Spark 2003

Chapter 394 Can't finish?

Chapter 394 Can't finish?

While the U.S. was finding another way to try to regain its advantage from China, Chen Nian's work had entered the tense but dull stage of "standardization" research and development.

If he knew that Lao Mei had actually started the idea of ​​militarizing quantum computing in this era, and had already begun to try to break the traditional RSA encryption algorithm, he might really feel strong pressure.

After all, this is the technology that can really kill games.

Once the United States really develops a quantum computer, once they break the RSA encryption system, what direction will the situation develop?
First of all, the financial system around the world has become no longer safe. As long as the banks and financial institutions covered by the SWIFT network, it is impossible to escape the fate of being cut by the US.

Because the security of the bank is now based on the RSA algorithm!
At that time, the saying "the money in the bank card is just a string of numbers" will really become a reality.

On the other hand, the secrecy of the military intelligence system will also become a joke.

Although compared with the United States, China's secrecy measures are more conservative, and even many top-secret files are still stored in paper and physical methods, but after the intelligence network is paralyzed on a large scale, they want to organize a threatening war , it has completely become a luxury.

Because the United States can even directly enter the internal command system of China and issue orders to various combat units in China.

To avoid this situation, unless you completely abandon the mature electronic system, cut off the data link, and completely return to the era of radio command.

And what about Lao Mei?
They still have to continue to push ADTS.

At that time, under the ebb and flow, no matter how advanced and powerful your weapon is, without the crucial condition of "information", it can only be reduced to piles of useless scrap iron.

It has to be said that the thinking of the United States is extremely leaping, extremely risky, but also extremely advanced.

They are always able to keenly capture the slightest chance of turning around in the most difficult environment.

Is this probably their nationality?
Starting from the westward movement, from the cowboys, robbers, and rangers who were active on the plains, this kind of ethnicity has penetrated into the bones of everyone in this country.

Being able to make such a decision and obtain official approval indeed proves their so-called "unity" to some extent.

Any country that once held power in the world should not be underestimated.
Of course, Chen Nian still doesn't know this.

After discussing the latest theories about plasma control in the United States, he and various departments of the Spark team entered the intense, high-pressure but leisurely "standardized" research and development process.

For more than a month, he almost never left Cheng Fei.

Either shutting myself in the office to absorb relevant knowledge about the follow-up first-wall materials, or discussing the optimization plan of the Zhanlu project with Wang Jiancheng.

Or, just hang out in the laboratory with the members of the Huorong team, constantly advancing the theory of plasma control.

In fact, they're progressing pretty quickly.

Although the original purpose was just to run the team together, after a long period of research work, a lot of results, large and small, have been produced.

But it is a pity that these results are still one step away from actually meeting the "usable requirements" for plasma control.

It seems that it can be crossed easily, but when it is really done, it is extremely difficult.

Even after the EAST plasma small-scale test device is built and a certain range of experiments and data simulations can be carried out, this step is really difficult to cross.

It is precisely because of this that the atmosphere of the entire group is somewhat heavy.

In the office, everyone formed a circle silently, while Chen Nian summed up the latest progress in the middle.

".So according to the current experimental and simulation results, none of the theories proposed by the other party have been confirmed."

"Of course, this may be because the scale of the device we used for the experiment did not meet the requirements, or the data of the simulated system did not reach the level of confidence."

"But at least one thing is certain, that is, the idea proposed by the other party to use low-activation steel such as F28H and CLF-1 as the tritium breeding cladding is unrealistic, because according to the simulation results, materials with low magnetic saturation Relatively limited impact on waviness”

Chen Nian talked vigorously in the middle, but many team members on the periphery were not very interested.

Of course, this is not because of disrespect for Chen Nian. To put it bluntly, it is because of the importance of these achievements, which really did not meet their psychological expectations.
Finally, after Chen Nian finished speaking, they entered the discussion session, but unlike in the past, everyone did not focus on the specific technology at all this time, but began to discuss the follow-up plan with anxiety.

Pan Qingwei was still the first to speak. As one of the leaders, his views are relatively neutral.

"Actually, we all know what everyone is thinking."

"It's nothing more than feeling that within a limited time, the height I can reach is limited."

"But at the same time, the progress of the project is still there, and the basic construction is about to be completed. If we still can't make breakthrough theoretical progress, the new EAST device may be an upgraded version of HT-7 That's all."

"Am I right in saying that?"

Hearing his words, everyone present nodded.

Li Min who was sitting on the side answered:
"Yes, that's the heart of the matter."

"The project schedule does not match our theoretical capabilities."

"Let me be frank, we can't blame ourselves for the problem. After all, the theoretical basis of the entire country's plasma field is there. The effect achieved is also limited.”

"At the end of the day, it's a matter of heritage."

"We have to admit the gap objectively. Compared with the old beauty, we are still a little far behind."

What Li Min said was not self-pity, on the contrary, he was always the most optimistic and radical in the group.

But at the same time, he was extremely rational about his own situation.

The combination of two contradictory traits in him does not violate harmony at all.

"So the way forward, how should we go?"

"Should I apply for the extension of the project and take a gamble, or should I build things under limited conditions first?"

"I recommend that the project be postponed."

"I also suggest that the project be postponed—the two plasma control-related experts we recruited before, Sebastian and Eichendorff, their views are roughly the same."

"This project should not be rushed, and it is still based on stability."

Speaking of this step, everyone's eyes were on Chen Nian.

After all, he is the real decision maker.

This decision may be difficult to make, right?
He is still so young, but he has to bear so much pressure.

