Chapter 283
"Do you want to gamble?"

Mu Xueqing suddenly smiled, looked at the boy and said.

"Hehe, it's up to you? What qualifications do you have to bet against me?"

Yuan Hao said disdainfully, he is a disciple of Kaiyang Holy Land, and even a direct disciple of a certain elder, and his background and strength are not bad.

I came to Qingyunfang today because of a friend's invitation, otherwise, in his capacity, he would never be interested in this Qingyunfang.

But I didn't expect to meet such a two people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and their tone is outrageous.

Even for many old people who have been pondering over the origin technique all the year round, it is not easy to achieve this step, let alone this young girl who looks about the same age as him in front of him.

"what do you think about this?"

Xiao He looked at Yuan Hao with interest, and at some point a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and the strong medicinal fragrance wafted out of it, instantly filling the whole space with the medicinal fragrance, which is very valuable at first sight.

There was greed in Yuan Hao's eyes, he didn't expect that the two people, who looked like bumpkins, would have such a precious medicine in their hands.

"Okay, I'll bet with you!" Yuan Hao agreed without thinking.

The friend beside him also looked at Yuan Hao enviously. In his opinion, Yuan Hao got a magic pill for no reason.

It is not difficult to multiply ten catties of Yuan by ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times. It is also not difficult for a powerful and experienced Master Yuan.

But the young girl in front of her wants to multiply the origin stone in her hand by a thousand times, it is simply a dream.

Although Qingyunfang is not big, there are quite a lot of people inside. What's more, the elixir that Xiao He took out just now is very valuable, and it didn't take long before I heard about it.

Even the person in charge of Qingyunfang was full of disdain after hearing about this matter, and felt that it was impossible to complete it.

His Qingyunfang originally belonged to the lowest stone workshop. Anyone who can be sure that there is a source in it will basically not be put into the stone workshop. source stone.

Even if all the source stones in the entire stone workshop are opened, I am afraid there will not be [-] catties of source stones, let alone a fledgling girl.

Qingyunfang is not big, you can see the head at a glance.

Although it has been open all the time, there are only a few people who really open source here. Those with real financial resources all go to the stone workshops in many holy places. Most of the people who come here come to try their luck. people.

After all, small stone workshops like this one often go astray, and those stone workshops in holy places are all like individuals, so how can there be so much shit shipped to others.

Ten catties of origin, there are not many origin stones that Mu Xueqing can choose.

On the contrary, there is a pile of waste rocks, which can be sold for a lot of stones per catty, but it is a pity that there are waste rocks inside, and it is impossible to dig out the source.

Mu Xueqing walked in the stone workshop with a solemn expression, touching it with her hands from time to time, as if to sense whether there was a source inside.

"Pretentiously, it is impossible to buy the source stones you are looking at with ten catties in your hand. You advise you to go to the waste rocks to find them. Maybe you are lucky and get out of the source stones after walking shit. Woolen cloth?"

Yuan Hao ridiculed that he often went in and out of the stone workshop with his master, and it was too difficult to tell whether there was a source in the source stone or not, and basically all depended on guessing and gambling.

"As you wish!" Mu Xueqing said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he actually walked towards the waste rock pile.

Yuan Hao laughed angrily at Mu Xueqing's actions, and at the same time he became more certain in his heart, this Mu Xueqing is definitely a novice, and wants to multiply the ten catties in his hand by ten times?Totally impossible.

Thinking that he had obtained a magical pill for nothing, Yuan Hao was overjoyed.

Mu Xueqing picked and chose, and finally chose the 17 yuan waste stone: "I want these origin stones, how much do I want?"

"These are waste rocks that are going to be discarded. If you get 100 yuan, give me a catty!"

The person in charge of Qingyunfang said, this catty of Yuan is the hard-earned money of Master Yuan Kaiyuan!

Mu Xueqing thought about it, and felt that she hadn't suffered much, so she chose 36 origin stones again.

Among these waste rocks, there are very few who can have precious sources, but it is not impossible. After all, there are very few people who know the source technique now, and at most they only have some experience. If you want to use the various mysterious methods of the source celestial master, it is obvious. is impossible.

"That's all!" Mu Xueqing said.

The person in charge of Qingyunfang nodded, and asked people to carry the selected origin stones aside.

"Am I not mistaken? This hornet stone can also contain energy? It seems that you really don't understand anything?"

The people on the side spoke speechlessly.

This is a piece of origin stone the size of a washbasin, pierced with thousands of holes, it is called a hornet stone, and it is the most unlikely type of origin stone.

After all, holes are everywhere.If there is a source inside, I am afraid it has been leaked out long ago, how could it be placed in the abandoned source stone pile.

"Whether there is a source is up to you, Master Yuan, open source!" Mu Xueqing said.

I think this is getting more and more interesting.

Master Yuan sighed and nodded helplessly.

Obviously, he didn't even have the intention to do it, because this kind of hornet stone is a waste rock that is recognized as impossible to exist. The girl in front of him was pretending before, but in fact she was just pretending to be calm.

However, this is the customer's request, and he is quite helpless.

"Xueqing, I think you should cut the stone yourself, maybe you will have a different understanding." Xiao He reminded.

Master Yuan also stared at Mu Xueqing eagerly, and he was too lazy to do it. It would be great if she could cut stones by herself.

Master Yuan cuts stones, and can get one-thousandth of the total number of origin stones. Such unprofitable work, whoever falls on it, will not hesitate to shirk it.

Mu Xueqing nodded, feeling that what the master said was not unreasonable, so she took the stone knife from Master Yuan's hand and prepared to cut the stone.

Click, click.
Under Mu Xueqing's hands, the stone skin quickly fell off.

Although Mu Xueqing is not a veteran, she gives people a sense of beauty when cutting stones.

Between breaths, the stone cortex fell off layer by layer, and it was only the size of a fist, but still no source appeared.

Even if it is only the size of a fist, it still looks like a thousand piercing holes. No one believes that there will be a source inside.

"Give up, why do such a thankless thing? If this kind of waste rock can be found, I will pay a hundred times the price to buy it."

At this time, Yuan Hao's friends couldn't stand it any longer. They felt that it was a waste of time. It would be better to use divine power to crush the waste rock. It was straightforward and there was no need to waste their time.

"That's right, girl, if it's really a source, it should have appeared long ago. You see that you have spent so much effort, and the hornet stone is only the size of a fist, but its appearance is still the same as before. It doesn't look like it at all. It is an active source stone."

The people watching from the side were also persuading.

They still stayed here to watch because of the elixir that Xiao He just took out, waiting for him to lose to Yuan Hao, and then they will see if they can buy it.

(End of this chapter)

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