Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 320 Imperial Spirit City

Chapter 320 Imperial Spirit City

The forbidden place of death was far away from where Mu Xueqing was. After several rounds of teleportation through domain gates, Mu Xueqing finally came to the ancient city Yulingcheng which was the closest to the forbidden place of death.

It was rumored that in the forbidden area of ​​death, a strange black wind would blow out from time to time. Anyone who got the slightest bit of it would be killed instantly. It was called the death hurricane, and it was one of the most dangerous places in the forbidden area of ​​death.

Yuling City is a city that has existed since the last era. It is well-known in Central Continent. Because it can withstand even the death hurricane, few people dare to come to Yuling City to make trouble.

At this time, Mu Xueqing, after two months, has already entered the realm of the fifth level of the Taoist Palace, and one step further, it is the realm of the fourth pole. Tianjiao, there is still a long way to go.

If they appeared, with Mu Xueqing's current strength, it might be difficult to parry them at all.

Mu Xueqing still entered Yuling City together with Mu Longxue as she was at this time. She wanted to know some legends and news about the forbidden area of ​​death. If it was really dangerous, she might have no choice but to give up in the end.

"Hey, you young people just don't want to be persuaded. Even if a saint enters the forbidden area of ​​death, once it is blown by the death hurricane, it will be turned into dust in an instant. There are countless people entering the forbidden area of ​​death every year. They are all old antiques. To find the legendary reincarnation path, reverse life and death, and live a new life."

"You are still so young, you must not enter the forbidden area of ​​death."

The person Mu Xueqing asked was an old antique from Yuling City, with a very kind heart, and persuaded Mu Xueqing not to enter the forbidden area of ​​death.

"Apart from the death hurricane, what dangers are there inside?"

Mu Xueqing didn't dare to neglect, and continued to ask.

"There are also countless undead who are looking for reincarnation all day long. Even if they don't attack you, they will still have a violent will to affect you. If the will is not firm, it is very likely that you will become insane and completely lost in it."

"Of course, there are other very dangerous places in the forbidden area of ​​death. If you are not careful, there will be no bones left."

The old man told Mu Xueqing a lot, and Mu Xueqing listened very seriously. If there were not so many dangers, she would not have chosen such a dangerous place.

Of course, for Mu Xueqing, it was also full of great dangers, and she also needed to investigate carefully before making a final decision.

"The Zhang family in Yuling City is a family that has existed since ancient times, and is now one of the most powerful families in Yuling City. According to legend, the ancestors of their family have entered the forbidden area of ​​death several times, and even brought out treasures from it. , I heard that this time they are going to enter the forbidden area of ​​death again, looking for the legendary fruit of reincarnation, and every time they enter, they will recruit some dead soldiers to enter the forbidden area of ​​death with them."

Mu Xueqing heard the words and felt that she could go to the Zhang family in Yuling City to try her luck. Since their family has been searching for the forbidden place of death, they must know some places that others don't know.

According to the old man's guidance, and the fact that Zhang's family is quite famous in Yuling City, Mu Xueqing soon arrived at Zhang's house in Yuling City.

At this moment, outside the Zhang family's gate, there were many elderly people who were old and senile. They were full of death, and they seemed to be people with a short lifespan, and they might not live long.

As for those young, strong and energetic young people, it is naturally impossible for them to enter the forbidden area of ​​death like this group of people who are about to die.

Every time at this time, the members of the Zhang family are very troubled. There are a lot of people with a short lifespan, and they also need young people to accompany them. Even if they offer high rewards, basically no one is willing to follow them. They go to this mortal situation.

Of course, there are many desperadoes in this world, but those who can meet the Zhang family's requirements basically don't like such conditions.

When Mu Xueqing saw that he was still looking for young people, she went directly to sign up.

The conditions basically met the requirements, so the members of the Zhang family didn't even investigate Mu Xueqing's birth history, and directly agreed to Mu Xueqing and Mu Longxue's joining.

It's a joke, entering the forbidden area of ​​death is basically a game of ten deaths and no life. In addition, their Zhang family is quite familiar with the forbidden area of ​​death, so there is no need to worry about Mu Xueqing thinking of other means after joining.

"Master Xue, after five days, the Zhang family's team will leave for the forbidden area of ​​death. Please come on time when the time comes."

Before leaving, the person in charge of the Zhang family said to Mu Xueqing that she was afraid that Mu Xueqing would go back and run away temporarily.

Mu Xueqing nodded, since she had made up her mind, she would naturally not run away halfway.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed quickly, because after such a long time, no one saw Mu Xueqing's figure, and many people wondered if Mu Xueqing had fled to other places.

After all, the search for Mu Xueqing was very powerful. With so many people searching together, it is impossible not to find her by now.

When Mu Xueqing heard the news, she was speechless. It seemed that it was time for her to expose herself. Otherwise, those who wanted to kill her would stop being active or go to other places. Isn't it a waste of work?
Therefore, when Mu Xueqing followed Zhang's family and was about to go to the forbidden area of ​​death, she found someone to spread the news that she was in Yuling City.

Sure enough, as Mu Xueqing guessed, as long as there is a slight disturbance, many people will rush to hear the wind, and then produce some favorable evidence, then a large number of people will be separated, coupled with the temptation of the extreme holy soldiers, I'm afraid it will attract many people to come.

Possibly even some terrific bigwigs.

Not long after, the news of Mu Xueqing's appearance in Yuling City spread wildly. In addition, Mu Longxue's real body was revealed, and the golden light shot straight into the sky. Lingcheng came.

Regarding these, Mu Xueqing at this time is naturally not clear, and now she has followed the team to the outskirts of the forbidden area of ​​death.

There is a clear dividing line between the forbidden area of ​​death and the periphery. There are two worlds on both sides, one is full of vitality, and the other is full of lifelessness, without any vitality.

"These stone clothes are strange stones brought out from the forbidden area of ​​death by the ancestors of the Zhang family. They contain the breath of the forbidden area of ​​death and can help everyone resist the invasion of death. Everyone must wrap themselves well, even if there is a gap left There is a risk of death."

The leader of the Zhang family is a young man under 20 years old. From the beginning to the end, he never showed a look of fear, as if he was familiar with everything. Hundreds of people spoke some basic common sense.

(End of this chapter)

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