No matter what choice he makes, merit and demerit will be tied to him, and if he is not careful, he may be ruined——
However, at this moment, Chen Nian didn't feel any pressure at all.

It's still early.

There is still more than a month before the completion of the infrastructure, so there is no need to be so anxious.
So, he just opened his mouth and answered:

"We will not make a decision on this question for the time being. I will give you a formal answer within a few days."

"But everyone can rest assured that EAST will definitely be built."

"And, it won't be the HT-7 Plus, it will be the real 'Oriental Super Ring'."

After finishing the discussion with Huorong, Chen Nian didn't get off work and return to his residence immediately.

It's not that he doesn't need to rest, but that he has a date.


In fact, during the critical period of the EAST project sprint, he should have stayed in AH and Science Island, but his family just flew to China and landed in Chengdu, so when he came to greet him, he also planned to Stop by to see your "old friend".

Of course, he still doesn't know the real identity of Chen Nian, but through Eichendorff's description, he also realizes that Chen Nian's ability is not as simple as what he showed in front of him.

Therefore, he had high expectations for Chen Nian.

Of course, science has national boundaries, and there is no need to question this at all.

But as a scientific researcher, the love for talents has absolutely no borders.

In particular, the field he is engaged in has a special "universal nature". At some point, even if it is a hostile force, talents will cherish each other.

Not to mention that he had already decided to join the EAST camp.

So, the two made an appointment to meet at a restaurant near Chengfei, and Chen Nian happened to take him to experience the authentic Sichuan hot pot.

As a reward?
After all, the wool gathered from him was actually quite a lot.

The research on the suppression of runaway electrons by the external resonant helical field and the exploration of the characteristics of slide-away discharge are the inspirations from him.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Chen Nian arrived at the restaurant they had made an appointment with. Sebastian was already waiting at the door. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a serious expression, and he was out of tune with the surrounding environment. If it wasn't for his slightly old-fashioned Appearance, it is estimated that diners who come to eat will think that he is a guest invited by the store to do activities.
However, as soon as he saw Chen Nian, Sebastian's expression immediately became lively.

"Chen, long time no see!"

What he said was in Chinese, which sounded a bit clumsy, far less fluent than Isaac's.

"Professor Sebastian, long time no see."

As Chen Nian answered, he led him into the shop and sat down.

"How is your family, is it settled?"

"Everything has been settled. Huaxia's logistics service is very considerate. They will stay in Chengdu for a period of time in the future."

"Although they are still separated in two places, I can fly over to see them during the holidays."

"This is enough. After all, any large-scale project is not very supportive for researchers to bring their families with them."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Chen Nian smiled slightly, then spread out the menu, and began to teach Sebastian how to order.

Most of the dishes have a certain threshold of acceptance for Westerners. Sebastian is very cautious in ordering, and Chen Nian is also doing what he wants, and he doesn't order what he thinks is a bit "weird".

The two chatted about homework without saying a word, until the hot pot was almost finished, Sebastian drank cold water to suppress the spicy taste in his mouth, and said:
"Chen, actually, I am here this time not just to chat with you."

"I know that you may have assumed some special positions in the EAST project, so I would like to ask you what are your thoughts on this project?"

"In the past period of time, we have been focusing on the study of plasma control theory, but I have to admit that the progress is not that great."

"Chen, believe me, both I and Eichendorf have tried my best."

"But there are some things that cannot be solved simply by increasing the intensity of work. This involves a question of marginal benefit."

"Time is tight and I fear you will be frustrated."

"Worried about our frustration? Why?"

Chen Nian asked in puzzlement.

Sebastian's lack of confidence in the project is understandable, but his concerns are a bit strange.

Hearing his question, Sebastian frowned slightly, and explained:

"The strings of this project are too tight. You know, I have been working on the front line since I came to Huaxia."

"I have seen with my own eyes that many researchers stay in the laboratory without sleep, and they don't even have a meal."

"I admire their commitment, but I also have to say the truth."

"That is, it is almost impossible for this project to be completed within the time limit."

"And once this worst result happens, huge pressure will be poured on them, and your entire team will be directly crushed."

Chen Nian on the opposite side shook his head and replied:
"They won't be crushed, our researchers, not as vulnerable as you might think."

Sebastian looked at Chen Nian solemnly, then said:

"Chen, have you ever thought that the people I mentioned include you?"

"It is because I am included that I can answer so resolutely."

"Aren't you worried that your future will be ruined by such a project? No, it should be said that there is no problem with the project itself, but there is a big problem with the planning of the project."

"Have you ever considered that it's not an unrealistic goal that kills you, but an overly arrogant decision maker?"


As soon as these words came out, Chen Nian couldn't help but choked up in place.

"Decision-makers who are too arrogant", isn't this what I am talking about.
It seems that the views of the outside world on the EAST project are basically the same.

They really didn't think that Huaxia could bring this project to fruition in such a short period of time.

Chen Nian couldn't refute Sebastian, so he had no choice but to say:

"No matter what, we're going to try."

"We have an old saying that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. If we don't walk around, we will never know where the road is."

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Sebastian nodded silently.

He didn't plan to persuade any more.

In the beginning, he just wanted to use Chen Nian's relationship to try to raise his voice to his superiors.

But now it seems that Chen Nian's views are highly consistent with those of his superiors.

Then there is no need to struggle, just let nature take its course.

After all, at the end of the day, this is still "their" project, not quite "own".

Of course, what he didn't know was that when Chen Nian said the words "there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain", he had already prepared the sharp ax to split the mountain.
(End of this chapter)

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