i have a cos system.

Chapter 93 Goodbye

Chapter 93 Goodbye
Qiao Ji summoned a few black shadow soldiers and told them: "Use C4 to make a bomb suit, the kind that can detonate immediately, pay attention to safety, and make it far away, not in the room area."

Qiao Ji usually enters from here, if he gets blown up, it will be bad for him.

Several black shadow soldiers nodded and went to make bomb suits.

When they are ready, Qiao Ji can rescan the bomb suits into materials for quick duplication.

At that time, the black shadow soldiers can be equipped in batches, turning them from black shadow warriors into black shadow bomber spiders.

Although there is no iron pilot helmet, so that the smart pistol, stealth equipment, phantom equipment, and jump equipment cannot be equipped in batches for the shadow soldiers, but the good news is that the Titan mecha is infinite.

The Titan mechs are infinite, and they are all vanguard-level Titans with intelligence. They can be used as soldiers to deal with the group of blood-clothed priests.

If you have the ability, you launch a mental attack on the titan.

At that time, 5 blood-clothed officiates will deal with 1 of them, which seems to be 5 against 1.

Then, Qiao Ji summoned 25 Vanguard Titans backhandedly.

5 against 1 is true, but 5 of us beat 1 of you!
Why does it feel a bit like Gokage fighting Madara Uchiha in a group and being beaten by a wooden escape and wooden clone?
However, the ability battle information is very important. Although Qiao Ji doesn't know their specific ability information, they must survive the first round of black shadow bombing spider sneak attack.

Qiao Ji didn't intend to talk about martial arts with them, he would sneak attack if he could.

Only those who survived are eligible to try Little King Kong Iron Fist.


Qiao Ji walked out of the portal and appeared on a rooftop.

He put away the frying pan, went downstairs in a shadow, and appeared on the street outside the school, waiting for someone here.

The school is about to end at this time, I hope the teacher will not delay the class.

"Handsome, do you want milk tea?"

This milk tea shop next to the school is always full of people, but there are no customers at the moment.

Why do you call everyone handsome or beautiful?

In his last life, he never drank it. He joined the army after graduating from high school, and it seems that it became popular after that.

His cousins ​​and sisters-in-law really like it. During the New Year's gathering with relatives, a group of Yingying and Yanyan ran to buy this with a few little Douding chattering.

Qiao Ji has no interest. During Chinese New Year, he usually plays mahjong with a few old cousins ​​and wins their money.

Or go fishing together, or go to the archery to play.

Qiao Ji didn't take care of their business, because after school, the bell rang out from the school. At this moment, the doorman had already opened the gate and walked around with his hands behind his back.

After a while, the students came out one after another, but Zhang Chenyu was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that the flow of people went from crowded to sparse, but still did not wait for Zhang Chenyu, Qiao Ji said that the child was not active after school and had brain problems.

Many classmates passed by, but they were not familiar with them, and no one said hello. Qiao Ji stood alone in the shadows, and sent two messages to Zhang Chenyu on his mobile phone, but there was no response.

"Joe Ji?"

He Ling came out of the school, and immediately saw Qiao Ji waiting here.

Qiao Ji waved at her, signaling her to come over.

He Ling trotted over, "What are you doing here?"

"The book is returned to you."

Qiao Ji took out a novel. Originally, he planned to read it before returning it to He Ling, but the meeting with the blood-clothed priest just now forced him to leave here for Yujing as soon as possible, and he might not come back in a short time.

Therefore, it is better to return the book to He Ling first.

He Ling took the book, but saw Qiao Ji looking towards the school gate, and asked, "Are you waiting for someone?"


"Who are you waiting for?"

"Zhang Chenyu, let's have dinner together later, he did me a favor."

It is better to be prepared in advance than to attack suddenly.

"Zhang Chenyu?" He Ling looked a little surprised.

She couldn't feel that Zhang Chenyu could help Qiao Ji.

"Do you want to be together? Just thank you for lending me books these days."

He Ling shook his head, "No need, I can't go, and my mother is waiting for me at home."

"Okay then, next time."

The next time I come back, I'm afraid I'll have to wait until the Chinese New Year. After all, Qiao Ji's hometown is nearby, and I'm sure I'll go back to my grandparents' house for the Chinese New Year.

"Well, next time then."

He Ling thought, the weekend is a good time, now going out to play, did not tell her mother in advance, she will be angry if there is one less person to eat at home, and she still goes out to play with male classmates.

At this moment, Zhang Chenyu appeared at the school gate.

He looked around, saw Qiao Ji waved his hand quickly, and ran over immediately.

"Joe Ji!"

He ran over excitedly, and saw the back of the girl next to Qiao Ji looked familiar, and only when he got closer did he realize that it was He Ling.

"Are you here too? We're going to have dinner, that, you, do you want to come together?"

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly said to Qiao Ji: "I'll give you the extra money."

"No need, you guys go, I'm going home first." He Ling looked at the young man standing in the shadow of the setting sun, he seemed to be thinking about something, and was a little absent-minded all the time.

She walked a few steps, turned around suddenly, and smiled, "Goodbye."

"See you."

Qiao Ji responded lightly, and then said to Zhang Chenyu: "Did you put your feet in the classroom?"

It took me half a day to come out.

"I'm on duty today, so there's nothing I can do." Zhang Chenyu explained.

"Come with me."

The shadow under Qiao Ji's feet expanded, forming a black door on the wall. When he walked in, the shopkeepers beside him stretched their necks.

This type of ability has never been seen before.

Zhang Chenyu was very excited and followed quickly.

The feeling of passing through the Gate of Shadows is like walking through a dark alley, and the wind is chilly.

When the light appeared again, Zhang Chenyu found himself at——

"Qiao Ji, is this a subway station?"

"If your eyes are not blind, you should be."

"Why did we come to the subway station?" Zhang Chenyu was puzzled.

"Of course I'll take the subway there, and not everything can be reached by supernatural powers."

Although it is very convenient to escape the shadow, it is only a small range of continuous movement, and it is very troublesome to perceive the nearby shadow area by yourself.

If possible, it is more convenient to take transportation, and they can even play with their mobile phones for a while on the subway.

"Oh oh oh."

Zhang Chenyu hurriedly expressed that he understood.

He really thought that he would arrive at his destination in an instant after passing through the Gate of Shadows, but he ended up at the nearby subway station.

I'm so stupid, of course I'll be tired from long-distance use of abilities!
If I create two more dreams, I will be exhausted, and Qiao Ji must be the same.

"However, Qiao Ji."

When the subway arrived at the station, Zhang Chenyu followed Qiao Ji to get on the train, and then asked slyly, "Is it okay if we don't buy tickets?"

Qiao Yao, who was holding a mobile phone to send a message, asked about the arrangement of the residence in Yujing, Qiao Ji was taken aback.

"...I forgot, I will definitely do it next time."

He was busy arranging the next thing, he didn't pay attention, and went directly to the inside of the subway station.

This is fare evasion, children must not learn it.

(End of this chapter)

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