Spark 2003

Chapter 336 The brewing storm

Chapter 336 The brewing storm
Although the AI ​​made by Wang Jiancheng is not very useful at this stage, Chen Nian still keeps it. After all, manual training also takes time. When he is free, he can help Wang Jiancheng solve some simple problems.

On the other hand, the server Wang Jiancheng is currently using is a server he rented himself, and the computing power is pitifully low. Chen Nian plans to ask Xinghuo to allocate a set of servers to provide computing power for Bai Ze if it is suitable in the future. The efficiency must be higher. It is much higher than what Wang Jiancheng built himself.

For Chen Nian's plan, Wang Jiancheng naturally couldn't wish for it—he could vaguely feel that Chen Nian's status was unusual, and he also believed that he could solve the problems that he couldn't solve.

As for whether Chen Nian will take away the results?

He didn't even think about it at all.

This kind of trust has probably been established since the birth of Yujing 01, and it has not been reduced by half until now.

After everything was arranged properly, several people finally started the so-called "travel plan" according to the scheduled itinerary. For Chen Nian, this was a rather novel experience.

After all, counting carefully, he has never really traveled seriously in his life.

The last time I went to Hainan was with Chen Guo, it was not so much a trip as a forced rest in a certain sense.

I let go of work, but I can't go anywhere happily.

But this time is different, the team is full of young people, at least in terms of eating, drinking and having fun, they can still find common ground.

However, the security measures for Chen Nian have not been relaxed at all. No matter where they go, there are always some security personnel who do not show their faces behind the few people to observe secretly.

Wang Jiancheng was very puzzled by this - he didn't really see those well-trained commissioners, he just felt that wherever he went, he felt that someone was watching him.

He said this feeling several times, but in contrast, Qiao Mai, including Li Xiang, didn't feel anything abnormal.

This keen intuition surprised Chen Nian, but thinking about it carefully, Wang Jiancheng seems to have always been an intuitive researcher.

It is not surprising that this can be done.

After seeing the pandas all the way, and climbing over Mount Qingcheng, the four of them finally arrived at the last stop of the itinerary, Dujiangyan.

Looking at the huge and perfect facilities in front of him, Chen Nian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

In his last life, it was also broken and damaged by the earthquake, but it was repaired by artificial grouting.

Now, that step has been omitted - it's still as strong and efficient as it has been for millennia.

Standing on the viewing platform, a few people were listening to the introductions of other tour guides.

Although I have known about this large-scale water conservancy project for a long time, the information I heard from other people still has a special flavor.

".Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project has a history of more than 2000 years, but it is still playing an important role until today."

"Whether it is automatic sand discharge, automatic diversion, irrigation, flood control... its role cannot be ignored."

"By last year, according to statistics, the irrigated area of ​​Dujiangyan had reached 66.87 hectares, and the irrigated area had reached more than 40 counties. Even compared with some modern water conservancy projects, it is not inferior at all."

"So why don't you build similar water conservancy projects now?"

Speaking of this, someone in the tour group suddenly asked.

Attracted by the man's strange accent, Chen Nian turned his head subconsciously, and what he saw was a face that was obviously not from Huaxia.

The tour guide was visibly taken aback.

He didn't expect such a question --- isn't this a joke?

No matter how strong Dujiangyan is, it is a water conservancy facility with limitations built on the basis of technology thousands of years ago. Who would build such a thing when more advanced technology can be used?

So he replied:
"We don't really build the same kind of water works anymore, but we build something bigger and more advanced."

"The Three Gorges Project is one of the most typical representatives, relying on the Three Gorges Project, we."

"However, I heard that the Three Gorges Project has had a great impact on the lives of the people along the coast. They were forced to leave their hometowns, and they did not even receive due compensation."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone recalled them.

This kid is here to find fault on purpose.

Not only the tour guide himself, but other people in the tour group also glared at the white man who spoke. The latter seemed to realize that it was inappropriate for him to make such a statement on this occasion, so he quickly said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not malicious, I just came to Huaxia just now, and I want to verify some rumors I heard."

"You'll see later, if you really put yourself in our shoes."

The tour guide didn't bother to bother with him, so he just replied perfunctorily and continued with his introduction.

On the side, Chen Nian frowned.

He deliberately fell behind Qiao Mai and Wang Jiancheng, and said to Li Xiang, who was not far away:
"There's something wrong with this kid. He speaks Chinese so well, and he asks sensitive questions when he comes up. Is he overtrained and confiscated?"

Li Xiang nodded slightly and replied:

"It looks like, I'll ask someone to check him - the situation in this area is indeed a bit serious recently, there are too many newcomers."

"You mean those scientific researchers who collaborated on the project? Those who participated in the conference on energetic materials?"

"more than."

Li Xiang lowered his voice and said:

"As you know, we have recently been robbing people from the Americans. In response to their immigration policies, we have relaxed restrictions in many ways."

"That's because the restrictions were lifted, and the people who came in were mixed with a lot of sand."

"It's really not that easy to sieve out the sand"

Hearing Li Xiang's words, Chen Nian nodded thoughtfully.

After thinking for a moment, he said:
"I'm afraid it's not as simple as mixing sand."

"It's possible that the group of people who came in, as long as they are related to Lao Mei, are all impure."

"After all, when it comes to the contest between the two countries, no one can be alone."

"Wouldn't some of our own people go there with missions?"

"You should check it carefully. The bottom line is that they can't be directly related to Xinghuo——in this situation, you can bump into such people on the road. It is estimated that the situation is already quite tense."

"That's not that exaggerated."

Li Xiang quickly waved his hand and replied:

"We met today. On the one hand, it is a coincidence. On the other hand, Chengdu is indeed their traditional base. It is normal to be more aggressive."

