Listen to the space-time administration

Chapter 587 Time Cutting Loop

Chapter 587 Time Cutting Loop

Who would have thought that Chris, who has always been known as a tough guy, would scream so sharply.

Chris was like a rabbit, jumping around trying to get away from the soap he was carrying, but the soap hugged him tightly, making it impossible for Chris to break away.

Armed domineering energy instantly penetrated his body, and Chris punched Soap with all his strength.

This punch hit Soap's face, causing Soap to explode with a sonic boom. Then he saw that Soap's body was turned into water and kept bouncing around in the corridor.

"F**K YOU!"

At this time, Chris also felt something was wrong. He cursed the most desired thought in his heart in the direction of the soap flying backwards.

"Uh... I think you gave me a concussion."

The sound of soap came from deep in the corridor, and he stood up again, covering his cheeks.

Soap lost half of the skin on his face, and the muscles under the skin exploded, revealing the shining golden bones underneath.

In fact, there is no need to cover your face with soap. The modified and powerful coagulation factor will create blood clots and stop bleeding after damage occurs.

On the contrary, Soap's hand covering his face stuck to the blood clot, and the moment he let go, he tore off a large piece of blood scab on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

While Chris was cursing, he walked over and put a bottle of life potion into Soap's hand.

Holding the life potion in one hand, Soap's other hand reached for the pistol that fell on the ground.

After charging again, Soap pointed the gun at himself again.

This time Chris didn't stop him. He had already seen Soap get his head shot once, so it would be okay to watch it again.

The hardened plasma penetrated into the skull from the other eye, and Soap's heavy body crashed to the ground.

Just a few seconds after landing, Soap's body recovered instantly and became the most perfect state again.

"Da da!"

Soap opened his hands like a magician bowing out.

Chris frowned and asked, "Has the brood technology been revolutionized again? What transformations have you undergone?"

If anyone else asks this kind of question, they will be treated as spying on military intelligence and suppressed on the spot.

But the little raccoon is different from Task Force 141. One of their immediate bosses is the Red Queen, and the other is Rorschach.Not only do they have a long history, but even the transformation of 141 was carried out in the Brood, and there are very few secrets between the two.

Soap rubbed his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about the headshot just now, and said with satisfaction: "After doing it once for each eye, I feel much more balanced."

Chris clenched his fist, put it in front of Soap, and said, "How about I punch you on the other side again, so that it's balanced! I'm already thinking about how much it would cost to resurrect you!"

Soap said: "Hey, you have to thank me for saving you some money!"

Seeing Chris' hands filled with armed domineering energy, Soap said in surrender: "Okay, okay, I say..."

"Where should I know the Bose condensate ghost, right?"

Chris raised his fist and said, "Condensed matter ghost is the standard equipment of our little raccoon. Do you know if I know it?"

"Don't worry! All atoms are gathered into the lowest energy quantum state, forming a macroscopic quantum state. This means that the atoms have changed, so essentially it is another form of matter."

"So why does the Bose ghost need energy support to maintain its original state?"

Chris held back his anger and said, "Guess whether I know!"

Zao Zao chuckled a few times and said, "Then you know the abilities of the director's mistress, right?"

"So many, which concubine do you think the director is?"

"Goddess of Death, Asgard God King Hela." Chris raised his eyebrows: "Oh~~"

"The essence of Hela's Valkyrie is that the soul of the dead is resurrected in the Hall of Valor. As long as Hela does not fall, they will be resurrected indefinitely."

Chris said: "What does this have to do with you? Have you joined the Asgard Legion?"

"Don't interrupt! My dignified deputy commander of the legion can do this!"

"The Hall of Valor is a rule that belongs exclusively to Asgardians. It is a rule that Odin established when he established Asgard. So why can't we make our own rules?"

"The Bose Condensate Ghost has completed the transformation at the atomic level and can continue to move as long as there is energy. The resurrection of the Hall of Valor is to store the soul."

"Me! After completing the condensed matter stasis transformation, the director cut time and built a cycle. So as long as I die, the cut time will start to cycle again, and my body will return to being cut. of perfect condition.”

"And my soul will travel in the time loop, retaining memories and experiences, and re-possess my restored body."

Chris looked at the proud Soap and asked, "So after you got drunk, you gave yourself a shot to get rid of your drunkenness?"

"That's right! It's amazing!"

Clenching his fists loudly, Chris gritted his teeth and said, "Awesome, really awesome, how are you going to pay for my wine!"

"Uh... don't you think the surprise I prepared for you is enough to offset it?"

"I'll let you offset it!"


After resolving the conflict amicably and philosophically, the two of them in Chris's office returned to their previous appearance.

Putting away his collection of fine wines, Chris picked a cheap bottle and placed it on the table.

After igniting the wine in the cup, Soap drank it down in one breath and poured another cup without even taking a breath.

Except for wine, which can make you drunk, this ordinary flammable liquid will decompose instantly after being consumed by super soldiers, and will not make you drunk at all.

Chris asked, "Are you all done with this makeover?"

"How is it possible? If you cut off the time of each person in 141 to build a cycle, you have to tie the director there day and night for tens of thousands of years."

Soap lowered his head and whispered: "There are less than one platoon of people."

Chris covered the mouth of the cup with his hand to isolate the burning flame, and said inexplicably: "The Technology Development Bureau seems to have started some attempts."

Soap raised his head and said, "What's going on?"

"They captured a creature that could evolve infinitely, and the little raccoon was the witness."

Everything that happens in the future has a foreshadowing, and Soap doesn't just come to Chris to exchange feelings so casually.

The relationship between the two parties allows the two legions to have channels for private communication, and they can pass on some information from time to time, which is beneficial to the development of both parties.

Moreover, for some large-scale operations, excluding the promoted Kryptonian Legion and the semi-naturalized Asgardian Legion, Little Raccoon and 141 are the most suitable collaborators.

They are natural allies.

Without Krieger's convenient psychic network, Little Raccoon and Task Force 141 would often communicate as deputy commanders in their free time.

The briefings between the two parties on each other's tasks can reveal many problems.

Like now...

Soap said: "We have also received cooperation with the Technology Development Bureau. The new world will apparently be all participated by people who have completed time cutting from 141. The person sent by the Technology Development Bureau is Tony Stark."

(End of this chapter)

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