Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 285 Shenyuan Insect

Chapter 285 Shenyuan Insect

Mu Xueqing still cuts the stone by herself, the lime on the origin stone falls off quickly under Mu Xueqing's hands, the movement is smooth and flowing, with a sense of beauty.

Compared with before, Mu Xueqing's technique has made a great breakthrough, as if it has been sublimated, and the size of the grinding disc is also rapidly shrinking. When it is only the size of a washbasin, there is still no abnormal phenomenon.

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there is an active existence? Could it be that she really missed this time?"

"It shouldn't be. Didn't the fire mulberry leaf come out at the last moment? You see, not only did she not stop the movement of her hands, but her expression became more dignified. I guess the thing in the source stone may be Extraordinary."

"Who wouldn't pretend?"

The current Mu Xueqing is almost certain that there is indeed something in this source stone, and it is still a living thing.

Because it keeps moving in the source stone, and its size is very small, if you are not careful, it may escape from the source stone along the stone skin.

Mu Xueqing's expression became more and more dignified, every time she peeled off a thin layer of stone skin, for fear that it would run away.

In the end, Mu Xueqing even used her strength to drag the origin stone in mid-air, and the stone skin on the origin stone also fell off like powder, for fear that the things in the origin stone would suddenly escape when she was not paying attention.

This thing can move, no matter what kind of abandoned origin stone, it can easily drill into it, and it is extremely difficult to find.

Moreover, it was very careful, if it hadn't stayed in this source stone for a long time, maybe when Mu Xueqing chose this source stone, it might escape without anyone noticing.

"Do you want to be so exaggerated? Do you really think there are some living things hidden inside?"

Zhao Feng murmured in his heart.

Seeing that the origin stone was getting smaller and smaller, only the size of a fist, finally, the origin stone suddenly burst into multicolored divine light, illuminating the Qingyunfang, which was not that big at all, with colorful colors, and there were bursts of fairy sounds in my ears.
"This vision is really astonishing. What did she prescribe that could cause such a vision?"

"What kind of method does this girl have? She can turn decay into magic, and open up rare and rare origin stones that everyone thought must have no origin."

Many people's eyes were shining, and the shock on their faces was undisguised.

They were very much looking forward to what kind of strange item Mu Xueqing would unleash in the end.

The person in charge of Qingyunfang's face was extremely gloomy. He was already prepared in his heart that Mu Xueqing might open up rare treasures. When he saw the vision caused by it, his heart was bleeding. The things hidden inside were probably unusual.

Afterwards, under the operation of Qingyunfang, the news that the mysterious girl in Qingyunfang mastered strange methods and found treasures in the waste rocks quickly spread in the holy city. Even if many people did not want to believe it, there were still many People rushed towards Qingyunfang.

I want to know if this rumor is true.

Mu Xueqing, of course, didn't care about what happened outside, she was all focused on the Origin Stone in front of her.

"Little girl, it is already an undeniable fact that there are rare treasures hidden in the source stone. To be on the safe side, you should invite some highly respected and powerful people to guard this place. It would be bad if the living things in the source stone escaped." .”

At this time, someone persuaded, this kind of thing did not happen once or twice. After all, this is not the stone workshop of many holy places, and there is no great power to sit in it.

Mu Xueqing shook her head, who else in this world is more reliable than her master?

Mu Xueqing remained unmoved, and continued to use the dagger in her hand to peel off the stone skin layer by layer.

Finally, seeing that the source stone was about to be completely dissected by Mu Xueqing, the things inside knew that they had nowhere to hide.

With a sound of '嗖', it turned into a black light, directly breaking the source stone, trying to get into the pile of abandoned source stone not far away.

As long as it entered inside, it might not be easy to find it again.

However, Xiao He had been prepared for a long time, and a divine light emerged from his body. The moment it moved, its fate was already doomed, and it was directly imprisoned in the void.

Finally, under Xiao He's control, it lightly landed on the palm of the hand, no matter how it struggled, it was difficult to even move in the end.

"It's still a living thing, but, isn't this thing too small?"

The eyes of many people who often hang out in the major gambling stone workshops are shining, as if seeing a peerless beauty, they can't wait to hold it in their hands and observe it carefully.

This is a stone bug, it is very small, a little smaller than a little finger, it has stone wings, and it also possesses terrifying power. If it is someone else, it may be difficult to suppress it as easily as Xiao He .

"Could it be the legendary Shenyuan worm?"

At this time, someone thought of something and said with a shocked face.

There is a kind of god worm in Shenyuan, which feeds on different kinds of sources. It can be perfectly hidden in the source stone, and it can also disappear in Shenyuan without anyone noticing.
It's a pity that even in ancient times, this kind of thing appeared very rarely, and it was almost invisible. Therefore, some people even questioned whether this kind of thing really existed.

Shenyuan worms do not eat anything other than heterogeneous sources. If used properly, they can at least find all the source stones that hide heterogeneous sources in a holy place.

Moreover, the heterogeneous source it has eaten can finally spit out the heterogeneous source crystal, which has many magical effects, and its value is more than ten times higher than that of the heterogeneous source.

"Girl, I'm willing to pay [-] yuan, how about buying the Shenyuan insect in your hand?"

At this time, someone directly offered [-] yuan to buy the Shenyuan worm in Mu Xueqing's hands. Among the people present, there were very few people who really knew the Shenyuan worm, so the bidder wanted to buy it in the news. Before it spread completely, the Shenyuan insect in Mu Xueqing's hand was photographed.

"Hehe, this is the Shenyuan worm. You are too impatient for an old thing, right? If it is put up for auction, at least one million catties of source can be obtained. This is just a conservative figure."

At this moment, someone directly stated the value of the Shenyuan insect.

After hearing this number, many people involuntarily gasped.

Million Jinyuan, I am afraid that he can buy two Qingyunfang, right?

"Idiots are talking about dreams. Although Shenyuan insects are precious, it's an exaggeration for you to say a million catties?"

The person who was questioned said coldly, what kind of power does this kind of thing have in the hands of the people of the Holy Land, and if it is in the hands of the people of the Holy Land, this Shenyuan insect is indeed worth the price.

After all, now the entire Northern Territory is full of sources. Although they are consumables, the production is too high, and only those exotic sources or other relatively rare things can attract the attention of many forces!

(End of this chapter)

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