Chapter 13
What is the acceleration due to gravity at 40 degrees north latitude?
Jumping from 15 meters in the air here, how many seconds does it take to land?
It can be obtained from h=gt:

t=√2h/g=√2×15/9.8 s≈√3.061224s≈ 1.75s
That is about 1.75s.

1.75 seconds, according to the breathing rate of a normal person, it may not even be enough time to breathe in and out.

However, the thrill of jumping down from a high altitude will make people unconsciously speed up their heartbeat and hold their breath at the same time.

Also, adrenaline rushes in.

Bi De is in such a state at this time.

No, even more wonderful.

These 1.75 seconds felt so long to him.

He could clearly feel himself blinking, and then saw the dust that had accumulated on the ground because no one had been there for too long.

Under a wooden board, several industrious worker ants were struggling to carry the body of a dead little spider.

Afterwards, Bi De even turned around in the air!

He saw a row of heads protruding from the beam.

Shadow Spider-Man's unreal appearance hidden under the mask.

Spider-Ham was still chewing on the hot dog, but his eyes looked down over the pig's nose.

The middle-aged Peter stretched out his right hand in a firing gesture, as if ready to rescue at any time.

Gwen's eyes were calm, but her fingers were also pressed on the spider silk shooter
"Hurry up and fire!" the voice of Shadow Spider-Man sounded, waking Bi De from this strange state.

Bi De subconsciously pressed the button of the spider web launcher in his palm.

call out--

A mass of white matter flew out of his wrist and firmly stuck to the ceiling.


The moment Bide's body was about to touch the ground suddenly stopped, but this transition from extreme movement to extreme stillness only made Bide slightly uncomfortable, and did not bring too much burden to his body.

But Bi De didn't notice this.

Because the current him is relying on the power of the moment when the spider silk is shot out, and his body also flies upwards.

Bi De's figure hit the ceiling heavily, his limbs stretched subconsciously.

Afterwards, he was hanging upside down and clinging there steadily!
His ability was finally activated!

Fantastic perspective!
A novel world!
Bide thought he would be very excited, but at this moment, his body was hanging upside down from the ceiling in an inhuman way, but he found that his heart was extremely peaceful.

As if, this should belong to his world!
This is what he should look like!

A figure appeared beside Bi De.

It's Shadow Spider-Man.

His slightly relieved voice came out from under the mask: "Great, you did it!"

"Yes, thank you," Bi De thanked sincerely, without the encouragement of Shadow Spider-Man, he didn't know how long it would have taken him to take this step.

"What about me?" Spider-Ham also flew over with a whoosh.

"Well, of course, I also want to thank you," Bi De laughed.

"And me?" Gwen somehow joined in the fun.

Bi De: "Okay, thank you too."


Middle-aged Peter also came near Bi De.

Bi De quickly stretched out his hand: "You don't need to say it, I am also very thankful!"

"Hahaha—" Everyone laughed together.

At this moment, I don't know if it was due to the lack of proficiency in the use of the ability or what, the biological static electricity in Bi De's hand suddenly failed, and as soon as he let go, he fell down.

"Damn it!" Bid screamed strangely, and quickly stretched out his hand to spit out another spider thread.

With the help of the pull of the spider silk, he returned to the ceiling.

"It seems that you need to practice more." Gwen said seriously.

"Okay, next, let's go back to that steel," Shadow Spider-Man hung one hand on the ceiling, and pointed down with the other finger, very relaxed and comfortable.

Bi De was quite envious of this.

Because now he can only feel more at ease when he is not holding on to the spider silk, and he can only feel more at ease if his hands and feet are stuck to the ceiling at the same time.

Otherwise, there is a risk of falling down like just now.

With his hands and feet stuck to the ceiling, he turned his head to look back and estimated the distance between himself and the beam.

Bi De jumped forward, his figure was like a spider that started from a catapult, and quickly fell towards the crossbeam.

Bi De slapped his hand heavily on the crossbeam, and took a deep breath.

It turned out that he was using too much force, causing some to jump over his head.

But at this time, he subconsciously grabbed the beam, and naturally hit it hard.

Bi De subconsciously let go of his hand.

At this time, a soft palm stretched out and held his wrist.

Bi De looked up and saw that it was Gwen.

Gwen exerted a little force.

Bi De took advantage of this force to get on the crossbeam.

"Thank you," Bid thanked Gwen after letting go of his hand.

Gwen smiled slightly: "You're welcome, you should practice quickly. When the gadgets are finished, we're going to find the big boss Jin Bin together."

"Hmm!" Bid nodded repeatedly.

The so-called one is born again, and the second is cooked.

After the first experience of successfully launching spider silk and climbing and crawling, the second and third times will naturally appear soon.

This time, even without the urging of others, Bide made a little adjustment, and then jumped off the crossbeam on his own initiative again.

Thanks to his previous experience in playing "Spider-Man", after finding the initial feeling, his proficiency in using spider silk began to rise rapidly.

And soon, he found joy in it.

His figure flew back and forth wantonly in this abandoned warehouse, and even used his increasingly proficient passive-super agility to find some obstacles to walk through.


It has always been a dream of mankind.

In the east, there are those who walk with a sword, and in the west, there are those who ride a broom to the sky.

And now, he can also fly freely in the air with the help of the spider silk!

Even if there is nothing else, this point alone is already priceless.

When Bi De was playing happily alone, Shadow Spider-Man and middle-aged Peter were also watching him.

The middle-aged Peter commented: "This guy's understanding is quite good, he already looks good!"

Spider-Ham said: "I think his moves are pretty cool. Oh look at this mid-air spin, my God!"

Gwen also agreed: "His movements are like a dancer, dancing in the air. Although he is not particularly beautiful, he has great potential. I think I like him a little bit."

Shadow Spider-Man shook his head: "It looks good, but there are too many fancy moves. But as a novice, it's barely qualified."

"Hey, man, don't be so harsh, he's just getting started," middle-aged Peter said.

Shadow Spider-Man shrugged: "Well, I think it's good too. But I still have to correct his behavior, it's dangerous, there's no need to be so fancy."

After Bi De had been familiar with it for about half an hour, and felt that he had basically mastered the cooperation between the spider silk and the body, Shadow Spider-Man stopped him.

"Hey, Bide, if you keep playing like this, this room will be full of spider silk, and there's no way to stay!" Shadow Spider-Man shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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