Spark 2003

Chapter 385

Chapter 385 Just Like a Scumbag

The Huorong project progressed much faster than Chen Nian expected. During the intensive discussion, he suddenly discovered that he seemed to have cultivated a certain "sensitivity" for knowledge since he didn't know when.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the training of his brain by the system, but the result of long-term training.
In fact, if any ordinary person can immerse himself in the highest quality education environment for seven or eight years, he can basically reach Chen Nian's current level.

Of course, even in terms of the unchangeable endowment of "brain", Chen Nian is actually not bad.

The reason why he didn't achieve too much in his last life was because of his own choices, and because of the helpless ending under the constraints of the general environment.

The time soon came to September 10. After confirming that most of the information had been processed, Chen Nian's Huorong team finally started to export the first theoretical results.

And the content of this result is exactly what Chen Nian had shown Sebastian before, about the tearing mode and the magnetic ripple field.

In the office, everyone is making final revisions to the thesis based on the historical data of the EAST device and part of the public ITER data.

"So if we only consider the initial distribution of alpha particles under NTM perturbation, the loss of alpha particles all occurs within a few poloidal rebound cycles, even if the particle tracking time is half the slowing down time, after analyzing the loss of particle energy, pitch angle and loss time After the distribution, we can also confirm that the loss is the initial track loss."

"This means that the loss is caused by the finite orbital width of particles generated close to the boundary, and the sweeping NTM perturbation amplitude does not affect the share of this loss"

"NTM and passing particles form a series of resonance islands, but moving away from the boundary does not cause direct particle loss, only local redistribution."

"However, this conclusion is only valid for low-frequency, localized and far-from-boundary instability modes. More work is needed on the confinement of alpha particles under high-frequency instability on fusion reactors. The disturbance frequency is close to the EP drift motion It is easier to form resonance when the frequency is higher, which cannot be directly substituted into the conclusion for the time being.”

Chen Nian concluded clearly while looking at the final output report.

Others in the office nodded one after another, among them Pan Qingwei, who was sitting opposite Chen Nian, sighed in particular.

During these two months, he witnessed Chen Nian's growth from a "novice" who knew little about plasma control theory to an "old white who can understand most of the theories".

Although it doesn't sound very amazing, nor can it reach the amazing speed of those legendary geniuses who can master a subject in a month, but it is amazing enough.

After all, the theory of plasma control requires a huge amount of mathematical calculations, and there are not many concrete experiments as a reference. The requirements for abstract understanding ability of researchers are not generally high.

Moreover, being able to lead the team to obtain a verifiable theoretical result based on limited experimental data in such a short period of time is enough to prove himself.

Worthy of being the core figure of Xinghuo
So this mysterious organization, their core personnel, are all monsters like Chen Nian?
If this is the case, it is no wonder that they have been able to do so many earth-shattering things in the past few years
At this time, Chen Nian also entered his finishing stage.

".Generally speaking, this achievement still has a certain guiding significance for the development of superconducting coils for subsequent fusion devices. Based on this theory, we can basically determine that the ripple field will cause a large loss of particles in the magnetic capture confinement area. With the The higher the particle energy, the smaller the magnetic trapping confinement region, and the smaller the effect of the ripple perturbation."

"In the next step, we need to explore the principle of the formation of the magnetic ripple field. As long as a breakthrough is made in this area, the problem of the coil can basically be solved."

Hearing what Chen Nian said, Pan Qingwei nodded in agreement.

"Yes, although we may still face other problems, under the condition of room temperature superconductivity, the adjustment of the magnetic field strength of the coil can be made more refined. Generally speaking, the difficulty should not be too great."

"It's a really good development - we're off to a good start."

All of a sudden, everyone in the office applauded. Although no one said "flattering" words, everyone's eyes were already on Chen Nian.

Chen Nian put down the document in his hand, and said:
"There is no doubt that this is the result of our joint efforts."

"You don't have to look at me. To be honest, I didn't do much."

