Spark 2003

Chapter 339

Chapter 339
The six pieces of information requested by Chen Nian were quickly passed on to the superior, and after analysis by the intelligence department, a series of known information was quickly sent back to Chen Nian.

At this point in time, he no longer has the so-called "secrecy level" concept, and the only restriction on him is "prohibition of large-scale diffusion."

This also means that if Chen Nian thinks it is necessary, discussions can be organized on a small scale after a briefing.

However, Chen Nian did not abuse this power.

He just read all the reports alone, and confirmed his guess.

The other party is indeed planning to make a move.

Although most of the information has not been confirmed, several major arms companies have adjusted their production capacity, which should be to prepare for subsequent new orders.

Moreover, the opponent's activities are more frequent, especially inside the island.

A more radical, more shameless figure came to power.

Gu Kuanmin.

This descendant of a traitor, this old man clamoring to imprison Ma Yingnai in the classroom, has once again reached the pinnacle of power after the countdown of his own life.

After taking the position of party leader, his next goal is obvious.

As for who supported him behind the scenes, who gave him the resources he needed, and why he put in so much effort to help such a faint-hearted and corrupt old man to the top, it is self-evident.

In addition, Chen Nian also got a piece of information that he did not list in the list, but was listed as a key concern by the intelligence department.

That is, the duty time of the opponent's big black fish has been significantly extended, and the range of activities has gradually extended from the southern Pacific Ocean to the northern Bering Strait.

On the surface, this is a gesture of weakness.

But combined with what they are going to do, such a transfer makes no sense.

What they really want to do is probably to occupy the most favorable deterrent position.

From this point of view, it seems that they have done more than Chen Nian expected.

Moreover, they are more extreme in their judgment of the situation—or from their point of view, they are more comprehensive.

Not easy to deal with.
Chen Nianchang sighed, and handed back the intelligence document to the waiting staff.

After completing the re-destruction, the staff left his office, while Chen Nian sat alone behind the desk, and began to sort out the omissions in his previous series of technological development plans.

On the whole, due to the experience of the previous life, the path I made is basically correct.

Several large-scale projects include killer weapons that can form a major deterrent, such as 096, aerospace combat platform, and 001, as well as metal hydrogen and total nitrogen anion salts that are the foundation of technology.

But these projects all have a major problem, that is, they are not specific to the situation in the South Island.

Or in other words, what kind of equipment do we need if we are to achieve full control of the South Island in the shortest possible time?
aircraft carrier?Fourth generation machine?missile?
No, none of this is enough.

If the de facto "absolute control" cannot be achieved in a short period of time, then for us, it is actually falling into the hands of the US.

The reason is simple, they can afford to refuel.

It can even be said that what they most want to fight is the refueling war.

In the Middle East, they have tasted the bitterness of being dragged into a refueling war, and what they are going to do is drag us into the same quagmire.

We have to get into the quagmire, but we must not sink into it.

How not to fall into it is the core of the problem.
Some people advocate "act as soon as possible", but that is pure nonsense.

If the United States, NATO, and the Five Eyes Alliance do not exist in the world, then it is indeed feasible to do so, and it is even possible to force the opponent to surrender without bloodshed.

But the problem is that these forces not only exist, but they are always eyeing us.

They dare to stir up trouble, so is it possible that they are still afraid of doing it themselves?

Therefore, in order to fundamentally solve the problem, it is necessary to fundamentally disintegrate all resistance forces on that small island before the other party reacts and under the premise that the South Island cannot organize effective resistance.

It is the right way to fight first.

Chen Nian only thought of one purely technical method that could perfectly achieve this goal.

That is the EMP weapon.

But the problem is that the EMP weapon is just a weapon that exists in the concept of science fiction from the beginning to the end. In nature, the only way to create an EMP by "exploding" is to.
nuclear explosion.

In this way, the weapon is caught in a paradox.

The nuclear bomb has already been used, do you still care about the electromagnetic pulse?
In contrast, the second-best graphite bomb is more practical.

However, the graphite bomb itself is less destructive and cannot achieve the effect Chen Nian requested.
After thinking over and over again to no avail, Chen Nian even went to the sci-fi forums he was familiar with to find inspiration, but obviously, after adding restrictions, netizens are no longer omnipotent.

They can imagine [-] sci-fi weapons that do not exist in this world, but they cannot find a near-future weapon that can be manufactured in a short period of time and applied to combat.

Therefore, Chen Nian had no choice but to find Chen Guo again and ask Xinghuo for help.

After receiving his call and listening to his description, Chen Guo thought for a moment before answering:

"Theoretically, what you want is simply impossible to achieve in the short term."

"According to my knowledge system, the weapons that can achieve your goal are either EMP bombs, wide-range sonic weapons, or purely conceptual weapons that don't even have a technical basis."

"However, we are not completely helpless."

Chen Guo changed the subject and continued:

"Effects that cannot be achieved by a single weapon may not necessarily be achieved by a tactical system formed by a variety of equipment and technologies."

"Leave this to the professionals."

"Give them some time, and they'll come up with a satisfactory solution for you."

"At that time, you only need to solve the core equipment problem, and that's it."

Hearing Chen Guo's words, Chen Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, technically, he is an unquestionable authority.

But when it comes to military tactics, he can't compare with professional soldiers and commanders at all.

