Spark 2003

Chapter 341 Five submarines in nine months?

Chapter 341 Five submarines in nine months?
The opponent's support was soon in place, and the strategy entered a period of rapid development.

The first thing to launch is naturally the economic decoupling operation. Although the impact of this is not great, it is particularly strong in perception.

In the electromechanical industry, restrictions on the export of CNC machine tools have put many coastal power processing factories in trouble. Although they are not unable to find alternatives, the contract they have negotiated long ago has been broken, which still leads to a large loss of funds.

It's okay for large factories with strong capital, but it is undoubtedly a fatal blow for those small and micro manufacturers that rely on a single machine tool to support their operations.

Even if we immediately mobilize funds and seek other product alternatives, it will not solve the imminent problem.

For a while, the entire machining industry scolded Nandao.

They didn't care whether it was Yang Tie, Liwei, Yuan Dong, or You Gang who did this kind of thing. They only knew that it was the South Island people who let their pigeons go and cheated them of money.

Based on this consensus, there was even a wave of boycotting South Island equipment within the industry --- after all, no one can afford the risk of being breached.

And in this wave, an accidental event pushed everyone's emotions to a peak:

The owner of a small processing factory in Fujian invested all his assets to upgrade and expand the scale. He ordered two sets of CNC machining centers from Liwei. The contract was signed in a turnkey mode. The advance payment has been paid and the site has been confirmed. Li Wei came over and delivered.

However, at this juncture, Liwei unilaterally announced the breach of the contract on the grounds that the products contained more than 10% American elements and could not be exported to China.

This reason can be said to be nonsense to the extreme, because even according to the so-called EAR jurisdiction plan of the United States, Huaxia belongs to the D1 category of countries, and it is impossible to use the 10% embargo principle exclusive to the E category countries.
You know, the owner of this small factory has never been sanctioned.

Why, you Liwei still think that this small machining factory can cut seamless steel pipes in its own factory, make heartless cannons, and then transport them to the Middle East and Sudan to support extremism?

What is the truth?
However, Li Wei ignored the boss's complaint and insisted on canceling the contract, and the advance payment will be returned to the original place after the review is approved.

If you change a person, a factory, or a different time, it is estimated that you will be able to carry it.

But the problem is that the boss's capital chain is indeed too tight. Due to the delay in equipment installation, the order in hand is also forced to be delayed. Facing the dual pressure from the bank and customers, the boss is extremely nervous, and even Couldn't sleep for days.

In the end, on the way to meet a client, he collided with a large truck due to tired driving and got into a car accident. Not only did he kill himself, but he also caused the terrible consequences of three deaths in total.

When the news first came out, the first reaction of most people was of course to accuse the fault party of fatigue driving, but as more and more insiders came forward to expose the inside story, the real situation was presented to the public.

Before the accident, the boss hung up seven or eight calls from his parents and wife, and made hundreds of calls to various customers and banks.

And his last call was to Liwei's legal department, but the call lasted less than half a minute.

The anger was instantly ignited, and the public opinion was so turbulent that even the 1450 who fanned the flames were a little scared.

They worry that too much emotion will lead to spontaneous revolt...

This is indeed the case-after this incident, the stock prices of several companies on the other side fell, and the number of contract orders also dropped sharply.

But, it seems that's all.

Officials have not commented on the matter.

For this, the people are even more angry than the matter itself.

Thousands of words, finally gathered into one sentence, that is:

A lesson must be taught.

But when the wish is put on the table, what they get is not support...

Disappointment gradually began to spread, and in the disappointment, there were extreme "expectations".
But what is even more dangerous is that the public opinion at this time has obviously not yet reached its peak
In the office, Li Xiang sighed countless times in a day. He has not slept for three consecutive days, but the role he can play is actually extremely limited.

At this point, in order to reverse public opinion, we cannot rely solely on public opinion means, but must rely on real interests.

This is a very simple reason. In a game of poker, if someone keeps forcing you to flip the table, but you are not ready, the only reason for you to endure is to continue to win money.

In order to achieve this goal, Li Xiang pulled through all the departments that he had access to, gathered all the original long-term interests, and worked out a complete "stability maintenance" plan.

The core of this set of plans is to gradually release positive signals and cool down emotions when they develop to the extreme.

In short, it is to prevent the steam from expanding from pushing the lid open.

However, Li Xiang has no idea how long such a plan can last.

After all, even the price of fruit has started to rise, and the momentum of the opponent's attack is indeed much more violent than expected
On the other side, inside the Institute of Nuclear Power.

After arranging the stuxnet-like virus plan with Wang Jiancheng, Chen Nian came directly to the research institute, ready to start leading the research team, and began to sprint the reactor project at full speed, ensuring that the 096 project was completed in the shortest possible time, so that this ship could be called the last The trump card's strategic nuclear submarine launched into the water.

In the office, Chen Nian sat across from Lu Qingzhou, and the two had just finished discussing the follow-up personnel arrangement plan.

".Therefore, we will use the power of Xinghuo to do our best to recruit experts in related fields from all over the country to support the fourth-generation small reactor project."

"Judging from the current situation, the number of experts who can be present should be around 200, and this is the limit of what we can do."

