Chapter 138 Lizardman Kingdom

"What's going on? I feel like there's a lot of danger in the ground?" Gwen looked at Bid, and held his hand a little tighter.

Even though her individual combat power is quite strong now, as long as she is with Bi De, she will unconsciously reveal her weak side.

Bi De narrowed his eyes, and the invisible quantum fluctuations spread far away.

Cooperating with the feedback from the spider sensor, he quickly "saw" the source of those breaths.

It was a group of upright lizardmen about the size of normal people.

There are almost thousands of them, scattered in every sewer in the city.

Bi De reacted immediately.

There is indeed such a lizardman kingdom under New York City.

Speaking of which, the appearance of these lizardmen is thanks to Dr. Connors.

Before conducting his new genetic technology research, Dr. Connors injected his own DNA with that of a lizard into his own body.

As a result, the experiment failed, and it caused him to become a lizardman.

He was very angry at the time, so he flushed the failed experiments into the sewer.

As a result, the lizards gathered in the sewers ate these things, and then began to gradually evolve, and finally became a new species-lizardmen.

These lizard people think that Dr. Connors—or in other words, the transformed Dr. Lizard is their father, and this should be the king of this lizard kingdom. They hope that Dr. Lizard can lead them to defeat humans and become the ruler of the world. !
With this in mind, they kidnapped Dr. Connors and Mary Jane. After that, Dr. Connors became a temporarily sane Dr. Lizard. After assisting Mary Jane to escape, he became the real Dr. Lizard again. Nine-four spiders lived.

In the end, it was Mary Jane and Dr. Connors' wife Margaret who risked their lives by detonating a genetic bomb against the lizard monsters, causing them all to degenerate back into lizard state.

Bi De did not have any affection for these ambitious lizardmen.

The only thing in the original play that made him feel a little sorry was the lizard girl named "Gila".

Gila is the only one who is sober among all the lizard people. She is kind and has no violent factor.

In the play, it was her last divine assist that made the gene bomb detonate smoothly.

Otherwise, Nine Four Spiders, Mary Jane and Margaret will all die!

"Gwen, are you interested in going to see the so-called lizardman kingdom together?" Bide extended an invitation to Gwen.

Gwen gave him a blank look: "Other boyfriends take girls to watch dramas and amusement parks, but you take your girlfriend to watch disgusting lizardmen in the dirty sewers."

Bi De smiled awkwardly: "Uh, how about I send you back first?"

Gwen patted him: "Are you serious?"

"No, no, no," Bid was instantly full of desire to survive, "I mean, this beautiful, gentle and generous Miss Stacy, would you like to accompany me to see the rare lizardman?"

Gwen said with a laugh: "As for you, for the sake of your sincerity, let's go!"

"Wait, let's find two people first." Bidella stopped Gwen.

Good guy, he said no, but his body is so honest, he can't wait.
A few streets away, the home of Nine Four Spiders.

Nine Four Spiders sneaked in through the window without a sound. Just as he was about to take off his clothes and take a good rest, while making a few bottles of spider silk solution, the portal suddenly opened in his room.

Nine Four Spider was taken aback, and then realized that this was Bi De's method.

He said helplessly: "Mr. Bi De, can't you respect my privacy?"

Bi De scolded with a smile: "I don't think you let me have a needle eye, why are you so shy? Hurry up and pack up and get ready to go."

"Ready to go? Where are you going?" Nine Fourth Spider put down the half-up clothes and asked.

Bi De said: "I found a kingdom of lizardmen in the sewers. They are planning to overthrow the human domination of the earth. Are you not interested? If not, I will leave."

Nine Four Spider was taken aback.

"What? Lizardman Kingdom?!! Is it what I think?"

Bi De nodded, affirming his thoughts: "It's what you think, they can be said to be the 'offspring' created by Dr. Connors. Although there are no Dr. Lizards that Dr. Connors himself mutated Powerful, but very, very numerous."

"Could it be that there are dozens of them?" Nine Four Spider had a terrified expression on his face.

He has already imagined dozens of scenes of Dr. Lizard standing in front of him.

Just a Dr. Lizard can already beat him.

And if this number is multiplied dozens of times.
"Fortunately, I have become stronger now." Nine Four Spider felt a little rejoiced, and at the same time became more and more grateful to Bi De, the person who gave him more powerful abilities.

However, Bi De shook his head: "Dozens? You are too naive."

"Could it be hundreds of them!" Nine Four Spider's eyes widened, and all movements of his hands stopped.