"Although our results cannot be published publicly for the time being, and the honor everyone deserves has to be delayed, please believe that Xinghuo will not treat anyone badly."

"Don't worry Chen Gong, everyone has no worries!"

In the corner, a man spoke.

Chen Nian recognized him as one of the earliest members, named Li Min.

Compared with others, he is relatively weaker academically, but this is also because he is too young.

At only 35 years old, he is considered a rare genius in this field.

He smiled and replied:
"Whether you have concerns or not, what should be said should be explained clearly."

"You put down the work at hand and worked so hard for so long, but you didn't even get a promise in the end, then we are too inhumane."

"Okay, I won't talk so much today."

"Li Gong, please help with the overall planning first, organize the documents and prepare them, and then just hand them over to me."

"In a few days, we will send the documents to EAST. They have already started to build a small experimental coil, and the time is just in time."

"Understood, leave it to me."

Li Min replied decisively.

After a few brief chats, the Huorong team's day's work finally came to an end. When they left the office, everyone had smiles on their faces.

In fact, although this kind of working method has super high intensity, compared with the projects they have done before, the psychological pressure is much less.

This also allows them to maintain a relatively stable state from beginning to end, and their efficiency has never been reduced.

"Hey, Mr. Pan, tell me, can our results be used by EAST?"

Li Min approached Pan Qingwei and asked.

"Who knows? Theoretical research may not be [-]% applicable. Maybe we have been busy for so long just to rule out a wrong answer."

"Everything depends on the running data after the test coil is set up-but I have a hunch that the result should not be bad."

"So confident?"

Li Min asked subconsciously.

"It's not a matter of being confident or not—let me just say it."

"Didn't you see the problem with Chen Gong's way of working?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Li Min's expression immediately changed.

"You found it too?"

Pan Qingwei rolled his eyes and replied:

"He actually didn't intend to hide it, only a fool can't see it."

"Then what's your problem?"

Li Min continued to question, but Pan Qingwei ignored him.

In fact, it is inconvenient to discuss this kind of thing too much, but it is enough to say this.

However, he was indeed somewhat curious about Chen Nian's working methods.
Is he doing theoretical exploration?

But compared to the kind of "exploration" he did before, what he is doing is more like reverse engineering?

After returning to his office, Chen Nian let out a long sigh of relief.

In fact, the Tinder Project is a brand new attempt both for Xinghuo and himself.

At the beginning, he didn't have much confidence in this plan, let alone expect to produce results within a few months.

But the progress of the matter is obviously smoother than he imagined, and without increasing the source point income of more than [-] points brought by intensive learning, this achievement itself also reduces the source point consumption of the plasma control technology in disguise.

The overall source point consumption of the magnetic confinement equipment based on superconducting coils has dropped from the initial 900 points to 780 points. Although the range is not too large, it is only the benefit of a single achievement.

There are still nearly 4 months before the completion of the EAST pre-construction project. During these four months, there is almost no suspense that the Huorong team will continue to make new progress.

So, do you have enough source data in your hands?

I originally thought that after spending more than 300 points on YLS-1000, I might have to face a period of austerity, otherwise I would face the dilemma that the first wall technology would not be available after the completion of the coil construction.

But judging from the current growth rate of the origin, it seems that the situation is not so tense?
Thinking of this, Chen Nian's brain came alive again.

There was a previous experiment that said that a cup that seems to be filled with stones can be filled with sand after being squeezed.

The sand is full, and a squeeze can fill it with water.

His situation is similar now. Although it seems that most of his efforts are devoted to the key nuclear fusion project, there is always some spare time.

However, in this situation, what direction should be chosen has become a problem.

The investment must be small, the results must be quick, and it must be able to make up for some key gaps.

After pondering for a while, Chen Nian suddenly had an idea:

How about getting new equipment for the army?
Yes, it has been a few years. The Second Artillery of the Air Force and Navy have replaced a large number of key equipment. What about the Army?

