Spark 2003

Chapter 391 Someone Always Brings You Back From Desperation

Chapter 391 Someone Always Brings You Back From Desperation


In the office, Chen Nian, Chen Guo, and Li Xiang sat together again for a rare occasion, holding teacups each, and chatting casually.

In fact, since Li Xiang officially joined the intelligence department, the three of them hadn't been together like this for a long time. The division of work and power is one aspect, and maintaining a very high level of pressure and rhythm is another aspect.

For Chen Guo, there are various planning meetings, budget meetings, and evaluation meetings all day long. For Li Xiang, public opinion is constantly changing, and his work is also non-stop.

But Chen Nian was even more exaggerated, not to mention the issue of technical output, all kinds of study and research alone took up more than 50% of the time.

Therefore, such leisure is a luxury for them.

After drinking the last sip of tea in the cup, Chen Nian continued the previous topic and said:
".So, for the laser area, the technology has basically been exported. Next, it depends on how the 11th institute dispatches resources for rapid application."

"However, the technology this time is relatively basic. It will take some time to disassemble the YLS-1000 technology. It is impossible to directly apply it to the Shenguang Project."

"After the equipment comes out, there is a high probability that it will give priority to the industrial fields of laser welding and laser engraving."

"This is not a bad thing for us. Welding technology in civilian industry, we have always been weak, and this time we just make up for it."

Hearing his words, Chen Guo nodded slightly, and replied:

"Yes, that's what the Civil Affairs Office also said."

"We are not in a hurry for this piece of military application."

"As for the Shenguang plan, it is also a backup plan, and the core is still on the side of EAST."

"EAST is progressing a little faster than expected."

Chen Nian took the conversation and said.

"How is the progress of the Tinder group?"

Chen Guo asked.

"Very well, we have begun to disassemble the formation principle of the magnetic ripple field, and it is estimated that a conclusion will be formed within one to two months."

"After this piece is settled, the construction of the superconducting coil can be started."

"The time was shortened by nearly two months than expected."

Chen Guo showed an expression of appreciation on his face.

Sure enough, the young man never let himself down.

Think about when I just met him, he was still an extremely young boy, holding a copy of the F-22 aerodynamic design drawings in his hand, and wanted to use the method of "handing in homework" to attract his attention.

In fact, at that time, he probably had anticipated everything that was going to happen, right?
However, I just took it as a coincidence.

It was not until he continued to produce drawings of the engine that everyone, including himself, began to pay attention to him
Seven years have passed in a flash, Xinghuo has grown stronger and stronger, including himself, including Lei Gang and Lin Yongming, the affairs in charge have changed, it seems that only Chen Nian still maintains the appearance he first saw him.
It's true, when he appeared, he was already at the top, so there really isn't much to change
Thinking of this, he said with a little emotion:
"We have actually done a lot of things. But it seems that the outside world doesn't understand these things much?"

Hearing his words, Li Xiang on the side laughed.

"Professor Chen, don't tell me that you still care about those opinions on the Internet."

"These are premeditated public opinion attacks, and there is no need to watch them at all."

"I have to admit that they did capture some pain points, but if someone is willing to investigate for themselves, they will find that what they present is a one-sided and carefully screened conclusion."

"That's the problem."

Chen Guo shook her head, and continued:
"We know this is a carefully selected conclusion, but most of the public is not aware of it."

"They just believe what they see at first sight and preconceive it as a basis for judgment."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Nian who was sitting on the side also nodded repeatedly.

In fact, compared to Chen Guo, he can appreciate the huge destructive power brought by this "preconception".

Otherwise, how can there be a saying that "open your mouth to spread rumors, and lose your legs when you refute them"?

The reason lies in a "sequence" problem.

This is not because the people are "not smart", but precisely because they are "not smart enough".

A very simple example, when an event begins to ferment under deliberate guidance, the opinions output in this event naturally have the characteristics of precedence, and also occupy the "commanding heights" in the duel of public opinion.

In the eyes of most people, "going first" means "with a clear conscience" and "impeccable", because they will instinctively think that the person who speaks first is actively exposing his flaws.

Then the person who speaks is "sophistry" or "denial" of the other party's loopholes.

