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Chapter 305 Disclosure of Information

Chapter 305 Disclosure of Information
"Poison fog?"

This is deadly enough.

The big man explained: "Brother, don't you have the two supernatural powers of neural response enhancement and energy blade? If you don't choose the jealous seed of the spiritual system, I think this one is the most suitable for you. What do you think? "

After the big man finished speaking, he quickly added: "These two are middle-level Xuan-level."

This burly man with tattoos all over his body seemed to be trying hard to blend in with them. Of course, there was no problem. They also wanted to raise their own power within the organization.

It would be great if Jin Laobiao felt threatened because of this. He and Wu Xinfeng are as close as brothers now, but they are only superficial brothers.

If he feels that he is not strong enough, then another part of undercover agents can be recruited by Jin Laobiao. In this way, both factions are ours.

The little man was thinking undercover, and felt that the other party's suggestion was very reasonable.

It is enough to use one's own advantages to the limit, and the rest can be handed over to teammates. Naturally, teammates who specialize in strengthening spiritual abilities are responsible for mental defense.

"Thank you brother, boss, I want this one."

"Okay, it's yours."

After Wu Xinfeng registered the ability, he directly distributed the seed of jealousy to his own people.

Then he said to the big man: "What about you, do you have any ideas about how to strengthen yourself?"

Seeing Wu Xinfeng, the boss who can directly communicate with the Black Emperor, asked, he immediately replied: "I have, I want pure spiritual powers."

"Both are seeds of jealousy with psychic abilities, but there are a few."

Do you focus on strengthening your mental strength?It's a good choice. There are people with psychic powers. It will be very effective to conduct investigations before carrying out various actions, and to open a full-view perspective for teammates during the process.

Wu Xinfeng was looking at the list of registered seeds of jealousy, and suddenly found that the surroundings became quiet, the noisy sounds disappeared, and only the chirping of insects remained.

He raised his head, and walked towards him in a soul-devouring blood suit.

Their chairman is really a bit too elusive, appearing in front of you without paying attention, people are hard to guard against, and in the middle of the night you will worry if there will suddenly be a red ghost standing by your bedside.

If this continues, he may suffer from mental illness.

Qiao Ji put down a box on Wu Xinfeng's table where he counted abilities, and Wu Xinfeng hurriedly handed over the list, "President, we are already in the process of counting the seeds of jealousy."

Qiao Ji just glanced at it, but didn't answer, "Remember to make an electronic version."

With BT, he still uses the electronic version for more convenient management.


"Open the box and take a look. Inside is your new uniform."

Wu Xinfeng quickly opened the box, and there was something like a mass of red mud inside.

As soon as his mental power touched it, the red silt seemed to come to life. It wrapped around his body, and then became active, quickly covering his whole body, turning into a bloody coat and covering him like a windbreaker.

With a thought, the Soul Devouring Blood Clothes even covered his face.

With the Soul Devouring Blood Cloak, it is convenient to conceal your identity.

It's just that his one is pure red without patterns, because Joe didn't add anything when making it.

"This is a trial-produced sample. There is no pattern. If you have a symbol or pattern you want, you can draw it and make it again for you next time."

Qiao Ji captured millions of undead from the underworld and imprisoned them in the Earth Explosion Star. He can mass-produce the Soul-devouring Blood Clothes. The output should be large in the future, so he can even let his subordinates DIY the style of the Soul-devouring Blood Clothes.

"No need, president, I like this one very much." Wu Xinfeng waved his hand quickly, he didn't dare to bother Qiao Ji.

"Each piece of Soul Devouring Blood Clothes must have its own logo, this is the rule I just made."

It can also be regarded as a way to distinguish, after all, everyone wears the soul-devouring blood suit without a logo, how can you tell who is who? Is it based on body shape?

By the way, let's do another gait analysis, artificial intelligence like BT should be able to tell the difference.

"Yes." Wu Xinfeng quickly responded.

To be honest, when he put on the Soul Devouring Blood Clothes, he still felt a little nervous, because this is something that needs to be made by killing people.

Hearing the meaning of the president, do you want to continue manufacturing?
How many people will be killed?
"President, you need souls to make the Soul-devouring Blood Clothes, do you want me to arrange someone to collect them?"

Instead of killing innocent people uncontrollably, it would be better for him to send some villains on their way.

However, their president doesn't seem to be the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, but who can say for sure?

"No need." Qiao Ji refused.

"I just went to the underworld and collected a lot of souls."

Underworld? !
This news made everyone present, no matter if they were young or not, their ears were pricked up.

After all, the plague of undead in Philadelphia some time ago had too much impact, half of the city was slaughtered, and the threat of undead has now become a sword hanging over the earth.

Everyone heard Qiao Ji say that he just went to the world of the undead, and they all involuntarily slowed down their breathing, held their breath and listened intently.

"President, what is the underworld like?"

Wu Xinfeng asked, he didn't think it was hasty, after all, everyone would be interested in another world, right?
"There are so many undead there, so many that you can't imagine. They come out of the ground like ants, one by one, densely packed."

Come out like ants?

This is a bit hard to imagine, but I don't know if the undead can get out of the concrete floor.

Qiao Ji originally wanted to reveal part of the information to them, so he told them like a story, "In the kingdom of the dead I went to this time, there are more than 2000 lords over 50 meters tall under the King of Ghosts."

Everyone is speechless, more than 50 meters tall?What kind of monster is that? It doesn't respond to ordinary shells.

"And each lord conservatively estimates that there are more than a dozen prefecture-level undead subordinates, and more than a million soldiers equivalent to human-level supernatural beings."

Qiao Ji's tone was very light, but the information it contained was extremely impactful.

Everyone drew a template of the strength of the undead kingdom in their minds, and then felt deeply depressed.

Such a country of undead, whether it is high-level combat power or low-level combat power, completely crushes the earth!

And Qiao Ji went on to say: "But such a country of the undead, in that world, is as numerous as gravel, and the number is countless."

There are as many groups of armed forces that can crush the earth, like gravel?

Can such a world really be conquered by the earth?
"And the kingdom of the undead is full of black mist. They can control the black mist to transmit energy and transform it into a weapon. It can be said that this is their biggest killing move."

The black mist is simply the undead version of nanomachines, which can be transformed into weapons and provide energy according to their use requirements.

(End of this chapter)

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