Spark 2003

Chapter 377 Metal Hydrogen Conference?

Chapter 377 Metal Hydrogen Conference?

On the last day of the Nuclear Fusion Conference, the much-anticipated topic is finally coming.

The report time is scheduled for 3:10 pm, but since [-]:[-] am, scholars from various countries have arrived at the venue in advance, intending to seize the front row seats.

However, they were disappointed to find that, unlike the previous seats that could be changed at will, the seats for this report had already been arranged, and nameplates were placed on the table. The security personnel in the conference room watched over them. It seemed that as long as anyone reached out to those nameplates before the meeting started, they would be pushed to the ground immediately.

This arrangement made many representatives dissatisfied, especially when they studied it carefully and found that they couldn't figure out the logic of the arrangement of seats.

"Why put me in the last row? We are the top material research and development institution in the industry. Are only official institutions qualified to participate in the research and development of new materials?"

A white man yelled in the venue, but the well-mannered conference staff simply answered him:
"Sorry, this is an arrangement that has been made long ago."

"Then why is Brookhaven Lab ranked first? They haven't had any outstanding results in recent years!"

"Sorry, the seats are not arranged according to the achievements of each institution. In addition, there are large screens in the venue, so it is actually the same wherever you sit."

"Since it's the same, why not let them sit in the back?"

"Sorry, no."

Hearing the man's hysterical roar, Chen Nian, who was standing aside watching the fun, couldn't help but want to laugh.

But after thinking about it, although the other party's request is unreasonable, it is also understandable.

After all, today's report is no different from a concert. As long as the financial capacity is sufficient, who doesn't want to sit closer and take a good look at the stars they have been chasing for ten years, or even more than ten years?

If you can spend money to buy a seat, it is estimated that someone will go bankrupt and buy a VIP seat.

You know, that's metal hydrogen.

Although the way it made its first appearance was a bit weird-blowing up an island, this does not affect its top status in the field of peace technology.

And after months of ups and downs, and countless reports, speculations, and reasoning, the significance of the first official announcement is self-evident.

It can be said that this is a historic moment.

So, who doesn't want to witness history?

Therefore, it is understandable to make a fuss for a while.

However, Eichendorf and Sebastian beside Chen Nian didn't think so.

"...See, this is AMMI."

"On the surface, it is under the banner of official funding, but in fact it is nothing more than a purely commercial organization."

"They don't know how to respect science and technology at all. In their eyes, science is just a business that can be exchanged."

"This person actually has the nerve to criticize Brookhaven Laboratory, as if they have made some major achievements——what they do is to sell the new materials researched by others for as high a price as possible?"

Hearing Eichendorff's words, Sebastian nodded solemnly, and seemed to agree with him very much.

On the other hand, Chen Nian maintained his basic objectivity and said:
"It can't be said that, AMMI has also made contributions to the industrialization of new materials."

"After all, without them, many expensive materials would end up in the lab."

"You see, we also have a similar agency, the Office of Civil Technology Development, which does similar things to them."

"totally different."

Before Eichendorff could speak, Sebastian spoke first:

"I know your institution well, and I even know their abbreviation—the Civil Affairs Office."

After a sentence of not-so-standard Chinese, Sebastian continued:
"However, the Civil Development Office—well, I'll call it CTDO. In short, CTDO's approach to doing things is completely different from AMMI."

"What AMMI pursues is to maximize economic benefits, and the speed of capital appreciation determines the direction of their work."

"But what CTDO pursues is more about social benefits, things that cannot be shown on paper or in books."

"You are from Huaxia, you should know this better than me."

"In recent years, CTDO's major projects include high-speed rail, chips, heavy machinery, new materials, etc., almost every one of them has fallen to the ground, and many people's lives have been changed as a result."

"In comparison, AMMI is nothing more than the Johnson & Johnson of materials."

"A judgment like this is indeed, um, very novel."

Chen Nian nodded slightly, and did not continue to talk about this topic.

The reason is simple, he doesn't want to expose his views on certain things too much.

Although after a few days of contact, the minds of these two scholars are indeed more open than others, but this does not allow him to open his heart in front of each other.

It is enough to say seven points, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

While talking, a few representatives who appeared from nowhere ran up to question the seat number. The scene was a bit chaotic for a while, and the three of them returned to their seats without bothering to look any further.

"Coincidentally", Chen Nian and Chen Nian's "mentor" happened to be located next to the Maple Lab.

"Oh, this is what you Chinese call 'fate', Chen, we are sitting together again."

"Yes, this is indeed fate."

Chen Nian replied with a smile.

He secretly thought:

Fate is a hammer, I didn't arrange it myself.

Both Sebastian and Eichendorff are experts in the field of plasma control, which is also a key node for the technological breakthrough of the entire tokamak device.

The reason for contacting them is actually similar to that of Isaac at the beginning, that is, to use their technical capabilities to improve the technical foundation for our own side, thereby reducing the source consumption of the entire technology.
Of course, now it's just a familiarity.

If you really want to squeeze the wool, you have to wait for them to officially enter the project.

After confirming their seats, the three of them didn't intend to wait foolishly at the venue. After a lunch, they didn't re-enter the venue until after two o'clock.

At this time, the venue was already full of people.

For the first time, those scholars who found various reasons not to attend the meeting gathered under the dome building consciously and without any notice.

And as the representative who made the report came to the stage, the originally noisy conference room became quiet for an instant, but then louder noise broke out.

Everyone was discussing in whispers, and it seemed that the atmosphere had already heated up before the report officially started.

the reason is simple.

This mysterious reporter was beyond everyone's expectations.

He is Isaac.