"Don't worry, on the basic board, our problem is still not big."

Hearing Li Xiang's words, Chen Nian was a little relieved.

But vaguely, he still felt that something was wrong.

The root cause is that Lao Mei has been too "quiet" recently.

Although there were indeed sanctions, they did not cause much disturbance.

And the action of "mixing sand" is even more so, it is not even a small fight.

This is very abnormal-once they make a move, it will definitely be a deadly move. How can they stop there?

There must be something that our side has not anticipated.

Maybe even, this will become a major crisis for our side in the near future.

A crisis that must be prepared for, otherwise all the advantages established in the early stage will be lost.
After a day's trip, Chen Nian returned to his office in Chengfei.

He didn't live with Wang Jiancheng—although the room was definitely enough, but in front of them, he couldn't do some work that he wanted to do, which was somewhat inconvenient.

Therefore, he had no choice but to find a reason to refuse Wang Jiancheng's retention - this kid's interest in AI is at its peak, and he can't wait to discuss logic with Chen Nian 24 hours a day, even when he is visiting scenic spots, he will pop up from time to time. A few ideas to come.

If it weren't for the confidentiality request, he would have followed Chen Nian to live in the office.

For his performance, Chen Nian also couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to promise him to spend a day to talk about this, so that he could settle down.

Sitting behind his desk, Chen Nian glanced at the time, and called Chen Guo over with a phone call. As soon as they met, he asked bluntly:

"How is the overall situation recently?"

"The overall situation? Which part are you referring to?"

Chen Guo asked suspiciously.

"Everything, including technology, macro situation, project progress, key actions within Spark, and so on."

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Chen Guo frowned slightly, and replied:

"If you want to talk about too special information, I haven't found it yet."

"In terms of technology and projects, all core projects are progressing in an orderly manner, and there is no problem with budget control. We will start the next year's budget soon, and we will issue a report for you at that time."

"The Civil Affairs Office will adopt a new accounting system this year, and use the added value of benefits to measure technological contributions. I have also reported to you before."

"From the perspective of the first draft, the technologies in the fields of chips, machinery, and new materials have contributed the most, and there are relatively many achievements. We will continue to tap the potential of these fields in the future."

"Then, the benefit increase brought by the total nitrogen anion salt is greater than we expected, but I am afraid that there will be more foam, and we will consciously do some guidance and control."

“Nothing else”

Having said that, Chen Guo paused for a moment, then continued:
"In terms of the macro situation, Africa has basically stabilized, and there are no problems in East Asia, including the sea. The most volatile thing should be the Middle East. You know, we have some actions in iran."

"But so far, we haven't encountered any obvious resistance. Overall, it's going smoothly."

"Don't you think it's going too well?"

Chen Nian interrupted:

"Almost eight months have passed since the Khartoum crisis was lifted, but the US side has not made any new moves, which is very abnormal."

"Sanctions don't count?"

Chen Guo asked subconsciously.

"Obviously not, at least not to this extent."

"I always feel that they are probing and planning. Behind the methods we can see, there are more sinister plots."

"But the biggest problem now is that we can't see what they want to do, and their methods are just one hammer and one stick, which is too confusing."

Having said that, Chen Guo also began to feel uneasy in her heart.

Indeed, just like what Chen Nian said, the pressure we are facing during this period is indeed a bit abnormally low.

The opponent who was pressing every step of the way, after a few defeats, actually fell to the ground?

Moreover, it has been nearly a year since the show went bad, and only some soft countermeasures were used in the process?

This is really abnormal.

You must know that confrontation can never cool down. Once it starts, it can only become more and more intense and tense.

If it is found that the opponent has a tendency to relax, then it is very likely that they are not closing their hands, but "withdrawing their fists", preparing for the next more fierce attack.
Thinking of this, Chen Guo frowned.

After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth and said:
"This situation. We can't immediately assert that there is a problem. I need to report it for discussion and then give you a feedback."

"But from my personal point of view, I can also feel your worries."

"It's like a dog that always bites people. He suddenly stopped biting, and he didn't even bark much. Speaking of it, it's really a bit penetrating."

"Really? I think it's very creepy."

Chen Nian sighed. In fact, before expressing his judgment, he was very worried that Chen Guo would feel that he was making a fuss out of a molehill.

After all, in some people's eyes, such peace is not a risk, but a breathing time that Huaxia finally won.

But is this really the case?

Absolutely impossible.
Thinking of this, he looked at Li Xiang at the side, and said:
"You should pay attention to this matter, take advantage of your advantages in the intelligence system, and discuss it with the above."

"Maybe the final conclusion is that there is no risk, but we must at least have an advance preparation."

"A lot of things, just be prepared."

"Wait until something really happens to deal with it, then you will be caught off guard."

"Understood, I will arrange it."

Li Xiang replied decisively.

Chen Nian nodded, leaned back on the chair, and said nothing.

He stared blankly at the ceiling, with chaotic thoughts constantly flashing through his mind.

Talent scramble.

Mixed with sand.

The public opinion offensive was downgraded.

Entity list.

technical barriers.

Military contraction.

The strategic contest slows down.

Weakened alliance
This series of situations looked so familiar, yet seemed extremely strange.

What are they going to do?
Chen Nian vaguely felt that he had grasped a clue, which indeed came from his previous life experience.

But what this trace of clues suggested has not yet fully revealed its outline.

Perhaps, what I can do is to further strengthen the advantages of technology and improve my own ability to resist risks.

Project 096 must be accelerated.

It will become, in the chaotic situation in the future, the last pinnacle of stability
(End of this chapter)

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