Spark 2003

Chapter 373 Flying Over

Chapter 373 Flying Over
In the outer waters of the South Island, on the Liaoning ship.

Luan Yijun looked at the fighter planes preparing to take off on the deck with a full face, and said to Cao Gangchuan on the side:
"I didn't expect things to develop in this direction. I thought the battle with Lao Mei must be fought."

"It seems that Laomei is not as hard as we expected. Imperialism is still a paper tiger after all."

Hearing his words, Cao Gangchuan shook his head with some amusement and replied:
"It can be regarded as taking advantage of the technology. The deterrent effect of the new equipment is strong enough to suppress them."

"Otherwise, if we really do it, but from a military point of view, we may not be able to take advantage of it."

"That's exactly what happened."

Luan Yijun nodded in agreement, and then continued to ask:

"I heard it's related to nuclear fusion? How did it get involved? Have you read the report?"

"I didn't take a closer look, but the general idea is that the metal hydrogen explosive used by our YJ-21H is also a key material for nuclear fusion. With this stuff, the difficulty of achieving controllable nuclear fusion has been greatly reduced."

"Then in the United States, the economic recession has reached the point where it is almost collapsed. If we fight, we will not be able to achieve results in the short term, so we have to find other breakthroughs."

"After coming and going, he came to us with a shy face to cooperate with nuclear fusion."

"It just so happened that we were short of people here, so we put forward some conditions, and we settled this matter."

"However, the military is not involved much in this matter, and I don't know the specific information."

"So, the superiors are sure that the US will really not intervene?"

Luan Yijun asked doubtfully.

As a soldier, as a commander, maintaining suspicion of the enemy is the most basic quality.

Even though the superior's judgment and orders have been confirmed by many parties, as a front-line personnel, he must still maintain the most basic vigilance.

"This cannot be guaranteed [-]%—the above requirements are also to maintain a state of preparation for battle. If an accident occurs, immediately follow the previously scheduled combat plan."

"But at least, their aircraft carrier formation has withdrawn from the danger zone."

"It is impossible for them to have time to block our actions, and it is difficult to organize a counterattack that is beneficial to them."

"Overall, the situation is relatively safe for us."

"In this world, there is no absolute security."

Luan Yijun's tone was a little blunt. He glanced at the combat map aside, and continued to ask:

"Are the other combat units ready?"

"It's all ready, and the fleet's maritime combat units have entered a state of alert, ready to join the battlefield at any time."

"The missile forces on several island fulcrums have already set coordinates. If there is an accident, the first wave of strikes will arrive within 5 minutes."

"In addition, our two KJ-500s have just entered the mission area, and the data link has been established, waiting for our side to start it."

"Then let's do it!"

While talking, the J-20B on the deck was ready to fly. With the take-off operator’s arm swung down, bright blue flames were ejected from the vector nozzle at the tail of the aircraft, and the lift fan began to rotate rapidly. Within a short distance of 20 meters, the J-[-]B smoothly rose into the air.

Then came the second and third
Within ten minutes, a total of 12 J-4s and 10 J-[-]Ds were all lifted into the air. They completed the formation in the air and began to fly towards the South Island.

What they are about to perform is an extremely special task.

It is, perhaps, an exercise.

But it would be more accurate to describe it as
Looking at the fighter planes gradually receding in the sky, Luan Yijun breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he picked up the radio at hand and said:
"The exercise begins!"


The first to enter the airspace of the exercise was the non-reconnaissance-9 reconnaissance-3 integrated drone that was still only rumored and had never shown its real body. It broke through the island’s air defense network at a speed of Mach 0.1 and a radar reflection area of ​​less than [-]. It shuttled back and forth over the island and marked the positions of all the radars that were turned on.

These position markers were quickly sent back to the Air Police 500 cruising around the periphery, and the combat situation calculation system of the early warning aircraft immediately calculated the best path according to the mission objectives. After manual review and exclusion of risk items, detailed tactical planning information was finally formed.

Subsequently, through the data link system, the information is transmitted to various combat units in the air, and the corresponding mission targets are automatically assigned.

Eight J-8Bs led eight Rainbow-20 unmanned wingmen taking off from coastal bases into the combat position, ready to enter the mission airspace at any time.