"Why did they ask Isaac to give a report—is he really the core of the project team?"

"How could it be that Isaac himself said before that he didn't enter the core layer until the end of the project."

"But how do you know he's telling the truth? Maybe it's just a random excuse for secrecy?"

"It's impossible. If this is the case, at least Isaac will show his flaws."

"Probably he has already integrated into Huaxia's way of working."

Amidst the discussion, Isaac coughed, then said into the microphone:
"Dear colleagues."

"Nice to meet you here."

"I think most of you should be surprised that I'm on stage."

"But make no mistake, that's the truth."

"Of course, this does not mean that I am the most critical contributor to the metal hydrogen project. In fact, everyone involved in this project has devoted their efforts and efforts to this super material that spans the ages."

"I was chosen for one reason only: to keep the rest of my colleagues as safe as possible."

"It's really sad, because I don't know if I will be kidnapped, assassinated, threatened after I walk out of this conference hall... But it doesn't matter, I will not shrink from it."

"After all, my colleagues have accomplished great things, and what I can do is to help them accomplish those less glorious, but equally important things as much as possible."

"Okay, next, let's get to the point."

Isaac's opening remarks left many people present speechless. In fact, no matter what type of international conference this kind of opening statement is placed in, it can be regarded as shocking.

After all, the main purpose of most meetings is peace and cooperation, and no one will show those things that are hidden under the table and full of corruption and blood at this time.
But it seems that this is really a last resort?
The significance of metal hydrogen is so great that Huaxia had to take this opportunity to make a safety statement through Isaac's mouth.

And once there is a problem in the follow-up, the actions they can take will be much more generous.

After all, they had already issued a warning.
This thought flashed through everyone's minds, and after a brief distraction, everyone in the meeting room was quickly attracted by Isaac's report.

Before actually coming here, even those who had an understanding of high-pressure physics, metal-hydrogen materials, and China’s projects would not regard Isaac as the core figure in this project, and most people even thought he was just a mascot.

But Isaac's report completely overturned their views.

This report has strict logic, detailed experimental process, and even contains a small amount of specific experimental data for verification.

Anyone who has received scientific training can see that even if Isaac is not really the "core", the information he comes into contact with is not far from the core.

What surprised everyone even more was that after the extremely short report compared to the reports of the previous few days, Huaxia arranged a lot of time for interaction, and the questions and answers lasted for a full 3 hours.

The amount of information contained in these three hours has even exceeded the accumulation of some small laboratories for several years
In particular, the concept of the preparation of metal hydrogen by the electrochemical fusion method briefly mentioned by Isaac can be said to have opened a long-closed door for many scholars who are fascinated by the low-temperature and high-pressure preparation method.
Yes, Isaac did not mention more technical details with enough references. This report alone is not enough for any other organization to explore the industrial production method of metal hydrogen.

But at least he made one thing clear.

That is:
By this method, metallic hydrogen can be produced.

Real scientific researchers are not worried about the long journey and the difficulties in the process. What they are afraid of is that the direction they have insisted on for a long time will eventually be proved to be wrong.

Therefore, as long as there is a direction, it is enough.

As the last question about the actual physical properties of metal hydrogen was raised, the atmosphere of the whole report was officially pushed to a climax.

Isaac stood on the stage with a satisfied smile on his face.

He clapped his hands lightly, pointed to the person who asked the question, and said:
"Actually, I knew you were going to ask this question a long time ago."

"However, I intentionally left it until last."

"The reason is very simple - I think you should see it for yourself and feel it with your eyes."

After the voice fell, there was a huge cheer in the conference hall.

Although it has long been expected that Zhonghuaxia may display metal hydrogen samples in this report, when this moment comes, no one can suppress the excitement in their hearts.

Even people who have nothing to do with this field are infected by passionate emotions.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Isaac clapped his hands again.

Afterwards, a small console was raised from the ground.

Isaac stepped forward and lifted the red cloth on the console.

A cuboid object with a slight metallic luster appeared in front of everyone.

Is this metallic hydrogen?
The legendary holy grail of high-pressure physics?

Why does it feel so ordinary?

At this time, countless eyes focused on the metal object, but what Isaac said next made everyone dumbfounded.

"Look, look carefully."

"It's just an ordinary neodymium magnet."

"Our protagonist hasn't appeared yet."

There was a burst of laughter in the venue, and even Chen Nian had to admit that this person did have an innate sense of humor.
With such expressiveness, it would be a pity not to be a stage actor.

After the laughter faded away, Isaac fumbled up and down the pockets of his suit, as if looking for something.

Then he took out a small glass tube from his pocket.

"Here it is."

This action made everyone's eyes widen, but for a while, they couldn't make any sound.

"Here is 0.2 grams of metastable metallic hydrogen—yes, it has the same properties as diamonds and can remain metastable at normal temperature and pressure."

Undoubtedly, this sentence is like a thunderbolt, completely shattering the mystery of this substance for decades.

For a long time, no one has been able to make a conclusion on the physical properties of metallic hydrogen, and people don't even know whether it can remain stable under normal pressure.

In other words, how much pressure is needed to keep it stable?
Now, the answer is obvious.

To maintain a metastable state, only one atmosphere of pressure is required.

At this time, Isaac on the stage had already walked towards the magnet.

He then suspended the carefully balanced glass tube over the magnet.

"It is well known that metallic hydrogen is completely diamagnetic."

"And the same is true for metastable metallic hydrogen."

With that said, he let go of his fingers.

After a brief tremor, the glass tube was suspended above the magnet steadily.

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone knows that what is suspended above the ground is definitely not just 0.2 grams of metallic hydrogen.

(End of this chapter)

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