Spark 2003

Chapter 351 The Birth of Metal Hydrogen, the World's Strongest Explosive

Chapter 351 The Birth of Metal Hydrogen, the World's Strongest Explosive
"The more the fight, the more chaos the entire southeast coast is in chaos."

In the office, Chen Nian sighed, and casually threw a thick stack of documents on the table in his hand.

"That can't be helped. This kind of thing will affect the whole body. The location of Chiwei Island is too sensitive. If the southeast is to be fortified, that place must be occupied."

"However, to occupy Chiwei Island, the island country must intervene. THAAD is still holding back, and the follow-up may be softer, but it is absolutely impossible to expect them to have no reaction at all."

Li Xiang replied.

"That's not what worries me."

Chen Nian shook his head slightly, and continued:
"What I'm worried about is that the situation on Chiwei Island will form a demonstration effect, especially after the opponent passes through the Bashi Strait, the group of restless villains will all jump up."

"Things that the arbitration did not land before, it is possible that they will restart."

"At that time, the pressure we face will really not be ordinary."

"What's even more outrageous is that once the snowball rolls, someone will always try to fish in troubled waters."

"On the western plateau, they are already ready to move."

"The northwest side is not peaceful either. Forget it, let's not mention this."

"Let's go out and have a meal first."

"Let's go."

Li Xiang on the side helped Chen Nian to pack up the scattered documents. His eyes glanced at the cover inadvertently, and when he saw the words "metal hydrogen" written on it, he couldn't help asking curiously:
"How is the progress of metal hydrogen now? Why haven't I heard it from the inside for a long time?"

"Is it not going well? Or are resources giving way to other projects?"


Chen Nian took the document, locked it in the safe behind the desk, and then explained:
"The project is progressing very smoothly, even close to the critical value of the results."

"According to my prediction, the first metal hydrogen material may be synthesized within two weeks at most."

"But the problem is, we did do some low-key handling of the project progress in the early stage."


Li Xiang asked puzzledly.

In his view, the metal hydrogen project is a purely scientific research project, and its essence is no different from the current popular basic science projects in academia.

Theoretically speaking, once it is born, it will be a huge benefit to the whole world.

Why hide progress?What's in it for us?
Didn't you organize a global academic seminar before?In such a short period of time, the wind direction has completely changed?

Looking at his expression, Chen Nian couldn't help being a little amused.

"You haven't read the technical report on metal hydrogen, have you?"

"Eh, I've seen some of them. Explosives, room-temperature superconductivity, are there any more?"

"Certainly there is metallic hydrogen as an important energy material."

Hearing this, Li Xiang instantly understood.

No wonder.
Under the current situation, any news that may accelerate the change of the situation will be judged as a high-risk signal, and energy, which will shake the foundation of the US side, naturally has to be handled in a low-key manner.

"Understood. So this project is currently being run in a confidential state?"

"It's not counted, it's semi-public. Anyway, the purpose is not to stimulate Laomei's sensitive nerves, and not to give them a chance to react."

"This is a problem of expectations. In the case of expectations that cannot be realized, we must keep it as secret as possible-in other words, as long as there is news about this stuff, it can only be big news, because the boots have landed. , they have no chance to react."

"Understood—the foreigner, Isaac, isn't he crazy? He's making a name for himself with this project."

"Let him hold the progress in his heart now, does he have any objection?"

"What about him? First of all, he is a Chinese citizen now, so he has to obey the organization's arrangements. Secondly, don't talk about him, even if Bush Sr. is here, he has to stand up and toast at the meal."

".OK, reasonable."

The two walked out of the office and walked towards the cafeteria.

On the way, Li Xiang continued to ask:

"So, if we really want to match the military's strategy and occupy Chiwei Island in advance, and at the same time complete the deterrent deportation of the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group, what do we need to do here?"

"—I mean, what do you need over there?"

"With the existing equipment alone, it is difficult to pose an effective threat to the United States, right? After the Burke-class equipment was upgraded last year, the air defense and anti-stealth capabilities have improved a lot."

"Let's not talk about whether we can fight or not, but at least, the opponent will not retreat easily."

"Once we are delayed, our plan will be equivalent to failure?"

