Chapter 330

Slowly, Zhang Changsheng's body became more and more dry, and the aura on his body became weaker and weaker. The members of the Zhang family could only watch what happened before them.

With that stalwart figure around, they didn't have the courage to act at all. They were as powerful as saints, and they were all beheaded by Xiao He with a wave of his hands. If the people of the Zhang family continued to go, it would be no different from courting death.

Zhang Changsheng's eyes became darker, and he gave Mu Xueqing a unwilling look, as if he wanted to engrave him in his mind forever.

In the end, Zhang Changsheng's body was completely turned into powder, and disappeared in Mu Xueqing's hands.

However, a faint divine light rushed out from the powder and returned to the forbidden area of ​​death.

For a moment, the forbidden area of ​​death seemed to be completely activated, and a terrifying energy storm raged. Wherever it passed, it was assimilated into the same place as the forbidden area of ​​death.

At the same time, a powerful aura rose up into the sky, like the master of heaven and earth, even the masters of the Holy Master level felt fear in their hearts.

"This is the breath of the Great Emperor."

Someone exclaimed, this earth-shattering aura can only be released by a powerhouse of the Great Emperor level.

In the forbidden area of ​​death, some people sublimated to the utmost and returned to the supreme state.

Not long after, a stalwart figure walked out of the forbidden area of ​​death, filled with endless death aura, like a master who came out of hell, where the death aura passed, everything turned into nothingness, shocking.

The five-element wheel flew out from Mu Xueqing's sea of ​​bitterness, and Xiao He's phantom had the five-element wheel on his head, and thousands of rays of light burst out from it, like billions of galaxies surrounding Xiao He, isolating the endless dead energy in the forbidden area of ​​death middle.

"Just a phantom trying to stop this Supreme? My plan has failed, and all of you will die."

The Immortal Supreme was sublimated to the utmost, and he also saved a hand before. If something happened to Zhang Changsheng's body, the original body would still remain in the forbidden area of ​​death. Be broken, and it won't be long before you die.

Originally he was just a second hand, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon. The hostility in his heart was enough to destroy the world.

Without saying a word, Xiao He took the five-element wheel and walked towards the depths of the forbidden area of ​​death.

Seeing this, the Immortal Supreme naturally chased after him.

Although he didn't pay attention to this phantom, but he held the five-element wheel in his hand, and he already regarded the five-element wheel as something in his pocket.

"Without Xiaohe, without the five-element wheel, I see what else you can use to resist us!"

Finally, all the arrogances of the ancient royal family who were hiding in the dark appeared from the darkness at this time, looked at Mu Xueqing with cold eyes, and said with murderous intent.

In the hearts of the ancient royal family, both Xiao He and Mu Xueqing were sinners of their ancient royal family. Now that Xiao He has died, all grievances can only be directed at Mu Xueqing.

This time, nearly a hundred people from the Primordial Royal Clan came. The worst ones were all at the peak of the four extremes, with a powerful aura surging around them. Even ordinary saints might not be able to compare with them.

The leader was still the mysterious young Tianjiao who was outside the Holy City. He stood in the void and looked at Mu Xueqing indifferently.

The arrival of the ancient royal family was beyond the expectation of many people present. They used special means to hide in the void, and it was difficult for even saints to find their whereabouts.

"Niu Shentu, the genius of our clan, the one who has the best chance of leading our clan back to the top, finally fell into your mouth. Today, I will swallow you alive."

The hatred of the Golden Python Bull Clan towards Mu Xueqing is the strongest. Not only did Niu Shentu become their food, but the Golden Python Bull Clan became the laughing stock of the ancient royal family, and even lost a powerful saint. And the culprit is right in front of them, how could they not be angry?
"It's up to you? All of you from the golden python clan should go together!"

Mu Xueqing frowned slightly. There were seven people from the Golden Python Bull Clan, all of whom were powerfully hostile. Heavy days.


Tianjiao from the Golden Python Bull Clan said indifferently, but in the end, seven people joined hands to face Mu Xueqing together.

After all, they all watched the battle between Mu Xueqing and Zhang Changsheng just now. Zhang Changsheng was so powerful, but he was still defeated by Mu Xueqing in the end, so they had to be careful.

There was a hint of disdain at the corner of Mu Xueqing's mouth, black light spewed out from the great avenue vase, and thousands of black lights fell down, weighing as much as ten thousand galaxies, suppressing the seven golden pythons and cows under it.

The Golden Boa Ox Clan is also the pride of the ancient royal family, and their strength is unparalleled. Naturally, they easily resolved it. The secret techniques and secret treasures in their hands emerged endlessly. For a while, the divine light flowed, the avenue roared, and the momentum was incomparably huge.

Mu Xueqing evolved the supreme secret technique with the sacred formula of ten thousand transformations, one person fought against seven people alone, the precious light flowed, and she did not lose the wind in the slightest.

In the end, Mu Xueqing found a gap, and her figure appeared directly in front of the weakest golden python bull. With divine light shining in her hands, she tore it in half from the horns on top of his head. Blood dripped like rain, containing powerful energy.

Mu Xueqing didn't hesitate, and devoured his essence on the spot. At this moment, a terrifying golden light descended from the sky. It was the horn of the golden python clan. It was one of their most powerful means of attack, even if it was extremely powerful, All of them can break through it alive.

However, what they didn't expect was that Mu Xueqing's body was shining with golden light, and her fists were like a burning golden sun. With just four punches, she easily smashed the proud horns of the golden boa ox into countless knots. Scattered the earth.

Then the yin-yang disc evolved into yin-yang death, piercing through one of them again, and Mu Xueqing followed closely behind, continuing to devour his original power.

Although the other five people were sad and angry in their hearts, they could also see Mu Xueqing's plan at this time. Through the analysis of the powerful members of the ancient royal family, Mu Xueqing had mastered a powerful magic art, which was as mysterious as the ancient scriptures. , can devour the original power of others and strengthen oneself.

This is the root cause of Mu Xueqing's rapid rise.

To everyone's despair, no matter how powerful and earth-shattering secret techniques they used, they were all the same in Mu Xueqing's eyes. In the end, they were all turned into ordinary and easily dissolved, giving them a feeling that they had nowhere to use their power.

Mu Xueqing circled around while looking for an opportunity to break through, as long as she caught the opportunity, a member of the Golden Python Bull clan would be killed, so, not long after, only two of the seven Golden Python Bulls were left.

Mu Xueqing didn't have the slightest fear in her heart anymore, she was filled with divine light, and fought with each other physically. In the end, the last two members of the golden python clan were completely crushed by Mu Xueqing with her powerful and incomparable divine power. After all, she died in Mu Xueqing's hands.

Mu Xueqing's realm, in the eyes of everyone's horror, once again broke through to the third level of the quadrupole.

(End of this chapter)

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