Chapter 223

"Dad, are you on the train yet?"


"Is it fun on the train?"

"Not fun."

"you're lying."


At this time, Song Ci was talking with Nuan Nuan on the video screen, besides her, Xiao Mayuan's little head was also leaning aside, staring at him blankly, as if he didn't understand why he appeared on the video screen.

"I didn't lie to you, look, everyone is sitting here without moving." Song Ci pointed the phone screen at the car and spun it around.

Seeing that everyone was sitting there without moving, Nuan Nuan felt that it was really not fun.

But you can't lose with your mouth, so your mouth is addicted: "Then...that's because there is no me, it must be fun with me."

"Yes, yes, you are the most fun. You have to be obedient at home. When I come back, I will bring you delicious food."

"Okay." Nuan Nuan immediately responded sweetly when she heard that she was bringing something delicious.

"Then you should come back quickly."


Song Ci thought to himself, you don't want me to come back soon, maybe you want to eat delicious food quickly.

"Xiao Mayuan, just like you, you have to obediently listen to grandma. If you miss me, just call me." Song Ci waved to Xiao Mayuan beside Nuannuan.

Xiao Mayuan listened for a few seconds, then put the whistle into her mouth.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" blowing a few times.

As if to say, she will be obedient.

"Okay, give the phone to grandma."


Xiao Mayuan was saying goodbye to him.

Nuannuan returned the phone to Kong Yumei, and Song Ci said a few words to Kong Yumei before hanging up.

Looking at the time, it was still early to arrive at the mountain city. Jiangcheng is more than 1000 kilometers away from Jiangcheng, and it takes 11 hours to take the high-speed train.

It is one o'clock in the afternoon, and it is estimated that it will be two o'clock at night to arrive at the mountain city.

Song Ci decided to sleep first before talking, but he drank some water first. He ate some biscuits in the waiting room before, and he was a little thirsty.

So he picked up the cup he brought and got up to get some water.

A woman wearing a black sweater and a skirt walked up the aisle. Song Ci, who was thinking about something, didn't care. In order not to bump into her, she turned her body sideways.

But then he realized that something was wrong, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that the woman was also looking at him in surprise.

"Can you see me?" the woman asked in surprise.

Song Ci nodded silently, then walked past him and continued to fetch hot water.

The woman thought for a while and followed silently.

When Song Ci was receiving the hot water, the woman stood beside him silently, Song Ci didn't speak, he was still thinking about his upcoming trip to the mountain city.

Xiao Mayuan's "grandmother" Zhou Fengxian is not from Shancheng, but belongs to Daliushu Village, Shimen Township, Yuanyang County.

So Song Ci first went to the mountain city, and then took about two hours of high-speed rail from the mountain city to Yuanyang County. After arriving in Yuanyang County, he had to take a car to Daliushu Village below.

"That... Excuse me..." At this moment, the woman next to her couldn't help asking anxiously.

Song Ci looked at her, she took a deep breath, calmed down and asked again: "Who are you? Why can you see me?"

Although the woman died not long ago, she also knew her state. Ordinary people couldn't see her. At the beginning, she was also worried that she would meet those masters who exorcised demons and defended Taoism and beat her to death. Only later did she find out , except that she is really cunning, everything else is a lie.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking me?" Song Ci picked up the cup and took a sip.

"Ah, hello, my name is Hu Lingling. I'm 32 years old. I'm from Shancheng. I graduated from Shancheng University..."

Seeing her introduce herself solemnly, Song Ci was amused by her.

"Okay, I'm not looking for a job, so I don't need to introduce myself in such detail."

Song Ci covered up by drinking water and interrupted the other party's speech.

Hu Lingling was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"What I mean is, why did you die at such a young age, and why did you wander around on the high-speed train?" Song Ci asked.

After speaking, he went straight to his seat.

Hu Lingling didn't follow immediately, she stood there and didn't know what she was thinking, Song Ci didn't care about her for the time being, he believed that the other party would definitely come to him on her own initiative.

The two-seater townhouse that Song Ci bought was near the window. It is not a holiday now, so the compartment is not full, so the seats next to it are empty. It is estimated that no one will get on the train until halfway.

Sure enough, after a while, Hu Lingling came over.

"Sit down and talk."

Song Ci pointed to the seat in the sky next to him, and at the same time took out "Inch Time" and pressed it.

"Thank you."

Hu Lingling thanked her, stroked the corner of her skirt habitually, and then sat down beside Song Ci.

Hu Lingling is a native of Shancheng. She has the unique tall figure of a mountain girl. She is curvy and attractive. She has delicate features and fair skin. She is a beautiful woman.

Of course, she also has the carefree temperament unique to girls in mountain cities.

After calming down, she obviously let go a lot.

So after Song Ci invited her to take a seat, after she thanked her, she was not polite and sat down directly.

"Who are you?"

She turned her head and looked at Song Ci curiously.

"As you can see, an ordinary person who can see ghosts." Song Ci said.

Of course Hu Lingling didn't believe it, but she didn't continue to ask, but said with some emotion: "I've been dead for so long, are you the first person who can see me?"

Song Ci nodded and said: "After death, the soul exists in another dimension. The dimension of the dead and the dimension of the living are like two parallel dimensions. Each has its own operating rules and does not interfere with each other. connection, so it is impossible for ordinary people to glimpse another unique thing."

Hu Lingling turned her head and looked at Song Ci with a strange expression, as if to say, since this is the case, you still dare to say that you are an ordinary person.