Except for the rocket launcher at the beginning and the helicopter behind it, there really isn't much killer equipment.

The 99A, which is about to be tested next year, was developed by them bit by bit.

The only consolation is the helicopter project.

However, due to insufficient investment in the later period, this project also stalled after the engineering test machines of Zhi-30 and Wuzhi-30 were produced.

Obviously, there is still a long way to go for these two helicopters to be used in actual combat.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

He thought for a moment, then took a blank piece of paper from the table, and began to write down his experience from the previous life on the paper.

In fact, in the final analysis, the direction of the evolution of the Army's combat methods is nothing more than one: synthetic brigades.

Taking the Strike brigade of the United States as a reference, there are several key pieces of equipment in order to achieve combined brigade operations.

Long-distance fire, tanks, helicopters, multi-purpose reconnaissance vehicles, drones, infantry combat vehicles, and large transport aircraft.

Among them, you don’t need to worry about the development of Yuanhuo. In terms of tanks, the 99A will be tested soon, and no additional investment is required.

The technical analysis of Wuzhi-30 has already been completed, but now the project is progressing slowly. To some extent, it is also the result of the scientific allocation of resources by the superior.

UAVs include Rainbow and Wuzhen-9, and the lack of swarm UAV system can be made up by the military-civilian joint enterprise itself.

Infantry chariot. How high is the technical content of this thing, and you still need to analyze it yourself?
Probably the only challenging thing is the large transport aircraft.

But Xifei is already working on this stuff, so there is no need to intervene.

After writing this, Chen Nian couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Good guy, I thought you were poor before I didn't watch it, but now I look at it, and I don't see how poor you are.
But of course, this is just my opinion as an outsider and I don't necessarily have a thorough opinion. If I want to determine the real needs of the army's equipment, I have to go to the field to ask.

So, he quickly picked up the phone and called Chen Guo, and asked:

"Professor Chen, can you ask me if the Army has any equipment that is in short supply?"

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Chen Guo was stunned on the other end of the phone for several seconds.

It's not because Chen Nian suddenly mentioned this, but because
He doesn't know what the army lacks!

".Let me help you ask. I don't know anything about this."

Hearing his answer, Chen Nian couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Organizational concern for the army is still not enough.

"Then as soon as possible, I have some free time recently, and I can make up for the gap in the army's equipment."

"Understood, I'll go now."

Chen Guo quickly answered.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Nian waited for half an hour, and Chen Guo's result came back.

And this result made Chen Nian immediately feel the army's ambition.

They didn't want any equipment, they wanted a system.

A set of information-based, intelligent, and automated combat systems based on the construction of synthetic brigades.

Or to put it more bluntly, what they want is AI.

It is a battlefield command AI capable of organizing decision-making by itself, directing combat units instead of equipment units as the command object, oriented to "solutions", and featuring active observation and self-adaptation.

Seeing this request, Chen Nian couldn't help but gasped.

Among other things, the army, as the backbone of the entire republic, is indeed unique in terms of strategic foresight.

If I can really give them what they want, not only the army, but the entire future battlefield will change as a result.

This will be a major upgrade of the tactical system and command method, and may even directly lead the entire army into an era of micromanagement.

"Machine gunner advances 100 meters" may no longer be a stalk for fun, but a player who can really determine the outcome of the battle.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian couldn't help but frown.

The same kind of command system used by Huaxia in the previous life instantly appeared in his mind.

Cham Lu.

So this time the goal is it.

As he mobilized his thoughts, the system immediately gave the number of source points required by this system, and after seeing that number, Chen Nian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, only 60 points are needed.

Compared with several other key equipment, it can be said to be economical.

But just as this thought flashed across his mind, he felt a little funny again.

I am like a scumbag, spending a lot of money to buy this and that for the little goblin outside, and when I get home, the poor wife hesitates for a long time before asking for a cheap thing, but I still think it is expensive
(End of this chapter)

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