The other four J-4Bs have already penetrated into the sky above the island by relying on their own stealth performance, and have completed the identification of several command centers that have been identified for a long time.

The J-10D is cruising on the periphery, escorted by two J-22s that also come from land, and their targets point to several key airports on the island.

Two H-6Ks released a large number of decoy bombs from a long distance to lure the air defense radar to turn on, and then turned around and returned.

The three H-3s that actually performed combat missions have already reached an altitude of 20 meters.

According to the information sent back by the data link, the fire control radars on the two 055 ships automatically performed various element calculations, and the electromagnetic guns pointed to the coastal defense facilities at the predetermined landing point.

The vertical hair system is ready, and the YJ-21 is ready to go.

Conventional submarines are on alert on the periphery, ready to attack passing support ships at any time.

The missile boat opened the way, and a long and narrow channel was opened up on the sea surface, and the mine-laying boats quickly dropped magnetic mines on the periphery of the channel to prevent the defender's small ships from raiding and harassing.

Along this passage, the landing ship will reach the beach unimpeded.

After the personnel have landed, the first batch of engineers will quickly establish a beachhead and become the first land fulcrum of the entire battle.

All strategic missiles are ready, and the coordinates point to a certain sea area outside the island.

When the J-20B carrying out the door-kicking operation launches an attack, the DF-21 and DF-17 launched from Treasure Island and Yongxia Island will also cover the "maybe non-existent" support force on that piece of sea.

Thick smoke billowed, and milky white smoke trails streaked across the air. Amidst the boiling heat, several eyes slowly opened in the wilderness of the southwest and northwest.

The deep void is like the gate to hell, and at some point it will spit out a fire that devours everything
This is a large-scale, yet silent operation.

The background accumulated after decades of development is poured out at this moment.

It is like a hammer that weighs a thousand pounds, when it falls on the head of that small target, all resistance will be crushed
South Island.

Gu Kuanmin was sitting in the office with a calm expression on his face, but it revealed a faint depression.

After a long silence, he opened his mouth and asked:
"Washington, is it really the final answer?"

You Xijian on the side nodded slightly, and replied:
"Yes, Washington has reached a consensus with the mainland that it will temporarily put aside matters related to the South Island and invest in technical cooperation for common development."

"As far as I know, they have already started negotiations on a specific technical cooperation framework agreement, the most important of which is cooperation on nuclear fusion technology."

"At this stage of development, we have no chance."

"The significance of nuclear fusion to the whole world is far more than a small South Island - we are not qualified and have no reason to ask for more support."

"Will Huaxia hand over nuclear fusion technology to the US?"

Gu Kuanmin asked in disbelief.

"Of course not, but they will allow the US side to participate in the project and get the opportunity to share some of the results."

"This will bring huge benefits to the capital market. No matter what the final result is, it will be enough to support the US to get enough funds from investors to survive the most difficult stage."

"And after that, whether they can maintain their hegemony is actually not that important at all."

"Because, the change of term is coming soon, and that is something the next president needs to consider."

Hearing this, Gu Kuanmin couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He seemed to be asking about You Xijian, and also seemed to be talking to himself:
"Then what should we do?"

"Having made it this far, we have no chance to go back on our word."

"Even falling to Huaxia is impossible"

"Or, should we make a decision as soon as possible and show them favor as soon as possible?"

"But if this is the case, public opinion on the island will inevitably boil, and we may not be able to keep our position."

There was a mocking smile on You Xijian's face, he didn't know what Gu Kuanmin was thinking.

It's already this time, and you are still thinking about the so-called "keeping your position"?
Shouldn't you think about how to ease the situation as much as possible, delay the opponent's attack, preserve the independence of this island, and save the lives of those innocent people?
Or, you actually don't care at all? ——
Yes, when I was willing to use the South Island as a pawn and a shield for the two aircraft carrier fleets, I should give up my illusions about this leadership.

time to go.

He squeezed his fist lightly, and was about to submit his resignation to Gu Kuanmin, but at this moment, there was a loud bang, and the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

Then, two security personnel in suits rushed towards Gu Kuanmin and quickly grabbed his shoulders.

Gu Kuanmin stood up suddenly. At this moment, he even thought that Huaxia's beheading action had arrived.