Hearing this, Chen Nian nodded slightly, and replied:
"Yes, the military's consideration is to use the Liaoning formation to go forward to suppress, force the Reagan formation out of the combat range, clear the sea area and routes, cover the East China Sea Fleet into the battle position, and follow-up 'necessary', use The North Sea Fleet will make up for the Liaoning ship to maintain the balance in the east."

"But this strategy can basically be said to be equivalent to a life-gamble. If the opponent does not retreat, then the arrow is on the string and has to be launched."

"The Beihai Fleet is not much better than the East China Sea Fleet in terms of ship configuration and advanced equipment."

"When the East China Sea Fleet is empty, the North Sea Fleet will also be empty. At that time, the entire sea surface of the Republic will be plunged into an unprecedented emptiness."

"So, the military's demand for 096 and Wudetection-9 is really unprecedented."

"It's too late, isn't it?"

Li Xiang asked.

"It must be too late, even if it is to organize research and development, testing, and production at the fastest speed, it is impossible to make it in time."

"However, I have an idea. If it is only to deal with small-scale battles, there must be a short, fast and effective weapon in time."

"What weapon?"

Curiosity was written on Li Xiang's face. In fact, he had already discussed this issue with Chen Nian from the moment the situation became clearer, but the conclusion at that time was that there was no such thing as a weapon in the world that could be used in a short period of time. Change the balance of power between the two sides.

Opportunistic things are impossible, especially in the field of military equipment.

But now, Chen Nian said there is a way?
"Metal hydrogen bomb."

Chen Nian didn't show off, but answered bluntly.

"Metal hydrogen bomb? Can this thing change the situation of the battle in essence? Modern anti-ship missiles, at the level of YJ-21, don't they all have two launches and one aircraft carrier?"

"It doesn't make much sense to upgrade the explosive power of the warhead, right?"

Li Xiang's eyes were full of doubts, but Chen Nian's next words almost subverted his views on "missile confrontation" in modern warfare.

"So here comes the important point. The core competitiveness of metal hydrogen bombs is that they don't need to hit."

"Its explosive power can reach more than 25 times that of TNT, that is to say, with the same charge, the bomb's killing radius will be greatly improved."

"And this level of improvement will have another effect that will almost change the way missiles are fought."

"That is, the threat level of near-miss bombs and air-burst bombs will increase exponentially."

"Near miss?"

Li Xiang was shocked.

Of course he knew what a near miss was, but he never thought that the increase in the power of the bomb would have such a bizarre effect.

Everyone is chasing the hit, they are all chasing a shot into the soul, but the direction of near miss seems to run counter to it?
"You mean we're going to think about setting the missile attack off course?"

"That must not work."

Chen Nian shook his head and continued to explain:

"According to the damage effect test data of the USS US aircraft carrier, only in terms of near loss and air explosion, the precision equipment of this aircraft carrier, especially the radar mast, has a damage resistance of about 110 kg."

"In other words, under an explosion equivalent to 110 kilograms of TNT, the ship's radar system will be completely destroyed."

"And the damage resistance data of arresting cables, pulleys, and steam catapults are basically not much better."

"Currently, the full charge of YJ-21 is 900 kilograms. If a near-miss explosion occurs, the precision facilities on the aircraft carrier can still be effectively damaged under the premise that the shock wave is attenuated to 15%."

"The attenuation distance is about 250 to 300 meters."

"And if it is replaced with metal hydrogen explosives, the damage distance can reach more than 800 meters when the power is increased by more than ten times——but on the sea surface, this is not a long distance."

"Therefore, it is unnecessary to set the yaw artificially. Anyway, it cannot escape the interception range of the near-defense system."

"What we have to do is still to penetrate the defense."

"However, there is one thing that has changed."

"The effect of the shield ship will be greatly reduced, and the so-called saturation interception will basically fail."

Hearing this, Li Xiang let out a long sigh of relief.

He suddenly had a familiar feeling in his heart:
The combat method of the metal hydrogen bomb seems to be very similar to a certain weapon.
They don't require hits, they all rely on range kills, and they can even damage precision equipment.

No wonder it's called a new type of nuclear weapon
Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing:

"Technology will really change a lot of things—but I have a problem. Even if we can synthesize metal hydrogen in a short period of time, even if we can manufacture corresponding anti-ship missiles, the quantity is definitely not enough."

