Marvel's Spider-Man: From Another Universe Begins

Chapter 108 Do you want to see Gwen?

Chapter 108 Do you want to see Gwen?
MJ silently walked to Holland's brother and hugged him from the side.

Ned hugged him from the other side too.

The three little friends hugged each other, barely calming down the fearful heart of the Dutch spider.

"Stephen, what about Aunt May?"

Although he sympathizes with the experience of the evil spirit, the Dutch spider is more worried about Aunt May's safety.

Although the evil ghost is pitiful, he is an out-and-out villain and lunatic.

Doctor Strange interpreted from his memory that he wanted to train the Dutchman to be his successor.

As for Aunt May, the importance to Peter is obvious to all.

In the world of evil spirits, even before Aunt Mei passed away, even though everyone criticized him, he was still struggling.

It wasn't until she was killed that the dark side in Peter's hands was completely released, making him truly degenerate into a wicked ghost who did all kinds of evil.

The same is true of this world.

No one knows whether the evil spirit will reproduce his own experience and frantically kill Aunt Mei to "achieve" the Dutch spider.

Doctor Strange frowned, and continued to quickly search for the ghost's memory.

In fact, if hypnotism can be supplemented with verbal assistance, so that his brain can automatically surface relevant memories, this is the fastest way to find the memory he wants to find.

But the villain is a former Spider-Man, and his mental toughness can be imagined.

If he wakes up, there is a high probability that he will not get the memory, but will be directly out of the hypnotic state by him.

So Doctor Strange can only use a stupid way to find it bit by bit.

Hard work pays off.

After searching for more than ten minutes, he finally found the memory related to May Parker.

Turns out, the ghost didn't kill May Parker, or even hurt her.

At this time, May Parker was locked in a room stolen by an evil spirit. The evil spirit made her into a deep sleep with a kind of sleeping powder prepared by himself.

In fact, think about it.

May Parker and Gwen Stacy, to the evil ghost Andrew Spider, are the two most important people in life.

Even if the Dutch spider's Aunt May is not his Aunt May.

But the little bit of kindness left in his heart still prevents him from easily killing Aunt Mei.

With the help of Doctor Strange, the Dutch spider quickly found there, and then took Aunt May home.

The evil ghost's sleep powder will make her sleep for a day and a night, so she won't wake up for a while.

However, as long as he can escape the threat of life, the Dutch spider is very satisfied.

He'll be back here soon.

It seems that everything has been completed, and the three known fugitive visitors from other worlds basically do not have much possibility of causing trouble.

Venom doesn't have much desire to attack, and seems to run away just because he doesn't want to be locked up and ignored;
Ned just saw the news about the Sandman saving people from the Internet, and Bide also said that the Sandman was not bad at heart, so he ignored it;

The only one who might cause trouble is the hunter Kraven.

But this guy is very shrewd. After the gang is wiped out, he probably won't dare to come out again.

Therefore, Bi De and others simply stopped their actions and took a good rest.

The next thing is to wait for Doctor Strange to send them back.

"But, are we really going to send him back like this?" Ned asked, pointing at the evil spirit.

The others looked at him.

Ned hesitated: "He is a super villain. In his world, he dominates everyone all the time, like a symbol of fear."

The Dutch spider also nodded: "It's fine if we don't know, but now that we know... I want to help them."

When he said this, he hesitated.

He wondered what other people would think of him when they heard him say such things.

Right from wrong?

Good and evil are unknown?

Virgin whore?
However, at this time, the middle-aged Toby came to his side, and put his generous palm on the shoulder of the Dutch brother: "You are right, my uncle told me that with great power comes great responsibility. I support you!"

Then, he looked at Bi De.

Bi De yawned: "I don't care, anyway, what happens next has nothing to do with me. But how are you going to save them? Do you want to perform an operation on him and change his brain?"

Although he was speechless about the "Holy Mother Behavior" of the two spiders, he was not too surprised.

Because this is Spider-Man, this is Peter Parker.

They always try to forgive the bad guys and try to give them a chance to turn around.

Toby spider forgave Flint Mark, the sandman who killed Uncle Ben, and the Dutch brother spider saved him regardless of his previous suspicions in the battle with the vulture, regardless of the danger of his life.

But how they want to deal with the evil ghost Andrew Spider really doesn't have much to do with him, and he doesn't want to care about it.

He came to this world for four purposes.

First, the slaughter of the "big dog" and the upgrade of the battle suit have been completed, and it has been completed quite well. The suit he is using now is even better than the original plan.

Second, get acquainted with these superheroes in the main universe. If you fight against the heir family in the future, you may be able to find them as foreign aid.

