Chapter 316 Fierce Battle

Lou Cheng felt unprecedented pressure, his hands clasped together, the big black handprint appeared, and the space collapsed.

The Yin-Yang Divine Light was defeated, and Lou Cheng's hands were so shaken that he almost lost consciousness.

At this moment, Mu Xueqing's figure appeared directly in front of Lou Cheng, her palm was crystal clear, shrouded in brilliance, and she slapped Lou Cheng's head fiercely.

"If you dare to kill him, then this little boy will pay for his life."

Although Wu Geng quickly broke through the restriction, Mu Xueqing had already arrived in front of Lou Cheng.

Although he is a master of the four extremes, he is obviously not Mu Xueqing's opponent, the gap is too big.

Therefore, Wu Geng could only use Mu Longxue to threaten Mu Xueqing at this time. As long as she hesitated for a moment, he would have a way to save Commander Lou Cheng.

However, to Wu Geng's disappointment, Mu Xueqing never stopped for even a moment from the beginning to the end, as if she didn't care about the little boy's life or death at all.

Blood and brains were splashed, Lou Cheng died instantly before he could even scream.

Afterwards, the original source was directly swallowed, and the divine light was shocked, and it instantly turned into powder.


Being directly ignored by Mu Xueqing, the Eldest Prince Wu Geng looked extremely gloomy, so he directly set his eyes on Mu Longxue.

At this time, he suddenly thought that Mu Xueqing seemed to have cut out a holy spirit in the holy city, and recognized her as his sister. Wu Geng thought that the child in front of him might be the holy spirit, and he understood it instantly.

No wonder she didn't even bother to respond when she threatened with Mu Longxue, because it was basically impossible for him to kill a holy spirit.

When I heard it at first, I only regarded him as a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true.

"The mere prince also wants to kill me?" Mu Longxue said disdainfully.

His whole body suddenly turned golden, emitting a divine light, like an immortal Buddha, and the terrifying fluctuations made people tremble.

"The Holy Spirit is indeed powerful, but it is a pity that you were born early and did not reach your peak. Otherwise, even if a saint saw you, he might have to turn around. Moreover, this is the Imperial City of the Great Merchants. Do you think you Is there any chance of escaping today?"

As soon as the words were finished, a powerful aura suddenly appeared, like Tianwei, an old man with a childlike face and white hair came from a distance, and he had already arrived here in a few steps.

"That's Wu Jing, the old emperor uncle of the Great Shang Dynasty. He is an invincible power. It seems that the Great Shang Dynasty is really determined to win, and even sent out the great power."

Someone immediately recognized Wu Jing's identity as Wu Geng's emperor's uncle, who was extremely powerful.

"Let me meet your holy spirit for a while," Wu Jing said.

Mu Longxue didn't speak, and released terrifying fluctuations all over her body. The golden light was so bright that it dyed the sky golden, and then she even punched Wu Jing.

Mu Xueqing showed a worried look, and she didn't want to make too much entanglement. In the Shang Dynasty, there was no other choice but to run for her life.

After all, with the background of the Great Shang Dynasty, the supreme power is probably just the beginning, and even saints may appear.

"You should worry about yourself. I will kill you today. As for the Holy Spirit, he will be my most loyal servant in the future."

Wu Geng said indifferently, the nine real dragons were lifelike, releasing a terrifying pressure, wrapping Wu Geng in them, the space trembled, as if the dragon god had come to the world, and many people of the older generation felt the pressure.

"The First Prince's Kowloon Emperor's Sutra is getting more and more unfathomable. It is rumored that the Mansion of Strange People has extended an olive branch to the First Prince Wu Geng in advance. You can directly enter it without going through the examination. This is the treatment of the son of God and the saint."

"That's right, from a certain point of view, the eldest prince is not inferior to the Tianjiao at the level of the holy son."

"However, Mu Xueqing is also extraordinary. With the third level of the Taoist Palace, she has the strength to kill the top four experts. If she goes to the Mansion of Strange People, there is a great chance that she will be selected."

Many powerhouses commented that they gave the First Prince a high evaluation, thinking that he is not inferior to the Tianjiao at the level of the Holy Son. The most important thing is that the current First Prince has stepped into the realm of the four poles not long ago. Mu Xue Although Qing is powerful, she is definitely not the match of the eldest prince Wu Geng.

Mu Xueqing frowned slightly when she heard the words, and felt the pressure on the eldest prince. If she was at the same level, she would definitely not be afraid, but she had a higher level than her. This is not an ordinary quadrupole master.

The Aquarius of the Great Way appeared above her head, the yin and yang discs were horizontally spaced, blending with the Aquarius of the Great Way, intertwined with the patterns of the Dao, making it more mysterious and mysterious.

The yin and yang disk seemed to be completely integrated into the treasure vase of the Dao, and the black light covered the sky and the sun, covering the sky, and it was extremely powerful.

The nine real dragons surrounding the eldest prince are his best means of attack. The nine real dragons are hundreds of feet long, and they contain unparalleled divine power, and they directly hit the treasure vase of the Dao.

The first true dragon made the Dao Aquarius tremble, but it didn't show a clear advantage.

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the eldest prince, and then he controlled three real dragons in a row, and they rushed towards the vase of the Dao Dao. In the end, they were successfully defeated, and the Yin-Yang disk was affected and became dim. Without light, it quickly shrunk, but did not return to Mu Xueqing's body.

Instead, it flew slowly towards the First Prince's side. If there was no connection between Mu Xueqing and it, everyone would probably think that the Yin-Yang Disk belonged to Prince Wu Geng.

For the first time, Mu Xueqing showed a look of surprise. She thought of one of the nine secrets, the Secret Art of Bing Zi, and she did not expect that the eldest prince in front of her actually mastered this secret technique.

Seeing that Yin-Yang Yuanpan was about to temporarily cut off the connection with her, Mu Xueqing didn't hesitate at the moment, she kept kneading the formula with her hands, the divine light bloomed, the avenue roared, and one ancient character after another was quickly manifested.

There are still many mysteries of the Yin-Yang Disk that have not been discovered. Given time, Mu Xueqing is confident that it can fully display its power, so she absolutely does not allow the Yin-Yang Disk to fall into the hands of others.

The only thing that can stop him now is to interrupt his spellcasting, so that she can regain control of the Yin-Yang disc in her own hands.

Master Xiao He once said that the nine ancient characters on the nine-character stone book she cut out have infinite power, and if they can be used, it will be a great help to her, so at this time, she did not hesitate to use them used out.

As soon as the nine ancient characters manifested, they showed infinite power. Mu Xueqing was shrouded in fairy light, and her body was in a haze. She moved her hands, which was so ethereal that it was impossible to imitate, and complicated and mysterious dao marks emerged.

The continuous seals in the hands draw a mysterious trajectory, unite with the heaven and the earth, and become the incarnation of the Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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