to all parts of the world.

In this process, we need the help of some weapons and equipment to fight against those saboteurs with malicious intentions. It is actually very reasonable, right?
Chen Nian didn't know if others thought it was reasonable, but he thought it was reasonable anyway.

All in all, after Chen Nian proposed this concept, higher-level organizations including the military immediately started discussions, and finally determined that Chen Nian's deduction was accurate and must be realized objectively.

So, the project was decided immediately.

Led by the National Space Administration, with the cooperation of several aerospace departments, resources and manpower are all allocated in accordance with the optimal allocation. The goal is to lay the foundation for the project in the shortest possible time.

As for the specific technical implementation method, it will be left to Xinghuo and Chen Nian to solve it.

Regarding this point, Chen Nian was also not in a hurry.

Aerospace is inherently a complex system engineering, let alone such an aerospace project that has never existed in human history.

It requires the integration of technological breakthroughs in all aspects, including but not limited to materials, fuels, spacecraft design, engines and power systems. Of course, there is also energy.

Therefore, it is the most sensible solution to deal with the front-end technology step by step.

The metal hydrogen project must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian called Chen Guo again.

The latter thought that Chen Nian was going to discuss project resource allocation with him, so he said "face-to-face chat" with Chen Nian, but Chen Nian stopped him:
"No, Professor Chen, I'm not going to tell you about the Nantianmen project."

"I want to ask, the metal hydrogen project, how is the communication with Isaac now?"

Hearing Chen Nian's question, Chen Guo immediately replied:
"Basically there is no problem. According to the information a few days ago, Isaac has agreed to participate in the metal hydrogen research and development project as a consultant."

"At present, his cooperation is still relatively high-however, there is one thing that does not meet our expectations."

"Which point?"

Chen Nian answered and asked.

"You never thought of it. To be honest, I didn't think of it either."

"He wants to become a Chinese citizen."

"???? Are you kidding me? Is he crazy?"

Chen Nian turned pale with shock, Chen Guo's answer could no longer be said to have simply "surprised" him.

As soon as these words were spoken, Chen Nian even felt that his three views would be subverted.
Isaac wants to become a Chinese citizen?

Although he is not a top-notch strategic researcher over there, no matter from which angle he looks at it, he is also a figure of prestige.

He doesn't have any academic exclusion at all, even if he doesn't get much support in the short term because the subject is relatively advanced, he can still rely on his other subsidiary subjects to live well.

This kind of "very good" is not only reflected in economic benefits, but also includes a series of preferential treatment in policies and superior social status that he enjoys.

This kind of person, he wants to become a Chinese citizen?

Noticing Chen Nian's anticipation, Chen Guo replied with a little amusement:

"Yeah, that's why I said you never thought of it."

"Like you, when I first heard the news, I was really taken aback."

"However, the comrades in the intelligence department have analyzed it in detail. The reason why he came up with such an idea this time is actually convincing."

"The root of this matter is still in the previous 055 project."

"Project 055? How did this get involved?"

Chen Nian became more and more confused.

The 055 project and the metal hydrogen project cannot be said to be irrelevant, but to be honest, there is still a gap.

"A coincidence with a very small probability. As you know, the Zumwalt project and the 055 project are in a rivalry relationship."

"Then, the Zumwalt project was unfinished, and the relevant researchers and organizers have not been dealt with very well."

"Among them, the leader of the project is Jay. After negotiating with the US officials many times, he should be completely disappointed in them."

"Some time ago, he came to Huaxia, and through the relationship of several research institutes, he learned about some things on our side"

"So he asked for citizenship first? Isaac is his friend?"

"That's not true. He didn't ask for citizenship. After all, he is a pure American."

"However, he was a friend of Isaac's, and a very close one at that."

"He talked to Isaac about our affairs, and passed a judgment of his own to Isaac."

"That is, in the future, China must be the core of the world's technological development. Instead of staying in the United States, Isaac should go to China to seek development."

"You know, Isaac is Jewish and grew up in India."


Chen Nian nodded dumbfounded.

Good guy, I really don't know enough about Isaac.

I only know about his academic research, but I don't know anything about his identity and background.

Jewish + Indian background?

The buff is full.

The buff of no motherland is full.

No wonder he would seek to immigrate to Huaxia. Anyway, for him, scientific research is the same wherever he is. Relying on the past few patents, his material life does not have any issues to consider at all, so he might as well give it a go. Fighting, betting on a chance to leave history.

After a pause, Chen Nian continued to ask:
"Did he mention any conditions?"

"I mentioned it, mainly academic conditions, such as requiring full participation in the project, such as requiring [-]% right to know, etc."

"At present, we are still negotiating with him, but judging from his reaction, the possibility of realization is still very high."

"Well, let's get on with it, then. Don't compromise too much, though."