"We still can't effectively kill their aircraft carrier formation. After all, they have 4 rounds of anti-aircraft missiles on their four shield ships. It's not that easy to penetrate the defense?"

"We don't need to penetrate them, we penetrate ourselves."

"Penetrate ourselves? What do you mean? Exercise."

"That's right, the exercise, as long as we take out this piece of equipment, the effect has already been achieved. They know that we have it, and this is enough."


Li Xiang nodded slowly, he already understood what Chen Nian meant.

Yes, the YJ-21 missile with metal hydrogen charges is just like the mushroom cloud in the desert.

Whether there is or not is very important.

But how many are not important.

Because, no matter if you have one, ten, or a hundred, your opponent will treat it as if you have a thousand.

This is the most basic logic in modern warfare.

The situation is very clear.

When Huaxia comes up with an anti-ship missile that can destroy the core functions of the fleet as soon as it shines and explodes, do you dare to bet that the charge of the next missile is just conventional TNT?
Even if your aircraft carrier can resist it, can your shield ship resist it?
An aircraft carrier without a shield ship is a pure living target.

"Can this thing be used in multiple scenarios? The DF-21 in the southwest island can also be converted into a metal hydrogen charge, right?"

"Theoretically yes."

Chen Nian sighed and continued:
"But you also know that the output of metal hydrogen is limited. Frankly speaking, it is impossible to cobble together a round of YJ-21 charges-let alone YJ-21, in the short term, YJ-83 needs I can’t get all the charges together.”

"So, don't think about running away before you learn how to walk, and get through the most urgent crisis honestly."

Chen Nian is telling the truth. Although the technology for the industrial production of metal hydrogen has been exported, the resources needed to synthesize sufficient amounts of metal hydrogen are astonishing even if combined with electrochemical processes.

According to his estimates, the first laboratory experiments could be completed in two weeks.

In the following week, the national high-voltage laboratory was fully deployed to build and renovate equipment, and the preparations for "abnormal" industrial production could be completed in a short period of time.

In another week, considering the number of high-pressure laboratories with a total of about 40, and the average daily output of metal hydrogen in each laboratory of 500 to 600 grams, the total amount of metal hydrogen materials that can be obtained in the end should be about 140 kilograms.

There is still a certain distance from the charge of YJ-83, but the solution is to add more oxidants to the explosive, as well as the total nitrogen anion salt that has been mass-produced on a small scale before.

That being said, it seems quite extravagant.

Materials that may subvert the entire industrial system are actually used to set off fireworks.

But there is no way, if we don't set off this fireworks, we may lose the opportunity to make good use of it
Chen Nian told Li Xiangyi about his calculation, and the latter scratched his head and said helplessly:
"I thought the so-called industrial mass production was measured in tons, but I didn't expect it to be in grams."

"That's not bad, what more bicycles are needed."

Chen Nian rolled his eyes at Li Xiang, this kid is purely a full man who doesn't know a hungry man is hungry.

You know, when Laomei claimed to synthesize metallic hydrogen, the weight was calculated in milligrams.
But after thinking about it, what Li Xiang said was indeed a problem.

Compared with the demand of the entire industrial system for room temperature superconducting materials, such output is really too low.

In the power system, wires need metal hydrogen, generators need metal hydrogen, and energy storage batteries need metal hydrogen.

In terms of transportation, every electric vehicle requires a huge amount of metal hydrogen.

Not to mention the semiconductor industry, after the technology matures, this must be the world of metal hydrogen.

How to increase the output of metal hydrogen to be equivalent to today's steel output is the core issue for the further development of this material.

The road is long and long, and we can only take one step at a time
After dinner, the two walked towards the office. Time is tight now, overtime is inevitable, but fortunately, basically it can't reach the level of 007, at most it is 997
However, just when the door of the office was pushed open, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

It was Isaac who called.

"Chen! We made it!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Isaac on the other end shouted at the top of his voice.

"This is a historic moment! I knew it was right to choose you!"

"Chen! The fate of mankind has been changed by us!"

"This is the first room temperature superconducting material on this earth! We succeeded!"

(End of this chapter)

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