"After all, this time we didn't let anyone else go. As long as there are no other strategic-level projects at hand and the ability meets the requirements, they have all been transferred."

"It can be said that it is [-]% drained."

"But you also know that scientific research, especially nuclear power research, sometimes doesn't mean that the more people there are, the faster it will be."

"We cannot guarantee the final result."

"Six months, this is our goal, but the bottom line, we have to put it in 6 months."

Hearing Lu Qingzhou's words, Chen Nian nodded slowly.

"If it can be guaranteed to be completed within 12 months, the problem is not too big."

"After all, on the hull side, CSIC also needs time, and the goal they gave is 9 months."

"Coupled with the time required for various tests, the progress of both of you can basically match."

"That's good."

Lu Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a little emotion:
"It took 12 months to build a brand new strategic nuclear submarine. This progress, in the past, was really unthinkable."

"Even if it is Laomei, it can only achieve such a production capacity in a wartime state."

"The record of 9 submarines in 5 months that they kept back then has not been broken by anyone."

"It seems that we will become their most powerful challengers in the future."

Chen Nian smiled slightly and replied:
"After all, it was a record set more than 40 years ago. To be honest, it will not be too difficult to break it now."

"You have to have confidence in our industrial production capacity. In the absence of technical difficulties, let alone nine months, six months are possible."

"Look, if you don't believe me, as long as this 096 can be successfully launched, we will build similar submarines in the future, and the time will be greatly shortened."

"That's the truth."

Lu Qingzhou nodded, then suddenly asked:
"So, is the situation really tense to this extent now? Are we really going to rely on this nuclear submarine as the last card?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt that his question was a bit inappropriate, so he said quickly:

"I'll just ask casually, it's okay if I don't talk about it."

"There's nothing we can't talk about."

Chen Nian replied frankly:
"It is an exaggeration to say that this nuclear submarine will be the last and only hole card."

"Actually, whether it is our aircraft carrier, fourth-generation aircraft, or H-20, they can all be used as cards."

"But, the deterrence they bring is definitely not as strong as a brand new nuclear submarine."

"The focus of this plan is on innovation."

"Or in other words, the role played by 096 is the last straw that overwhelms the opponent in the denial of combat—do you understand?"


A dazed expression appeared on Lu Qingzhou's face. Although he is engaged in nuclear power equipment, he has been immersed in the military field for a long time, and he is not ignorant of these strategic games.

The so-called final "emphasis is on newness" and the so-called "last straw", in more clear terms, is the new chess piece that can continue to be taken out during the process of exchanging pieces.

It may not really be put on the battlefield to charge and kill, but as long as it appears, the opponent will have to consider whether to continue to trade.

And when they start to hesitate, the whole confrontation will end naturally.

Thinking of this, he said:
"Anyway, this plan really has a bit of a tragic flavor."

"How can there be a national struggle that is not tragic? No matter how calm the surface is, there is also a dark tide under the water."

"Let's not talk about us. Look at the other side. Although it seems that everyone is singing and dancing and everything is safe and sound, in fact, the dog's brain is about to come out."

"Just wait and see, after a while, there will definitely be a big reshuffle over there."

"After the cards are shuffled, it's time for a showdown with us."

Chen Nian's tone was calm, but what he narrated was turbulent.

After listening, Lu Qingzhou subconsciously asked:

"Green is going to take over?"

"It's a no-brainer."

"Who? Gu Kuanmin?"

"The high probability is. Of course, it may also be Wu Zhaoxie."

"But it doesn't matter who it is, it's the same for us."

"It's all dog stuff."

Lu Qingzhou sighed and continued:

"If the ending we hoped for is achieved in the end, my suggestion is that it is best not to keep any of these people."

"Looking at the content of the speeches published in the past two days, it is annoying."

"It's not a bad thing that he was born in the Republic of China, but he still speaks with the same pseudo-Chinese learning style."

"He thought he was the emperor?."

Hearing Lu Qingzhou's gnashing of teeth tone, Chen Nian suddenly felt a little funny.

He jokingly said:

"Mr. Lu, you should watch less forums in the future, it's not good for your heart."

"It's not good for my heart to let these people continue to dance-forget it, let's not talk about this, you are right, I have to watch less similar things in the future."

"The current public opinion is getting more and more intense. The more people look at it, the more extreme people are, which is not good for scientific research."

Chen Nian didn't speak, but secretly admired in his heart.

As expected of the top smart people in this country, even though he has never talked to Lu Qingzhou about the offensive of public opinion, he has already felt the abnormality in it.

This made Chen Nian very relieved.

At least, there will be no problems with our own core team.

And these teams are exactly what Chen Nian dared to try at this point in time.

The two continued to chat for a few more words, Chen Nian got up to leave, but just as he walked out of the door, he suddenly received an email on his mobile phone.

And the information displayed on the email made him feel tense after relaxing just now.

The content is not complicated, and there are only two core points.

The three aircraft carrier formations completed maintenance and entered the Pacific Ocean.

The opponent will organize large-scale anti-missile air defense operations and delineate exercise areas and air defense identification zones.

Chen Nian took a deep breath.

Seeing these two messages, he knew that the opponent's methods had begun to upgrade
(End of this chapter)

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