If not confident, who would do it?
But what they don't know is that for those organizations that specialize in this kind of work, the cost of spreading rumors is so low that they hardly need to be considered and calculated.

Anyway, the big deal is to change the account and reopen it. Under the operation of industrialization, if you want to create an influential account, it will only take a few weeks at most.
To put it bluntly, most people think they are on the second floor, but they are actually on the second underground floor.

This situation has not eased with the increase in the popularity of the Internet and the increase in the flow of information, but has intensified due to the increase in the degree of information fragmentation.

In Chen Nian's memory, even in the era before his rebirth, this problem was not really resolved.

He was suddenly curious, what kind of countermeasures would a public opinion worker like Li Xiang come up with in this world?

And Li Xiang, who was on the side, immediately understood what he meant after seeing his expectant eyes.

He shook his head dumbfoundedly, and said:

"Why, are you all waiting for me to come up with a solution?"

"Then why not? Isn't this your job?"

Chen Nian asked back with a face of course.

"...All right. But it's not as difficult as you think to deal with this kind of thing."

"In fact, to put it bluntly, the only advantage the opponent has is the so-called 'starter'."

"In terms of rationality and persuasiveness, it is impossible for them to have any advantage over formal investigation reports."

"If you really go deep into it, most people can understand that the other party is just a sneaky change of concept."

"So, what we have to do is very simple, that is, let the opponent's first-mover advantage disappear."

Hearing this, Chen Nian couldn't help frowning.

There is an obvious logical point in this passage, that is, the establishment of a first-mover advantage is inherently irreversible.

It is based on the most basic concept of "time". It is impossible for you to reverse time, or erase everyone's memory with a flash of a pen like the man in black, right?

He asked Li Xiang his own question, and the latter patiently explained:

"The elimination of the first-mover advantage I am talking about is not physically eliminated, but logically eliminated."

"The reason why the first-mover advantage can become an advantage is based on the fact that the two sides conduct public opinion attacks based on the same agenda."

"And what if we don't discuss their pre-set agenda at all?"

Chen Nian was taken aback for a moment.

At this moment, he suddenly seemed to understand many things.
That's right, the other party doesn't really care about the final outcome of a debate.

What they care about is how many audiences on their side can be refined during the debate.

And once the intensity of the debate on both sides starts to rise, so does the scope for what they can refine.

This is definitely not the result Huaxia wants.

But there's a problem with this.
"So we just ignore it completely?"

"of course not."

Li Xiang shook his head and continued:
"We will routinely send out investigation reports in response, but we don't have to care about the attention of this response."

"Because, after the new agenda heats up and the old one cools down, someone will always turn up our responses."

"The effect it can have at that time is much higher than the effect at high temperature."

A few days later, according to the strategy of the public opinion department that Li Xiang said, a program that surprised everyone began to air.

The production of this program is not sophisticated. Like the vlog released by Wilson, it also adopts the technique of shooting from the first perspective, and it is also the configuration of a duo. Even the timbre of the narration is somewhat similar.

I have to say that at this point, the producer still played some tricks.

But this little cleverness is not offensive, because the content it presents is indeed full of sincerity.

The name of the show is simple.

"A Day in the Life of a Chinese People".

Similar to the "One Day of a Chinese Man" in Chen Nian's memory, all the characters appearing in this program are the most common individuals in China.

The difference is that compared to the "ordinary" program in the previous life, this program focuses more on the more vivid and tragic reality.

In a total of 12 episodes of the program, what people saw the most was the process of those so-called low-level people fighting against life.

There is an urban poor family who has returned to poverty due to illness and can only rely on his elderly mother to sell breakfast for a living. Their daily food is three meals of unchanging alkaline water noodles. Only dying patients on the sickbed are eligible to add an egg;
There are ordinary employees who live among skyscrapers, commute more than 4 hours a day, and have to give up lunch for a week if they want to buy a white shirt for interviews. The first thing they do when they get paid every month , is to send the money back to the old and unemployed parents;

Here is a farmer who works on the land of the Northwest with the loess and the back facing the sky. She can only bathe twice in her life, but on the day of her marriage, she saved the water for the family’s livestock. She stroked the mane of the donkey and used it The hoarse voice begged for a rain;
Here is a young man with his younger brother to pick up waste. He never left anything good for himself, but quietly picked up the milk carton that his younger brother had finished drinking, opened it, licked the few drops of liquid left on it, and then squashed the milk carton. The box was neatly put into the snakeskin bag that I carried with me.
Compared with the so-called "suffering" shown in Wilson's video, the suffering presented in this series has completely reached the level of crushing, both in terms of level and authenticity.