So far, it’s done well. I got to know Doctor Strange and three Spider-Man, plus two from other worlds, a Doctor Octopus, and Max the Electric Man.

The combat power that can be assembled when necessary is already considerable.

Third, get an Ark reactor for Dr. Octopus, which was promised to him before.

It has also arrived.

As for the fourth one, it is naturally to enhance one's own strength.

His Force of Destiny can gain feedback after he changes the fate of Spider-Man on the Giant Web, thus enhancing his strength.

Now, with his influence on the Dutch spider, a trace of the power of fate is rapidly being produced in his body, constantly strengthening his strength!

At this moment, he is much stronger than when he first came to this world!

Therefore, he is really not interested in participating in what to do next.

Fighting and rushing, he has been busy for several hours, and now he just wants to consume these gains, and then have a good sleep.

"Uh" the middle-aged Toby Spider hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't know if his symptoms are the same as Uncle Osborne's. In fact, I have always had a regret that I couldn't save him back then."

Well, in a sense, the symptoms of the evil ghost Andrew spider are indeed a bit like a split personality.

But his situation has lasted for too long, and the derived evil personality has already "eat" the main personality, so it's hard to say whether he can be saved.

"I, I can provide some equipment," said the Dutch brother Spider, who was rich and powerful, and he understood the identity of Iron Man's godson.

Doctor Strange stood up with some headaches: "Hey, you two, enough is enough. Just send them back, don't give me extra trouble!"

With that said, he picked up the Horcrux and prepared to shoot it.

A spider's thread shot at the soul-returning device.

Doctor Strange: ? ? ?
You are still here!

It seemed that the two sides were about to fight again.

Bi De had no choice but to make a move, tore off the spider's thread of the Dutch spider, held the Horcrux in his hand, and stopped the two parties who were about to reproduce the classic.

"Stop, you all stop!" Bi De shouted.

He didn't want to reenact the scene in the nest again, and he didn't want to cause the situation that he had managed to control to collapse again because of some accidents.

The Dutch spider and Doctor Strange stopped.

Bi De stood between the two with some headaches, he was thinking about how to fix this matter.

In fact, his thinking was that, regardless of him, just send the evil ghost Andrew spider back to his world and it would be over.

The evil ghost Andrew spider will become like this, and it is not the Marvel villains of that world who did it themselves.

Naturally, they have to bear the consequences themselves.

Besides, Doctor Strange also saw it from his memory.

Although the evil ghost Andrew spider has become an evil ghost and formed a hell army, his main targets are still those bad guys.

It's just that the criminal law is too harsh. The petty theft is also killed directly, isn't it harsh?

But both the Dutch brother spider and the middle-aged Toby spider insisted on curing him.
Looking at the expression of the Dutch spider, it seems that if you don't do this, I will cry for you.

Thinking of this, Bid gave Ned a hard look.

This guy, it's all your fault!
No wonder Ned in the anime became the scapegoat of the evil spirit!
Ned shrunk his neck and laughed dryly.

He also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

But he really just said it casually, and he didn't expect such consequences.

Just when they were at a stalemate, the evil spirit suddenly woke up.

He has been thrown into a magical prison by Doctor Strange.

As soon as he woke up, he walked to the edge of the prison, looked at Bi De and others with a sneer.

"This guy is so arrogant, I think he should be killed," Max said Bi De's heart.

Bi De also nodded seriously.

"Haha, come and beat me to death!" the evil ghost laughed.

He didn't care about his own life or death at all, instead he started to provoke loudly.

"Peter Peter, do you know? Worldly feelings are the shackles that bind our strength! When you abandon everything, you will discover how beautiful this world is! Only then can you become your true self!"

Except for himself, there were three "Peters" (including the protagonist), and no one knew who the evil spirit was speaking to.

But the high probability is the Dutch spider.

Because he was his original target.

It also seems to be the youngest and the best to fool.

Until now, he has not given up bewitching the Dutch spider.

However, the Dutch spider did not intend to strike up a conversation at all.

He looked at Bi De with pleading eyes: "You are the only Spider-Man who can travel through time and space. You said that you want to change the tragic fate of every Spider-Man. Can you help him?"

A look of perplexity appeared on Bi De's face.

In fact, he didn't want to change this evil ghost Andrew spider.

At this time, his heart moved and he had an idea.

He walked to the magic prison where the evil ghost Andrew spider was held, and stood opposite him with only a transparent magic barrier.

"I feel different from them in you. You are a 'different'. So, are you going to kill me now?" the evil ghost Andrew Spider said with a smile.

Bi De shook his head, with a smile on his face: "Want to see Gwen?"

(End of this chapter)

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