On the forum that year, he also saw countless so-called quick wins, including so-called water system pollution, rocket bombing, and drone swarm attack.
But in reality, none of these tactics is reliable.

Therefore, Chen Nian was also very curious, what kind of plan would a truly professional person come up with?

just wait and see
And while Chen Nian was actively preparing for the upcoming major changes, the first wave of public opinion attacks finally struck.

But what is different from the past is that even the experienced public opinion department, even a talented player like Li Xiang, did not notice the abnormality in the first place.

The reason is simple, this wave not only does not involve negative content, it can even be said to be quite positive.

And one of the most typical posts:
"On the jurisprudence of the ownership of the South Island: no matter what method is used to recover the South Island, it has historical justice."

Just from the title, you can see the direction of this review article.

Moreover, the text of the article is all "normal" content that can pass the review of public opinion [-]%.

Even though this article contains a lot of extremely radical views on private goods, such as "you must win within 6 months, otherwise you will face a full-scale attack", etc., but most people will subconsciously regard the author as Be a fellow traveler who is somewhat belligerent and somewhat irrational.

The real problem with this article was discovered after a unified investigation of a group of sensitive personnel, and it was discovered by accident that this person had a major interest relationship with the navy that had been on the blacklist for a long time.

And by this time, the articles he sent out were already more than this one.

He has established his own circle and established his own influence. Even if he wants to deal with him, it can be said that he has no way to do it.

This situation quickly attracted Li Xiang's attention. After a round of thorough screening, a huge "anti-corruption" team was finally uncovered.

Only then did he discover that in the past three months, the team had already extended its tentacles to various communication platforms.

And the online forum is just one of their strongholds...

In the office, Li Xiang pointed to the message on the screen, and said to Chen Nian dumbfounded:
"So, the only one who knows yourself better than yourself is your enemy."

"You can tell that there are private goods hidden in this kind of article? It is full of emotions and passion, and every word reveals the author's deep love."

"But in fact, this kid was flagged by us as early as 06 for publishing an article attacking the base in Djibouti."

"This time, he reappeared with a new identity and a new account, with a 180-degree U-turn in style."

"If it weren't for the abnormality of his bank card transactions, we would have thought he had really lost his way."

Looking at the article Li Xiang showed, Chen Nian shook his head helplessly.

Indeed, as Li Xiang said, the concealment of this article is extremely strong. Even if I have experienced the era of public opinion reaching its peak, all kinds of fishing, cross-talking, and small essays after more than ten years, I can see it at first glance. Can't figure out the problem.

It didn't contain any uncomfortable content, on the contrary, after reading it, Chen Nian even felt comfortable all over.
It is a kind of comfort that one's own emotions are recognized.

If he hadn't known for a long time that the author of the article was a staunch reactionary, Chen Nian would have regarded it as a like-minded comrade before he realized it.
However, on the other hand, when Chen Nian looked at this article with the eyes of a guilty verdict, he did find many problems.

"The traces of this kind of article are too templated, and there are several wordings and logics that can be seen in familiar routines."

"Moreover, its touting is too blunt. It looks good at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, you will feel embarrassed."

Hearing his words, Li Xiang nodded slightly and replied:

"Indeed it is."

"But the problem is that the target group of this article is very clear, and its audience still accepts this set."

"Can you explain what isolation of the international order is, what is strategic decoupling, and what is anti-globalization?"

"The only thing they can understand is the simplest expression."

"Nice, hit him"

"That's what they want to hear and are willing to hear."

"These contents they concocted are like the 'refreshing pills' that would be given to soldiers before the war, using the simplest and crudest way to arouse the emotions of the people, and gradually implanting a signal in their brains: We are invincible Yes, we must get out."

"The damage of this kind of mental weed... It can even be said that it is stronger than other turmoil they have tried to initiate before."

"Because it is highly directional, and its purpose is to promote the kidnapping of public opinion and decision-making—and their purpose has already been partially achieved."

Having said that, Li Xiang paused for a moment, then opened a new webpage, pointed to the content on it and said to Chen Nian:

"Look, this kind of content is common in the current forums."

"This top-down trend may soon have an impact on the official agenda."

Hearing his words, Chen Nian frowned and nodded.

He can fully understand the meaning of the so-called "spiritual weed", and he is also aware of its hidden toxicity.

To be honest, if time goes forward 15 years, Chen Nian would be so happy to jump up when faced with such a strategy in 23 years.

Because by that time, the situation has gradually changed.
But the problem is, it's 2008.

No matter how arrogant Chen Nian is, he doesn't think that we can really achieve our strategic goals without any effort at this time.

Therefore, in this case, advocating violent conflict is undoubtedly a dangerous act.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian couldn't help asking:
"Then what are you going to do? Completely ban such articles? I'm afraid it's inappropriate?"

Li Xiang shook his head and replied:

"Crude and one-size-fits-all is definitely not enough. We still need to carry out positive publicity, and don't make it seem like we have a guilty conscience."

"But how to do it. I haven't thought about it from top to bottom."

Hearing this, Chen Nian's heart suddenly moved.

"Then what if we don't care and let them send it?"

"What do you mean?"

Li Xiang asked suspiciously.

Chen Nian paused for a moment, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He opened his mouth and said:
"I mean, what if we push the boat along the way and really act under pressure?"

(End of this chapter)

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