But people's first reaction after watching this program was not anger, but horror.

In fact, many people's understanding of suffering is superficial and one-sided.

Many people can only use cold numbers to measure suffering, and use the so-called "less than XX monthly income" to define it.

However, this program is clearly telling everyone that the suffering definitely does not stop there.

It is not a series of numbers, nor is it a picture or two, it is a kind of thick black cloud that runs through some people's entire life and always oppresses them, making it impossible for them to straighten up no matter how hard they struggle.

Or else?

Can the old man who sells breakfast save enough for his son's medical expenses to get him up from bed again?
Can the hard-working employees save enough money to gain a foothold in that magical city?
Can farmers on the northwest land open up a waterway like Yugong Yishan to irrigate her dry pasture?
Or is it that the young man who picks up waste can one day turn the gears of his fate and change his destiny from then on?
Most people think that this is absolutely impossible.

They can't imagine what is possible in the lives of these people shown in the show.

I can't imagine how big an opportunity is needed to salvage them from the quagmire.
until a comment appears.

"In fact, some things are not without a chance."

"In 04, I was the same as the scavenger boy in the show. My parents died, I dropped out of school and stayed at home, and I could only live on a little leftovers from my neighbors every day."

"At that time, I felt that my life was over. I thought countless times to go to the agricultural machinery shop in the village to buy a bottle of pesticide and drink it, and leave with my parents."

"Ironically, I couldn't even pay for a bottle of pesticide, so I just had to steal it."

"But after stealing it, I felt that it was impossible to do this. I didn't want to be infamous after I died, so I survived again——this is probably a kind of luck."

"I survived for 6 months. After 6 months, someone took me to school, exempted me from tuition and miscellaneous fees, paid for winter clothes in advance, and gave me a poverty allowance enough to last a year. "

"I'll get the same amount of money every year for the next three years."

"This money allowed me to successfully complete high school and enter a junior college—unfortunately, not a college."

"Probably because I was not born that good at reading."

"But so what? I still earn 5000 yuan a month now."

"Just last week, I went back to my hometown and settled the money I owed the owner of the agricultural machinery shop for the bottle of pesticide six years ago."

"The bottle of pesticide that I stole back is still on the window sill. The bottle is rotten and deformed. The potion inside has evaporated to nowhere."

After the comment was posted, it became even more popular than the video itself.

And at the bottom of the comments, there are countless netizens posting, telling their own experiences.

Of course, there are more people who have seriously checked the current situation of several protagonists in the video, and then shared those surprising results.

The old man selling breakfast sent his son to BJ with a special subsidy for special diseases.

The company of the staff of Snail House took over a major project from the government, and he also received a large bonus.

The farmer in the northwest did not move the mountain by himself, but XCMG's XE215DA excavator dug the canal for her.

And the boy who picked up waste, just like the experience of netizens in the comment area, has returned to the campus that should belong to him.

Is life really like an abyss, once you fall into it, you can never get up again?
It wasn't until this moment that people suddenly understood the purpose of this program.

Facing the turbulent questioning and torture, it tore open its deepest scar almost without changing expression, and showed its bloody body in front of the flies flying all over the sky.

But just when the flies were about to eat its flesh and blood, those bleeding wounds began to heal at an astonishing speed.
Yes, we didn't do nothing.

We have done a lot, but the effectiveness of some things will take time to prove.

Or put it another way.

Over the past many years, those aircraft carriers, those cannons, and those missiles have guarded the bowls of most people in this country with a decisive attitude.

And now, maybe it's time to add more food to the bowl?
At this time, looking back at those painful sufferings, an unprecedented feeling suddenly appeared in the hearts of most people:
Perhaps, there are indeed many hopeless situations in life. This is an indelible and undeniable truth.

But why don't you believe that even in such a desperate situation, someone can bring you back?

(End of this chapter)

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