"No, it's a few thousand!" Bi De said, "to be more accurate, there are about 700. Of course, I can't rule out that there are some that I haven't noticed. After all, the city's sewer network is too huge. It only took me a few seconds to search, and it's not surprising that I missed some corners."

"Thousands of them!!!" Nine Four Spider's whole body seemed to have been petrified, his face turned pale, and he stood there blankly.

He did not doubt Bi De's words, but was shocked by the information revealed in Bi De's words.

Thousands of lizardmen possess greater power and speed than humans, and are not inferior in intelligence. This is really enough to start a war!

There are many relatively small countries, and the national military strength may not reach this figure!

"What should I do?" Nine Four Spider was a little confused for a while.

However, he quickly reacted and looked at Bi De: "Mr. Bi De, since you took the initiative to find me, is there a way to solve them? By the way, Dr. Connors! Maybe we can use Connors The doctor's understanding of the lizard people's genes, making an anti-gene weapon, and finding the right opportunity to solve them all at once?"

This time it was Bide's turn to be a little surprised.

He knew to find Dr. Connors because he had seen the original plot, so he knew that Dr. Connors had a targeted weapon.

But in fact, his targeted weapon was not used to deal with these lizardmen—before that, he didn't even know that lizardmen existed.

He just predicted that he might fail the experiment and turn himself into a monster, so he took an insurance measure and left behind this gene bomb that could kill the mutated self.

But Nine Four Spiders don't know that!
Unexpectedly, he could find the most possible solution to the matter so quickly in a panicked situation.

Its logic is meticulous and its thinking is clear, which can be seen.

No wonder Mrs. Spider later called him: Spider-Man with leadership qualities.

This kind of calmness in the face of danger is exactly his unique character, and it is also what Bi De needs to learn.

"Is it packed? Alright, let's go to Dr. Connors together," Bi De said directly without explaining so much to Nine Four Spider.

"Wait, I need to replenish my spider silk first," the movement of Jiusi Spider's hand accelerated a little.

Gwen on the side said, "Don't you think your spider silk is too thin? It will break if you pull it."

Nine Four Spider was a little embarrassed: "This is the spider silk that I have researched for a long time. It is indeed not very tough sometimes, but most of the time it is still very reliable."

"Well, in fact, after you strengthened me, Mr. Bi De, I feel that I should be able to deploy stronger spider silk, but unfortunately I don't have time to do so now."

As the Nine Fourth Spider spoke, it admitted that it was a coward with spider silk.

In fact, he wanted to replace the spider silk for a long time, but the new spider silk he researched was not satisfactory, and it was not as good as the one he used originally.

At most, he can only add some new substances to the spider silk solution to make it have some special properties, such as the fast coagulation agent added to the water man, and that's all.

However, after he was strengthened by Bi De, he did have a feeling in his mind.

It seems that as long as you follow this feeling, you can prepare stronger spider silk!

Bi De looked at Nine Four Spiders with a smile: "Actually, don't worry. These lizard people's brains are not yet fully evolved, and they should still be accumulating strength. You can definitely prepare for a while."

"Is that so?" Nine Fourth Spider paused when he heard that.

After that, he still shook his head: "Let's solve the danger first. Although my original spider silk is a little weaker, it is still enough. There is no rush for new spider silk at this time."

"Okay, it's up to you," Bi De shrugged and said indifferently.

Afterwards, Bide and Gwen waited for about half an hour, and the Nine Four Spiders finally prepared six bottles of spider silk solution.

Two bottles were directly loaded into the spider silk launcher, and the remaining four bottles were placed on his body, ready to be replaced at any time.



"Then let's go."

With that said, Bi De opened a portal leading to the New Gene Research Institute.

At the other end of the portal, a middle-aged man in a white coat appeared.

His left arm is intact, but his right hand is only half.

Obviously, he is Kurt Connors, also known as "Dr. Lizard".

However, Dr. Connors in this world is in a normal state most of the time, and rarely enters the crazy Dr. Lizard state.

Moreover, his knowledge is very high, and his new genetic technology is the product of several eras.

It can be said that even without Spider-Man, a quarter of the stories in this version are still directly or indirectly related to him.

"This is. Space teleportation? Quantum shuttle? Dimensional wave superstring jump?" Connors turned his head, looked at Bi De and the three of them, and the portal that had not been closed behind them, and spit out a bunch of them like a cannonball. noun.

(End of this chapter)

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