Chapter 77 Amazing Coincidence

of course.

Maybe there is another possibility.

Perhaps this so-called "successor family" is just a setting imagined by the people on his side of the earth.

It's like an OAA set to be "all-knowing and omnipotent".

In fact, isn’t this thing all the creators themselves?

However, judging from Bi De's several time travels, at least his own variable is not within the scope of creation of these creators.

So this so-called OAA is a false proposition.

Not to mention, with his several time travels, the original story has taken a new direction. This also shows in disguise that the relevant information found on the earth can only be used as a reference, but it cannot be completely believed.

Of course, Bi De didn't want such a thing to happen from the bottom of his heart, but he had to make complete preparations for it!

And to solve this crisis, in addition to improving his own strength, he also needs to unite as many Spider-Mans from other worlds as possible!
"It seems that things in my own world have to be put aside." Bide rubbed his sore eyes from staring at two screens at the same time for a long time, stood up, and already had a decision in his heart.


With a roar, the rollers of the plane began to rub against the ground, and finally landed on the ground smoothly.

After getting off the plane, Bi De quickly saw the person who came to pick him up at the airport gate.

Before he came back, he had already reported to the base, because the base was too far away, if he didn't report in advance, he would have to walk over by himself.

Fortunately, the convoy just happened to come to this town to transfer supplies today, so I just took the car back and didn't need to send another car over.

"Brother Wang," Bi De beckoned.

"It's still comfortable for you kid, just take a one-month vacation!" A short-haired young man leaning next to the truck smiled and punched Bi De.

His name is Wang Bangliang, he is 29 years old, and he is the captain of the transportation team of the base. He is basically in charge of every time he comes to transport or purchase materials.

When Bi De couldn't get out of the base before, he basically asked him to help him bring things, and he came and went, so he was familiar with it.

After chatting for a while, the two got into the car.

The convoy had already packed the goods and was waiting outside the airport. As soon as Wang Bangliang and Bi De arrived, they set off for the base.

Bi De pointedly asked: "Has anything happened at the base recently?"

Because he suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

For every Spider-Man he's ever met, there's always been some disaster, and even some supervillains.

The Green Goblin corresponding to the Toby spider, Dr. Lizard corresponding to the Andrew spider, and Jin Bin corresponding to the little black spider. It seems that becoming Spider-Man and the disaster around him have already been equated.

Moreover, the probability of characters such as "friends" and "mentors" becoming Spider-Man's first boss is quite high.

For example, Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn, the two generations of green goblins in the world of Toby Spider, are respectively the father and best friend of Toby Spider.

And Dr. Octopus is also a friend of Toby Spider.

The same goes for Andrew spiders.

Dr. Lizard is a colleague of Andrew Spider's father. At the same time, because of their several conversations, the two sides have also formed a good friendship, which can be regarded as a teacher and a friend.

Needless to say, there are two Osborns.

This made him have to think more.

Because he also has several such "configurations".

I don't know why Dr. Liao favored him so much.

Dr. Liao met him by chance during his sophomore year, and soon became his mentor, and even brought him to this base for his postgraduate courses.

Another key point is that Dr. Liao's hand, like Dr. Lizard's, was disabled due to an accident.
Both are also PhDs.

The only difference lies in the different majors.

Dr. Lizard is a biological genetic major, while Dr. Liao focuses on astronomy.
And Lu Lin.

Although Lu Lin never mentioned his family background, it can be known from his mental outlook, clothing, and some of his behavior that Lu Lin's family background must be very good.

Including the two dimensions of financial resources and power!

Doesn't this correspond to Harry Osborn's template?
He also remembered the conversation he had with Lu Lin before.

Lu Lin has always dreamed of turning the desert into an oasis, so he teased him if he could call him the Green Goblin.

It was just a joke at the time, but after experiencing several worlds and discovering the relationship between the person with the ability of Spider-Man and those around him, Bi De fell in love directly!
Although it's not polite to think of his respected teacher and friendly partner like this, he couldn't help but think about this amazing coincidence.

If one day they really become villains, can he deal with them?

Bide can only hope in the bottom of his heart that he is an exception among the many Spider-Man.

Such a thing will never happen to me!
Besides this, there was one more thing that made him very concerned.

If the matter between Dr. Liao and Lu Lin was just his illusory and groundless speculation, then this one is the most likely to happen now!

Or rather, it may well have happened!
While reading about Spider-Man yesterday, he found another character most likely to appear in his world.

spider silk!

Spider Silk, whose real name is Cindy Moon, is a native of Eagle Country.

In the setting of "Spider-Man", the spider that bit Peter Parker was accidentally exposed to a large amount of radiation, and at the moment it was on the verge of death, it attacked a person near him, that is, Peter Parker.

This also created the later Spider-Man.

But it didn't end there.

Moments later, the spider bites another girl, and this girl is "Spider Silk" Cindy Moon.

Like Peter Parker, Cindy's abilities began to manifest shortly after being bitten by a radiant spider.

But she couldn't control them all at once.

Soon after, Ezekiel approaches the Moon family and directs Cindy to use her new powers.

Then, in order to protect her and the other "spiders" from Morlun and Morlun's successor family, Ezekiel kept Cindy locked up in a building until Peter Parker released from the secret of the observer released by the eyeball man. After receiving news from Cindy Moon, she was released.

According to this setting, maybe there is also a "spider silk" in his world?
After all, the spider that bit him at the beginning was not killed after biting him, but went to nowhere.

If it is said that Bi De wanted to find the spider before, he just researched the secret of his own ability as much as possible.

Now, he had another reason to find that spider.

See if it has produced "spider silk"!

Thinking that there might be a person with similar abilities as himself in the real world, Bide didn't know whether to be happy or worried for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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