Chapter 322 Calculation
Many people frowned. They clearly remembered that the person who followed them into the forbidden area was a young man, while Mu Xueqing was a young girl.

Among them, the worst ones are masters in the realm of power, and the highest ones have even reached the level of saints. Ordinary disguises and illusions naturally cannot escape their eyes.

But when they thought of Yuan Tianshi that Zhang Changsheng was talking about, they couldn't help but suddenly realized that although Yuan Tianshi had never appeared, they at least knew a little about Yuan Tianshi's rumors and methods.

If they used Origin Technique to cover up their true appearance, if they didn't discover Mu Xueqing's real body, it would be reasonable.

"It seems that you recognized my identity when I went to Zhang's to sign up, right?"

Mu Xueqing asked back, but she didn't refute, which means she admitted her identity.

"That's right, I was still thinking that if I couldn't recruit anyone, I would replace you with a dead man trained by the Zhang family. I didn't expect that at the last moment, I would let you, Yuan Tianshi, join the team. I was surprised." Zhang Changsheng said calmly.

"Doesn't that mean that the Five Elements Wheel is on your body right now?"

At this time, there was an old immortal staring at Mu Xueqing with burning eyes and said.

If you can snatch the five-element wheel from Mu Xueqing's body, it will not be a waste of time. To live a new life is illusory, and the success rate is extremely low, but the five-element wheel of the ultimate holy weapon is 100% sure to be in Mu Xueqing's body. Xueqing's hands.

In addition, there are other treasures on her body, it is simply a moving treasure house, enough to make the heart of a holy place.

"Death is imminent, and you still have the heart to covet the treasure on my body?" Mu Xueqing's mouth showed a hint of disdain.

"What do you mean?"

Many people frowned. They were people whose lifespan was approaching, so what did they say that they were dying?
"I mean you don't need to continue to be someone's nourishment."

After Mu Xueqing finished speaking, the stone garment on her body trembled slightly and shattered on the spot.

Afterwards, the yin-yang disk shone with divine light, and transformed into a yin-yang fish that blended on top of Mu Xueqing's head, evolving into chaos, resisting the forces in the forbidden area of ​​death.

Zhang Changsheng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He knew that Mu Xueqing had seen those little tricks he was playing, and was going to break the pot and break the connection between him and everyone present.

This kind of thing is not what he wants to see.

"Everyone, Mu Xueqing wants to destroy the stone clothes on you, so that you will suffer from the erosion of the forbidden area of ​​death. Once the stone clothes are destroyed, everyone will surely die."

Zhang Changsheng said that he wanted some old man to stop Mu Xueqing.

Everyone present needs the protection of the stone clothes. Once the divine power is used, the stone clothes will be destroyed.

In other words, someone needs to break through the stone clothes and use the remaining life essence to stop Mu Xueqing.

Mu Xueqing didn't need the stone clothes, the effect of the stone clothes could also be achieved by using the yin-yang disc, even better than the stone clothes.

Zhang Changsheng could see it, and everyone present could see it.

"It's quite hard to fight back. Zhang Changsheng has been using mysterious methods to devour your few remaining life essence. I didn't expect that you would be willing to be his lackeys." Mu Xueqing said.

As soon as she finished speaking, some people immediately suspected Zhang Changsheng. From their perspective, they had doubts at the beginning, but they had been brainwashed by Zhang Changsheng, thinking that they were swallowed by the mysterious power in the forbidden area of ​​death, but now it seems that , is not such a simple matter.

After Mu Xueqing's reminder, some people have actually reacted.

But they really need the protection of Shi Yi, otherwise, they would not be able to spend too much time in the forbidden area of ​​death, and they would already be corpses at this time.

Suddenly one of the old men exploded the stone skin on his body, a terrifying divine light flickered, and a palpitating force suddenly appeared like Tianwei.

The person who made the move was a powerful saint who guessed Zhang Changsheng's method and decided to snatch the Yin-Yang disc from Mu Xueqing's hand. That way, he would have more time to continue to go deeper into the forbidden area of ​​death. .

At this moment, a terrifying black tide suddenly appeared in the distant sky. Accompanied by a violent death hurricane, the breath of death welled up in the heart, and everyone, including Zhang Changsheng, instantly became ugly.

The hurricane of death can be called the most terrible disaster in the forbidden area of ​​death. Wherever it passes, there is no life, even the invincible sages can hardly stop it.

"A bunch of trash!"

Zhang Changsheng said gloomyly, this kind of situation had never happened before, and everyone believed them very much, so there was no suspicion, and there was no dispute.

But now, because one person released the coercion, it caused the most terrible disaster. These people died as soon as they died, but it would affect him. This is not what he wants to see.

Zhang Changsheng's stone fur coat was shining with mysterious lines, which could be released by God, allowing him to use his divine power in this state, and his speed was very fast, and he had already come in front of the old man in the blink of an eye.

Mu Xueqing was guarded by the yin-yang disc, and she also used her divine power unscrupulously, and in the blink of an eye, she came in front of the old saint.

Even he himself didn't expect that at this time, he was not only being attacked by the mysterious force in the forbidden area of ​​death, but also being attacked by two people back and forth.

If it was outside, he could instantly kill these two with a breath, but in this forbidden area of ​​death, his power was actually suppressed, as if something invisible was swallowing his power.

Mu Xueqing slapped the old saint's body with a palm, and used the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art unscrupulously. The old saint's body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye. Zhang Changsheng looked at Mu Xueqing in surprise. She actually held such a strange and terrifying magic power in her hands.

After all, Zhang Changsheng was still one step behind Mu Xueqing. Under everyone's noses, the essence in the old saint's body was completely swallowed up, while Mu Xueqing's aura suddenly increased a lot.

Mu Xueqing took a look at the hurricane like a huge wave, occupying the sky, and was about to come in front of everyone, knowing that if she didn't find a place to hide at this time, she might finally give a complete confession here.

The figure flashed quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. As for other dangers, she couldn't care less.

The same was true for Zhang Changsheng, but he was not as flustered as he had imagined, and he directly abandoned everyone present. The moment he left, more than ten people present died instantly, and their life essence was swallowed by Zhang Changsheng.

As for the rest of the people, although they are all powerful saints and mighty people outside, but now, they feel at a loss. While cursing Zhang Changsheng in their hearts, they can only follow in Zhang Changsheng's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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