Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 279 The Third Nine Secrets

Chapter 279 The Second Nine Secrets

Mu Xueqing's celestial muscles and bones glowed brightly, releasing terrifying fluctuations like a vast ocean. The vase of the great way swallowed the divine light and collapsed the space. It's hard to imagine what kind of power is contained in the vase of the great way .

Even if Mu Xueqing was defeated by the Son of the Five Elements today, after this battle, she would probably be in the eyes of all the arrogance.

In the face of the fighting holy method used by the Son of the Five Elements, countless true form seals emerged one after another, the space they were in was trembling, the yellow sand below was melted, and the terrifying energy fluctuations overflowed, it was not like their level at all The fighting power that a person should have.

Mu Xueqing's expression remained unchanged, the treasure vase of the Dao floated in front of her, releasing a terrifying black light, possessing immortal power, and mysterious lines spread in the space, like the condensation of the Dao, the Dao follows nature, it is infinite Carrier on the avenue.

Mu Xueqing stopped with stillness, and calmly faced the supreme secret technique of the Son of the Five Elements. The black light that was swallowed and swallowed was resolved.

Every collision made the sky tremble and people in the distance trembled.

In a short period of time, it is difficult for the Son of the Five Elements to take advantage of it.

Obviously, the Son of the Five Elements is also aware of his current situation. A round of secret treasures in his sea of ​​suffering turned into a ray of divine light, tearing apart the sky, crossing the vase of the great way, and pointing directly at Mu Xueqing's eyebrows.

Everything happened so fast, no one thought that the Son of the Five Elements was still hiding this trick.

It was a golden feather, and the golden divine light was shining brightly, like a golden sun burning, shaking the space down, and in the blink of an eye, it had already arrived in front of Mu Xueqing.

"Are we going to decide the winner?"

Everyone involuntarily held their breath and widened their eyes, wanting to know what the final outcome was?

Mu Xueqing's eyes were full of light. She had very little fighting experience. Although from the beginning until now, she had never suffered a significant disadvantage, she also knew that her attack methods and cards were too few.

The space was rapidly condensing, and at the critical moment, Mu Xueqing had no choice but to use the vision of cold snow falling to the nine-day sky to resist this unexpected attack.

bang bang bang~
However, this feather was nourished by the Son of the Five Elements with a sea of ​​bitterness, how could it be so easily resisted by Mu Xueqing?

It seems to be able to shatter many spaces, no matter what kind of power it is, it is difficult to resist its divine power.

In the end, in desperation, Mu Xueqing could only regret this terrifying feather with her mortal body.

Mu Xueqing knows that her physical body can be strengthened after being baptized by the divine spring and the divine fruit, and every time she devours the source of others, it can be strengthened. Therefore, even she herself does not know how powerful Mu Xueqing's physical body is at this time. clear.

Mu Xueqing's palm shone brightly, like a goddess of war, bathed in divine brilliance, and finally turned her palm into a claw, holding this golden feather containing shocking murderous intent in her hand, the terrifying golden divine light shone on her Palm release.

As if holding a round of raging and burning sun, Mu Xueqing felt that she was about to lose consciousness in her hands. Fortunately, at this moment, the golden light disappeared, the feathers dimmed with black light, and finally disappeared into Mu Xueqing's hands out of thin air.

The Son of the Five Elements did not expect that Mu Xueqing could even resist his hole card. Such a body is extremely terrifying, comparable to a sharp weapon of a magic weapon. It is hard to imagine how she cultivated it.

Mu Xueqing's body shone with silver light, and between breathing, her hand regained consciousness.

From the beginning until now, she has always been in a state of passive confrontation, and now, it is her turn to take the initiative.

The treasure vase of the Great Way has returned to the top of Mu Xueqing, and she still needs to use it to resist the various methods used by the Son of the Five Elements. She has never thought of the strength of the physical body, so Mu Xueqing wants to take advantage of this.

Mu Xueqing stepped on the mysterious footwork, every step was like stepping on the lines born between heaven and earth, her figure became incomparably illusory, with rare extreme speed, when she reappeared, it was already in the hands of the Son of the Five Elements before.

There was a hint of disdain on the corner of the Son of the Five Elements mouth, as if he had expected Mu Xueqing's attack, an extremely tragic breath suddenly appeared in the world, as if some peerless murderer had awakened, which made people's body and soul unbearable. Can't help trembling.

"This is."

Many people were horrified, this breath was too tragic, like the birth of a demon soldier who had experienced the slaughter of all ages, the whole space was a little dim at this moment.

In the hands of the Son of the Five Elements, at some point, a pitch-black spear appeared, covered with an evil aura, which could even make people hear the roar from the abyss of hell, and even the soul and body could be frozen.

"The Holy Son of the Five Elements is really terrifying. Terrible methods emerge one after another, and the secret treasures in his hands are also countless. However, Mu Xueqing's methods, from the beginning to the present, give people a single feeling. Her master is so powerful. Didn't you give her any secret magic weapon?"

"Indeed, Mu Xueqing gave off the feeling of a novice. At the beginning, she was full of flaws, but she got better later on."

Many people shook their heads, becoming less and less optimistic about Mu Xueqing.

Accompanied by a loud noise, Mu Xueqing punched the black spear of the Son of the Five Elements, making a sound like thunder, and the black divine light quickly spread around, as if to completely wipe Mu Xueqing away. The flooding is average.

At this time, the Holy Son of the Five Elements finally started to fight back. The spear in his hand was like a ferocious wild beast, releasing an extremely tragic breath, and the power it released was even more unimaginable. Every time, I felt the limbs and bones in my body vibrate.

However, this feeling made Mu Xueqing feel extremely excited, because she was surprised to find that when fighting in close quarters, when terrifying strength poured into her body crazily, it seemed that she had received an unimaginable training.

She is like a piece of ordinary iron, which can be turned into refined steel only after going through thousands of tempers.

Mu Xueqing, who realized this, began to fight even more recklessly with the Son of the Five Elements.

Boom boom boom.
Accompanied by the sound of metal collisions, Mu Xueqing completely regarded herself as a magic weapon, shaking the magic weapon with her body, giving people a feeling of madness and ruthlessness.

The Son of the Five Elements' complexion was very ugly. At the beginning, he might not be able to see it.

But as time went by, how could he not have discovered that Mu Xueqing regarded herself as a training partner, and wanted to use his own hands to polish her foundation and stabilize her realm.

In fact, she is indeed changing rapidly.

In the eyes of the Son of the Five Elements, the astonishing killing intent was undisguised, and there was a price to be paid for treating him as a training partner.

After dozens of moves in a row, the Five Elements Saint Son suddenly erupted with ten times the power before, and the terrifying black light invaded the entire space. This power also reached the limit that Mu Xueqing could bear, and flew upside down. go out.

(End of this chapter)

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