"What are you doing?!"

"Follow us, the situation is urgent, we need to enter the bunker immediately!"

Gu Kuanmin struggled subconsciously a few times, but the hands of the two were as strong as iron claws.

"What's going on? What happened!?"

One of them handed the mobile phone to Gu Kuanmin, and the news on the phone made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Just 5 minutes ago, Huaxia launched a massive exercise.

There were no signs, no warnings.

The armed forces of sea, land and air were fully mobilized and rushed towards this small island.

Yes, the South Island has become the "blue side" of this exercise.

They haven't officially launched an attack yet, but who knows how far they will go?

You Xijian on the side followed closely behind Gu Kuanmin. At this time, he had also received the news, and each piece of news was terrifying to the point of "horror".

"Huaxia organized an exercise, dispatched a large number of fighter planes and ships, and fired live ammunition."

"Missile smoke trails appeared over the South Island, but the air defense positions did not respond."

"Communications to the command center are blocked for unknown reasons."

"A major power outage occurred in the area where several military airports are located, and the mobilization of fighter jets was seriously affected."

"The fighter planes that had taken off did not find any enemy planes and returned without success."

"The radar stations are all exposed and subject to directional interference."

"Navy ships have received warnings from China and have withdrawn from the so-called exercise area."

In the end what happened?
You Xijian's fingers trembled slightly.

He already felt that the action this time could never be as simple as a simple exercise.

But the strange thing is, from this series of information, he can't figure out the purpose of the mainland at all.

Yes, our own intelligence, command and combat systems have all been severely hit.

But until now, the front line has not sent back any reports of casualties, and even Taipei, which is the command center, has not suffered "the blow that should have been suffered."

Except for the military personnel, the entire island is peaceful and peaceful, and the people don't even know what happened.

Or is this just a demonstration?
He looked at Gu Kuanmin, and there was only fear in the latter's eyes.

Perhaps, the look in my eyes at this moment is not much different from his
South Island, in a remote town.

Lu Yuan sat leisurely on the steps of the door, enjoying the mild sea breeze in the spring afternoon.

His younger sister, Lu Wan, was peeling apples aside, and kept asking questions about his experience in the mainland.

".So they really leave the air conditioner on all day? I mean, hey, is it that cold in there in winter?"

Lu Yuan smiled and replied:
"Xiamen's winter is still quite cold. For them, this is a very common thing."

"Our place is different. Our place is warm and doesn't need to be open all day."

"It's not really a strange thing—if it was, I forgot to write it in my letter."

"Did you know that their online shopping is very developed, I think it is even better than Amazon, because they can even buy fresh food online."

"how to buy?"

Lu Wan suddenly became interested, and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, maybe I can ask next time I go, but..."

However, before he finished speaking, there was a sudden low roar in his ears.

He raised his head subconsciously, trying to find the source of the sound.
It's just an instinctive action.

But when he saw the huge, dark figure in the sky, his pupils shrank instantly.

Lu Wan on the side also saw the plane. Compared with Lu Yuan, she hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.

She even stood up excitedly, trying to catch up with the rapidly departing plane.

But at this moment, a sharp air defense siren sounded.

Lu Wan's expression was puzzled at first, and then turned into fear.

She looked at Lu Yuan in a daze, but Lu Yuan stood up decisively, grabbed her wrist, and led her to the only air-raid shelter in the town.

The expression on his face was surprisingly calm, and although he was running very fast, he seemed calm and unhurried.

"Are we going to war?"

While running, Lu Wan asked in a trembling voice.


Lu Yuan answered decisively.

"If there was a war, we would never have a chance to see their planes."

"Then why."

Lu Wan still wanted to ask again, but at this time, the air-raid shelter was close in front of her eyes.

But there were too many people gathered there, and the two had no chance to squeeze in.

So, Lu Yuan simply stopped in his tracks.

He pulled Lu Wan to sit down on the steps aside, and then said:
"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

"It's just a drill."

"No, it should be said that this is a grand performance."

"Perform? Perform what?"

Lu Yuan smiled self-deprecatingly, and replied:

"A show. How to destroy us."

"They wanted to tell the people on this island something."

"They want us to understand a little bit."

"If they wish, any day can be our end."

(End of this chapter)

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