"To be honest, I don't need him that much—he's just my first frame of reference. It's better to have it. If not, it won't affect the overall situation."

"Understood, we expect the results to come out within one to two weeks, and we'll let you know then."

"no problem."

Things have progressed remarkably, which is gratifying anyway - even if it's a bit of a nonsensical progress.

He chatted with Chen Guo casually, and was about to hang up the phone when Chen Guo on the other end suddenly said:
"The project over there is basically ready."

"Judging from the results of small-scale tests on site, the effect is still very good."

"They are now considering doing a field test. I will inform you as soon as the results are available."

"it is good."

Chen Nian answered briefly, without seeming to care.

But after hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but fell silent.

He has been watching the progress of the preparations.

He also knew that in addition to purely technical means, the authorities had also arranged a series of countermeasures.

Theoretically speaking, in the case of "predicting the crisis" and making sufficient preparations, the damage should be minimized.

However, Chen Nian still felt uneasy.

Maybe, I have to wait for that day to pass before I can really feel relieved.
the other side.

Zheng Jiuyuan checked the completion of the surrounding geological shield engineering facilities for the last time. After seeing that all shafts have been sealed and all above-ground facilities are in complete and normal condition, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

In fact, he himself is not a professional engineer, and he has never seen such an engineering facility.

In the past few months, he was completely learning while doing it. During the most stressful period, he did not even sleep more than 4 hours a day. The project is done.

And in the process, the attitudes of those construction parties who originally regarded him as a layman have already undergone earth-shaking changes.

From the very beginning, he took a mouthful of Xiao Zheng, and now he has begun to respectfully call him "Zheng Gong".

It has to be said that the Huaxia people are actually Mu Qiang, but unlike some countries, the Mu Qiang of the Huaxia people, most of the time, targets those who are willing to dedicate themselves to the collective benefit and can turn the tide.

Although everyone didn't know the purpose of Zheng Jiuyuan and his party for the time being, they could all see the importance and urgency of this project.

Therefore, when Zheng Jiuyuan showed his willingness to dedicate everything to this project, they also paid their respects as a matter of course.

Sitting on the mound outside the construction site, Zheng Jiuyuan lit a cigarette for himself, while Zhong Jian was still holding the project materials in his hand, and while flipping through them, he said to Zheng Jiuyuan:
"Basically there is no problem. All inspections have been completed, the parameters are fully up to standard, and the results of a small proportion of tests are also very good."


Hearing Zhong Jian's relaxed expectation, Zheng Jiuyuan couldn't help but also laughed.

He took a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand, and then replied:

"I hope so."

Zhong Jian smiled, and said:

"Sichuan sisters are very juicy, and it is unacceptable for me to lose any of them."

Zheng Jiuyuan couldn't help rolling his eyes, then he stood up and patted the dust on his pants, reached out and took the materials in Zhong Jian's hand and asked:
"How is the blasting facility ready? When can we start testing?"

Zhong Jian raised his hand and looked at his watch, and replied:

"According to the plan, it will be 4 hours later. I only called half an hour ago to inquire about the progress, and the feedback there is that the blasting arrangement has been completed."

"Also, the sensors have all been checked and are in working order."

"We can now go to the command post immediately and give the order to start the test if we need to."

"Then go now, four hours is still a bit too extravagant for us now, if it can be earlier, it will be earlier."

"Understood, let's go."

Zhong Jian didn't say any more. In fact, although he looked frivolous, he was definitely a trustworthy comrade-in-arms at work.

Ten minutes later, the two returned to the command post, and the staff began to evacuate as orders were issued.

Before that, they had drilled a deep well close to 1500 meters deep, and buried a full two tons of TNT-equivalent explosives in the deep well.

Their goal is to test the actual effect of the projects that have been arranged.

"We're done evacuating and we can start testing."

The voice of the blasting team staff came from the walkie-talkie. Zheng Jiuyuan took a deep breath and said:
"start testing!"

"Got it, start the test."

Ten seconds later, the explosives ignite and explode.

The dull sound came from a distance, but in fact, what spread faster than the sound was the waves under the feet.

Two tons of equivalent explosives sound terrible, but after being buried at a depth of 500 meters underground, what it brings is actually nothing more than a slight vibration.

If you want Zheng Jiuyuan to describe it, it is probably equivalent to covering the dog food bowl on the firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, and then stepping on it.

He can't tell whether the project is effective or not based on his own feelings, but the data will not lie.

According to the sensor information gathered by the central computer of the headquarters, the strength of this wave has been weakened by at least 90% after passing through the project!

Seeing this result, an indescribable relief appeared on Zheng Jiuyuan's face.

He looked at Zhong Jian at the side, and said:
"It should be fine."

"Next, let's see next month."

(End of this chapter)

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