Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 305 The Taste of Beef

Chapter 305 The Taste of Beef

For example, the cauldron that Xiao He took out was shining with divine light, and the natural dao pattern was engraved on it, which could resonate with the avenue between heaven and earth. Not weaker than the rare god gold.

The spoon equipped with it actually gives people the feeling of a holy soldier. Any one left outside is enough to attract the favor of many holy places and aristocratic families, but here in Xiaohe, it is like scrap iron, which can be taken casually come out.

Not long after, the cauldron floated in the void, and an unknown divine fire appeared out of thin air, and the spring water from the ancient holy land was placed in it. Xiao He also chose a good piece of beef and put it in the pot, ready to be boiled.

All kinds of elixir that no one present had even seen appeared from Xiao He's hands, and they were thrown into the pot, ready to be boiled.

"Is this Xiao He a human? There is so much divine gold, enough to create a handed down emperor weapon, and he actually used it to create a cauldron?"

"There are also those magical medicines. Although I can't name them, the medicinal fragrance permeates them. It is definitely a very rare and precious elixir. Even the forbidden area has never had it."

"Why do I feel like I'm dreaming now? But how big of a brain do I have to be to dream of someone using the emperor's exclusive magic ingredients to make pots and pots, and to cook the ancient royal family with magic medicine?"

"Xiao He boiled the Primordial Royal Family as food in front of the whole world. This can be regarded as a conclusion. The Primordial Royal Family will definitely not let it go."

Countless people stared wide-eyed, staring dumbfounded at the absurd scene in front of them, feeling unbelievable.

The only person who could keep calm was probably Mu Xueqing.

After all, when she just stepped into the path of cultivation, the master took her into the ancient forbidden land, where she ate the precious divine fruit as if it were an ordinary fruit, and even drank the divine spring as ordinary water.

In Mu Xueqing's heart, the master is an omnipotent existence, no matter how unexpected he does, she will take it for granted.

The power of the Golden Boa Ox clan went berserk. After accumulating terrifying power for a long time, it finally reached its peak at this moment.

He wanted to give Xiao He a fatal blow, and he wanted to avenge their young master.

The sky and the earth seemed a little dim at this moment, the huge phantom covered the sky and the sun, and the space was rippled, as if it was about to collapse completely.

Such frightening fluctuations awakened everyone in an instant. They looked worriedly at the phantom like a mountain in the sky, and secretly sighed in their hearts that Xiao He was really arrogant. Facing such a terrifying blow, he was still Feng Qingyun. light.

If his attack landed in the holy city, it would be enough to destroy most of the holy city. The city lord of the holy city also appeared silently at this time, staring at the phantom above the sky with a solemn expression, ready to strike at any time.

Suddenly, the powerful pupils of the golden python ox family shrank sharply, as if they had suffered an unspeakable blow, the original terrifying aura suddenly disappeared, and their faces were flushed, as if they were under great pressure.

"what happened?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, accompanied by a shrill scream, the powerful figure blew himself up and died in front of everyone.

Still no one saw Xiao He make a move.

At this moment, the people of the ancient royal family finally could not calm down, and felt that if this continued, it would insult the dignity of the ancient royal family.

"Xiao He, I know you"

The mysterious young man stood up, and when he looked at Xiao He, he finally had a sense of solemnity, but before he could finish speaking, a terrifying wave suddenly appeared on Mu Xueqing's body, like an emperor recovering.

A small pale golden ring appeared from Mu Xueqing's body, like a round of sun rising into the sky, the god inside was reshaped by Xiao He, completely in his own hands, and the cracks on it were also repaired. It is the perfect extreme emperor soldier, the five-element wheel of the five-element holy land.

The power of the gods is mighty, everyone's heart seems to be pressed against an ancient sacred mountain, and even breathing becomes extremely difficult. The inside of the universe mirror is like a space of its own, with a mysterious universe evolving, and hundreds of millions of breaths hang down, weighing as much as a thousand Jun, possesses the ability to suppress all realms.

The moment the five-element wheel appeared, it immediately frightened many arrogances of the ancient royal family, and the shadow of death flooded their hearts. Being able to kill Niu Shentu without hesitation already showed that the young man in front of him was a master who was fearless.

If someone is unhappy, it is very likely that the emperor soldiers will be mobilized to kill them on the spot.

If they knew how the Universe Mirror in Xiao He's hands came about, they might have fled away in despair.

"When I eat, I don't like to be disturbed by others, so you should watch carefully!" Xiao He said.

Afterwards, he began to prepare the next ingredients. Xiao He prepared a lot of things, and his cooking skills have also been greatly improved.

Not long after, the terrifying life energy filled the air, and the astonishing smell of meat filled the air, and everyone present couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

This smell. It is so fragrant, even the many arrogances of the ancient royal family can't help it at this moment.

Xiao He's cooking techniques are very particular, and he has studied it in his spare time.

Finally, the medicinal food cooked in the pot is considered complete. It is made by the young master of the golden boa ox clan and countless elixir.

Now only Mu Xueqing and Mu Qianfo are eligible to eat with Xiao He, and the others can only watch helplessly.

The beef melts in the mouth, and the surging essence washes over the limbs and bones. When speaking, the rich essence turns into a thick mist and sprays out. The pores of the whole body are sprayed with thin essence, and the faint golden light surges on the surface of the skin. It's like polishing the flesh.

"This effect is too good, isn't it? Even Shenyuan doesn't have this effect."

Mu Xueqing said in horror.

Others kept slandering in their hearts. Niu Shentu was regarded as a royal family that was infinitely close to the pure-blooded golden python cow. With so many magic medicines brewed together, the effect was of course good. thought.

Of course, this kind of thought can only be thought in the heart, after all, not everyone can provoke the ancient royal family, they are not like Xiao He, who don't care about anything.

Mu Xueqing's body was shrouded in purple mist, hazy and steaming.

The viscera were vibrating, the blood flowed rapidly like a rushing river, combined with the vibration of the whole body, the whole body resonated, unimaginable changes had taken place in Mu Xueqing's body, unimaginable changes were taking place in Mu Xueqing's body.

Then, the bones of the whole body were ringing, as if being struck by gold and stones, and the bones were emitting white light, like suet jade.

The changes in Mu Xueqing's body were really astonishing. Many people could only look at her with envious eyes. They were not blessed to accept this kind of thing, especially when they were in full view.

(End of this chapter)

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