Chapter 269
"I can't be wrong about how I feel."

The Son of the Five Elements said in a cold tone, his body was rippling, as if it was integrated with the surrounding space, and the whole space trembled accordingly.

At the same time, the vision that Mu Xueqing had just cultivated for a short time seemed to feel a threat, and unexpectedly emerged out of thin air.

Snow began to fall in the Five Elements Temple, and ice began to spread around Mu Xueqing's feet.

Seeing this, Jian Yusheng involuntarily stepped back several times, his eyes showing horror.

This is a vision cultivated by the Holy Maiden of Qingyan, and she did not expect it to appear on another person.

"For many years, no one has dared to provoke my Holy Land of the Five Elements. I didn't expect that someone would even dare to kill the saint of the Holy Land of the Five Elements. You two deserve death." The Son of the Five Elements said coldly.

At the same time, a divine light flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Five Elements, approaching Xiao He.

Obviously, he felt that Qing Yan and Feng Yun were not so easy to be beheaded, and Mu Xueqing could see through it at a glance.

Only Xiao He always gave him a strange feeling, at first glance, he looked like an ordinary person.

But if he was really an ordinary person, how could he have a calm face from the beginning to the end? Even when he came to the base camp of the Five Elements Holy Land, he didn't seem to feel a sense of crisis.

The mysterious power was in motion, the entire temple was shining with brilliance, the space was trembling, like a thunderstorm roaring, the power was frightening.

Both Saint Son of the Five Elements and Jian Yusheng showed strange auras. They didn't expect the Saintess to think so highly of this seemingly ordinary young man in front of him, and she didn't hesitate to try it herself. If he really didn't have any skills, he might be annihilated in an instant.

Being able to become the Holy Master of a Holy Land, with the strength he possesses, I am afraid that there are few people in the entire Eastern Wilderness who will be his opponents.

Xiao He's expression was calm, and from the beginning to the end, he never showed any abnormality. With a light wave of his palm, no amazing phenomenon occurred, just like a light and ordinary palm, which could kill the Holy Master's powerful enough to kill. With a terrifying blow, he was annihilated in the void.

At this time, not only the Son of the Five Elements, but even the Lord of the Five Elements could not calm down.

Although the Lord of the Five Elements didn't use all his strength, it was just a tentative attack, but it was definitely not something that ordinary powers could resist.

"Who the hell are you?"

The voice of the Lord of the Five Elements came, giving people a dignified feeling.

"The person who destroyed your Five Elements Holy Land."

Xiao He said casually.

If it was on weekdays, if someone said that he wanted to destroy the Holy Land of the Five Elements, I am afraid that the entire Donghuang people would laugh at him, thinking that he had lost his mind to say such a thing.

But now for some reason, Jian Yusheng and the Son of the Five Elements couldn't laugh.

"Without shame, my Holy Land of the Five Elements has stood in Donghuang for ten thousand years. How can you destroy it if you say it can be destroyed?"

The elders of the Five Elements Holy Land had a strong sense of superiority, and never put Xiao He in their eyes at all.

This is the Holy Land of the Five Elements, and the Five Elements Wheel of the Emperor Soldiers sits in charge. Even if the quasi-emperor comes, he must be honest.

He didn't believe that the young man in front of him was comparable to the quasi-emperor.

"I once said that the source technique is also a terrible offensive technique, especially in this kind of holy place, as long as there is no existence of the emperor level, it is impossible to break through the holy place blessed by the source technique."

"There are even some terrains that are so terrifying that even the great emperor dare not set foot in them. Now I will let you see how I destroyed these Five Elements Holy Lands with Origin Technique."

Xiao He opened his mouth and said.

"Speak wild words!"

Finally, the elders of the Five Elements Holy Land couldn't listen anymore.

A nine-story glazed pagoda was sacrificed, and Dao Yun appeared, and it flew towards Xiaohe and Mu Xueqing lightly, and quickly placed it on it in a blink of an eye, like a hill, with the sun, moon and stars appearing on it, flowing out of the misty The brilliance seems to have the power to open up the world.

Waves of blue light rippling out from the bottom of the tower, like ripples, sweeping in all directions, each with supreme power, crushing the space to collapse.

The person who took the shot was an elder of the Five Elements Holy Land, who possessed the combat power of a king. The glazed pagoda was a divine soldier he had trained for a long time, possessing unimaginable terrifying power, and had once suppressed and killed a semi-holy-level powerhouse.

With a cold look in his eyes, he looked at Xiao He as if he was looking at a dead person.

Xiao He stood where he was, and suddenly lifted his foot to the ground.

In an instant, there was a loud rumbling sound, and there seemed to be endless chaos surging under the feet, as if the world was opened up, the entire Five Elements Holy Land was moving, and more people didn't know what happened at all.

A gray divine light spewed out from the ground, turned into countless giant dragons, and under Xiao He's control, they slammed into the suppressed giant tower in the sky.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the body of the glazed pagoda collapsed instantly, and even the owner of the glazed pagoda was severely injured and spit out a mouthful of blood.

There was an expression of disbelief in his eyes, he couldn't see exactly what kind of method Xiao He used.

"Cave Heaven and Paradise is good, but it also contains terror. Yuan Tianshi can use this general trend of heaven and earth to transform it into a large offensive formation, which is enough to cover the entire Holy Land and turn the Holy Land into a desperate place."

After finishing speaking, Xiao He's palm flickered with extremely terrifying power, and the terrifying loud noises were endless, and the movement became louder and louder. In the area where the Five Elements Holy Land is located, there seemed to be an angry dragon wandering underground, and the entire mountain range was disturbed. Xiao He takes control.

Now, it has turned into the most terrifying force in the world, enough to annihilate everything in the world.

The ground was cracked, and gray auras emerged from it, containing shocking murderous intent. Most of the disciples of the Five Elements Holy Land walked against the rainbow. Some people who moved slower were shrouded in mist in a blink of an eye, and even screamed. They failed to send out, and disappeared in the gray mist.

The Divine Sense of the Lord of the Five Elements enveloped the entire Holy Land of the Five Elements, and he could see everything that happened. In just a few breaths, there were many deaths in the Holy Land of the Five Elements.

But now, everything is just the beginning, and even more murderous intentions are yet to come.

"Did it really happen?"

Jian Yusheng murmured in disbelief, feeling like he was dreaming.

Someone really dared to enter the base camp of the Holy Land to make trouble, and such a terrifying method was unheard of.

"Invite the Emperor Soldiers!"

The Lord of the Five Elements was very decisive, knowing that Xiao He was absolutely extraordinary, and he was able to borrow the general trend of the Five Elements Holy Land and transform it into a terrifying attacking force.

If it continues to delay, even if Xiao He can be killed in the end, I am afraid that the Five Elements Holy Land will suffer heavy losses, and even become the laughing stock of all the Holy Lands.

After all, the person who came here to make trouble was nothing more than an unknown young man.

When the other elders heard this, although they didn't want to believe that just a young man had pushed them to this point, they didn't want to let this matter continue to spread. The longer it dragged on, the more embarrassing it would be for them.

Even now, they don't think that Xiao He can pose a threat to them.

(End of this chapter)

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