Seeing that Song Ci didn't answer her question, she said again: "I committed suicide."

Song Ci nodded and said, "It can be seen."

Hu Lingling's soul is very strong, she doesn't look weak, she looks like a living person, which is one of the reasons why Song Ci didn't realize that she was not a "human" when she met her head-on.

"Because of feelings?" Song Ci continued.

Hu Lingling looked at him in surprise. Hu Lingling's eyes were big, as if she could speak, and she seemed to be asking how Song Ci knew.

"You are young and beautiful. Apart from feelings, I can't think of any reason to commit suicide." Song Ci said calmly.


Hu Lingling let out a long sigh, as if discouraged, she leaned back on the chair.

"My husband and man, we met in college..."

Hu Lingling told her story.
"Nuan Nuan, Ma Yuan, eating fruit..."

Kong Yumei came out of the kitchen with two dishes, and shouted into the yard.

The two little guys were crazy, one was riding a scooter, the other was riding a tricycle, playing in the yard in full swing.

"Okay." Nuan Nuan agreed first.

When Nuannuan dragged Xiao Mayuan to appear at the door, she heard Xiao Mayuan whistling twice, as a response to her.

"Come here quickly, I cut some fruit for you."

Kong Yumei pointed to the two plates on the table, which contained some cut fruits, such as apples, bananas, and dragon fruit.

The portions in the two plates were almost the same, Kong Yumei had to separate them, mainly because Nuan Nuan ate too fast, and Xiao Ma Yuan ate too slowly.

In the end, they all went into Nuannuan's belly, but Xiao Mayuan couldn't eat much. It was probably the same situation when she was in the orphanage, so Xiao Mayuan looked very thin.

So in the end Kong Yumei chose to divide the dishes, no matter what they eat, each person has a portion, the size and portion are the same, so there is no dispute.

Sure enough, after Nuan Nuan came in, she didn't pick which plate she wanted, she just dragged a plate over, picked up a fork and started eating.

Before, she still looked around, picking the big ones and the many ones, but later she found that they were all the same, so she stopped picking.


Xiao Mayuan didn't eat her portion of fruit immediately, but walked up to Kong Yumei and whistled again.

"You're welcome, go and eat." Kong Yumei smiled and patted her little head.

The longer we get along, the more she likes this little baby. She even selfishly thinks that Song Ci should not go to Xiao Mayuan's parents.

Kong Yumei smoothly stroked Xiao Mayuan's bangs on her forehead.

"Your hair is a bit long. When you are free, grandma will take you to have a haircut." Kong Yumei said.

The reason why Kong Yumei calls herself grandma is because Xiao Mayuan is used to calling her that way on the one hand, and on the other hand, she is called by Sui Nuannuan. They are all grandma, and they are not treated differently.

"I want the nest, I want the nest..."

Nuan Nuan, whose mouth was full, immediately yelled beside her.

"Understood, then grandma will take you there with me to have a beautiful hairstyle."

Although Kong Yumei is getting older, everyone has a love for beauty, and she still likes to mess with her hair.

"I'm going to tie two of these little knots."

Nuan Nuan clenched her two small hands into fists and raised them above her head.

"Haha, do you want to be a little Nezha? But if you want to be a little Nezha, your hair should grow a little longer." Kong Yumei said with a smile.

At this time, Xiao Mayuan also began to eat the fruit on her plate without haste, and while Nuan Nuan was talking, there was only half of the plate left.

"Grandma, daddy is going there, what city is that, what's the matter? Did he sneak out to play, huh? Huh? →_→"

Seeing Nuan Nuan's funny face, Kong Yumei was amused and laughed.

"Your father is not here for fun, but to help Xiao Mayuan find her parents." Kong Yumei said.

"Oh, are Miss Sister's parents? Are they as dumb as Miss Sister?" Nuan Nuan asked.

"You can't talk nonsense, Miss Sister will not stay." Kong Yumei corrected.

In fact, she also knew that Nuan Nuan's daze didn't mean that Xiao Mayuan was stupid, but that she always liked to be in a daze.

At this time, Xiao Mayuan, who was eating fruit, was stunned for a moment, then put down the fork, looked up at Kong Yumei and said, "Fatty, fat fat."

"What?" Kong Yumei didn't react at first.

"Father, Ma Pangpang." Xiao Mayuan repeated.

Kong Yumei was both surprised and delighted when she heard the words.

"Do you know what your father's name is?"

"Father, Ma Pangpang." Ma Yuan just repeated this sentence mechanically.

"You mean, your father's name is Ma Pangpang?"

Xiao Mayuan shook her head, then nodded again, confusing Kong Yumei for a moment, unable to understand what she meant.

She wanted to ask again, but Xiao Mayuan lowered her head and continued to eat the fruit.

Kong Yumei thought about it, and decided to call Song Ci and tell Song Ci the information, maybe it would be useful to his trouble-seeking parents.

But Ma Pangpang doesn't seem like a big name, and Xiao Mayuan still remembers her father's name, which makes people feel very surprised. She must have been born not long ago, right?
Moreover, Kong Yumei suddenly thought of a problem. Xiao Mayuan's original name might be Mayuan, which is very important.

So Kong Yumei took out her cell phone and dialed Song Ci.

PS: I really have a cold, there is another chapter, a little later~, I am dizzy, I forgot the chapter name~
(End of this chapter)

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